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Xenos Captured Edition

Previous Thread: >>8316025

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Previous Thread(s) Highlights


It's over... Highlight anon didn't choose my thread

At least I made it in the highlights multiple times
I fucking HATE genners but I'm happy for you, anon.
why so much loli highlights anon?
Finally, the real thread. Thank you highlights anon for your service.
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I'm happy as long as the Ayakon faggot doesn't get a thread
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got in
So, the new highlight bait tactic is just catboxing loli?
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isn't this hyper?
definitely feels like a mixed highlights. some are good, some are pretty meh, then there's the loli
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My quick lora example gen made it in lmao
Also good choice for the OP pic
why the fuck are you still making these in paint
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Can you gen this beauty for all 291 images remaining, anon? Thanks.
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I don't know what the post limit is for threads per person. If I upload that many pics I might get banned for spamming, won't I?
How do we make the highlight selection process more democratic and transparent?
You'd never get banned for saving hdg, anon.
I think us texters need equal representation. We do more for these threads than genners.
>might get banned for spamming
Literally impossible, jannies would rather ban anyone who report you for spamming.
How do I inpaint on comfy successfully?
Any tips?
Just use forge
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>>8319097 meant for >>8319094
Fine, then how do ai inpaint successfully on forge?
Galko is perfection

Anon that's a cardigan
boxos? hot
What shitmix are you using, bros? Been teetering between complexnoobv2 and personalslopv3 but I think I'm starting to lean more on personalslop lately.
>What shitmix are you using, bros?
My own
chadmix is all you will ever need, seriously
A PERSONAL personalslop? That's a little too reckless, anon.
My jawline is too soft, bro..
do you actually think they made that
Ayakon posting only started picking up once miqo pony posting stopped. When miqo swapped to illustrious, the guy who used to spam repost miqo gens is now spam reposting ayakon gens.
being that upset over pony when it's still 99% personal choice is kinda schizo
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Anybody who doesn't like the same things I like, is my enemy.
Unironically though
Is pony still competitive? V7 notwithstanding.
its alright if you don't mind the aco-ish base style
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downside of pony is it has literal shit tier character recognition.
and while good lora's actually can hide the /aco/ you can't do all that much to deal with its really poor bodytype diversity(of which it has next to none). Also it's legitimately worse at sex with significantly lower pose diversity.
The only strength it sort of? has is that, without lora's, it's a little less schizo and more "consistent" I guess? Which doesn't really count for much of anything.
Either way there's no real reason to stay on pony if that's what you're asking. Unless you actually are specifically after /aco/ shit, in which case you shouldn't really be asking here.
And shitty tagging
galko sex
pony loras do affect the body types on their own and there are a number of body type tags to further adjust.

here's a couple: petite, mature female, giantess, skinny, curvy, toned, small breasts, large breasts, flat chest, slim, narrow waist, slim waist
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highlights should only have lolis and nothing else
I wish I was less lazy then I'd apply to janny since I'm here 24/7 anyway and be free of the retarded faggot that plagues this place and our mandatory three (3) threads. Future jannys heed my call, if you'll actually do something I'll go back to reporting every single bit of retardation
lolis are flat
>since I'm here 24/7 anyway
Instarejected, they never hire residuals.
I'm aware of that
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it's using a personal finetune, but it should still work for vpred noob https://files.catbox.moe/vnyfob.png
What settings did you use?
this one fit within 12gb vram. this one is for an 8-9 hour training session, but with around 4-5k steps you should get an idea of whether your finetune will work https://files.catbox.moe/e3tudu.toml
>fit within 12gb vram.
based esl anon
huh, does this have any effect compared to 1024?
the downside of pony is character and artist recognition is worse, no getting around that.
BUT if you are already planning to use character and style lora, pony is better.

I would recommend noob every time over pony for an online gen for exaple
kill yourself
I have 832x1216 and 1216x832 images in the dataset, that's why I use that max
I train on 1280x1280 as it is the largest I can do with 24gb vram, it is just better than 1024x1024 even when you gen a 1024x1024 image, higher res training gets exponentially more costly but is just better
as for the effect, hard to say since I didn't do an A/B test on a 1024x1024 only dataset and my current one
>I have 832x1216 and 1216x832 images in the dataset
You'll get those res with bucketing, even with 1024 resolution.
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I prefer cropping the images manually rather than relying on the bucketing
Bucketing doesn't do cropping; it just resizes your image.
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umm...thats a child
We talked about this like 20 threads ago, it does both lmao
This one actually isn't slop
why is it coming out of her urethra
just ai things
actually the necklace merges with the bikini so once again this is terrible, I am very smart as a nogen
>Cum coming out of the urethra
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post some hags
Box? Really nice style.
And here I thought succubus could only eat semen.
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Nice catch

what this one
Previous Thread Highlights



why it's so grey?
A bit late today?
Also 4 fingers left hand
>little itty bitty pixels next to ring finger
Nah fuck that. If you've slopped long enough, you know that's a cope.
I've lost :(
Does training TE do anything?
That post is slop, but the finger criticism is unfair. It would be hidden by the angle
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Hair melting into scarf
Shortcut cope. Either show me more of the pinky (like the right hand) or none of it at all to consider it hidden. Those 3 pixels are just ai slop. Reroll or inpaint.
Nice one
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Are there any mixes that are based on noob 0.5? I hate how 1.0 looks
complexnoobv2 is my backup slopped. It's based on .50 and .75
If you are looking for a baseline consistent 2.5D aco look, a pony shitmix will deliver.
There's some similar mixes out for illu/noob now though, so might as well start there instead.
hi nonco anon, i'm interested in finetuning also, is there any guides on this? and how do I use your config?
nta, but that's just an sd-scripts toml.
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At first glance, the hands look fucked

