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>What is it?
Essentially devilman porn parody by the team that made Urotsukidouji

>What is it about?
MC is a geek high schooler who gets killed and resurrected by monks.
However, during his resurrection, the Demon King enters MC's body.
MC returns to his high school where he discovers there is a secret war between demons (who have taken human form) and angels (who have also taken human form).
Demons want to enslave the humans, and the angels want to kill all humans.
The demons are losing the war because the angels are overpowered.
They discover that their King has been resurrected, and every time MC gets horny the Demon King possesses him for a few minutes, however, the Demon King has also forgotten his memories.
So, during his possession, he is just a rampaging monster (that kills and rapes thousands in a few minutes).
So, the demons and angels are trying to convince MC to join them by seducing them while continuing their war.

>Why is it great?
It actually has a plot, gore, wonderful sex scenes, and character progression.

>What is the source material?
It's based on the manga, but the manga doesn't really share anything with the anime. It has MC who has demon powers, and uses those demon powers to kill random people
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manga is so different I don't even know why they called it adaptation
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Overall anime is better in every way.
But it did leave out MC's horny cousin, which I believe was a mistake.
Basically, MC got killed alongside his parents, so he lives with his uncle and cousin in manga, but in anime he randomly lives alone in his dead parents house.
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oh, and he also ends up losing control of the Demon King and raping his cousin
Thank you for showing interest, I was going to let this thread die, because nobody seemed to care.
I genuinely think this is underappreciated, and more people should know about it.
Maybe I do some webms, but now here is thumbnail for ep 1.

Plot of first episode
>Sera (MC) dies and is resurrected
>returns to his school
>where a delinquent gang led by a man called Abe claimed the school's territory
>Abe then rapes one of the school's girls
>Abe also has a red-headed GF, Reiko
>Abe and Reiko reveal themself to demons
>Abe realizes Sera has fused with his old friend, Demon Lord Esedes
>Abe sends Reiko fuck Sera so, Esedes can wake up
>Reiko succeeds his awakening Esdes with her pussy
>But Abe is shocked to discover Esedes has lost his memories and goes on a rape/kill rampage
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I find Reiko to be top tier wifu.
The blond is some random woman Abe earned by defeating another gang, she does not appear in another episode and isn't even given a name.
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I wish it didn’t end on a cliffhanger. Has there ever been any indication of where the story was set to go had the series continued?
It does? I didn't actually see the 5th episode.
The 4th episode kinda pissed me off because it didn't properly follow up on the third episode.
Like the 3rd episode ends with the girls Ai and Mai being kidnapped by the angels, but in episode 4 they are not seen or mentioned.
Probably something like the ending of Maou Dante (the anime, not the manga)
I hate the purple girl. Purple always betrays. Always.
sounds good enough
purple girl?
Purple hair main girl. She never get her comeuppance.
I don't think anyone has purple hair, except Reiko's demon form
This series was my introduction to both hentai and Beethoven’s 7th symphony.
You guys made me binge this and it was a lot more interesting than I expected it to be.
I wound up skipping most of the porn as 90% of the time it just got in the way of the plot.
Just what was Yuko (Masao/Esedess’s gf) anyway?
>You guys made me binge
I made this thread, it's great to hear it actually made you watch it.

>I wound up skipping most of the porn
You think they are bad? You can't be serious.
This but unironically
I didn’t think the porn was bad, in fact I revisited some scenes I skipped, but I just became too engrossed in the plot.
it's interesting how good the plot is, like there are so many non-ero anime with much worse plots

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