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Straight, explicit sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

Previous thread: >>8215341

>the male must be attractive
>the picture must be focused on the male
>the female must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male
>the female may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless girl self-insert
>she may also be the focus, but preferably not more than the male
>unexaggerated proportions are preferable
>content of Asian origin and anime/manga art style, western art goes here:>>>/aco/femporn

No yuri, no yaoi, no faceless dudes, no shota, no loli, no derailing thread. Thank you.
Tip: Before you ask for the source of an image, use reverse image search sites such as iqdb.org, trace.moe, or sauceNAO.com to find what you need. Do not post solo male pictures even if it is meant to be straight, since those are considered /y/ content in this site and could get easily deleted.
Do not post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that is not porn).

Femporn Reclist v.2

List of Archived Threads

Related femporn genres and Japanese terms are:
>女性漫画, 女性向け(Josei manga, Josei-muke/for women) *might also include BL
>レディースコミックス / レディコミ (Ladies' comics / lady-comi)
>シチュエーションCD (Situation CD)
>乙女向け, 乙女ゲーム (Otome-muke/for maidens, Otome game)
>夢向け (Yume-muke/for yumejoshi) *try adding 夢 to series name on Pixiv for yumejo results
>ティーンズラブ / TL (Teens' Love)
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First Time Portio Kiss Bonus POV
I love that artists. The huge, muscular men. The positions for deep penetrative sex, the soft dialogue with so much flattery and expresses the male leads excitement..they're just great.
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i love her stuff too she's a favourite fr
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Hairy or not hairy?
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Man, I really miss when you found a really great artist on Twitter, you could go into what stuff they liked and that way find other artist or content with similar interest.
Hairless and smooth
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either way is fine
but if hairy the hair should be soft and fine rather than coarse and bristly
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depends on my mood
you can just look at what they retweet which yeah isn't ideal but it's better than nothing
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Unfortunately some accounts don't retweet stuff. Found some real diamonds while digging through what stuff they used to like, not anymore, now you're at the mercy of retweets, twitter is getting gayer by the day.
>the goat drew sylus
Holy based
Depends on the character
Updated list of archived threads, current link is dead.
Thank you!
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Been enjoying Rifuru's work lately, would highly recommend.
I'd suck him dry
her tits look silly but he's cute so i'll give it a pass kek
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when he's inside you and moans "oh fuck" into your ear >>> everything
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he's so cute
i love them


EL JEFE is looking for translators to translate this manga

Contact us at: eljefehentaitruck@protonmail.com
or at our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/xf4PdAvtvP
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>cuck thread
>90% of content posted here are just quality vanilla porn
Anon I think you got a case of brain damage
i have a very specific fetish for the "older brother's male friend" character archetype

would appreciate of y'all would share any you find
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i wanna hold my bando and rest on him like this ;;
What do you think about facials?
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Reminder, there's still this JP Twitter Hashtag you can take a look at:


Sure they're not explicitly sexual let alone femporn. But the JP artists sure did a good job a further humanizing those cutesy Japanese stock image characters, especially making the male ones look more appealing and handsome.
What's the point?
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i want the cum to go inside my mouth, not on it!
yumejoshi artists are great at making the act of fellatio look sexy and not degrading
based based based based
fabulous contributions
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More nipple play please
oh. my. God.
sauce please ?
be the change
nice, just in time for spooky day.
What's it taste like?
It depends on what he's eaten recently. For instance, him eating pineapple makes it taste sweet, whereas him eating pizza makes it taste bad.
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The hypno app worked!
What would you do?
order him to fondle my boobies while licking my ear?
>solo guy getting kept prisoner by a group of women
Is this a premise that can work for women if I write it right or am I being dumb? Working on a scene right now that goes basically
>Woman: eat me out
>Guy: *something snarky*
>Woman: shut up *shoves his head into her crotch*
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>Is this a premise that can work for women if I write it right or am I being dumb?
No, there's nothing dumb with that scenario. By all means, please go for it. Especially knowing there are women out there that enjoy and love femdom here and there. If I may add; make the solo captive guy in question a cuter younger man. Because why not?
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>Is this a premise that can work for women
If you even have to ask that question, the answer should be obvious. You're reaching for the wrong crowd.
Women aren't my target audience perse, but I'm going to upload it to AO3 so they'll be the main eyes on it. I guess my question is more
>could you see yourself ever reading a story where it's one guy, multiple women if the story's written in a way you enjoy
and less
>do you enjoy one male x multiple female harem stories?
Because the answer to the second question is kinda obvious.
Though, given that >>8280579 exists there's probably some women out there that would enjoy it.
Okay, I shall give you the benefit of the doubt and show grace.
Are there potential for an audience of women enjoying content where a group of women devours a man, sure, but it's not the majority and also how you'd approach and deliver this scene is very important for that mass appeal.
There are certain subtlety in erotic fiction for women that I've noticed is almost impossible men to recreate or even see what that is.
Sure you can give it your best shot at trying to write something that would appeal to both genders, not gonna stop whatever passion you're setting yourself out on. But you might be biting off more than you can chew, in the quest of trying to appeal to everyone, you'll appeal to no one in the end.
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That's mostly a male fetish.
>"Wow all these women want me and I'm helpless at their whims~!" Sort of feeling.
Typically you'd want to reverse it for a female audience.
If I wanted a guy in such a way, he would be me and me alone. Not anyone else. Personally.

