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Pool Fun Edition

Previous Thread: >>8280719

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Previous Thread Highlights



dont die
Now be a good boi and post in my thread :)
noobsisters, how over is it?
Made it. :)
catbox for op?
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The civitjeets won. All aboard the ponyfication train
just canceled my noob sub and resubbed to nai... it was looking good but they ruined it...
>made it 5 times onto the highlights with 0.75
falseflaggers, your response...?
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given that the highlight schizo has used ayakon's pony gens for every single highlight after noob's release this proves the opposite of what you think it does
You can easily tell the drop in quality of .75 by just comparing these highlights to the last few threads. I came back to it today for another round of placebos. Moving tags around, changing prompt order, samplers, cfg, etc.
Nah I'm good. I'll sit on .5
You won't make it into highlights at this point if you post such garbage
one guy in the cord is saying that the issue is the unfrozen TE. a "workaround" would be using the 0.5 clip on the 0.75 model
I miss catanon's effort gens
based off screenshots of discord ive seen in these threads, im not too sure its the best source of useful information
thinking the same yeh, but not sure how to load the clip of one model and the rest from another, at least on a1111
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Aw shit here we go again with the schizo tests...
Oh shit I made it 3 times, but the one I expected to get in didn't lol

Not sure how my Mikan gen is spooky though ngl
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groidposters, our response?
Only high effort gens below this point
Can you guys just stop using 0.75 please?
stop complaining about 0.75, chuds. they clearly made the right call with training on e621 and i'm excited for 1.0 to be even better!
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Even though I made a bunch of xy grids and most of them showed improvement, I still can't shake the gut feeling I have that it feels worse

With 0.25 to 0.5 it was like everything felt much better in terms of improvement too
What are some good artist mixes for feet?
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Here's a question, anons:
Say you're in picrel situation, where you're fucking some girl and she begs you to cream her twat. You don't love her or anything, you're just getting that dick wet. It's a dangerous day. How long till you pull out?
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dunt care
well I already blasted her full idk man I pull out and grab a beer
do a 360 and walk away
I'm a virgin, how would I know?
>oh my gosh furry tags are so heckin dynamic!
ok so when not train an eva large on e621 so then it can just be applied to all of danbooru?
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First of all, furry tags suck and them being better than danbooru is a meme. Secondly eva doesn't have the generalization capacity for that
> furry tags suck and them being better than danbooru is a meme
well this is a new spin
I wish the "foot print on sandals" tag came to danbooru. It's a hot detail but it's one of those things I pretty much just have to do in photoshop after the fact
They are much more descriptive when it comes to sexual acts and genitals.
meant for >>8283261
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Holiday ham
Anon was right. Pony has mindfucked the entire community.
Realistically, how much could the taste of someone who prompts for gay bara mario and proudly uploads it to his civit change in two years?
where's my ham?
horsecock stronk
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.75 is a struggle
your brain damage is showing
gay bara luigi
please understand sar i am esl and localkek
fuck off to /d/ faggot
noobsisters, our response?
It says become elden lord. Clearly Marika. Don't expect esl chuds to understand.>>8283280
I made that LoRA as a meme
That looks more like Miquella who is a...I think he's a...
Meanwhile jordach is solving the 3 body problem for his illuminaty compute bake
No I prompted queen_marika_the_eternal. .75 would never lie to us, anon.
post metadata proof or kill yourself you massive homo
jordach will save noob
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my blue cunny wife is better than this massive fag, why did he choose his brother over us tho? a new ending would've been cool
Makes no sense, anon. Choosing a jobber over the would be Elden Lord.
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fuck off to /aco/
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Noob got better?
Now let's see what the Americans think about v0.75
Jordach status?
so is flux better than pony
It will be, in theory, once it gets finetuned on Danbooru
yes and it isn't even a question like fighting between pony and illustrious, but only for sfw things as all nsfw was pruned
no because gens still take 1 million years and won't even fit on 24 gb vram unless you do autism shit
General consensus is that enabling TE training so late in the bake fucked up the model. The sudden flood of new e621 tags nuked the TE.
The fundamental question is, will flux be as effective for porn like pony was. And it will be, even more so...But until it is, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective.
>think I finally wrangled .75 through placebo methods
>turns out I forgot to switch back to .75 after some light testing on .5
Yeah I'm really done now.
kill yourself
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I found that some loras trained on 0.75 work better? on 0.5 vs some models trained on 0.5

