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How would a mother react to her daughters getting raped by big orc cock if it felt good?
sauce please?
Himekishi Janne episode 2.
>going be to married soon
I sometimes wish we could see epilogues after the bad endings. Did these women just about cocksleeves for their new orc overlords? What happens to the men?
I was pointing out the engrish subtitles (and also wish I had pointed out the leftmost orc's goober face), but I can't imagine it would end well. Nations focused entirely around being retarded fat bandit rapists don't tend to stick around long.
Stereotypical orcs in any setting are absolutely fucked long term.
Orcs must become capable of romance, farming, and mutually beneficial cooperation with their neighbors to succeed.
Do you know what's being said here?
I don't think the subs were 100% accurate.
The problem with these girls losing their virginities to big orc cock is that no other guy afterwards can ever compare now. Heck, even the mom would struggle to go back to sleeping with her husband.
Nvm. I got a translation:

Orc: A human swordsman has a pathetic dick. It's no comparison to us!

Woman: So deep... It's coming in way deeper than his (her husband)... It's good!

Orc: It has more sperm too!

Woman: Darling! Darling!
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Probably still begging them to stop and show them mercy, kinda like pic related.
[spoiler]she would join in[/spoiler]
That was cool scene. Both of these anime were made by the same studio. Someone clearly had a fetish for mothers and daughters getting raped by orcs together.
Yeah, really looks like it. The scene was clearly a highlight.

Too bad that episode 2 was such a letdown
>Too bad that episode 2 was such a letdown
Tru dat. I was hoping we'd see more of those girls but this is literally all we got.
I wonder if they all got bred by the orcs?
Gee... I wonder how
I am writing a story where orc cock actually secretes a powerful pheromone that turns women into their cockslaves whether they like it or not.
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Yeah, just another episode with the orcs training and shaming more girls would have been great, instead all we got was this strange futa stuff
All those dudes in the jail having to watch their daughters, sisters and wives get raped in front of them by orc cock. At least they got to fuck Valkyrie lol.
circa 2007? I thought it looked eighties
It's established in-universe that Orc spunk can control women, so no doubt this loving mother soon turned on her daughters. Fuck, we see it irl with some women joining in the abuse of their own children because they can't get enough of the D.
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Jesus dude, if you're that clueless why even comment? Literally nothing about that image looks eighties. The clean lines and color blocks that scream post digital should already be a give away. The low resolution and aspect should already tell you this came from the 00s or maybe the early 10s or late 90s. The normal proportions and hair rule out most of the 90s. No fluffy hair, no defined 80s style noses, no film grain, like what the fuck is this image makes you think 80s?
rape us all please fill us with your superior genetics so we can breed more half-orc daughters for you to use as cocksleeves, master~
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most probably would throw em away like a can of coke when you’re done with it
it looks like it’s emulating a 90s anime style- those orcs have very little detail and the color palette is kinda bland.
just opened this other and you can see texture and way more lights and shadows than the OP. 80s-early 90s influenced, heavily. still modern mostly because of the inks. and i am a total layman but that’s what i see too
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Cross-breeding is possible in this world, so that was likely the fate of all the women taken in that village. There's something hawt about a milf getting impregnated by an orc tho. Her once sacred womb has now been violated and colonized with demon sperm.
yes i like when the brutes impregnate and ruin royalty, high elf princesses and the like. turn them all into a shaking orc baby making factories please
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Wish we could've seen more of this milfy...
It was hot to see them all breed next to each other, would have loved to see more women in the town conquered
What ages would you have each one down as?
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Mother probably in her early to mid-thirties
Younger daughter around 14-15
Older daughter around 16-17
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Nice that there was at least a short scene of the women pregnant with the monster''s spawn
I take it the knights got sent on a wild goose chase, to allow the orcs to invade. I wonder what happened to the men after the orcs took over?
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Probably the same as in Valkyrie - either kept as captives and turned into slaves or killed
Yeah, it depends how intelligent and how forward-thinking they are. If they're just there to fuck and consoom, then they would probably just slaughter every able-bodied man. But if they want to take root, then they might keep some men alive as sperm donors to breed more female sexslaves.
I like to see them orgasm from giving birth
I'm kind autistic and often wonder what happens to the side-characters in these bad endings. Do they get mind broken or is there still hope for them?
Feeling good doesn't mean there aren't serious consequences to getting raped, so I'd imagine maternal instincts would still be against it.
Problem is that once the orcs take over, getting raped by orc cock will become second nature, just like how women now fuck niggers.
I don't think having sex with any type of person is the problem, its the getting raped part I think a mother would be instinctively against.
No one cares if you fuck a black dude, its getting raped that's the problem.
But soon the girl will be addicted to orc cock and it will cease to be raped.
I'd rather my daughters be raped by White men than willingly fuck niggers.
This series was the original Erona.
The Queen was so hot. She should have been the MC instead of Jeanne.

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