Also, sensei has been cooking again.
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So when are we getting a Femporn/Yumejoshi booru like the terato yumejoshi booru that /vp/ created?
I am terminally monogamous but there’s obviously some market for it.
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Marking and biting kinks, yes?
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go for it. surface skin damage will do. consensual is better than not, but both are fine.
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Wasn't there a manga about some hooded girl with an app like that?
I think maybe it's Screengrab where a succubus extract the essence of men by fucking them around through her phone?
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Yes, it's this >>8303912 one as anon said.
It's pretty good if you're someone who reads a lot of smut webtoons.
>first guy in the story has a prostate exam fetish
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lock in because it gets weirder kek
sauce? these are great
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This is good, but I love when the roles are swapped. Anything with sleeping guys?
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all from her twitter! she updates pretty frequently
i've always thought inumaki's powers are incredibly hot and have sky high potential in a lewd setting. shame there isn't much of it.
and that he looks super odd in this picture kek
maybe? unsure but will look later for you
and agree, mutual free use/sleepy lewd stuff is great
Freaking love somnophilia
need my husbando to do me in my sleep
what even is going on here? it looks like a meme where wojak is crying while pepe and gigachad are annoying him
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Should've thought of that before you had unprotected sex
hugh is underrated
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does anyone know sauce for picrel? I searched but with no results
kek I love this
>pretty face
>very tall
>big hands
>enjoyably muscular
>utterly devoted without being a doormat
>easily in control
>Loves you

What else is part of the quintessential yume husbando?
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What if he has eaten pineapple on pizza?
very nice and nta but ty for the source!
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Any recs for good rape romance doujins? Like, not ugly bastard stuff, but the hot guy is forceful and obsessive, but not too much, just enough.
Why is it that in femporn the woman are detailed and attractive while in men's porn the men are faceless and featureless?
Men masturbate to bodies
Women masturbate to characters
"Tall" already kinda covers it, but size difference in all its aspects drives them wild.

Full-on body on body envelopment
manlets on suicide watch
>Good hairstyle
>Little to no body hair
>Expressive during sex
>Wants children
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Handsome, soft, thoughtful, kind, devoted as you said. Strong, assertive, gentlemanly. A handsome voice can carry most anyone (for me). Calm and paced, non-emotionally volatile. Responsible and reliable.
Someone to make you feel safe, loved, wanted and protected. Someone you can be completely vulnerable around and pour out all your love, care and more. Someone to comfort and support as well. A good man.
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Some of my favorites:

Yandere prince needs a hug, possibly a restraining order-

Smut so dirty, you won't be able to see your mama to her eyes in a while-

Yandere magician is obsessed with his teacher-

And finally, yes please daddy dragon-
can recommend the magician one. usually don't like yandere, but there's enough semi-realistic character development that i find it satisfying anyways. not a load of action, it's very much a slow burn period drama/romance before the sex bits.

btw, doubled link, the last link is wrong.
this lmao

Nonsensical and doesn't answer the question. What does that even mean, you masturbate to the women too?
This post sounds like it could have been grabbed from some subreddit or something.
Thanks! Can't believe I messed the last one, it's the nastiest one as well.

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I really don't understand the faceless thing. It makes it harder for me to self insert. I need more simulated intimacy than that to get off.
Are they wrong tho?
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>Nonsensical and
More that what was said doesn't make sense to you. For me it's intrinsic what it means.

Men focus on what they find sexy mainly, in this case a sexy body of a woman. Not much else is needed.
Women tend to enjoy a character. A background, a story. Substance to the piece rather than just a disembodied sexy thing floating in space.