and vpred loras still work better on the vpred test model
How do I make it to highlights?
Her face is so ugly in all these.
>The humiliation of having to put not_furry in your prompt, like it isn't the natural state of things.
I wish for total furfag death
you can instead invoke danbooru knowledge by putting (furry:1.5) in negs
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>tfw astralite looks like the normal one compared to this bakers with his source_ tags
left seems to look better? or at least more defined lines
Ange just said on discord that 0.75v noob is a disaster
Just forget about flux for /h/. Once 3.5 medium is finetuned on anime, we will get a true successor to XL.
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Local can't never win. Too much retard and grifters.
It's not fair. I'm going insane.
this was posted in previous thread. lurk more newfag
its tragic but astralite is like the only baker that gives a damn about his dataset
Only promptlets/taglets complain about 0.75
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here's one with the navel fixed
this but unironically
every local baker keeps making incredibly retarded decisions about their dataset for no reason despite being the most important part of baking models by a mile
Monsieur, une capturè de la monitór, sil vous plait
why don't you bake then mr smarty pants?
>go back through 2000 posts
Nah I'll just post it again
>just fuck my uncond up sirs!
Cute. Would correct.
if you're lending me at least 4xh100 worth of compute sure
cute pubes
it was posted late in last thread, at worst 500 posts but you can just hide all text posts
>>8282517 (You)
>but it's just "1girl, solo" do SEX
>>8282547 (You)
>but you didn't put quality tag and negative
masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres,
worst quality, low quality, lowres, 3dcg, photorealistic,photorealism,realistic,3d
>>8282570 (You)
>but you are not using style prompt
>>8282599 (You)
Are those guys paid chills or what?
It's looking worst each time.
just buy h100 instances from lambdalabs
(this message was sponsored by two minute papers)
>two minute papers
I hate that accent
>Not sure how my Mikan gen is spooky though ngl
Multiple Eyebrows levels were they are not expected is Peak Spooky.
kill yourself ia retard
Lmao oh right yeah that was a thing, yeah that's fair
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This, if anything it's becoming better. I actually think they need to do few epochs on e621 only to compensate for early danbooru-only epochs.
Can Jordach still save local?
Someone post a proper comparison pic that shows e621 makes everything piss yellow and shut the faggot furries up on discord already, it's infuriating.
can anyone do an xyz plot with equine penis? how do those look now before i download .75
why don't you do it yourself you useless faggot?
Why don't they just remove furshit from the dataset
Nobody wants it
What do you recommend we do?
I havent checked these threads in months. Whats new since last spring?
Animal fuckers want it.
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your trooncord screenshots, sir
Pony still reigns supreme
nai at home
emphasis on "at home"
How do I make pretty anime girls with bare feet
so noob is just the new pony isnt it, what the fuck are they doing?
Pony is still king
Illustrious is a potential Pony killer but is still WIP
NoobAI (a finetune of Illustrious) is getting fucked and knotted by a furry dataset
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Listening to furries
furry always ruins everything
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Found my new home
Have fun with your burned and blurry slop.
Based Angel. Those retards are just bruteforcing bad dataset.
This is the power of multiple chinese PhD's. Can't even finetune properly without help.
just what you'd expect from a team that has been training on a 32xh100 cluster for 3 months and has only been able to produce a slightly better illustrious 0.1 finetune with that compute
is there any way to utilize "ranking" images during training for a lora?
So providing manual feedback during training, rating if an image looks more or less like the character for example
Your social credit score has plummeted sir
often done with validation loss
if you want an "interactive" process, no, not intuitively. you could exploit DPO/SPO/MAPO/whatever forks (there's one for kohya), for a similar effect
still autismmix?
I was thinking about how chatgpt provides you with two outputs and asks which is better, they are surely using that to train
Any good pony shitmix would do.
I think we can easily clear 2k posts this time around, we have the momentum
yeah preference tuning has win/loss pairs, could be that simple. check the sd-scripts MAPO fork by rockerboo?
I'm personally fond of Reweik 0.1.2
yeah im going back to 0.5 what the fuck
i tried hard in good faith but everything i like to prompt sucks in comparison
this but I'm sticking with vpred
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somebody tell lax that angel thinks his model fucking sucks
I don't have access to my GPU right now, or I obviously would retard.
After he saves SD 3.5.
Someone get angel to tell lax to drop e621 and the faggot furries with it holy shit
Post those images from the newer versions of illustrious my good man.
it's probably in angel's best interest for noob to suck because that means his company still has the best local anime finetune
I was excited to train on a fully trained vpred model but it's going to be converted from a yellow sepia furry model now... not like this bros.. things were looking up..
just join the touhou ai trooncord and look up angel's posts
Just goes to show you that this place is in the minority when it comes to aesthetic sense and the vast majority of people like and desire the sepia look. There's a reason all the top rated art has a sepia hue.
illu v1 anytime soon now
how many weeks
2 weeks
30-28 weeks
75 weeks
illustrious model lead all but confirms the issue is a fried TE and brainaddled porn addicts still think it's the furry data after it was fine up to that point
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>illustrious model lead all but confirms the issue is a-ACK
if furry was actually a problem then pony wouldnt have been such a good model
pony would have been a better model without the furry data
yes, the TE is poisoned. model worked perfectly fine up until then; if you passed kindergarten cause and effect you can figure this one out
pony is a dogshit model that was blasted beyond recognition by a person who has admitted they had no idea what they were doing
the furry data definitely fucked with the colors but it doesn't matter anyway since v-pred and ztsnr will fix it, still don't get why they want to finish this eps-pred variant, waste of compute
that's a cool opinion but it is one angel disagrees with
Vpred is just a conversion from whatever fuck up they end up at when at 100%, it won't fix it

If anyone here wants a passable hentai model you better start giving feedback on shitvit or trooncord telling the creators you want furry shit removed from the model. Otherwise enjoy your pissy sepia waste bucket with cartoon lines, these fuck heads already have pony
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I would've gladly fuck him so hard (no homo)..... what a wasted opportunity. https://files.catbox.moe/65usp4.png
luckily that's not how that works, but I might leave feedback later telling them that eps-pred is a waste of compute
wrong board faggot
that's a woman
that's both a child and a male
you /ss/ closet pedo idiots need to kill yourselves
how about you kill YOURself? huh? huh? every think of that, buddy?
Would you perhaps have the image with the metadata and be willing to share it?
>that's both a child and a male
out of ten!
Nah that's too cute to be a guy. It's a questionably aged female at worst. Maybe 17. >>8283452 is pushing it but he's fine.
anon have you never seen a woman before?
That is how it works and the only people who can't see it are retarded furries. Go look at the kind of gens those furshits think are good before you start believing all the shit that they spew.
:) I'm making furry alt accounts on discord AND Civit to tell lax & co to keep strong and add more e621, you all deserve nothing. Nai should pay me for this service
10 anals have been added to your rectum
>turn TE training on
models by nature becomes unstable when you train the TE and you need to turn it off and only train UNet further for the UNet to catch up what the TE learned

this place it's so unironically full of jeets that don't know shit about finetunes, it's all just yapping and doomposting
fucking retarded idiots holy fucking shit
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bros.. it's simple. If you're torn about .75 or .50, just ask your magical girl.
did jordach write this post 5 months ago?
it is over though? you literally can't show me proof it's not over.
I don't care about what they gen or say, I make up my own mind about things
It's still going to be piss yellow and sepia in the end because no matter what they do the data is tainted with unfitered e621

ok but i do want some kind of aesthetic/retouched e6 dataset (pruning bad pics) because i am a hyper enjoyer and all the hyper and inflation knowledge comes from e6, not boorus. things like pectoral bulge doesn't exists on booru and i hate that fact
I'll be here next month to remind everyone that we wasted a year fucking with e621
sorry but you're gay
>pruning bad pics
you can't train a model with zero pics thoughbeit
based and same
ok and?
i want the broad concept knowledge into the model
<Charname>, barefoot, soles, foot focus, steaming body, toe ring
train a lora instead of making them poison the whole model just because you're gay
>have hope
>excited for locals future
>e621 sabotages any potential once again

just fuck me up, fuck the fucking furries. I will literally pay a one time premium to use a local version of a not furry piss stained model at this point. I can't make loras for Saas, which is what I really enjoy. I hate everything so much right now
man fuck you nigger
Furries won
You lost
the feeling is mutual faggot
I'll probably just kill myself desu
I thought furries had their own model anyways. Why are they infecting other models?
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I hope they all rot in hell. simple as
They can't let anyone else have nice things. Everything has to be able to gen furries. They're the troons of the AI world.
same anon who hadnt used this in months. updated and now it spits out random shit or 3d model looking crap with autismxl
why e6 dataset is muh bad but when angel used it to bake is now good? literally all of e6 is there, do i need to remind you illust 2.0 has 20m dataset? e6 is definitely in there
it literally isn't, retard
>illust 2.0