Then you look a little longer, and realize the hands are fine

Then you look even longer, and realize they are actually fucked

>Not AI

Maybe I was too harsh on you all
What was that site that turns booru pages into prompts again
based yzr
Box me up for that pose please
Should i be using the apostrophe when prompting? Ex: grabbing another’s ass
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Yes, you should also get a booru tag autocomplete extension if you are on webui.
Is the minthy tune worth using or was the inorganic shilling yesterday all it amounted to?
It's kinda ass tbqh
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Why is the IA schizo so insistent on killing /hdg/? What does he even gain from it?
Is there a way to consistently gen g-string? I keep getting thongs.
why is she wearing a realistic trash bag?
personal is goated, it's the reweik of noob shitmixes
a g-string is a more skimpy version of a thong, if anything, the thong tag is bad most of the time
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Thanks anon
shitmixing small amount of rouwei epsilon into personal v3.0 is interesting to experiment
>have gyaru traits as one option for my clothing wildcard
>"dark-skinned female, blonde hair, makeup, leopard print bikini"
>half the time the AI just gives up and applies these traits to the male or gens a brand new generic gyaru and makes a mini prompted girl sit in the cuck chair
aw man
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>dark-skinned female
Use tan instead, what are you doing lmao
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Yeah noob does weird stuff with a few of those, not sure if it's more related to prompt structure though since stuff I could get away with putting whatever only seems to work or works better if I put it near the front. If anything with those, like this gen I was getting 2 hilda's a lot but separating them out it's almost 100% consistent with like
>hilda, faceless male, gloria
And it's just a general issue in noob I think with girls since even doing like (1girl, solo) I'll still get two girls or if I do pov it'll make the girl a futa.
doing my best you hater
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thats rosa not hilda tho
>the face
>extra fingers
>two right hands
my god man
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Yeah I mixed them up, same principle
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>Is pony still competitive?
It has a lot of Loras so I guess so? Still I recommend picking up one or two Controlnet models because the gen variety is depressing. V7 is pretty much DoA now.
>V7 is pretty much DoA now
according to who? it will obviously be SOTA as soon as it releases
>24gb vram required
lol lmao even
I will be surprised if its even competitive with illus/noob
what are you, poor?
model bakers shouldn't cater to poorfags and third worlders in the first place
Thoroughly converted
All aifags are poorfags by definition, people with actual money just commission art
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Fat ojisan always wins, and he has a banging multicam setup for livestreaming too.
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any model with a 4ch vae will be insta obsoleted by anything with less compression, sdxl may be the best dogshit there is for now, but training pony will take a while since the model is huge so there will be a good while for something better to come
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It's basically a worse NAI until the local model gets released. Still using the same SDXL VAE too despite requiring 24gb vram. Besides being censored from the get go too, I have very little faith in bronies being able to discern what's high quality and what's not.
poorcels get the wall
gatekeeping is good actually, if you are not invested enough to spend like 800$ on a GPU I don't want to see your gens
this but unironically
>using a gpu that cheap
fucking lol, and you call other poor?
So, was vpred a meme after all?
800$ gets you a 3090 with 24gb vram and should be considered the entry point for ai
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Sorry to spam this every thread, but is there a way to get the cfg++ samplers in forge? I started on reforge and got used to them, I've done some comparisons and they just sort of capture the style of the mix I like a little better (it's blatantly /aco/ so I'll spare you of posting an example here), but I have to switch to forge to get a few extensions I want working and I'd like it if I could bring them over
>but is there a way to get the cfg++ samplers in forge?
>he doesn't have his personal h100 cluster
Stop being poor
I still don't know if very awa is a typo or not...
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fuck the nyo poster
holy slop
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I found that before actually, just from googling forge cfg++. I have it installed and I can see the extra scheduler types, but not the samplers sadly. Unless I'm just using the wrong branch of forge, but I'm on the newer one so I doubt that's it
>no cum on main view
>cum on close-up
This stream is a scam.
Noob vpred is a real gem
You can see some leaking out in the main view, stop spreading fake news chud.
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>I can see the extra scheduler types, but not the samplers sadly
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>Fake news stream
Literally nothing happened.
Even if the anatomy and background is often a mess, it has soul
Retard here. How do I get breasts without nipples on illu/noob? There's the no_nipples tag but using it obviously gets you CLIP'd.
I tried adding no_nipples to positive and nipples to negative, but then it starts doing funny stuff like genning characters holding dolls so their nipples would be covered. Negative doll and they're covered with a towel. Negative towel and they're covered with sheer sheets and so on kek.
There must be a better way, right?
Yup. The new schedulers show up but not the new samplers
Catboxing so as not to take up actual image slots people might want to use
>I tried adding no_nipples to positive and nipples to negative, but then it starts doing funny stuff like genning characters holding dolls so their nipples would be covered. Negative doll and they're covered with a towel. Negative towel and they're covered with sheer sheets and so on kek.
try negging "censored, convenient censoring, chibi inset, crowd" and adding uncensored to pos
>Catboxing so as not to take up actual image slots people might want to use
Don't worry, this thread is fucking shit anyway, post whatever you want
Did the extension installed correctly? Did you restart your UI?
That's a weird unet/te LR ratio... Are you tuning TE specifially for some reason?
those pussy lips are gacha or any special tags?
can't get cute ones like this, it's either nothing or roasted beef
Yes to both. It's listed in the extensions tab and checked as enabled, and I've restarted the UI multiple times, outright fully closed it too just to check.
Let me just reinstall the whole thing, as painful as that will be, and see if that changes anything maybe
>localcucks can't even manage maintaining one thread at once
you really do deserve nothing
If you mean the top ones, it's "cleft of venus". Bottom ones are gacha.
thanks, meant bottom
this bait isn't working anymore since no one has a reason to sub to nai at this point
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Thanks, I did as you suggested, messed with weights and changed artists and it seems to work most of the time which is good enough. It's interesting watching the preview because you can see it occasionally generate limbs over the chest followed by removing them again a step or two later or doing strange stuff like this until it solves:
Despite having a rudimentary understanding of the complexities of how it all works I still find it fascinating.
except people who want to use the best anime model i guess
Can someone give me a quick rundown of the pony stream?
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holy based
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box for any one of these? cool style
for sure
Sadly yeah, just completely deleted and reinstalled forge (had to step away for a bit) and changed nothing but installing that extension, no CFG++ samplers. Unsure if this is even a big enough deal to make a bug report about, or if I should just get used to regular ones honestly
When looking through my saved gens, 80% of it is just "imminent sex" foreplay. Is this only me?
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Why not just install reForged then?
Can someone help me building a LORA off my own art?

I made one but I do feel is too crappy.
But I like this gen It made when It was cooking.
send zip
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that's a child!
I do have refoged installed. Though like I said in the original post, I'm having a different issue over there. Namely that I can't seem to get regional prompter to work. The old branch does nothing, the new branch gives a nonetype isn't iterrable every time I try and run it
sorry I dont think its enough images with enough variation, You cant use a lot of these due to them not being colored/very sketchlike. I think its going to be hard to get a good lora with these imo
my approach was to create an initial lora then create a bunch of synthetic dataset to spice it up.
>box for any one of these? cool style
that's a severely uncercooked isu lora
I'm probably gonna rebake it
80% of mine are just penis on face images

I also have a bunch of gens made with other LORAs I made using XL and 1.5 SD models.
Did you tag the images? All I see is images in that data set without any tags.

How many actual images do you have of your work? Just post like 20+ images somewhere without the goofy cropping/image rotation and I'll tag it and bake it. The AI images in the set (I think they're ai anyway) are too different from your real dataset. Also don't bother cropping the data, they get bucketed anyway, leave them at the highest resolution possible.
No, I did not tag because there was an auto tagger in tensor.art


This is more likely most of my 2D art.
same, how am I supposed to enjoy a picture without a thick girthy cock in full view?
Do you use any specific setting for your illu lora?
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Why are ALL my Rouwei gens like this? Colorless I mean, the examples don't even include "monochrome" in the negatives and they're fine. And it's like this from VERY early epochs if the preview is anything to go by.
It's a shitmix
It can't be helped.

