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Why is Exhentai now being used as an AI dumping ground? These aren't treasures of human creativity, they're one-click-and-generate slop. If you like how your AI porn came out, just keep it in your fucking hard drive, how hard is that to get? The internet is already chock-full of AI art, we don't need any more. The Panda is supposed to be a niche place for hentai. Fucking Deviantart has less AI porn than the Panda at this point.

AI rant thread.
AI should be banned from sadpanda. I'm not even kidding, if you want AI you can go to Pixiv or twitter it's already full of this shit
Is there not a way to blacklist the AI tag?
its the case for every single hentai site that let you upload shit pixiv rule34 are full of ai its ridiculous.

80% of the post in rule34 are ai and its not going to get better why it wouldnt be the same for exhentai? the only thing that you can do is blacklisting.


what's funny is the fact that the owner of this site complained many time about the "server load" of his site but isn't it worse to have a bunch of ai "artist" spamming their trash gallery every single day? i mean at the current rate ai will have more result than any human made hentai in both exhentai and rule34 its truly scary.

i dont even think that ai hentai attract that many people in the first place? its so boring and generic everything looks the same the server cost probably outcost the benefits because those people are uploading at a ridiculous rate a gigantic ammount of data every single day.

personaly if i owned a hentai website i would definetly not allow ai.
It's extremely easy to blacklist.
yes, I've never seen AI on sadpanda because of it.
It's mostly indians
I can't believe Jacob, who is my gangstalker and who's balls I DO NOT dream of tasting, would do this
>they're one-click-and-generate slop
They aren't.
Unless there is anything else good in Misc, just unclick that category by default or blacklist the tag in setting. It's practically like putting a filter on the AI threads that keep showing up on /h/ first page.

There's more pressing concern with MTL, DMCA and other TendonXJacob meta-shipping shenanigans.
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more of a booru problem but a lot of people don't tag their shit so they upload like 50 fucking pictures in one go of weird fingered monstrosities with three sets of eyebrows and put like "girl" "boobs" "sex" "beautiful" as the tags and leave it at that.
Literally every site that hosts pictures gets flooded by AI.
How do you filter galleries that are not marked as AI?
This. I have the same problem on Pixiv because even if can filter AI in the settings if the cunt who is uploading his shit to Pixiv don't tag it as AI i will see it. And it's not rare it's happening all the time, funny that the username is always a fucking gaijin btw
You're right, they're "write '1girl, standing' and click to generate 100 batches" slop. Totally different thing.
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i have infinite hentai ~
It's kinda funny that tenbrony originally didn't want "ai generated" to be a tag for some dumb reason that I could not remember.
I've never seen him walked back from a decision so fast before.
He should start a site just for AI stuff, and ban it from Sadpanda.
I'd even visit it, just to look up results for certain characters.
the point of tagging is that you don't have to make a separate site for it...

Just blacklist it, and when you want to search for it use the "ignore tag filter" checkbox.
everything is an AI dump now. it's simple, low effort slop that retards can churn out by the thousands per day. the best we can do is force them to tag it so we can filter it out.
i like it

Tendon lets people upload AI slop for two reasons

1. An excuse to justify the new paywall

2. His head mods (Shanks and PrincessKaguya) are lazy

It's ultimately the first reason, however the second reason is important to note
Do you count the 4chan pass as a paywall, anon
Do you think you can go one day without shilling, anon
What did I shill, anon. What could I have possibly been convincing you to purchase?
Can you be honest for a single post and just answer the question? Is such a small and minute task beyond your capability?
He cannot answer you, anonymous, because to do so would reveal he's an exagerrating hypocrite.
Either he fully admits he's actually got no problem with using a site where paying makes it more convenient, thus admitting it's not as big an issue to him as he claims, or he has to start mentioning 4chan pass every single post he makes on here out of principle
Samefagging esl schizo

>start mentioning 4chan pass every single post

You're the only one spamming 4chan pass and making false equivalences to it, little jungle monkey boy.
They're usually Pinoys or Indonesians. For $2, they'll solve 1000 captchas and produce 1000 shill posts. Their services are everywhere.
Where is the option on Exhentai to wait 15 minutes to download a 3+ month old image, you fucking retard
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Eventually the AI generated content will surpass hand drawn content in quality, but for now just filter this garbage. I'm okay with high quality upscales or restorations of old content, however.
>Eventually the AI generated content will surpass hand drawn content in quality
It's already way past that, you just have to look for specific AI posters. I'm also seeing obvious AI assisted art getting posted on Danbooru now but retards can't tell because it's not tagged as such.