Why are you assuming any versions of Illust other than 0.1 is going to be released.
Isn't it telling that NAI was smart enough to split their furry model and anime model into two different models, but local bakers still want to try to do both in one model.
Why is local absolutely retarded?
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saw some evidence that you can undo potential fuckery to 0.75 by just using it with 0.5's text encoder
I'm sincerely considering it too, not even joking. I don't have a lot to live for. My life was already going no where. This is my only hobby/focus right now and I honestly had my hopes up. Seeing it infested with furries is just an extra kick in the teeth. I'm tired. I hate them so much it's unreal. There is no reason they need this model too. Whoever showed them all noob deserves to be castrated
oh so did he used half of pixiv or what? if danbooru is around 8m, where does the rest of 12m comes from? rule34? you cant be serious
So how is Illustrious, with a fraction of the compute of noob, outperforming noob massively? What are lax/euge doing with the dataset? This epoch is supposed to be "75% done" of the finished model, yet is sure doesn't feel that way.
synthetic ponyslop and hot melted 1.5 pussy
It only helps the color a little, it can't undo the damage of extra te training on pisspuddle e621
i did not said it was going to be released but obviously illust 2.0 is far far superior from what we have available and yes it will never release
Millions upon millions of AI generated images were added to the dataset
his dataset parquets are on HF you retard, he used shit like figure photography, anime screencaps, pixiv scrapes, and images from other boards that aren't present on danbooru
it's being commissioned for the perverts that run squid game and they're not sharing
we are not ok.
it doesnt let me enter the repo but okay
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0.75 is working fine as usual.
After looking over the comparison images last thread I can tell that 0.5 and 0.75 are different in some way. Luckily I'm too stupid to really comprehend what the difference is, and they just look like alternate gens to me, so I can happily just keep using whatever
Don't forget to take a couple of your enemies with you. Just killing yourself is a waste!
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here you go anon, have fun with him https://files.catbox.moe/s0wdbc.png

lovely gens, magicalgirl anon
I'm not even into feet, but clearly something is fucked with anatomy with v0.75.
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Thanks, I'm going to put a bunch of huge dicks on his face.
Not to belittle the rest of the work on an amazing pic with random side comments, but the armpit on that boy is quite nice
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thats what happens when you include furry dataset where the feet have paws and hooves and other /aco/ shit
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Maybe tomorrow anon, I already turned off my pc.
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novelai furry works just fine, but everyone forgot it exists in their quest to get mad at furries instead of fixing their dogshit model
so true fellow fursissy!
thats a bit of an unfair comparison because of how far ahead novel ai is from local in every single aspect
novelAI is *literally* just SDXL with training that isn't complete shit. they even wrote a paper.
we can keep being retarded or push for doing things that won't nuke the fucking closest thing we have to a local version (STOP TRAINING THE FUCKING TEXT ENCODERS)
what the fuck does novelai's furry model have to do with anything
the point is that they didn't include e621 garbage in their anime model
but did nai train the text encoder?
>the fucking closest thing we have to a local version
illustrious 0.1? also nai3 trained the tenc chud
their furry model looks fine and isn't fried sepiaslop which deboonks the retarded idea that e621 is somehow mysteriously more yellow than danbooru. i think noob 0.5 already got the good genital knowledge out of e621 tbdesu and they should just back off of the dataset and continue it on anime only, though.
im so tired of extra fingers
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huh, almost like v-pred + ztsnr fixes everything or something
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Cute kindly empyrean. Surely Miyazaki wouldn't pigeonhole us into only one ending.
nai v1 didn't train the encoder, nai v2 didn't train the encoder, why the hell would v3 train them? they even went out of their way to specifically point out that they trained the VAE, but said nothing about the text encoder. they didn't train them, cope harder
are there any artists with style similar to this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7298769
>nai v2 didn't train the encoder
source? and they didn't say shit about their dataset preparation either, is that proof that they used raw danbooru with no modifications?
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what's he doing
nai furry still looks like shit most of the time desu but it's hard to say for sure what it would look like if they didn't make it fucking impossible to control the artstyle
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Could anyone tell me how to stop getting transparent squares on a character's face if I use a VAE? I'm using pony in reforge
sounds like that's adetailer's issue.
i mean yeah the gens I saw from it looked pretty underwhelming since you don't have granular style control but my point is that putting furry art in your dataset doesn't mystically make it turn into the dogshit that was pony
higher mask blur
it's gay shit
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just remove the gay tags, my bro
damn. nice thigh sexo
it's pony
The novelai furry model is fried to absolute shit.
inevitably happens when you combine first mile of mindbroken western local script kiddies with last mile of obnoxious qqchat chinamen
PhDs aren't all equal
am i supposed to give a based to loli images even if they are pony?
Are Dynamic Prompts/wildcards working for anyone else on latest version of forge or is this a me problem? Not sure if I did something to somehow make it stop working or if a forge update broke it.
It's gen with illustrious and refined with pony.
I wish cat anon would save this thread
LAX has confirmed that he believes the tenc training was necessary to accelerate the learning of new concepts not present in Illustrious and that they will continue the training from 0.75.
>euge's discord is also infested with furryfags
it never even began
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e621 dataset is trash
e621 tags are good
(mental illness inhibits your ability to draw)

one day someone will completely retag all of danbooru with tags suited for ai, one day
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well im getting good use out of noob's e621 tags, album is yami tentacles in yukikaze outfit
i genuinely cannot tell if LAX is a retard or a savant (not helped by language barrier) and it is terrifying
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ok so i did some simple prompt tests that noob failed vs an illustrious shitmix last thread

then i saw someone post good versions of my exact prompts on the civit page, so i said OK maybe I was just prompting wrong and tried it again with their parameters. noob is still worse

what's going on?
as always it is the /d/ fags that advocate for e621 tags
man tentacles are original anime exposure, much older than /d/
I have not seen a single image that demonstrated that 0.75 is an improvement from 0.5 in terms of concepts learned since apparently the TE was unfrozen.
It's more noticeable when using adetailer, yeah, but it's also there without it.
>in /ddg/
Was about to tell you that such thing almost never happens but, after checking, it is indeed there. You lucked out this time.
you are always using a vae you dingus it's what turns the latents into an actual pixel space image
i typically avoid it since it's all futa slop all day, but i decided to throw them a bone this time
stop spreading misinformation, chud. key concepts such as smegma and horse dicks are much stronger on 0.75! in fact, they should train some epochs on the e621 dataset only to make concepts like that even stronger.
i think noob looks better in this case
Man, the schedule thing confused me lol. Anyways, what I'm saying is that iff I use anything other than automatic in the schedule I get squares, but choosing it gives me pale colors
very based
Quite brave of you. Don't think they will appreciate it tho. Kinda sad really:

In a better timeline, /ddg/ would be doing all sorts of non-euclidean art (like the CGs posted in the /d/ humor threads of old) instead of futa slop to the exclusion of everything else.
Surprised that Mikan gen of mine didn't make it into spooky highlights and my multiple eyebrow one did lmao, some real fucking Uzumaki shit right there
ok i can't ignore it, my meme lora is not just a small effect on 0.75's gen quality, it's often a major upgrade. xys coming soon. a good dedicated aesthetic tune would be absolutely incredible. my lora is just a locon extraction, maybe i should upload the full checkpoint to civitai and pass it off as an incredibly aesthetic meme mix meanwhile this shit is in the dataset
nobody cares
all this furfag complaining remind me back of the old easyfluff + hll days
i care, thank you for providing updates
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The more I read Arti discord, the less hope I have for the success of that project. 32xh100 for few months just to finetune illustrious with Epsilon pred? This is level of dumb worse than Jordach or Neggles
owait, the right pic is actually base noob 0.5 kek
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> Lora mixing and find a nice style.
> Gen hundreds of images with wildcards.
> Keep the best ones.
> Bake a lora using those gens.
Surprisingly effective for styles and concepts, more-so than just the original dataset alone.