>shitmix isn't good
This isn't shocking, it'd be shocking if it was good or just working out of the box.
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It was fine yesterday doe?
If you are on Vpred, you are supposed to add BREAK somewhere in the prompt to fix a token padding issue their shittune has, if you are already doing that, I noticed that some artist mixes just produce grey slop no matter what.
I will never understand the appeal of straight shota.
What's the best hentai model right now?
Is hot to see a young male to overpower physically an adult female.
Anyone have experience prompting disembodied tongue cunnilingus on nai/illu/noob? Doing "disembodied tongue, cunnilingus, licking" almost always puts the tongue in frame vaguely near the crotch but rarely actually touching it.
if you were closeted homosexual, you would understand
based jannie on hot pocket break
die loli pedo
How do I get characters to smile slightly without getting a full toothy faceapp smile?
this image will be passed through the future generations of /hdg/ like treasure
parted lips
still not quite a smile but it's a good alternative yeah
light_smile + closed_mouth
I can take a look at this too.

Heres the toml I use for my most recent ill styles.

what are the danbooru expressions tags?
Oh yeah that's decent, thanks!

Another thing; why do my image gens always default to the girl looking at the camera, and what's a good way of circumventing this? I tried putting "looking at viewer" in the negatives but it's not very good
Check danbooru wiki you retarded moron
Just use another tags in pos? Like looking_away, looking_to_the_side, etc
any anons here tried animating? how'd it go?
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Ask >>8319023
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god I fucking hate this cocktease
do NOT lewd Sakura
I was hoping for convenient censoring while the gen was opening
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I haven't had any luck only thing that reasonably works is something like tooncrafter or cogvideox but both are still pretty shit. Porn in particular is hard. I think something like ebsynth as a means of vid2vid is probably your best bet, generate some keyframes and then let it interpolate the video between them but that method is over a year old and has it's own issues.

Here's an example of a img2vid I made using cogvideox a few months back when it was new. Like 99% of my output was bad though and each gen would take like 5 minutes.
we just need something like mochi to get I2v support
Yeah gonna try that once it drops, seems promising.
Thanks, do you have another one for character or is it the same? I tested one and im getting worse result with any setting I tried instead of the first shitty one I did with default settings
quick search led me to someone on r*ddit who did I2V with it, although your input is changed slightly due to it being sorta a hack
Also posting an example of messing around with tooncrafter, made 4 keyframes with noobai then animated between them. Only worked on it for like an hour at most, might have gotten way better results if I had spent more time on it, like giving the images a consistent background, etc.
This is the one I use for characters

This is pretty cool
Thank you, will report back once its done
Do you need to tweak the repeat depending of your amount of pictures?
Scale vpred loss or Debiased estimation loss?
tell that to her creator. Sakura is sin incarnate
whoops wrong link
I blame this little slut for it
since new vpred noob will probably come tomorrow, what are the copiums and hopiums
i will not be using it
do not care
based and same
no copium no hopium the model is already fucked up to the point of no return and its noise offset's fault, euge recognized this but he turned it off too late in the training
i expect nothing from it
it would be cool if it turns out ok somehow but i see no rational reason to expect that to be the case
Noise offset isn't used for vpred, retardbro...
>she doesn't know
yeah thats what I do, if you have less than 50 ish images I think 3 repeats is good any more I would say 2 or even 1 if you have alot.
Alright thanks, maybe thats why it turned out wrong since I had 5 repeats
it was used for eps training until 1.0 eps, and it was turned off for vpred coversion (vpred 0.5) do i need to remind you that eps 1.0 is the base of vpred 0.5, idiotniggerretardfaggotkeike thats what you are
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Model still needs to adapt to ztsnr noise schedule so that doesn't matter
there you go, the first (c/h)opium
We need the professional opinion from the likes of EPIC and Tony
It's out
that's not what happened at all, he had noise offset on the entire time, which isn't a bad thing, but there was a but with it that wasn't fixed until between 0.75 and 1.0. it was clearly overtuned, but noise offset is disabled for ztsnr training anyways so it likely needed more time than the 1.0 -> 0.5vpred training to correct itself from the overtuned offset
Localbros...I'm not feeling so good...
It was already linked on his server yesterday, retard.
in other words the next epoch will definitely fix it for real, it's finally locking in!
Not your personal army
are we talking about cascade or why are you guys talking about things that needs to adapt? you mean its locking in?
I just want more of mixes working really, the colors are already there
All shitmixes suck donkey dick tbqh
so true sisters just one more epoch! it really is locking in with every epoch! surely the next epoch will be it
why is it so mad?
I think the itercomp ones are pretty good but that's also a properly, procedurally trained aesthetic model and not "I trained illustrious on 2000 AI generated images from NAI".
It's reforge
where are the solo isabelle beach gens with a bunch of different artists? that's the only way to know if it's truly locking in
its minthy
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Personal Merge is better then it has any right to be desu.
Yeah, using the same since its the most stable I tried, havent tested the vpred version yet tho
it should be against the rules to post shitmix gens here
color themes and limited palettes are fun
Gens come out too fucking bright on it
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monochrome + spot color is goat'd as well.

Yeah I can feel that but that seems more artist by artists and what you're doing.
>have to use realistic to get better anatomy
Humiliation ritual
>needs CFG 1
You don't need to, it's fried like all vpred variants
i've been using (3d:0.4)
barely noticeable effect on style but noticeable improvement on anatomy
oh shit thats my pic in op
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if IAfaggot chooses your picture that means its bad bro...
this thread has got to be the funniest shit on this website (along with the textgen threads on /g/) if you have no stake in the discussion and just come to shitpost. a bunch of retarded manchildren staging a fucking soap opera over whose AI slop porn generator is better, it's so pathetic but entertaining lol
i'm trans btw
What discussion lmao?
this general pales in comparison to /aicg/
but why is he speaking so angrily and is seething and pissing a lot? why is he reading /hdg/ about our rusty trombone shitposting? genuinely, why?
I don't lurk enough to remember who the local boogiemen are
><lora:Artist - kzoji v1 Illustrious - Oct 2024-000024:1>
are these all yours?
>speaking so angrily
hdg brainrot
>seething and pissing
jordach mindbreak
>why is he reading /hdg/
main character syndrome
i diagnose you with one dosage of take your meds
sir this post is too fresh to be reposted
>a bunch of retarded manchildren staging a fucking soap opera over whose AI slop porn generator is better, it's so pathetic but entertaining lol
anon everyone here is shitposting just like you
why is minthy stalking our precious private little thread
Based stp enjoyer.
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Good idea, might play around with that one too later.
who is your favorite 2hoe, bro?
repost your favorite post :3
Who is going to be my prey today?
please dont (farting on prey:1.8) me bwo...
Why do I get the NoneType error when I try using Euler Ancestral CFG ++ in reforge? I can clearly see it there even when I don't load metadata.
use comfy
short answer, it improves the training