Not that both types can't enjoy both, one or the other but that generally this is what people lean to.
It's pretty common knowledge/thought though, so not sure why it was so surprising and confusing to you two.

The original question of why men's lewd stuffs are filled with faceless characters often is another topic entirely in my opinion.
But not something I'd ramble about here.
Anyone got any of art and leo from arte?
is that my husband?
Yes, that's my husband :)
our husband is beautiful <3
Hands off.
He's mine
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he's cute handsome sweet and beautiful for sure
>random third MC joining
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Boys don't act like this.
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No shit Sherlock, neither does the girls you see in hentai, humans don't act like anime character.
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so cute and sexy aaa
I hope more and more art is made of the catbutler event
Can we at least agree that rape is bad?
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I was wondering when the nsfw fanarts would pop around,I NEED MORE
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Why does everyone wanna fuck him
sauce pls because I can't figure out the name on the picture. mnew,muew??
it's muewmuew2024
>Rape is *hot
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Fuck off. No AI allowed. Also,

>6 fingers on one hand
>fucked up eyes
AI is shit.
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You wouldn't?
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Anyone playing Homiciper? Is it good?
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I started making NSFW drawings recently, now I'm more focused on a male audience, because there are more, but I want to draw more sexy guys and for that I need a female audience.
he looks cute and good! love your colours
good luck anon
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Lots of porn aimed to guys tends to reduce the man/men in the pic to mostly their dicks and maybe their hands, which is fine for that target audience, but naturally if you want to appeal more to girls, you would need to depict more than that and show him more as a character who's engaging too.
Ergo, show him and his face, and make him good looking (some emphasis on his hands and what they're doing to her also doesn't hurt). The same for group scenes, if three dudes are plowing her, they should all be hot.

The second approach for appealing to women would be to make porn directly from the female participant's first person view, though it'll obviously take somewhat less readily available references if you're a guy.

Thank you very much for your recommendations. Even though I haven't been doing it for long and I'm focused on the male audience, for now I always try to show my guy's face and make him look handsome. I also really dislike that most of the time the guy doesn't have a face and it's horrible. It's worse when it's a "netorare" where the girl dumps the guy who, besides being handsome, is a good person.

Now I'll focus more on the female audience, maybe I'll rotate the female and male audiences. Also, thanks to the person who wished me luck
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This art you've shared isn't a good example. It's very obviously for men. Frieren doesn't look like herself + her proportions are exaggerated and Himmel looks goofy af. A man actually existing isn't alone enough to make it for ladies.
I agree he needs to actually look at art made for women/ women's POV.
You're already off to a good start IMO because he looks handsome/cute and not silly or comedic like a joke. And you're welcome! The more femporn out there in the world the better!
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Your examples are definitely better than mine.
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Yeah I think for men looking in, it's really hard to understand what is needed. At a glance.
It's not enough that the guy "exists" it's that the focus is heavily on him. He's for enjoyment or to push the enjoyment narrative of the piece.
Not the girl. She's part of the equation but not the focus in the same way male gaze lewd is made. Girls also usually want to feel desirable/considered attractive by the guy, special VS the uuoh sexy obese mamacita thing. If in a position of power or aggressiveness, found beautiful and sexy. It's all about how the characters are handled.
Of course there are outliers and variance to all things, but generally.
Also I love Himmel and will never stop mourning him.
God, they look so sweet together.
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I wish they could have had a life and babies together... buh
I don't think there will ever not be a time where it doesn't make me cry lol
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Back to ecchi art.
Found a new Sylus artist but she doesn't have much done yet. This lewd is a great start tho!
I'm hoping for more ecchi art to come out from the cat butler event...
How do I find this stuff on exhentai or nhentai? Am I just blind and can't find the tag?????
You have to look for artist's names that already make the content. Any tags aren't helpful in my experience.
ExHentai has kind of dogshit tagging in many respects. The DILF tag for instance has NOTHING to do with DILFs at all, virtually 99% of all content tagged as such is in actuality Fat Ugly Bastards.
I both love and hate Sadpanda.
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I've always used sadpanda and love it for how not busy/messy it is. But I agree, the tagging is really poor. Especially with like what you said.
I really like that archetype esp when it comes to lewd stuff but it's always something heinous. Its even harder because I like older men AND dilfs and they have subtly different vibes IMO. But you can't find just a normal handsome older man in the first place so it's moot. I had a bit of luck with I think tall man or something of that sort but it's still a crapshoot.
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No because I don't want to pay for it...
Art is good though..
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