Pic unrelated.
I don't know what silvermoon is, but it certainly looks like it has a heavy innate style (she looks drenched is sweat because of how shiny her skin is). Left looks closer to the flatness of ojipon and what you're prompting. But yeah, the gun is not as consistent in noob.
you trained it on 0.5, right? would you be up for retraining it on 0.75 and testing if it has a different effect?
32xh100 for 3 months is literally almost as much compute than nai3 used btw
>>8283653 (me)
Meant right looks closer to the flatness.
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this is the base noob 0.75 gen, this instance was a pretty marked regression

i already retrained 2.0 on 0.75 which is shown on the left in >>8283647, and ill train 2.1 when i go to bed for both 0.5 and 0.75
>i already retrained 2.0 on 0.75
I see. I guess it might be like base illustrious where you could stabilize the output by using a lora
maybe lax really did get an offer from kurumuz he can't refuse
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bros.. s-should I?
They were using 8xH100s until 0.5 dropped though
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cat sex
Left is horrendous tbhfam. But this >>8283659 is also worse than right.
why when nai bakes with e6 the model is fine but when local does it, it comes out literal sepia dogshit? what the fuck dude why is local so illiterate
realistically, they could've just left all e621 data in, but just tag it as worst quality and sepia
just neg them out (sepia neg works already) and you have anime model that knows all degenerate nsfw sex concepts
machine learning is my passion
Do we know if NAI decided to mix both datasets into one model?
yeah, mine seems to fix contrast in some cases, and when it does colors follow. not all prompts trigger getting washed out, in fact many of my own dont get washed out on base noob and nobody seems to post /h/ material on civitai for me to try out
it also biases the gens towards higher high-frequency content.
if i had to try and make an aesthetic finetune, id start with the high contrast dynamic poses sleek n tears images in my dataset, then figure out some wider shot compositions to balance them, and maybe some pixiv toplist content
genuinely, does that suggestion sound unreasonable?
Worst quality I disagree with, wouldn't images of comparable 'best quality' be compared to worst quality as collateral damage?
they didn't, they don't use eps-pred however
That's to say not all of e621 is dogshit
e621 is worst quality aesthetically by definition
>worst quality aesthetically
>highest quality tagging
what a monkey's paw
Box pls
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fucking cow
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I have lost the last remaining bit of hope on local bakers that I didn't even know I still had. Somebody leak nai3 please...
piss goes on /d/
actually i have a feeling an itercomp merge with 0.75 would be pretty sweet, but it's too late to toy with that, gnight
NAI shills are getting way too uppity lately

this is a really good Mignon gen
so true ponysister!
I'm straight, and this makes my dick hard.

Therefore, it's not gay, faggot

Box please
Kurumuz must've been really rattled by the chinks judging by the endless smear campaign itt

Is this mostly RNG?
i would be shaking in my boots if i was kurumuz right now seeing how noob will be able to do all the sexy concepts that nai3 couldn't do like smegma and rusty trombone
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You'll never understand how sad I am that we still can't gen karochii's doujin Kokkoro
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me neighbour's wife loves her some o that old willy cheese
spoiler that shit dude
the /d/ification of /h/ should be studied
Cowbox please?
someone already did it
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Be me

Sees people shitting on 0.75

Been working on some gens with 0.5, but the concept I want is kinda rng

Try 0.75

mfw when it does a much better job

What the fuck were the Eurobros on about?
most reddit post i've seen in months
hot, box?
just a variation of the cowbox from earlier but here you are sir
mfw when a base model cant gen best quality stuff from just 2 word prompts

people have become stupid cus of pony,
redeem a bullet to your head upscaleanon sir
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I replaced the Noob0.75 Clip by the one from v0.5.

From my test, I don't think it's better than v0.5
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marikabox here >>8283296 big guy.
What is being compared here anon, all the gens look vastly different from each other lmao
BOX!!! please
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Based swimsuit anon
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Nothing, just a stupid "1girl, solo" to check what is the default output by the model.
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"Lina kicks off her boots and relaxes at the tavern with you after a day of difficult questing."

(Trying to get the toes perfect is so hard. I'm still not 100% happy with this.)
thanks sar
well this certainly confirms that the mustard gas is caused by te
Lax for a brief second considered not including e621 in the te but the furfags jumped on him
It's fucking over. I quit, I'm getting a new hobby fuck AI wasted over a year of my life on this stupid shit
>In the te train*
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it's so over
This general is a shadow of it's former self, discarded and forgotten for other better AI generals. Telling someone to kill themselves only brings temporary satisfaction but there's nothing more gratifying than seeing you implode and shit up the general so much that it becomes unusable and you stop enjoying what you like. Just take a look at the post count. 390 posts and only 73 images. Nobody comes here to discuss or post gens. This is the place where you come to talk shit when you're bored.
ps. no model is better than learning how to draw and nobody likes you outside of these boards, so go ahead and pull the trigger make the world a better place
>Lax for a brief second considered not including e621 in the te but the furfags jumped on him
Screenshot..... onegai......
big if true
didn't read
Never done a lora, but i'm willing to do one for my literal who wife, what should i know?
read the op or google
I still enjoy AI, sis. This general is far from the only place to post slop and have fun. It's true that hdg became a place to talk shit, but it's alright :)
There are like a million guides, but my first question would be how many good images are there of her
NTA & not gonna bother screenshotting more because there's like 5 convos going on at that time. I realized seeing them swarm I honestly do hate furries now lmao
Is there a reason he can't make multiple versions or it'll cost more?
>This general is far from the only place to post slop and have fun
That's the whole point, retard. Stop shitting other threads with your schizos, keep them here and stay miserable
threads? every other ai general on this website is even worse than this one. some discords are good though ;)
some good idea was filtering out e6 dataset and prune utter garbage pics like deviantart tier, that would left the e6 dataset with more or less 2m images that are actually not bad while it adds degenerate porn knowledge to the model, it would be the right thing to do and that is basically the only possible way where e6 dataset could be useful for the model
since when do women have penis? retard
the issue is with whole 4chan, not just ai threads
unironically it's getting so bad that fucking off to trooncords and whatever else there is does not sound that bad. every fucking general and thread is plagued by some sort of wiper or poopdickschizo and endless shitposting
well, what are you still doing here then?
i asked lax, the dataset is indeed filtered, its the te the whole goal of this training was to add knowledge, 1.0 will be the model with quality
i am the poopdickschizo
it's noob 0.5
The only way to make the model quality is to remove e621 entirely, it's a fucking mistake and now the shit encrusted furfags have come to claim the model like flies to a turd
anime is saved
E621 is like the epitome of what is wrong with western "aesthetic" and including it in an eastern art fine-tune was a blatant mistake. Whoever convinced them to use it should hang.
What's wrong with e621? I think they should continue training with it, all knowledge is good knowledge.
yeah ponytards are mistake, but there is actually no problem in the training like how some people here are claiming and that was indeed the goal.