Also while you can get into NAI for cheap, good GPU's that can gen and even train AI at a comfortable speed requires a lot of upfront cost so it's funny seeing anons shift blame to jeets or 3rd worlders when most of them can't afford said GPU's.
You shouldn't need to filter out AI Generated content. You should have misc disabled entirely. There is nothing of value in it.
File deleted.
I'm fine with AI done right and I'm excited to see regular non-drawing autists someday making imagesets and comics on their own. People out to accomplish things will be users either trying to train the perfect blend of settings, or to emulate artists whose style they greatly appreciate. And if in either case, you're producing something good enough to share with others THEN you make a gallery on the Panda or dump some properly-tagged shit on Pixiv.
Like, here's an example. A user over in /vg/ uses NAI to produce OC just for a particular game's general thread there. While I think otherwise, he's not confident enough to share it as a panda gallery. And the reception in the /vg/ thread is fairly good.
The problem at hand is too many people using AI tools are just making bland badly-tuned slop. Slop definitely not fit to share which is dragging down the medium.
>There's more pressing concern with MTL, DMCA and other TendonXJacob meta-shipping shenanigans.
Very inclined to agree. Making a pickup group is harder than ever unless you're fucking paying people to do everything. I can't even find a volunteer CLRD anymore because the one good recruitment place is overrun by BL faggots and gooks.
Booru made their own bed by letting trannies and gamefaqs autists be jannies. Obviously they chased most of their userbase into jewcob and tendonbrony's hands.
This. The amount of unnecessary dogshit people have been flooding the internet with in unprecedented, and it's happening at a seemingly exponential rate. It's bad enough that people are flooding sites with A.I, but most of the time it's a billion variations of the same pictures so instead of sharing just 7 they end up sharing more like 120. The problem wouldn't be as bad if people kept more of it to themselves.
>AI content will surpass hand drawn content in quality
What the fuck does that even mean?
The ironic part is just like you said, the people making stuff that's worth looking at end up being too self conscious to post / don't end up posting it. Instead you get the people with zero quality control who upload solo futa with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome faces just to be rated 1.5 stars in a bloated gallery nobody asked for. A.I is like movie CGI where the aim should be to make people forget they're looking at A.I

Probably just a buzzword flinging retard. 4chan shows you that most people making A.I art are incredibly unimaginative and desperate for attention.
It means that AI can become a perfect artist that doesn't make mistakes. Even your favorite artists have perceptible flaws in their art.
>nonsensical, borderline fatalist viewpoint claiming that there is an ideal "perfect" quality of something inherently subjective we have yet to meet

Midwit nonsense. What would perfection even mean in this context? If the intention of the artist was met completely by what they have created, is it not perfect? Or is such thing determined by the consumer? Which consumer, then, determines perfection? By what yardstick do you even quantify a flaw?
For what it matters, yes they fucking are. You will NEVER be an artist.
He is nothing if not a fucking dumbass.

Completely deluded people with poor vision and an underdeveloped frontal lobe.
>people making stuff that's worth looking at end up being too self conscious to post / don't end up posting it
probably the case for me, I think my aislop is way better than 99% of garbage you see posted on sadpanda/pixiv, but I don't even post it anywhere apart from 4chan aislop containments

