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Here's the deal, anons. My biggest wish in the world of doujinshi is a sequel to this masterpiece. I subscribed to Takeda-sensei’s Fantia and managed to talk to him a bit. I asked him to make a sequel, but he said he wasn’t planning on doing one. However, I think if he sees enough interest in a sequel, he might end up making it. Could everyone who’s subscribed to Takeda-sensei’s Fantia ask for a sequel? Or better yet, if you’re not subscribed, consider subscribing and asking him for one. The best girl from his works can't be left stuck in a short doujin; she needs more art.
He has done sequels for his original stuff in the past, but this one came out a long time ago, don't think he would ever come back to that.
Besides, isn't he pretty much retired when it comes to making manga and just doing VNs now instead?
But yeah, kind of weird he didn't do a sequel for this one and the one about the office lady who becomes the boss' sex slave, they were his most popular ones I felt.
fuck off nigger, he needs to properly finish his other projects first, Bakunyuu Party NTR Shinchoku has been in development hell for years, most of his "doujins" have been not only a few pages long, but also incredibly mediocre somehow as a consequence of him not being able to focus on a single project at a time, with Juukon Sentai Juusoldier suffering the most with a horrendously short, rushed and detached ending to the entire fucking thing
He's not doing it anymore
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If you really want to convince Takeda to continue this story, then give him some ideas, and one of them could be to use the mom for a second episode since she appeared in chapter 1 but left on a trip.
>Besides, isn't he pretty much retired when it comes to making manga and just doing VNs now instead?
No, he has a wip doujin that's still post-poned, he's just too busy working on his game to complete any manga.
Can Takeda even draw the heroine's body type? Most of his recent works are borderline obese I'm thinking that's the only thing he can draw now.
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At least he isn't Tawara Hiryuu.
His artstyle is borderline grotesque these days.
>before and after pic
>with Juukon Sentai Juusoldier suffering the most with a horrendously short, rushed and detached ending to the entire fucking thing

Did it really get an ending?

Kek. I remember telling people on /a/ and /e/ how Takeda was starting to inflate the size waay beyond what's reasonable and while he had the perfect "big, yet realistic" tit sizes before
People called me a nitpicker but the writings were on the wall all along
>Only ever makes NTR
As far as I'm concerned, every project of his can rot in development hell. As if we need more cuckshit when you can't go one page on any doujin hosting site without seeing it. Even when blacklisted, you still get the message "5 Entries omitted" and it's like "Fuck the Japanese."
He is lazy, he isn't doing shit anymore.
Another hentai god killed by all the retards like you who subscribed to their paywall.

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