people with bad prompting will always find problems like how the fuck are you people comparing model with just 2 tags only?

tho e6 will be there its the filtered high quality dataset not all of it, so 1.0 will be better
NAI is still king
hmmmm well then there's a possibility it's not over for us
usually when you train the te in a finetune, the model scares the shit out of itself and the te learns generally way faster than the unet, some signs of this are for example, artists getting giga fried or becoming very blurry when you prompt for them, the sepia could be a side effect of it too.
it usually gets fixed quickly but only when you either reduce the te lr or do a unet only pass so the unet can catch up, so yeah 50/50 it may not be so over if lax filtered out garbage
always has been
kill yourself upscaleanon
sigh back to autismmix
there's a reason Nai made a seperate furry model and didn't combine it with anime

also holy fuck furfags are colorblind as fuck, they legitimately think their furry 1.5 models aren't stained in piss yellow. even posting gens as proof that are literally yellow hued across the board. I would laugh if this wasn't our future. someone needs to take one for the team and become an undercover furfag, then piss off lax and co so immensely he doesn't want to appeal to furshitters ever again. I'd do it but I don't think I could even pretend to be a furshitter without shooting myself in the face point blank.
I think it would work out great if they keep TE frozen and just convert 0.5 to vpred and keep training from there. Both 0.5 and test vpred were fine and e6 does help with genitals and some degeneracy without hurting the model too much otherwise
Just wait for v7, trust the plan
This, but unironically. Imagine thinking a local module comes even close to an AI model developed by a company and backed up with investors. Some people here have too much ego. Know your place.
he did filter it out, its just your usual ponyturd echo chamber gaslighting themselves into thinking its the model fault.
as far as they know its the TE being stupid that all and it will fix with further training, infact its starting to fix in recent checkpoints
You are overdoing it, kurumuz doesn't hate localkeks THAT much.
usuals talking about things they don't understand again
furry art doesn't cause sepia. furry art is bad, but sepia is a naturally occurring pattern in SDXL:

You dumb motherfuckers, you actual mouthbreathing retards.
Stay the fuck away from model trainers who actually know what they're doing because you lot are just gonna make things worse.
Yes, all of you. You posturing dumbasses trying to get a word in so you can claim a portion of actual bakers success as somehow relevant to your own interference.
I'm sure our usual cast of mentally inhibited (not)bakers will once again bemoan a lack of compute as they firmly ram another thumb up their asses.
nah that's a very poor kurumuz imitation but definitely not because of the amount of local hate. have you even seen the way he talks about local bakers?
Wouldn't that mean that 1.5 also had the color range bias?
>Stay the fuck away from model trainers who actually know what they're doing

All I see is noob being limited by a base model. They should drop illustrious and actually finetune their own model. They already used like 5x+ times the compute of 0.1v
why does fluffyrock and similar shit also have this bias and yet nai anime models don't?
why are you bringing up something literally everybody knows as if it was a revelation? are you stupid?
armpit too sweaty
Stop asking questions dumb chud, you're not smart enough to be worthy of an answer
i too asked about it, and no it wont happen, noobai is not confident about it and is going the safe route.
Don't shit yourself from all that anger, animal fucker.
Nevermind, forgot you are wearing a diaper.
Might be something to do with the VAE? If that's the case then there are only gains to be made from including the e621 set. I'll talk to LAX about it and get his opinion on it
sepia i guess is the problem with sdxl, since cosxl was released to fix issues including that.
yes that's why we've all been screaming at lax for the past 2 weeks to focus on the vpred conversion
Left hand looks like it's the backside of the hand. This is very obvious when you compare the lower part of the thumb to the other hand's thumb
i know, but i also know about why they wont focus on vpred.
>sdxl doesnt suffers from sepia
holy fucking shit, biggest anime plot twist ever, how the turns have table
Please understand, they only have 32xh100. Let them finetune in peace
have you been in a coma for the past 14 months?
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who can spot the best girl?
green bow
i am actually against disturbing them , just telling sdxl has that issue its not dataset
That's not me, I never use "cus", reddit spacing, "mfw" or lack of apostrophe in "can't".
>it wasnt e6s fault, sdxl is just shit as it is
literal living proof that you guys NEED a reason to fight and doompost over anything, always, no matter what
next you should learn about the fallacy of assuming monocausality
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actively malding
Where is the sepia in illustrious? It's eps-pred trained on sdxl.
imagine being this stupid
read the article, you can correct away from it by shifting the entire color range but this is more of a hack
this is why different solutions popped up, like vpred
that doesnt say anything against his point
it is hard for "people" under 100 iq to understand that effects can have more than one cause
Why do you talk about yourself in the third person?
yes and if e621 is part of the cause and perhaps the tipping point, while training on normal danbooru doesnt cause this
maybe you should listen to your own words
there are major causes, and the major cause of sepia here is sdxl itself. noone said its the "only" cause...
Can someone explain to me the fuckery that is happening with the Noob bakers? I get danbooru and e6 but they both have varying tags and datasets. Wouldn't prompting an e6 tag naturally bring out an output that's more in line with e6 rather than danbooru?
illu wasn't trained the same way as noob
you're conflating them for some reason
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>the major cause of sepia here is sdxl itself
if this was the case illustrious would have the same problems with color range pony has, and that's not true
base illustrious still has the shit colors and dynamic range even if it isn't sepiad, only v-pred can fix this
nobody contests this
High effort king