there's not much motivation for aifags to put effort in their shit unless they actively enjoy it, you certainly won't get any recognition for your pic that unless you conceal the fact that you are using ai.
They'll always find out if you use it.
>They'll always find out if you use it.
If it's an actual artist using AI to speed up the process? No.
But regular twitter activist mouth-breathers won't see aislop even if it's done by a 4chan NEET desu. Seen this plenty of times when they fucking love a pic but the second someone points out that it's AI they go "fuck this ugly aislop". Hilarious.
banning ai would require moderation
You DO know AI is trained on said artists right?
Sites like ExPanda and Rule34 needs to make another website to offload the AI stuff.
>Keeps up with your average popular slop
Midwit response, unironically. AI can be trained to achieve mechanical perfection.
Are you having an argument with yourself? How does your post pertain to anything in mine? Brainlets are not allowed to respond to me.
You legitimately have a low IQ. I'm not interested in your little inbred culture war. AI can and will be able to produce any kind of art at any kind of level, ranging from mechanical perfection to crude stick drawings, and then it will start to self-improve on its own work. This is just what is going to happen, and you can hate it or love it. It's like malding about basic facts.
>Midwit response, unironically. AI can be trained to achieve mechanical perfection.
Theoretically it can be, but not with current tech. Datasets not good enough, the diffusion tech itself is limited by shit like VAEs and params. AI still requires considerable amount of manual fixes to not look like broken garbage.
AI grifters can't live down the fact they have spent the last 2 years bragging about making developers and artists obsolete only for people to realize how overblown this tech was
I mean I haven't commissioned a single artist for about 2 years now that I'm able to do it through AI. Being able to just gen almost whatever you want with any artist style of your choosing without the hassle of a middleman or worrying about getting declined, all for the low low price of $0 has pretty much made artists obsolete for me.

Not that I would commission anyone from this shithole or your average Western price gauging Twitter artist since I switched to Skeb before AI, but hey.

Also here's one example of AI art being posted on Danbooru. Pretty funny huh?
> This says it all.

Just, please, convince your people to tag this.

When I want to look for, I'll look for it, when I don't I don't. If I want to generate it, I'll come to you for advice. But people deserve the option to avoid it if they so choose. It's only fair.
Skeb is trash. Not being able to adjust the sketches means it's literally just gambling/gacha trash. And no uncensored is even worse. Most western Twitter artists are garbage as well, since they're lazy and overpriced but you just gotta find the gems and never share them with the world. AI will never be able to generate harem sex in the foreseeing future so it's trash as well.
Danbooru has allowed AI art that falls within their quality requirements for like 6 months now.
Nobody was fooled or "they don't know!", they know and are allowing the submissions as their moderators allow, retard.
Holy fucking shit you're dumb.
>Only counter to genuine question of how a flaw is defined is to go "No u"
Thanks for proving my point, midwit. Go goon to some more mediocre trash.
What is mechanical perfection in this case, you fucking moron? You need to define a flaw in order to eliminate it
I'm with anon. How do you even define that?
Would the perfect sailor moon blowjob look exactly like the manga? Or the anime, complete with the blur of cell-photography? What if I want something in okirakunikku's sketchy style, how do you mechanically perfect a drawing style defined by rapid, loose linework?
How do you define "mechanically perfect art", anon?
Is a watercolor imperfect because the colors aren't uniform? What if the artist intention WASN'T uniform color? Which one is the flaw there? Flat, even color, or blocky, distinct color differences?

I don't have much of an opinion on what you do, I'm just also curious at this point. What do you mean by "perfect"?
This isn't AI you falseflagging retard
Don't bother, guys. He's a fucking midwit.
Dude generating porn with novelai is so fucking easy there's nothing stopping Prajeesh from buying a subscription and flooding every porn site under the sun with his bland dogshit.
can someone help me out i created an e-hentai account almost 2 years ago and am trying to figure out how to access exhentai but even after following instructions i get a blank white screen on exhentai
Only homosexuals can't get in
AI bad
AI should be banned everywhere including this board
I like it because these chinks and nips wont share how they create their realistic ai lolis
those have been banned from pixiv ironic enough
>exhentai file size is beyond bloated
>nhentai starts using webp
fuck this shit
>pirate disappointed with service quality, film at 11
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yeah I agree, but not because I hate AI, but because chinks uploading 9999TB of shitty AI pics will keep using server resources and justifies further bullshit measures like charging GP for downloading old galleries without torrents, throttling and now using webp jew shit to save space.

