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Starting with the newest one
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And what are the chances that a majority and 90-percent of these horny pervy artists who churn out FOTM smut and r34 of currently popular and trending anime waifus are not even fans of the shows/anime/games/books and manga they're making porn and smut of, nor do they even consume, watch, play or read the source material they are sexualizing and making porn out of.

Hell, do these artists even remember the names of the FOTM waifus and girls they sexualize and make porn out of!? It is annoying reasons like this why i may tend to hate and despise porn artists these days. They are not faithful true fans, nor do they even consume, watch, read or play the media and IPs they are sexualizing and making porn out of. AKA; sleazy grifters and Patreon parasites riding on hip popular trends who only specialize in illustrating popular trendy waifus. But are seemingly incapable of creating their own shit to make porn out of.
This. Anyone who has ever drawn Nami without having read all 1128 manga chapters, watched 1122 anime episodes, 15 movies and played all 38 videogames released so far can go fuck themselves. Fake ass fans smdh.
The digital art industry, specially the hentai one, has always been pure slop
The true hentai artists are long gone, either retired or just with a fraction of popularity than other hentai slop artists have
This but unironicaly
She isn’t that hot, if she wasn’t almost raped in the first episode gooners wouldn’t care
>She isn’t that hot, if she wasn’t almost raped in the first episode gooners wouldn’t care

In other words, basically:
God Fern is such a prime fuckmeat. Body designed for everyday filthy rough gangbangs with the most random, despisable men.
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Offers free rimjobs to every ugly bastard in every village and town they come across.
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You are completely wrong. She has child-bearing hips, cute thick eyebrows, funny and endearing expressions, tits, style and fashion. She's prime fuckbait.
Twitter has invaded it seems.
>nooo you can't like things for the wrong reason

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