long answer, it's complicated. generally, it's a plus since new characters, new artists, etc can be learnt. even understanding of existing characters or artists can be improved if you also train the text encoder. but it really depends on your training dataset and whatever biases you might have in it. for example, if you have a lot of the same pose or view, you might find that the resulting finetune to be quite stiff when in comes to poses or views, and you might have to be more explicit in your prompts

as the other anon said, this is a sd-scripts toml file which you can use directly (specifically, sdxl_train.py since I' using the dreambooth method)

the opposite actually, I wanted the text encoder to be trained a lot less than unet. this is for a artist style finetune (5 artists in total)
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what makes you believe that
You know what annoys me? The ass ripple but the dick isn't balls deep.
you replied to a repost btw
what is the complete error?
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put some motion blur on the man and it's fixed
>generally, it's a plus since new characters, new artists, etc can be learnt
you don't need to train the TE to do this
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
>generally, it's a plus since new characters, new artists, etc can be learnt
good morning lax!
technically, no you don't need to do this as long as you have the proper tags or the text encoder has some knowledge of what you're trying to achieve. but it helps regardless, and most people training loras are also training the text encoder anyway
Why is she GRAY
I mean the complete error in the console, that error is mostly what the console outputs at the end after the original error.
It's RouWei
everyones gens on the civit page for ntrmix looks like all characters have bathed in vasseline
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not lax, just some (barely) amateur finetuner that doesn't even have a 3090/4090
Why is it called ntrmix
Sorry, I'm retarded and new. Is this what you're referring to?
AttributeError: module 'ldm_patched.modules.model_patcher' has no attribute 'set_model_options_post_cfg_function'
module 'ldm_patched.modules.model_patcher' has no attribute 'set_model_options_post_cfg_function'
Would civit allow a model called cuckmix?
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Kinda yes, but I just tried on main branch and it seems to work. What are your settings?
NTA but box for that image?
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this lora doesnt like groids, even cute ones

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I don't mess with any of the other settings.
umm nyoo
Thank you mate
Now kiss
you have a typo in there mate
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All the paruparu models got re-uploaded if anyone wanted a legitimate source
Also if you get any image noise there is a lora to fix that
99% of 5chan shitmixes look like 1.5 slop.
I wonder why no one mentioned THAT actual good shitmix of them.
what are those?
post some sample images first
it's the official model of 5ch, just go browse through their threads
It already has some in the repo but it was used last thread and posted here
I'm not trying to sell anyone on it though it's able to get #fff and #000 while not being vpred but it also gets noisy and saturated easily
why is it so (dikko:1.3)
It's slop
checked the repo, I thought they would have better taste. It looks like shit.

Can you gen this beauty for all 291 images remaining, anon? Thanks.
>better taste
Japs are notorious for their shit taste
el meow, my old 1.5 gens looks more anime than this
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here's your paruparu v4 sample, straight from 5ch
Keep NAI's name out of your fucking slop
it really doesn't help that's the only example they have and it's just a 1girl, standing with no style tags
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buck status?
nah, go fuck yourself kurumuz
Do you have your own OC?
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Oh, so this is the real thread? Cool.

I had/have an issue and I wasn't sure what was going on, but I think I've basically figured it out? I was using Pony to gen stuff, but it was feeling really sloppy compared to everything I've seen from other people. I wanted to gen something to show what I meant to the thread, so I genned this and it looks significantly less sloppy. I think it might just be my prompts and maybe the loras I have going on because I turned some of them off for this image. It's still sloppy, but now I think I might just need to go through and prune some loras I haven't used in forever. That might help me out a bit.

I've been doing this for like a year and am still pretty bad at it. Any tips?
I have like 8, no joke but I feel cringe calling them my own
didn't read, here goes [-]
Not a bad bait, but still an obvious one
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I should gen her more often
Why is it so mad?
reforge guy here, added lora weight block and lora control (ctl) as built it extensions, they should work correctly.


I have had all these days trying to do some custom implementations, but some changes on built in network implementation adapted for some reforge things seems to have made the trickl

Sorry anon, lost the metadata by doing tests, but it was something like this

<lora:nyalia:0.25@0, 1@0.4:step=5-10>,
nyalia, (iwao178:0.55), (ikuchan_kaoru:0.85), (hero_neisan:0.55), (butterchalk:0.35), realistic, newest, sfw, 1girl, solo,
formidable (azur lane), azur lane, large breasts, grey hair, long hair, twintails, hair ribbon, red eyes,
closed mouth,
from above, floral background
Negative prompt: lowres, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, bad anatomy, bad hands, bad quality, censored, watermark, signature, username, sketch, steam, wet

That extra scheduler function is an extension? But even then, you getting that error is really weird, because both model patched of main and dev have set_model_options_post_cfg_function.

What branch are you using? main/dev/dev2?
>muk (monsieur) summons muk (pokemon) even with pokemon (creature) in negatives
great model LAX, very noob friendly
8xH100 btw
it's not his fault

its clip
oh you're right, i forgot 512xH100 was the big number they were trying to get a grant for
That happened on illustrious too.
its worse with noob
>it's [EXTREME COPE], not a skill issue!
Okay, Zhang. Go back to circlejerking in your qq chat.
not illust V1 though
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it also happens with nai and also goes away with longer prompts
shitposters gonna shitpost
isn't this hyper?
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>Do you have your own OC?

you could say that
just because you're upset people call you out on your garbage doesn't mean you can try and shitpost it to being meaningless.
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this isnt her btw
not the same
hyper what? take your meds
hyper goes in /d/
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eh I just stopped doing the hair over the eyes thing and black lipstick. I like both, just some gradual changes over time.
one day you'll realize pony was right to hash the artist tags. absolutely zero token bleed
It's not...it's not bait...I'm just super inept...
Is something I said there really so bad it looks like bait? Oh god, is it really that bad? Do I seriously need help that much?
this but unironically
Isn't this inflation, technically? Would make this pic /d/
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consider killing yourself
(muk:-1) negpip works for me
Consider this