You can force uploaders to use the AI tag so people can easily filter them, but the issue is that AI shitters generate 9999999 times more pics than real artists.

also fuck webp
holy fuck the site is going to absolute shit
don't be delusional enough to believe that your type isn't another undesirable group that drives entire user bases away
/hdg/ shouldn't even be allowed on this board
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>i dont even think that ai hentai attract that many people in the first place? its so boring and generic
Because you need to actually put in the effort to make it look good, pic related took around an hour (and another 10 or so minutes to finish) so you can't upload 5000 images/day
Funny enough i don't even really post my stuff online because at the end of the day it's still slop desu
>gallery images that were uploaded in jpg/png are now serving webp
>right click
>save as PNG
I've been using Paheal for years, basically since it was opened, and it's completely gone to shit now, since they allowed AI trash. It's all well and good giving it a fancy little border to show it's made with AI, but if you can't give us a worthwhile way to block it, what's the fucking point?

Build another containment board like they did for MLP and ban people from posting it elsewhere. They can all pretend they're not glorified data entry clerks and leave the rest of us the fuck alone!


I mean this with full sincerity and all due respect: go fuck yourselves, you worthless shits. AI cannot create, it can just mash things up and spit out something based on whatever it's taking from - why do you think we call it 'slop'? Why do you think companies are so gung-ho about getting access to the work of actual writers and artists? If they didn't have access to actual work to steal from, where would they train their simulations on?
imagine saving a whole gallery one by one
you know even if you put .png that doesn't change the image format, it'll still be webp with a png extension
>AI cannot create, it can just mash things up and spit out something based on whatever it's taking from - why do you think we call it 'slop'?
Skill issue.
Issue of skill.
AI is a tool. It's not much different from photoshop.
I agree that 99% of anything you'll see labeled as AI is garbage but that's true of most web art to begin with but there's still more than a few that, if it wasn't labeled as AI, would be completely indiscernible from "regular" art.

>Skill issue

And if there was any actual skill involved, you might have a point: there's not. It's data entry. I've done data entry, I don't consider myself any kind of genius because I can type quickly and accurately. Also, bringing up Photoshop is a dodge, because 99% of the people crowing about how using AI makes them an 'artist' will never use any actual art program beyond stapling a caption on to an image or cropping a pic. A good artist can create great things with minimal tools, but what you do is no different to programming a microwave with the optimal settings for heating a burrito.

And, again: if these engines didn't have access to the labor of artists, writers and musicians, what would they generate?
>You do know that you can edit things in post, right

You do know we're discussing the vast majority of people who will never do any of this shit, right? People whose creativity boils down to 'pres buttan reciv titty' and who still have the gall to call themselves 'artists'? Or do you need ChatGPT to help you understand what's actually being said here? Calling people 'uninformed' when you're either unable or unwilling to follow what's actually being said is such prime AI bro material, I'd swear it was being automatically generated.
Unfortunately it seems like a lot of people cannot help themselves. There's numerous places to post AI generated images, places that essentially are built entirely to throw away your posts and images into the void (see the numerous generals across the site). Even people who post on this site may have a twitter in which they post to, but no one cares or complains because it's fucking Twitter.

Even as someone who gens myself and uses some of the stuff I gen to get off with, the last thing I want to see when I browse boorus or exhentai is fucking AI. It is, in most cases, incredibly uninteresting and provides little in terms of distinction from each other. Numerous other places to post AI stuff that's understandable. The last place I want to see it is on a booru, exhentai or even fetish-specific sites.
>You do know we're discussing the vast majority of people
No we're not?
We're talking AI as a whole. Which includes the very tippety top 0.0001%. In fact the only person to acknowledge a "vast majority" was me, already acknowledging that most of it is trash. While you were busy arguing in absolutes.
And now you're just shifting goalposts on a losing argument.
Yeah, you're not, the rest of the thread is - again, I know you're struggling with reading comprehension, but do your best. Or don't and just fuck off, I don't really care.
>AI cannot create, it can just mash things up and spit out something based on whatever it's taking from
>And if there was any actual skill involved, you might have a point: there's not. It's data entry
These statements are absolutes.
Go touch some fucking grass.
Go touch a fucking landmine already, no one cares.
Unless you get a browser extension which lets you save .webp as normal files.
I want there to be a AI assisted tag.
It's important that people disclose if any of their art is fully generated or AI assisted. If that doesn't happen I am mentally checking out entirely.
Call it however you want, nobody cares. Your retatded twitter activism is growing irrelevant every day. Most people don't care about muh feefees, they care about results, and AI is getting better and better despite your pathetic attempts to stop it. Sneethe =)
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Anyone know why the search has become very inaccurate these days? There are loads of doujins it won't show in the results for things you've listed, even with your blacklist turned off. Pic related is an example.
did you try male:"old man"?
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There's only one "old man" tag on the site, so it wouldn't cause issues not specifying the gender, but here. The same thing happens. This isn't the first time it's happened too. I've searched tags and gone through all pages, only to find a doujin with a specific tag I was looking for while browsing something else.
I think it has to do with tag strength.
I checked thew other 2 tags that have a grey outlining (not white or striped), and that gallery doesn't pop up in the searches.
I'mma do a real one and upvote that tag so it gains a little bit of fuel
Is there any way to search for lower tag strength?
pretty sure it is tag strength. the dotted outline on a tag means it has a lower strength than a tag with a solid outline.