How much photoshop? Just the dick ruler?
can you not read?
Does "high effort" automatically make a gen good?
can you?
Well, at least pony is finally dethroned as the furry model...
there is nothing in the report for illustrious that indicates they did anything to fix any color bias
noob likely did nothing to fix the color bias

illustrious trained on danbooru/gelbooru whatever only
noob trained on e621 in addition to danbooru and gelbooru

illustrious has decent colors by default
noob colors are starting to shift

therefore i think its reasonable to conclude that e621 could have something to do with it
Furries actually didn't use it that often. It's a clop and general degeneracy model, not really a furry model.
based basic logic understander
Animagine had fine colors too, right?
it still looked like 1.5 but yeah
arti was also fine
You weren't supposed to use your brain...
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Personally I'm happy to have a pony tier model with artist tags.
Yeah most XL models are alright sepia color-wise so not sure what that anon is smoking
>it still looked like 1.5 but yeah
that's because they included aomslop in dataset
so did sd3.5 apparently
of course they did, it's lykon
Sooo what the fuck are they going to do with the 512 H100s if they get to use them? Train SD 3.5?
from lax's recent comments it seems like he doesn't even care about the 512xh100 anymore so who knows
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How do I disable this popup altogether after clicking Interrupt?
break it up by features:
exceeding max value on a gradation/ruler so you feel absolutely huge
stomach bulge for huger
full-face blush
face mask, pulled aside yet still covering eyes out of shame
squish/nipple play
oiled skin
cute on-brand navel piercing
wedding ring
panties aside very strongly implied sex
clenched teeth yet hearts
Setting, enter interrupt in search bar and unclick popup.
where is naishill, I miss their gens :(
>check sdg
>it's full of 0.75 furry gens
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can i use the latest forge (not reforge) to gen with noob or nah
No, I forbid you
Based stern anon.
Based effortposter making gold twice in a row
I got you, bro.
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Take off your clothes anon
It's just that I feel like most of his gens look really... over-produced? Of course, it's better than most of the slop we see, but I just feel like people feel compelled to praise the gens without actually liking them much just because pics took more time on inpainting and editing than usual. Might be just me though.
where is noodleschizo, I miss their gens :(
i like how without meta there's absolutely no indication that this is Nadeko's pussy, but knowing that makes it hotter
b-but I'm white...
At least we'll see furry gens with better aesthetic. :)
if you're a peach person and someone hands you a plum, no amount of convincing is gonna change your mind
if the result doesn't look good to you, you don't need to justify that position or anything
hopefully you find stuff you do like
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Do NOT google conjoined penis
Yeah I enjoy genning, and it wasn't an attempt to shit on his gens
Now do Blaze
Guys I'm working on a game with AI images. I was planning to register an account on ci-en but found out they haven't lifted the AI ban from last year.

So between Fantia and Pixiv Fanbox which one should I go with instead? Patreon not considered due to their no loli rule. Not looking to charge for subs just wanting to be able to share monthly progress.
You have to censor your shit on fanbox (or do some tricks with not loading uncensored porn on fanbox directly)
Yeah but that's the case for all JP sites unfortunately. Do you have recommended alternatives?
I kneel

Very true
You can try subscribestar.
Most of the fanbox artists I follow just do the trick part - mainly by uploading password-protected zips into 'cord or some other shit and sending passwords as newsletters.
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If your AI is good enough, you can just not tell anyone. Gone are the days when AI was easily distinguishable from hand-drawn art. (Unless you suffer from Skill Issue Syndrome... Many such cases)
Have the chuds finished baking my furry model yet? I'm waiting to gen my anal vore inflation pics
(((they))) are after me now, thanks anon
>this is what most of e621 is like
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Just use pony
So true bro, if only I'd looked deeper for the quality posts
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Wow bros 0.75 is just so much better than 0.5!
That's exactly what I was trying to say, bro
Wait... they trained on THAT? For what fucking reason???
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Have some more bwo
Hey guys, /sdg/ here. Noobai looks very promising, especially the last release, but is it true that they didn't remove csam materials from the model? Someone mentioned that on sdg and it was hard to believe. Anyone knows? I'd avoid using a model with this stuff included.
You should work on your baiting technique, bubby
even something as simple as the blush got worse
>that armpit pussy
just train a blush a lora? hello?
proof that furry are mentally ill
not a single pictures here is worth keeping, you have to wonder what kind of brain draw this and is proud enough of it to post it
Catbox? I can never get a girl looking at a cock horizontally like that.
How do people end up attracted to animals?
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LAX posted furry on the cord of his own will, it's joever...
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I kinda dislike what 0.75 did to the colors - I prefered them on 0.5. Anons genning with 0.75, do you use any tags to combat this? Should I just stay with 0.5 for now?
left clears
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>there's not much of a difference
LAX is fucking blind
>shading is noticeably worse
>lighting is flatter
>worse textures on clothes
Right colors pops out more
Right has weird object permanence issues with the pussy juice trail
Illustrious, 0.5, 0.75
presented without comment
Miqobros we're back
>turns into a furry in 1.0
panties are fucked too
grim reminder to never trust china
Anon... Have you even played Witch on the Holy Night? I chose Alice because she's a departure from the typical anime eyes and the shading in the novel is flat yet detailed in a modern way at the same time. I judged based on how close Alice's face was to the game's rendition of her. The details on her clothes are just gonna be "good enough" until an architecture that can't only comprehend the world through squinted eyes comes out.
Did you even read his post?
No, why should I?
Yeah, and I pointed out that "it's meant to be that way"
You know, this would actually hold some value if the faggot released the newer models. As it stands it just reads like obnoxious, arrogant blueballing.
cope smegma lover
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I don't see any difference, including what you described.
t. totally not LAX (not bluvoll either)
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Getting this pose was surprisingly difficult.
anon... i..

There 100% should have been a Consort of Miquella ending. I'm still pissed that the DLC didn't add a single new ending.
>you hate him
>he's still right
sucks don't it?
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box left please? nice style
Anon, how did you make an image with what I assume are four different characters like this? Is it latent couple or something?

Please teach me.
I look like this
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It's a troll that posts non-AI pics. Don't bother.
Me on the right (the random leg out of frame)
No latent couple, I just prompted their names
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It's nai
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I really hope this is a samefag and no one actually wants the box for uncanny /aco/ AOM slop
Ponytroons on suicide watch

catbox? nice
based chink
I wonder what Euge is thinking, he hasn't been posting for a couple of days
Thanks anon.
Euge has exams.
The /u/ thread could use your help.
You need help breaking girls' hands? /u/ is so cruel.
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>/u/ is so cruel
you have no idea
Make a Lesbian Conversion Diffusion General
NTA, but it's really nice reading your bitter posts when someone else gets praised and you don't. You must be seething.

Keep it up, it's great content, and probably better than your gens, anyway!
do you know what a joke is or are you just permanently seething
Wow, so mad shitty unfixed gen gets called out for what it is. Do you feel empathy towards it because yours look just like that?
Reddit spacing
>try out new trendy model
feels like 2 steps forward, 3 steps backwards
>2 steps forward
Artist knowledge didn't improve much, and some even got worse.
It knows some new characters but training a character lora takes like 20 mins at best.
i keep looking for new artists but i have found that 99% are complete and utter hacks
it's much better at kungfu panda inflation, chud
you can do scat and anal prolapse now
>everyone that ran their own comparisons have seen 0.75 is better
>all the posts saying it's worse and shitposting don't have any images attached
so who is falseflagging and trying to kill this model now that local has finally surpassed all other models?
I've been posting my own comparisons, with 0.75 looking worse
>so who is falseflagging
(You) are
Yiff in hell, faggot
>who is falseflagging and trying to kill this model
Nobody, it's furries that genuinely want to turn noob into pony with artist tags.
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I am very sorry
but the idea tickled my brain and I had to see if it could be done
there's obviously some good things about 0.75 but the things that are bad about it are way more concerning
>Artist knowledge didn't improve much, and some even got worse.
oh fuck no lmao. half of the time you had to tard rangle with finetunes or use shitty hashed tags because this diaper furry pony faggot had this self entitled sense of morality. had to use color correction addons and the contrast was way more shit.