Nta btw
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>Isn't this inflation, technically? Would make this pic /d/
There's no inflation involved in the pic
>post blatant /aco/ on /h/
>mention a model only shitposters try to claim is worth anything anymore
>i-i-it's not bait!
have you considered "lurking moar?"
and also maybe realizing you're on the board for nihongo styled caricatures and not crude western scribbles.
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consider the following, im just here to do this as my hobby to pass the time, chill out anon
how does it feel to be our most prominent avatarfag
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I'm just joking around cathag
I dont actually hate you
why is it so mad?
That's just how the image came out, man. If anything, that is literally my problem. What are people using if not pony? I thought Pony was the new shit everyone liked? It's been a bit since I've been in these threads, I'll admit.
This is an ojisan board.
Dios mio.. la creatura de las americas..
>I've been doing this for like a year and am still pretty bad at it. Any tips?
>What are people using if not pony? I thought Pony was the new shit everyone liked? It's been a bit since I've been in these threads, I'll admit.
Based nooticer
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MOAR straight homu pls
okay, but what about girls(male)?
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>I've been doing this for like a year and am still pretty bad at it. Any tips?
Switch from regular Ponyv6 to AutismMix or AutismMix_confetti. Raw Pony is a bit iffy.
Also if you're using artist names in your prompt make sure they aren't on the banned artists list, a lot of artists have requested to remove themselves so now a lot of the artist tags do not work.
832x1216 or 1024x1024 is best size
>pic not related I made this in Illustrious
Girls(male) should have big girl cocks imo
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Ohoho not this time bwo
Based. Are you the anon that stealth posted miquella?
why has /hdg/ slowed down so much this week?
It's ogre
The guy who whines about ponyshit/astralite was banned for spam
>It's ogre
somebody explain this
Illustrious and its shitmixes attempts to destroy Pony only served to encourage model wars and in the end no one was benefited. On the contrary, only showed that both Noob and Pony have their own big flaws and we will never have a proper model like V3 for local in the short term.
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youve got us mixed up anon
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It's a shrek reference
It's over -> It's ogre
You are a wizard harry.
Sorry, its hard to tell who is who on this anonymous image board
kek true
Thanks bru

So, is autismmix still king?
I haven't been here in these threads in a bit, but I've been doing ai generation on and off since around last year. This isn't that hard to wrap your head around, friend. I don't feel like it's any of your business, but I'll go a head and say: I usually stay off on my own or with friends and don't bother talking to people in threads about my gens. I don't feel like it's that weird or difficult a concept. The last few times I came in here people were talking about how great Pony was and I saw gens coming out of it that I really liked. It's been a few months, I think, since the last time I did AI generation stuff because I've been crazy busy and my gens don't look nearly as good as I was hoping they would. I sincerely just wanted some advice and this is kind of shit killing my drive to do anything, honestly. I'd ask my friends, but I'm worried they'll think all I ever do is ask for advice and I don't want to be seen as that guy.
this implies it was ever anything other than a shitmix encouraged by shitposters
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>So, is autismmix still king?
It's more Lili than King but yeah
>autismmix vs reweik
what are the pros/cons?
Both are horseshit
You just replied to a repost.
reweik looked better
they're still both shitmixes and shouldn't have ever really been widely used unless you're a retard who didn't use lora's.
Honestly it depends on what you do prompt.
If you are also fine with how it looks then I say you have no reason to move to something else.
what do you use then?
I'm not the anon you're responding to, and this is largely unrelated to whatever discussion you're having, but are you using forge or reforge?
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>1girl, gachaslut, big tiddy, cum
the true hdg experience.
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you mean the discord experience, kys
Can you gen her for the remaining 291 images, sir?
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okay made lora block weight and lora control work in reforge, and both at the same time if needed

Hope people can make use of it, i am experimenting it and seems fun

hd image: https://files.catbox.moe/p92oqy.png

time to rest
Is nyalia illu/noob's expressiveH and disney princess lora?
unironically yes
No because expressiveH had 0 impact on your gen
wrong, it was pretty much a style lora for the trademark civitai slop look
Alright, I'll give you an opportunity

Dowload this if you haven't already (I will assume you have a decent/modern nvidia graphics card, if not just stop reading)

Download this model

Once you have everything set and running, go to the png tab and load this image there and click the botton that says "Send to txt2img"

Now you should have the settings that I personally use as base to gen images, tweak and change things as you see fit according to what you want to gen

Do something great later and post it here
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Maybe because I tried it with other style lora that were overriding it then but I saw no difference
Why is he so caked out though.
That you for helping at least a bit, I really appreciate it. I hadn't heard about raw pony being iffy, so I'll definitely look into those other 2.
Also, is using artists names raw a common thing with Pony? I thought you needed to seek artists out and add loras to use the names and styles as tags, does Pony just do that without? Thank you for the size suggestion, too. I've mostly been going off stuff I've been told in the past and I've been worried the sizes might've been the reason my shit was taking so long to gen, but I've been scared to make them much smaller because I've been worried they'd look weird.

Again, I don't think I've very good at this, so let me just data dump, I guess: I currently run raw Ponyv6, I sample with DPM++SDE Karras (42 steps), and use 4X_Foolhardy to upscale 2x (from 512x768), so my gens are all like 1024x1536 by the end. Also, I'm now realizing how big those must actually be compared to what they need to be, Jesus. The rest of that was pretty standard among the friends I did this with for awhile, but I feel like more stuff has changed than I realize so I figured I may as well see if that needed fixing, too.
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Didn't mean to quote.
He always does his squats.
Zesty ahh nigga.
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*smacks lips* s-sir.. p-please.. just a shade darker..
Okay, I'll give this a a try, too.
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"illustrious is bad! not remotive all the artists is bad!"

shut the fuck up pony can't do shit without loras, this can make this with out a single one including the text
oh yeah? prove it by posting a box
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>Celebrating one year of NovelAI Anime Diffusion V3!
>A year ago, we opened the door to boundless creativity with Anime V3, redefining the possibilities of AI-driven creativity. Thank you for being part of the NovelAI community.
They teased the capabilities of NAIv4 with this image.
Fixed this. Just had to install from the neg branch for whatever reason
Recreating some of my old gens in forge now with the same sampler and parameters, things are ever so barely different in a few spots, mostly just in backgrounds, but with this I'm pretty much set I think
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Having somewhat similar issue to this >>8319636 but with euler a comfy sampler, basic euler comfy is fine tho, here is full log if you want to look into it https://cryptostorm.is/paste/?9496fe93b9eff67c#A4yQ6BNmV9Jjpif5d88f1rnTSDu32TH3x55MqSJKir3U
is the joke that your gen looks exactly like pony?
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Think I'm just gonna stick to personalmerge for now, I have skill issues with vpred
holy shit box me up senpai tachis
Why is she wearing a mini used condom on her neck
That was anon's
Okay nice catch, pushed some commits to dev/dev2/exp that fix this (Euler a comfy and DPM++ 2S a Comfy)

I can't replicate the error that the other anon reports though :(
Then in that case it's nyover.
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keep in mind I had to redraw interlaced fingers myself and then inpaint it

nyosisters.. isn't this
thanks bwo
thank you bro
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Don't know who made this, don't know in what system, don't even remember exactly when. But I want you to know, if you're still here, that I still appreciate it. It's still super one of the best I've ever seen after all this time. I kept this image after you posted it, because it's honestly that good and I hope you're doing well and still genning and you deserve to know that.
Yeah anon "whoever" made it

Go beat your meat in private like everyone else
Left hand going into his dick - Right foot mangled
Sorry you're so depressed you can't imagine another person telling someone else they did a good job. And sorry I wasn't looking at his dick or her super closely at her feet, good thing you were there to do it for me, huh? It's still an immaculate image and I stand by what I said. I hope that anon is super proud of his work.
Here you go, it uses a new style Lora I am going to be putting out tmr.