not that i know of, but hopefully someone else can comment. this was one of the more unfortunate things that happened after he changed how results are displayed
Download the original files from the site, or wait for someone to make a torrent of the zip from the website. Or upload a couple things and never have to worry about gp again. Switching to webp does suck, but at least the zips from the site still contian the unmodified files.
I want smaller file sizes in jpg so not original.

Is there some program that mass converts webps inside zips to jpg or something close
If you don't mind reencoded images anyway, why do you care about webp? Those smaller jpegs are recompressed anyway.
boomer program doesn't recognize webp files and I don't wanna change
How are you even downloading the images currently? Are you using some kind of tool to scrape them image by image?

The easiest thing is to upload some pixiv/xitter galleries or make torrents and use the credits/gp you get from that to download the resized zip, which will assumedly still be jpeg/png (unless he changed that too). If you really must convert the already converted webp image back to jpg/png, then things like ffmpeg can definitely do it. Though if you're not comfortable switching image viewers, I'd assume using a CLI tool like ffmpeg is also above your head.
some extension that just batch downloads it into a zip, the resized zips are webp yes
>paying points even for the ×1280 versions

I had to make a fucking account for rule34 to blacklist the ai tag because so much shit was uploaded.
There is no "cope", I have no part to play in your stupid shitposting war. Danbooru allows AI art. That's a fact. Not an opinion. It just "is". There isn't a dunk to be made here, anon. They allow it.
Why webp? This is downright cruel. Absolute garbage move.
Yes the cloud ai that is paywalled and extremely limited in nsfw capacity is totally being used by a bunch of impoverished third worlders. Porn has clearly obliterated what few brain cells you had, do us all a favor and blow your brains out
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Shut up retard.
Tendon lackey encouraging people to become a slave for RESIZED pictures.

Not surprised given how mind broken you and the rest of your kind are. And you can't even process the basic words coming out of your master's mouth. He said every resized picture is going to be WebP. Again, not surprised that you can't understand basic human conversation.
I'm not that anon but can't you just gen with NAI on a phone? Sure the sub costs but they could easily earn that back with a patreon
either show proof that the 0.000000001% of the userbase on exhentai/e-hentai is responsible for every AI-tagged gallery or shut the fuck up, you retarded newfag.

you've been spamming this everywhere, I've seen you make over twenty alt accounts on e-hentai to dodge blocks because you spam machine translations and accuse indians of the very thing that you are doing, and not once have you substantiated your claim because you know you're lying and think whining about indians will make you into an oldfag on 4chan.
Because the internet is becoming an AI dumping ground.
Panda is trash. The sooner the admin off himself the better.
AI assisted art is still AI art you 70 IQ faggot. Maybe learn to fucking read instead of getting yourself all riled up, kid.
I wish he would just retire and give control to someone who really cares about the site.
What needs to be done is deleting all AI galleries and walk back on the webp thing.
Seriously, too many pitcures are too big these days, it's not like I have unlimited space for my data hoarding habits, or that HDs are cheap.
That's the only reason I often prefer the downsized variants. Usually the quality loss is insignificant, except with wide pics.
Spme thing that can help a bit:
Note that the 50-pictures limit only applies to pictures added at once, you can add more step by step. I converted 400 pics at once with this, and it's rather fast.
There's probably programs that help with that, too. But for now this free online service is sufficient to me.
I don’t get why artists do the image sets of 1 photo with a hundred slight alterations either.
Cg sets? Cause it's easy
people keep complaining that the artist should do a version with $THEIR_FETISH but not $WHAT_THEY_HATE, so he just does all of the possible versions and there's guaranteed to be something for everyone
Because retards pay the artist more for 100 variations of one image compared to a comic and it takes less effort for the artist to make one image over a comic.
>gallery is uploaded in jpg
>get webp when downloading the resized pic
what the nigger
hopefully the e-downloader guy updates it to convert to jpg/png
get over it lmao
is that even possible to do? don't give me hope