I said 2 steps forward 3 steps backwards but I mean 1 step backwards.
give us the prompt. I want to see what your dumb slut brain did to make this happen.
its inpainting
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Does anyone still use latent scaling or was it a meme?
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Based. Now I need to try and see if you can make her detached arm do sexual stuff as well while she watches embarrassed
If you like fingers turning into penises
>huge fat ugly obese man
glad to see you moved on from sex machines
>sex machines
what do you think fat ugly obese men are
t. James Brown
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>furries and jeets running damage control in the civit comment section
>angel says it's fucked
>lax says it's fucked
>everyone with working eyes says it's fucked
>yet they insist that it's just user error and improved over .5 in every way imaginable
(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed),film grain, beautiful color, amazing quality, very aesthetic, illustration, absurdres, newest, perfect composition, intricate details, shiny skin, realistic, cel shading,photorealistic,chromatic aberration,
dynamic pose, perspective, horror (theme), limited palette, x-shaped pupils, high contrast, color contrast, cold colors, arlecchino (genshin impact), black theme, gritty, graphite (medium), black hands, long hair, big breast, pointy nipple, puffy nipples,
>>lax says it's fucked
is this true? if that's the case that's the only thing that matters and we're good
I look like this
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We know
we need jordach opinion too
and do the opposite
jordach would suggest training on 1.5 so i think we're already doing the opposite of that
He acknowledged the shortcomings of this epoch but chalked it up to the TE training and says that the model is currently in a local minimum. He hopes that it'll fix itself and get out of the minimum, now that the TE is frozen again for the rest of the training.
Jordach is busy finding the missing link between machine learning and astronomy
He's barking up the wrong tree, what he really wants is astrology
0.75 is bad?
it's 0.25 more than the 0.5 version
man if i knew earlier i would have genned my djinn hoe on something else
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0.5 te looks.. less fucked?
Average civitjeet opinion on the matter
this is good then. i hope he's right, if not, they have the compute and i'd rather they fuck up now than when they do the vpred bake
i thought civitjeets love it. shitpost sisters, what's our narrative this time?
Is this 0.75 unet with 0.5 TE? Did anyone try swapping it out and seeing if it's better?
But I want to see the furries seethe at the removal of e621
reading comprehension
me too anon but i'm pretty sure a removal of e621 data is off the table
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this is 0.75 unet + 0.5 te + itercomp
feels like 0.75 te is a little bit better at styles and facial expressions but it gives way more artifacts
the /u/ thread is almost as gross as the /d/ thread
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0.75 unet + 0.75 te + itercomp, same seed
Yep, they fucked the TE
for me it's 05, but 075 isn't that bad
prompt? please?
this does a bit better job at drawing bricks instead of brick blobs, look at the bottom right
why the fuck are people still wasting time with eps when vpred is actually good
do as a solid and try non pixel art style to compare
>vpred is actually good
Is it? Haven't tested any merges or the sigma snakeoil, but it was too unstable for my liking on its own.
why do you ask the same question expecting a different answer every thread
back to civitai with you tourist
it's too complex, india isn't ready for it yet
nah it sucks fuck off
I'm not downloading yet another webui
the bake itself was undercooked and kinda looked bad but the method itself, the math to fix the dumb ass average luminance problem, is good
is this the latest snake oil? how do I get it
Obviously, but the full vpred is still quite a ways off. Who knows if furries will find a way to sabotage it until then.
0.75 is "not that bad" until it's worse at something. That's the whole problem with it, it's either the same or worse than 0.5 depending on what you prompt, but rarely if at all you can say "this definitely works better" unless it's some furry smegma artist or concept.
>Checkpoint uses e621
>Turns yellow
>Checkpoint doesn't use e621
>Doesn't turn yellow
Explain why. See it time and time again. Animagine is shit but it isn't yellow.. doesn't use e621. All furry checkpoints on every arch we've seen? Yellow. Flux, cascade, 1.5, all yellow when e621 is used.
None of your claims seem to pass the experience check.
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pic is how it looks like without itercomp
the perspective is more fucked, random color splotches, fishnets are ruined, the pot for the plant is gone, and the hair looks less like "two side up", cat ears look way more furry, the button on the denim shorts moved to the side

colors pop a bit more, hand proportions are better and the face is better (if you don't count ruined fang)
all I wanna know is if we're getting vpred fully trained and by when
based fellow personafag
yeah i noticed it obliterated the fishnets and a few splotches, was just saying it was interesting
>NOOOOO it's not the dataset
>You just don't get machine learning, bro
>User error, just neg furry and put not_furry in your prompt and make it more verbose, that'll almost mask it
>Sepia? what sepia https://e621.net/posts/5144400
>Weeabos are so hostile
I warned you guys about training the TE. I fucking warned you, but you didn't listen.
There's nothing wrong with training the TE. Their mistake was that they did it so late in the bake and with 200k disgusting furry tags
>There's nothing wrong with training the TE.
Wrong. No good corpo model trained the TE.
So, it's fucking over and we're not getting anything better?
Oh we're corpo now?
No. They have room for mistakes and LAX isn't delusional. It's fine.
Yeah. They aren't giving us a seperate vpred model either, they're just slapping a couple vpred epochs to the end of e621 piss stained noob and calling it a day. Local, once again, sabotaged
Clearly not.
Illu trained the TE and it's good enough for me
de3 didn't train the te
flux didn't train the te
nai1 didn't train the te
illust did train the te, alright
guess who else did train the te?
At least there's millions of exceptionally high quality images like the one you linked so we can get the perfect sepia farts when we prompt it
Maybe if more of you retards would go on discord or Civit to complain about the furries pissifying everything lax would have a change of heart instead of planning full piss stream ahead. Instead it's a loud echo chamber of furfags praising piss21
Just bake your loras on illu.
Everyone here already commented. We're the minority and doomed to lose
So we're back to this.
brick sisters we are so back
The complaints are piling up on civit. Lax isn't blind and I'm honestly not really demoralized by 0.75 regression, it really could be a temporary issue.
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My autism is no where near the level of people falseflagging so there isn't really a point. I just can't compete with people spam creating 30 furry accounts only to leave a comment about how good the model is
Why bother? I just switch back to my illu shitmixes.
Unless we get some perfect ip-adapter thingy or a self learning model that needs one image to infer everything, we will always need loras
what dataset did angel use for illu?
can we just finetune noob's 1.0 with that after its release
>Lax isn't blind
see >>8283946
>can we
we can complain, nothing else
Sure, give me compute and I'll train on the best (private) dataset ever created
how much vram does it take to do a finetune of an SDXL checkpoint?
does 24gb work if speed is not of concern?
>does 24gb work
At batch=1
>speed is not of concern
Speed IS the concern. it'll take you literally years to get the same batchXepoch on your single 4090
this thought process is exactly why we are only getting pissepia. every little comment against it would help, yet you'd rather let the furshitters take the only local chance we had.