kek, sorry one of your gens hasn't gotten that kind of praise anon.
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why is it so mad, envious and craving for attention?
I recognize that artstyle
iirc there were like 3, miquella is way too hot.
wdym, that's the average 4channer
wheres muh vpred 0.75 i need to see if it finally locked in or the model was already fucked up with no option for any comeback since eps 0.75
This style would look fucking great with pixel art, PC 98 style and some dithering tags ngl
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I thought that was the fucking dad from fullmetal alchemist
If the noob bot is anything to go by. I see people using cfg above 5 on it now, so burn may have settled(?) but we will see I guess there is only one or two people spamming it on cord so may not be enough to go by.
bro i just want to know if its over or if we re so back
adetailer being garbage, whats new
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Holy sexo. Box?
it's nyalia
does anyone has the artist mix/metadata of any of the pics this idiot gens? i know its NAIv3 thats why i ask
oh shit LBW in reforge? time to uninstall auto for real this time. It's one of those things I use heavily so thank you for the hard work.
nice, thank you
unfortunately it seems it's not working on 8gb vram. i get OOM when lora weight changes
actually useful for when looking for non-AI info
I'm trying to optimize it, since lora control is loading the loras each time you do a prompt (I guess as how A1111 stock works), so I'm in progress to solve it

with the extensions disabled, or without lora ctl it should work
nta but based
by eyeballing im going to say there's significant influence from sssonic2 and taigerarts
Yeah, it works https://files.catbox.moe/sacq37.png if you still want to debug wd tagger issue, here is the log with latest 2.5.1+cu124 https://cryptostorm.is/paste/?b7c9ad2f6233da19#DmHNmaQpZuQaztBz2CgwgMnpckVDWCJ71KS4Q5BigQvn
And yeah, I have 12.4 as main env path for long time now https://files.catbox.moe/84jtrb.png

what does this do?
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Style lora, failed version
ALERT some of my kemono patreon favorites got updated seems the importer possibly got fixed
It did, it was confirmed on /v/ last night
>it was confirmed on /v/ last night
why do you need it to be confirmed when you can just look at the website
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I follow any people on there and would rather have be made aware of it being updated than autistically checking every day.
that didn't actually have metadata, oops, let's try again, a few for good measure this time
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hmm, maybe something happened to the catbox userscript, but those do have metadata
Ayakon is female confirmed
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why is it
yeah the mixes here are extremely close specially the last one, tysm anon
is it?
because it is man, it just is
just let it be
its not actually
it was but it isnt anymore
Why is it so similar?
sure can't wait for janny apps to close and for either nothing to change or for everything to get significantly worse somehow
Why didn't you apply?
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someone applying doesn't mean they'll actually get it
>doing it for FREE
also also I'm pretty sure I've gotten 10+ bans over the past year
(I received maybe one ban ever prior in the 18~ years I've been on this shithole website)
why is it so (ai generated:1.3)?
uh. because it is?
NoobAI-XL-v0.77.safetensors is the best Noob
syamefag status?
what's a syamefag?
it's kind of like a nyogen
Has anyone here trained a LORA on the website https://pixai.art/train-lora I trained one using the Haruka model and it worked on Noob/IL for the character to work better than for style
Was very awa just a typo or did they really train on this token?
isn't this
there's no point in wasting time on those shit online trainers
its nyalia
I can't train a LORA locally with my PC, if I can use a website and get it for free to make a LORA that is about 80% similar to the style of an artist I like, why wouldn't I use it??
it's very awa
google collab is good tho
i'm specifically talking about garbage like civitai or pixai trainers, colab is just normal lora training
I think you're slightly off. I see the Taigerarts, but the sssonic 2 not so much. Either it's super thin and you're real good at spotting or it's something else that's been watered down in the mix. Neo Hajime is also in there I think.
Where are all these loras? Don't see them in the usual places..
no one can figure out if it was trained on that or not, but it's romanized Chinese, not a typo
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extremely retarded theory as expected from b-chama. why would they intentionally mix in a chinese romanization into normal english tags for absolutely 0 reason?
and 哇 isn't even romanized awa, but just wa
i dont understand this reference
awa is what the Chinese romanize it as when typing to each other on social media, don't know what else to tell you. not sure why you think a random typo from the Chinese creators is more likely than a common Chinese slang that would make sense in the context of the meaning
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>awa is what the Chinese romanize it as when typing to each other on social media
and yes, i would find it easier to believe it's a simple mistake instead of an insanely retarded and unnecessary conscious decision
social.. media? it's like you're asking me for a source of that some 4chan users say senpai without the word filter. if you can be assed to look through the shitvit comments on the model Chinese users have used it there as a romanized compliment, too. I'm not saying they trained that word in, I'm saying it wasn't a random string of letters typo
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what kind of a retarded hypothetical is that? if anybody asked me for proof about what 4chan's word filters are then it would be trivial for me to provide it. surely it should also be easy for you to show proof of awa being chinese slang? i couldn't find any examples on the civitai page and google didn't give me any results either.
for anyone that has done some lora training on vpred 0.5, might I ask how has it gone?
i'm finding my training on noob to be awfully non-convergent; finer details from styles just aren't being picked up...
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better colors but i've had a similar experience with getting inconsistent results training styles on noob and that's even worse on vpred 0.5
>"awa" is a stylized way of writing "wa" (哇), adding the extra "a" for emphasis or cuteness, similar to how English speakers might write "wooow" instead of "wow".
>In Chinese internet culture, it's fairly common to add extra letters to expressions for cute or emphatic effect.
Apologize to my queen.
Very awawawawa
thank you, chatgpt. i also went ahead and asked it and it failed to link me to any example of it being used but whatever, i'll believe it
this still doesn't change anything about it being an extremely retarded theory
alright, thanks mate.
glad to know its not just me.
i've tried various configs, optimizer-scheduler pairs, debiased estimation loss (and the fix), but found very marginal differences in being able to pick up styles (they all seem underbaked).
the closest i've got was when i trained the TE, but it feels wrong to train the TE for a style lora.
so i was wondering if anyone else had any success.
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are you just pretending to be retarded to get my (You)s at this point? https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%93%87+awa&oq=%E5%93%87+awa&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDg3MDlqMGo3qAIPsAIB