is there any mass converter that can go into zip files so I can just download the webp zips and easily convert?
Just switch to modern image viewer. I was incorrect, and what >>8318375 is true. It seems as though most if not all of the images served from the site will be webp going forward. Original galleries will still be jpg/png if they were originally uploaded in that format, but for whatever reason you don't want the originals. If you are somehow not able to switch to a newer reader, then your options are bulk converting the webps using something like imagemagick or ffmpeg.

It's something of a security risk to run software as out of date as your image viewer presumably is (if it can't open webp).
>It's something of a security risk to run software as out of date as your image viewer presumably is (if it can't open webp).
Fuck off tendon lackey, I will not open webp images.
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is there an image viewer that works like mangameeya or zippla?
these have folder hierarchy browser, tag support, virtual folders, mouse gestures, excluding term search, etc
Can you even get a virus by opening a jpg?
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Does anyone even make money off Ai shit? Like, enough to justify the spam. Do they garner some kind of positive reputation anywhere outside their inauthentic circle jerk?
I remember when Aifags were screaming up and down that they were going to take Artists jobs away and fully replace them with Ai because now you don't need to pay artists to draw something because drawing is suppose to be a useless skill to them but then all I see from these same guys are Ai generated pornography and "games" built off said Ai generated pornography. Not a single worthwhile thing has come of any of this. They can't even grift properly
I figure the only reason so many sites are ignoring the mass spam is because they're hoping for a massive payday that's never gonna come/ The means to counter said spam would be to go at the source and no one has the power to do that just yet
>this was one of the more unfortunate things that happened after he changed how results are displayed
Mind giving me a quick rundown? I have noticed at some point in time I just get way less results than I'm used to for the same searches I regularly go for. Did he just fuck things up?
it's a way to contain it on misc, most galeries are very low rated. The alternative is wrestling with very determined retards wanting to self promote their patreon
>Does anyone even make money off Ai shit?
Top earners make a few thousands a month, most makes $200 to $600, too bad patreon added the option to hide earnings making harder to calculate.
Is the site suddenly acting as if the cookie isn't working for anyone else? I checked, I'm logged in on the forums, but no, blank screen. Started when I tried favoriting a gallery.
Low power tags and normal tags are separated from the results.
okay retard
Kill yourself, shill

my manga/comic thing that scans my folders and displays it all nice with search bar doesnt detect webp zips/folders, the image viewer is fine
even chinks hate pozzp
That's Japanese and the only post crying about WebP is a broken English post by you, you fucking retard
So there's basically no way to deal with exhentai files only being available in webp now?

Changing the file extension when saving images just results in a broken unviewable file, and not everything has a torrent attached to it, meanwhile the archiver downloads everything in webp.
yeah now post the list of vulnerabilities regarding jpeg and png, the list will be a LOT longer
Whats this about webm files? When I open new galleries the images are still either JPG or PNG
>tag xyz requires MP to vote for
>there are numerous tags missing from a gallery and no one is ever going to bother
>millions of one tag image set galleries
When clicking on galleries I get normal JPG/PNG images. I have not seen any webp yet.
What >>8321393 said is correct. Though you can still search for low powered tags using the "weak:" prefix in front of your normal tag search. The problem is, like the other anon said, this will only search for weak versions of the tag (< 10 power or whatever it is), while normal tag searches will only search for tags > 10 power.
It's a really unfortunate change, to be honest. You can't include expunged galleries or low powered tags in your normal searches anymore. You have to do THREE different searches instead...
i can't believe that nigger forced webp images
If you click on the tag and show the results , it show every gallery with that tag regardless of the strenght or no?
>>tag xyz requires MP to vote for
generally only the fjording (loli, shota, bestiality and so on) tags have a MP requirement, its not a big deal. Have you ever seen how often retards try to expunge galleries of cheese pizza?
>>there are numerous tags missing from a gallery and no one is ever going to bother
sounds like not enough people care
>>millions of one tag image set galleries
imagesets are a pest
And much more? I literally just wanted to tag Amagami, Code Geass and small breasts in a row and all have MP requirements.
>sounds like not enough people care
Or people do care but can't because it costs too much for the average user.
no they don't, only small breasts does.
Guess I'll just trust you!
png and jpg has no vulnerabilities

