Architects Of Your Own Hell Edition>First time here or old installation?Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)>Koikatsu Repack RX 21>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R11 is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS>KKS scene compatibility patch for KKGet this: and drop it in:Koikatu\Koikatu_Data\ManagedKoikatu\CharaStudio_Data\Managed>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)>KK:>KKS:>Sideloader Mods Pack>Cardsキャラ配布(コイカツ)Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male">BUT I WANT QUALITY CARDS>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin (reply if you want to be added, take off the .)>Where do I upload to share my cards? links can be accessed through internet archive)>I WANT SCENES AND OTHER SHIT>KKScene Mega>Theme Stuff>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin>Koikatsu Guides Collection>Modding Guides>Thread Archive>Previous Thread>>8311366
I endorse this thread.
Better than nothing, I suppose.
Posting premium content for the end of kkg
Good riddance kkg, see you never
>>8315466Fuck of Charlie
>>8315470Milly I hope your next gacha pulls are garbage.
why did you create another thread when the other is just about halfway done?
>>8315486That thread is on page 10 newfag.
>>8315442I can't believe Anna, camofag, and vhix were all the same person this whole time.
+1 trash image from my crybaby bestie!
This is what you all deserve
>>8315436>>8315466>Tokarev and EMR Digi cammies in opдa Victor Charlie, OPs image made me cum so many pixels rtn.>transparent Ver of picrel. in this link
>>8315442>>8315491Glad you like it Anna.I adore your Vault Girl card since she fits perfectly with the Pyra back hair.> said modded card.
>>8315560Crud nearly forgot I did the XingKong modification to Pyra Vault Girl in studio overlay. >the image is the torn Vault Suit overlay I did in lunapic.> and this is the card itself again ;)
>card is tagged as character_release>no card anywhere>only a generic link to their patreon/whatever, not even to a specific pagePaddling until the skin breaks. Absolute scum.
Is there an easy way to load a female card as a male? I don't want to re-create the same card as a male just to play sunshine and fuck all the girls as a futa.
I am once again asking for said it was on shitaraba, you are a liar and a bad person. I just spent 3 hours clicking every fucking link, checking every zip.It is not on there.
>>8315714nvm figured it out
Do you guys think koikatsu community as a whole is dying?
>>8315723Yes, but in most places slowly and generally due to the game's age. It's only here that it's plummeting towards an early death. Honestly this place isn't great for a dwindling community related to creation. I guess this place could be used to leak paywalled shit again...
>>8315723>No, since Koi is Exceptional by design.Now here’s another Pixel camo Overlay I did for Modification Pajamas 2 Open. I swear the new Buick logo is pure adidas swag in graphics so I use it occasionally for overlays.>Buick pajama top overlay if ya want it
>>8315436Bros, I fucked up. I downloaded and then updated a pack with the manager but pressed OK early after download was done and now I can't find a way to "reupload" what I just got for the updates, it's not like with the other program in which I can do it later. I'm sorry.
>>8315729Leaking's not really gonna go to well here, I think. This general's more a hangout for some creators, and they prefer to make their own shit instead of shelving out $50 for a paid card/scene. Can't ask for something no one here has.
Vroom vroom
>>8315854What's the driver's outfit?
>>8315851Creators that are seemingly not staying around anymore.Also, lately more people are coming back to ask for paywalled scenes, probably because Isekai will be down for the foreseeable future. Nobody's providing big leaks yet though.
>>8315854Before I looked at the image, I thought it was a Charon scene...
>>8315851>Leaking's not really gonna go to well here, I thinkI'm bored and spiteful, so I'll have a fun time taking down anything that gets posted here
Anyone knows who made this scene?
>>8315729the threads will probably start getting deleted if it mostly becomes people begging for leaks>>8315854the comfy tanuki seat
Casual here just checking koikatsu out, but how would I go about transferring KKS sex-positions to KK? I assume its just a copy paste somewhere?
>>8316123if you mean sex scenes then you'll need the compatibility patch in the OP