google tries not to link to most Chinese social media sites so if you don't use them yourself you probably won't see as much. add on that lots of their stuff is tied to phone apps like WeChat, QQ, places like Weibo.. I'm not sure why you think I'm retarded for relaying common terms, but I can't say I'm seeing a reason to keep convincing you of Chinese internet culture kek. go ask them yourself in the zh channel on trooncord if you're so invested
guys show me some "very awa" gens, show me gens that are very awa
i called you a retard because of the """reasoning""" you gave for why you think lax intentionally changed the quality tag convention to this for absolutely no reason
replying to you always feels like a waste of my time
10 out 10 images.
lovely carrots
incredible gens
point out where I said he did, go ahead. in both the screenshot and my original reply to you I stated pretty clearly I don't know or claim he trained that term in. I'm saying it's not a random string of letters and that calling it "very awa" makes sense in Chinese internet culture. I call myself dumb and pretend I don't know what you're saying because you're a burden to talk to, by the way. not because I didn't understand you. so please, do avoid it in the future, you're undoubtedly someone I already consider below me if we've gone through that song and dance on multiple occasions
wtf is this bot shit
are you even trying to do bwo
it's noodletard samefagging
i honestly thought the carrots were great, mate.
ayakon, are you jealous?
Don't @ me faggot.
syamefag status?
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absolute schizo hours
can you do this one without the carrots?
why is it so mad
why is it so fried?
noob is very gpo
Just her on that pose?
I miss janny-sama
>6 you's
>samefag schizo sperging out
easiest farm of my life you sad retard
spend them wisely, chud
ayakon is angry nobody (you)'d his slop
>implying it's not (you)
your karma must be so high, good for you!
>I was only pretending
it is. how many times are you going to reply to this one i wonder?
here's one!
As many as it takes for an attention whore like you to cum.
You're the only reason I still visit this shithole. Thank you for your service
ayaslopon is really mad
reserved for patreons :)
trash>>>>>>>>>>>>>nyogen opinion
nyoggers need to exit immediately
lol imagine paying for ai gen prompts
He's not sharing his metadata, even with hist patreons
even better kek
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Sure but I will do it later since it's pretty late here
Every day I get more surprised by the best illu noob shitmix and its capabilities. It's getting hard to miss Pony, except the loras.
Just saying.
why even bring up shitmixes and shittunes when base illustrious was a billion times better than pony already
>doing a spread legs gen
>type in wide hips in an attempt to try and make the hips wider
>it just made the ribcage/shoulders wider on the current seed I was testing, and if I set the strength too high then it changes the entire pose of the image and spread legs are no more
>up the strength on spread legs to try and compensate but then something else in the prompt doesn't get followed
God. I wish we just had numerical settings for exact body and limb sizes.
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Pony and the several loras to make it usable were better than base llutrious, but hey, at least for me.
Artist mix onegai
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the furries seem to be coping by trying to prune flux, he also mentioned changing the text encoder to something else
anyon is the only reason I still visit this shithole.
lodestone is one of the few people who actually has the history to back up any schizo theorycrafting
i'm coping, i'm seething
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looks alright
Why are all those sluts in the crowd naked, anon?
it's literally over for localcucks
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rave sluts anon
People keep saying this but what has he actually done outside of schizocrafting? I only ever see him schizoing and abandoning "test projects" that seem on the level of Jordach's locking in. Is that just the true power of furries?
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thanks anon!
nta but this is a win regardless. either furries spend all their time on schizo projects and never release another furry model, or they somehow make flux trainable for the masses. either way I'm down for it
Is it worth including cropped images/previews for styles if they're hires? Should I tag them as cropped?
I reckon randon crop will backfire
I say align the crops with known concepts like head out of frame, lower body, etc
if you're using any kohya based Gui or plain sdscripts there is a random crop setting you can just toggle on. no, don't tag them as cropped, just tag whatever is in the cropped part of the image
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>reckon randon crop will backfire
Why? That's what it's for.
No, I mean something like this
It's not a full image but a cropped close-up, but the quality is pretty decent imo.
can't see it without an account but if it's got the kind of details you want included then include it in your dataset yeah.
still don't tag it as cropped, just tag what's in the image
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Yeah, it's pretty detailed, especially at eyes style and shading.
I wouldn't include something like that just because it's a really bad/"confusing" angle from a perspective point of view.
closeups/crops can be fine it just depends a lot on the subject and composition.
Oh, that makes sense. I didn’t think about that...
Out of curiosity is SD3.5L so bad that it's easier to de-destill flux than to train that?
So far no one has done a real dedistill of flux that allows non collapsed finetuning. Furry schizo just schizos at whatever his diaper smells like for the day, no mind for using one because it's easier or not
Pony was already unreliable about knowing what angle a dick should be in order to penetrate a vagina, but Illustrious variants are even worse. It's probably because the e621 and rule34 datasets in Pony were able to compensate for the censorship in the danbooru dataset.
Should have mentioned significant crops, the minor crops for aspect ratio would indded be fine

that pic looks confusing to me, let alone AI...
>Happy Pride Month!
>LGBTQ+ Rights!
Every time.
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Can you make them piss on her face and in her mouth, please?
seconding this
Also fart on her
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Anyone tried to train on long ass dakimakura images?
One attempted, He didn't make it back.
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noob vpred 0.6

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ERP with melina!
>runes, strength, runes, strength, runes, strength,
wrong tab, saar
aww shit
here we go again
>he trained
who gives a hoot
3 hours of grids followed by everyone going back to their shitmixes
>a whole fucking week
>euler a
let's fucking go
*cough* onegai.. just a shade darker.. *cough* onegai..
why does lax put "very aesthetic" in his prompt when it wasnt in illustrious or his gay ass tagging
Is there a way to shitmix Noob with RouWei? I just want the brightness tags that RouWei has into Noob
nta but i literally 50/50 weight merged rouwei epsilon (it still knows lighting tags) and noob 1.0 eps together
it's pretty alright
vpreds are too unstable
holy shit its finally locking in
just deleted personal merge and not looking back
yep, it's a shitpost alright
I'm not a gensissy
Check yourself
this is actually a model from 5 days ago according to hf
idk wtf they are doing
>a3c3b65418f30ea0f89e1b42fe3d9a1fb42496cb6f1ee1e56ef22ece76545039 stable-diffusion/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/models/Stable-diffusion/noobaiXLNAIXL_vPred06Version.safetensors
checks out
I'm still using Autism.
We all are
>retarded shitfrog spammer
>still stuck on pony
checks out
>still have autism
all me
I take that as an offense
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oof this shit is fried as fuck
was using cfg 7.5 on 0.5 now i have to go down to 4 cfg to get similar results on 0.6
I also know of f12 wizardry
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meant for >>8320254 since it wont let me delete the post
>was using cfg 7.5 on 0.5
The fuck? Anything above 5 cfg is unusable on 0.5 what are you talking about
im using "APG's now your CFG" for reForge
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Vpred feels like shit to me. Even using the exact same prompts is still jank as hell. Trying to add a style lora to the mix on top of it is just an absolute disaster. Some styles it's trained on completely melt.

NTR and the other Epsilon ones felt fine to me. They can innate one of my favorite styles even better than Pony can.