kill yourself, shill
It means the tag has been killed before and someone with 40 or more MP has downvoted it. So you'd need at least 20MP to revive it again.
If the tag has been wrongfully killed, you can ask in the forum for it to be revived by someone with high enough MP.

List of power restricted tags
the fuck? 3126286/907b24c3e9/ is the gallery and never mind for a second that you dislike image sets or what ever but the artist is known for his amagami art, his previous galleries all have amagami as a tag and 80% of the gallery in question is composed of amagami. Perhaps I'm missing something but why can 40+ MP blokes run havoc on this website? Same story for Code Geass too.
literal retard
>Perhaps I'm missing something but why can 40+ MP blokes run havoc on this website?
high MP doesn't mean that much, just that you've been on the site longer than most. Its fairly easy to farm toplist points for the +3 MP award yearly.

The thing about imagesets is that they change and get updated a lot, so tags might become valid after having been downvoted before. Although i agree that like 50% of the gallery is amagami and the tag shouldn't have been downvoted.
It's a user called Glovelove who downvotes shit with little backing and waits for you to go on the forum and complain, where he then starts to spam that you need to be nice to him if he should play by the rules.
Ah man, I very rarely tag and when I do I always run into some weird fucking problem.
Besides 4chan not supporting them, what's wrong with the format?
>even bowden started uploading 1280x torrents in niggerp
fuck this, I'll just use scrappers from now on
I ctrl+f'd "webp" and skimmed the post. It's mostly just bitching about some old programs not supporting them and what sounds like schizo babble of them being backdoors to the CIA. All I'm asking is if the quality is worse than jpg/png.
png is lossless, webp is not. jpeg is well supported universally.
>png is lossless, webp is not.
Fair point, but it's a crapshoot whether or not uploaders are properly following the format of PNG for black and white images and Jpeg for color images to save space, in which case Webp would serve better for that.
>jpeg is well supported universally.
Yeah, because it's ancient, but the format itself is lossy like webp while also being bigger in size. I use honeyview for PC, and Cdisplayex for phone, they support webp fine. I haven't used irfanview in ages, but I bet it also supports webp.

What's most ridiculous to me is that the people bitching about webp the loudest are the people who download resized galleries, which to my knowledge are always served as lossy jpeg. Webp would be the same quality but smaller.
are there any other sites like hentag that merge both dmca'd and panda content for easy multi-tag searching? trying to make some backups in case it ever goes down
>webp is not
that's wrong, webp can be both lossy or lossless. The resampled images were never lossless anyway?
>jpeg is well supported universally
webp has had hugely widespread support for a while now.
Is EH down or has my account been nuked?
its down for me too
>What's most ridiculous to me is that the people bitching about webp the loudest are the people who download resized galleries, which to my knowledge are always served as lossy jpeg. Webp would be the same quality but smaller.
Yes. But it's quite obvious there are lots of non techy people here who don't understand that the re-encoded downscales were already compressed even as jpgs. I'm not a fan of webp, but since the original gallery downloads served by the download manager still appear to be untouched, I don't really care too much.