Lax posted multiple images comparing .5 to .75 in euge cord where .5 is clearly superior and said there was no difference. he's going forward with te training e621 if you chuckle fucks stay quiet, all he sees is the mass furfag agreement. he's shown multiple times already his hand is swayed by the majority opinion on Civit or whatever else, you're damning us all by not commenting against the furries
you can try finetuning the unet even on 8gb
Tuning on ~100 pics for specific styly is not the same as tuning the full model on millions of pics.
Begun, the Furry wars have.
Of course, here you go:
>Lax posted multiple images comparing .5 to .75 in euge cord where .5 is clearly superior and said there was no difference.

I posted most of the comparisons between .5 and .75 on the server. The one he said there was no difference on was a comparison featuring Alice Kuonji from Witch on the Holy Night, a bit of a unique case compared to most anime art.
inpaint out the hair on the bed and its good
>halo is worse
>scrunchie is wrong color
>lost wings
>eyes are melty
>shading is worse
>lineart is worse
>bonus watermark
Yeah guys its just the same!!
alright that's nice to know that at least 24gb is usable.
what if we finetune the model on a smaller subset of higher quality data that maintains similar tag ratios to the original set, say 10% the size, would that work?
all of this is easily fixed with a lora
>illust did train the te, alright
>very good character knowledge
>can even recognize artists under 100 images
we need the gooknai magic method
So... what's the point in noob then?
this joke was never funny
this, just use pony with a lora
Illustrious v0.1 was trained on a 7.5M dataset consisting of 1024 × 1024 images with a
batch size of 192. The data were tagged using the original Danbooru tags. The learning rate
for the U-Net was set to 3.5e-5, and the text encoder learning rate was 4.5e-6, trained over
20 epochs
>puts sepia in negs
did anyone think that more than like 5% of the shitposts here were funny? most of it is just autists parroting the one joke they heard before into the ground
so same as reddit
Based on the characteristics of the dataset described earlier, we attempted to overcome such problems
by conducting the training using the following methods:
Firstly, we implemented a No Dropout Token approach to ensure that provocative or specific tokens
are never excluded. In conventional training methods, random tokens are dropped during image
pairing to prevent overfitting and enhance model generalization. However, this approach led to the
occasional generation of provocative images. By ensuring provocative tokens were always retained
and training the model to recognize these concepts with 100% accuracy, we found that controlling
the sampling the provocative tokens by CFG, or preventing their use entirely effectively prevented
the generation of provocative or inappropriate content Alphanome.AI [2023].
Next, we employed Cosine Annealing scheduler Loshchilov and Hutter [2017] empirically. Such a
schedule enables to achieve a lower learning rate and to gain reasonable converged checkpoints with
a focus on improving the quality of image and stability of model training. Therefore, we adopted it
into v1.0, v1.1, and v2.0 Illustrious models.
guess we're just retarded then
Third, we used Quasi-Register Tokens Darcet et al. [2024] to embed concepts the model doesn’t
understand into specific tokens for training. Since the dataset cannot contain all metadata, certain
image characteristics may not be reflected. We identified these outlier concepts that the model
couldn’t comprehend and embedded them into register tokens during training. Conversely, when
random tokens are included during training, concepts not represented in the text encoder or metadata
can be captured by these random tokens. By attaching random alphanumeric strings, the model is
allowed to separate ’bad characteristics’ into leftover tokens, by separating known concepts from ambiguous ones. However, we observed that padding tokens used for sequence length matching in
batching, are also treated as register tokens, a phenomenon we discuss in detail in the appendix.
Fourth, we trained model in Contrastive Learning by Weak-Probability Dropout Tokens. Similar
to the first method, we prevented certain character names or artist names from being dropped with a
set probability during training, which improves the model’s ability to understand character names and
artist styles, while other tokens are dropped as usual. This approach significantly improved character-
wise understanding with fewer mixed features. Additionally, we observed that with this method,
character learning accelerated even with smaller batch sizes, allowing more contrastive learning
between no-character tokens and character token conditions. However, unlike the tag weighting
strategy used by NovelAI, the absence of CFG control over character tags sometimes led to the model
generating specific characters inductively, leading to weak dataset leakage, as expected
I'm talking specifically the ones he posted , which he thinks are great and went on to post them in the noob discord for asspats from the furries in all their piss stained glory.
for example, where .75 forgets what the fuck the background setting even is and taints your screen with a yellow tinge.
ding ding ding
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cheers, this made me realize there was a paper, giving it a read now.
fucking 0.75....
is she okay?
Fifth, we implemented a simple paraphrasing sequence process to train the model on more diverse
texts. Tags like "1girl, 1boy" were paraphrased as "one girl, single women," etc. This process enables
the model to understand various inputs, instead of relying strictly on tag-based conditioning.
Finally, we adopted Multi Level Dropout by dividing the dropout into 4 stages, ranging from
minimal, critical tokens to full tags. This allows the model to adapt to varying levels of caption detail.
By 30% chance, we utilize max(30% * total tokens, 10) tags, 20% chance, max (40% * total tokens,
15), 10% chance, min(6, total tokens), 4% chance, min(total tokens, 4) tokens. The no-dropout tokens
ignores this rule, for strict controllability.
We applied the eps-prediction loss objective and also utilized Input Perturbation Noise Augmentation
with strength
• 0 < ε < 0.1
Ning et al. [2023], and Debiased Estimation Loss Yu et al. [2024]. We observed noise offset Lin et al.
[2024] to be useful for broader color ranges. However, with lower batch sizes, it was not suitable for
the common training procedure.
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Oh yeah, fair enough on that one then. I wanted to ask him about the handles disappearing too but I just decided not to lol
I used to look back on the older days of 4chan and wonder why the fuck we relentlessly hated furfags much. Now I remember. Yiff in hell.
As the original "sepia shitposter" (that was actually my legit concern) I agree
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they're so fucking obnoxious, but after years of no interaction with them I almost started to forget
Man, there sure are a lot of people in here with very strong opinions on how diffusion models should be trained. I'm sure they all have trained models and papers of their own to back up their words and aren't just LARPing techlets parroting fragments of what they heard from smarter people!
>parroting fragments of what they heard from smarter people!
oh? who are these smarter people i should be parroting from, please fill me in
I have trained a lot of style loras, so yeah I think I'm qualified enough to speak about this.
Did you train a model? No? Dont bother giving your opinion either and stop posting then
hey jordach you should post an update on your anime model that'll save us
I have eyes, that's all it takes to see the same mistake being repeated in every model that turns yellow sepia over and over again

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