For resampled (compressed) downloads, aka everything not labeled "original gallery" or whatever in the download manager, only webps will be served from here on out. So unless he wants to download the original gallery and then manually convert to jpg like the panda used to, webp is all you're going to get because that's all that's provided by the site.
File: 1707237615490778.png (507 KB, 900x674)
507 KB
507 KB PNG
its so fucking over
It was over the moment zoomers thought the resampled slop on nhentai was good enough. Slippery slope.
Did the Eze downloader stop working for anyone else? Any fixes?
>tfw still using mangameeya because it fits most of my needs
I have version 7.4 btw but it hasn't been updated in a decade.
A few patreons easily make 1000+ monthly just by spamming fotm waifu BBC slop since porn addled psyop'd coomers can't manage it themselves. Sad state of the internet, but all routes lead to monetization
try zippla, its great. except it doesn't support webp...

the author abandoned the project in 2017
Too lazy to download and check but is there an english translation?
yes, it has an eng option
>have to use magnifier and mouse instead of just scaling the images to a custom size/original size and use keyboard to move up and down a page
So close. Not a fan of every image being fit to screen by default.
well, you can toggle the magnifier with a key and use the keyboard to move up and down in a long strip of sorts
Blacklist it

Tag it yourself

Not my problem
Love ai
Hate webp
imple as
so, where are the list of jpg/png vulnerabilities?
fuck your pozzed google demonic shit nigger
I have been here since 2008, niggerfaggot
you're the one saying shit without evidence to backup your retarded nigger claims
the other guy posted the vulnerability details
are you this retarded or are you trying to confuse others?

I'm the one asking for png/jpg vulnerabilities, you're the one sucking webp cock
That guy is one of the resident mentally ill schizophrenics. It's not worth engaging with him because he's not really a human and logic and reason don't work on him. You're wasting your time.
>Get tired of the terrible webp images
>Come looking for a solution
>No solution
Fucking shitty site. first bending the knee to jewcob now using webp on everything. ex is worthless now. ex scrapers like n are worthless too.
File: fmd_2024-11-19-16-48-25.png (25 KB, 1179x601)
25 KB
if all you want is a dumb scraper just use fmd. it'll autoconvert webp to whatever just fine.
well, I found out you can use external plugins to enable different functionalities, like webp and .7z support
fucking cool

I'd rather not use webp but fuck converting every single gallery
Where are all of you finding these webps? I looked at new uploads and the served images (from the reader, in the browser) don't seem to be webp. I know the resized zips from the site are now webp. Is this where you're finding them?
try to save one picture, you get webp
unless I guess you have the perk for original files
But you're the retarded newfag here, faglord
File: Fq6tsbsXoAAwP1e.jpg (127 KB, 679x960)
127 KB
127 KB JPG
I just lost access to exhentai. Again.
Gipaf should include unavailable Korean and Chinese galleries. A lot of them never have a RAW counterpart. When they do, it's not too uncommon to see that their scans or digital downloads are of better quality.
>there's not much motivation for aifags to put effort in their shit unless they actively enjoy it, you certainly won't get any recognition for your pic that unless you conceal the fact that you are using ai.
Nah, people think this until you realize there's a bunch of people who make AI hentai patreons and even more than throw stuff up on pixiv and twitter. It's just weird that for some reason the mouthbreathers that upload to manga sites make OC and some of the lowest quality shit at that.

Also this. Saw it in real time on /v/ where you'll see people call something "soul" until they find out it's A.I and then they go quiet.
>took an hour
>literally 2girls, cooperative blowjob, 1boy, pov by terasu mc
>still ended up with 6 fingers
huh, so it's not just me. good to know.
>lost access
I noticed my browser resets cookies from time to time locking me out of ex. The fix is easy, clear cookies, log in e-h then go to ex. If you go to ex before login into e-h you are "blocked".
the problem being I was never logged into e-h to begin with. I live in east asia so my account is banned from ex at creation; before this I was using shared cookies from some other people, and it seems those cookies got invalidated or something.
You're calling someone a fag and a retarded newfag when it's only you giving money to trannies for preferential treatment on a shithole like this and crying to trannies when your feefees get hurt.

It's like you're projecting.
Refresh the page. If the page is opened for too long, somehow they eventually get converted into that filetype. I'm the kind of guy who opens multiple pages into tabs and reads that way, since it's faster even for my speedy internet. I have to bulk refresh the pages if I want to save them, especially for game CGs I open that way, since it does that.

Why did this start happening? I'm out of the loop.
>want to get back on my archiving
>trusty 8 year old cracked hdoujindownloader doesn't recognize .webps

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