Very good but her pussy a bit weird
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Vpred potentially needs other parameters.
I haven't gotten results I liked with it yet either
isnt apg that thing where you wanna be a girl and cut your penis off? not using a homo sampler
>Vpred feels like shit to me. Even using the exact same prompts is still jank as hell
0.6 is supposed to address that
>a style lora
don't if it's trained on top of eps
yd \(orange maru\) felt super melted when i tried in 0.6 vpred
maybe thats why most of the preview images are all quasarcope or similar
Lovely work
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Can you gen this beauty for the 291 images remaining?
vpred still randomly fries 1 in something images
It's sickening. Troons, not even once. I heard Neggles caught it and that's why they couldn't make wdv
why the fuck would they try to shill a sampler based off that here? fucking gross
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Cute orca
nice style
>Currently downloading vpred0.6
Am I cooked. chat?
rouwei eps + noob 1.0 eps is better
just 5050 merge?
it's pony
>mix of liquid shit and solid shit is better than solid shit alone
Well, not sure about that
Just use chadmix
good morning bakariso
will try
Every release just reaffirms my $25 spent for NAI
It's 15:21, nigga
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So many nogen trolls
>ntrmix is up to v4
bros.. we're ojisan'ing good tonight.
Can't discuss too much without violating my NDA at work, but if you use Civitai this will affect you.
They're going to be making a push to get rid of NSFW content and NSFW models and LoRas.
Civitai needs more investorbux and the investors have been pressuring the site to give up NSFW support in exchange for financial support, so if there's models and LoRas you like, you need to download them and use them now, as in the future they will "no longer be supported or endorsed."
There is a push towards making Civitai a purely SFW site with Civitai.green.
Due to the inability to make a moral case for porn generation, it's been hard to push back on the pressure to make the site purely SFW.
Been looking for alternatives that support NSFW but it's rather sparse out there.
Tons of pressure to put an end to NSFW AI due to the massive amounts of AI CSAM and deepfakes being generated.
>if you use Civitai
Yeah, can't be me
Yay you're still here
Missed you and your thicc kitty
>no whiskers marks
one fucking job
where else do you get your stuff from? hugging face?
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Miqo-sama... the mouth...
Models? Yeah.
Loras/tunes? I do it myself.
Copypasta? No one fucking needs civitai for sfw
where is da proofs
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instructions unclear, did you want her to have a mustache?
That's exactly what I wanted, thank you sire.
>where is da proofs
If I post screenshots everyone will know it's me because I'm the only not-lefty in the group. Also I'm the only one trying to argue against the NSFW ban.
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The yellow man has spoken, guess I'm cancelling my download
How's the weather in Tiblisi?
you can argue all you want, but money is money and there's a general push against nsfw. I shall grab my models anyway
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noob vpred 0.6
(sh \(shinh\):1.25), kedama milk, (trente:1.1), healthyman, (guweiz:0.6)
rest of the settings plz?
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Started from the AnyLora and now we're here
so models migrate to huggingface and I keep uploading things to mega or mediafire as usual and stick to training my own shit, also as per usual
big "wow it's fucking nothing."
Also this would be fucking hilarious and fuck over astralite, which makes me care even less.
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And a nice ching chong ping pong to you too.
>hands are fucked in 06. time to go back to 0.5
no negatives? or quality tags?
my rap name will be SLRP WRLD
more horse skull gens please
Why is it so small
what styles
It isn't hyper
Yukiko would remember something funny and accidentally bite your cock off
Moar hyper cocks plz
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Surprise attack!
probably better to let it go then since they will do whatever they want anyways, thanks for the warning if its true though
more like SLOP WRLD
there is no way they are clueless enough to think anyone would be interested in sfw-only civitai
its a shitpost
>there is no way they are clueless enough
Anon, I envy your naivety
i want to believe it because it would be very funny
It should be obvious, but on the other hand, all those chatbot sites killing themselves tell me that yes, people may be stupid enough to not realize it.
Pixai went full sfw
Yodayo went full sfw
only a matter of time before even Civ goes full SFW
damn blackrock and their push against nsfw
I want to become a NSFW patreon artist so badly but I can't stop slopping
not only that my ADHD won't let me create a finished 8-pic set
I'll never be like Floox by this rate
I am a brainlet, can anyone explain why are the investors so NSFW-averse? Reputation?
And why would they invest in a project that they are trying to kill off with their puritan shit? Don't they want to actually earn money with their investment? There must be someone researching what they are investing into, and after some research he'd understand that 95% of this website's traffic is NSFW-related.
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porn is bad, mmmkay
still using anylora?
i hate their guts but its not just them, even on /pol/ you would get people celebrating it be it shitpost or not
its easy politics points to be saving da children and most normaltards dont see through to all the crazy implications
Reputation, christcuckery, credit card companies hate that shit etc etc
>credit card companies hate that shit
when I was younger traveling and porn were the only reasons to even own a credit card.
it's not just them true, but they sure have one of the biggest influence for this movement
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Short answer is credit card company monopolies.
They've been making a major push to not let people use Visa or Mastercard for porn purchases, especially drawn porn of young characters, more so than even underage or jailbait OF girls.
Dont ask me why.
It's not even religious in nature because the CEOs are all heathens.
Worst part is that both "sides" of American politics seem to be puritan nowadays. Republicans due to christcuck shit, dems because of muh women rights and muh rape crap. Grim.
It's the credit card companies and women's rights groups like CEDAW who are looking to put an end to the objectification of women. Since they equated hentai as being harmful to women they are taking measures towards westernizing eastern media to be more similar to Disney and other family friendly and progressive artforms.
So not only are credit card companies putting an end to users purchasing NSFW content with credit (since digital porn is impossible/worthless to repossess) but they're going to take measures to financially starve sites and developers who produce objectifying content.
They are equating consumption of hentai, AI or made by humans, as objectification and violating human rights.
can i have 00s back but with aislop hentai i can prompt? thanks
No, you will fuck a 35-year old roastie (who will accuse you of rape) you will be happy
you didn't align the steps, it's close to approaching
They're not totally NSFW averse since my credit cards still work on OF and Twitch, just not Fantia/Skeb/Boosty/etc.
I think they want to force the porn addicts towards financially supporting OF and similar sites, since a lot of rich people have useless daughters that use that site, or they fuck sex workers who use OF and are trying to give their sugar babies more support.
They'll make the case that its better to throw your money at real women, but the reason most porn consumers avoid those sites is because the women are vile, and we would rather pay for the production of smut of perfect 2D women and deny gold digging egotistical whores more spending money, and support artists instead.
cfg is still absolutely fried at 6 on the new noob vpred. still sometimes get random all-black and all-red. this bake is just fucked at this point
with they just abandoned vpred already and went to try sd3.5m or sd3.5l, even if they fuck it up or the models are untrainable, at least it would be interesting instead of this slow motion disappointment
i'd rather fuck an actual prostitute than ever spend a dime on an OF whore
I wish we had some kind of federated civit, but then again it would quickly fill with csam shit. maybe a torrent indexer specifically for ai models would be better
euler with sgm uniform, cfg 6 and cfg rescale 0.9 worked great for me on 0.5, haven't tried 0.6 yet
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i used to amazed at nai gens.
now the novelty just disappeared, i look at good nai gen and think to myself "wait, i can gen that too without being a paypiggie".
local has come a long way
Jordach status?
civitai man, why doesnt the site use torrents, wouldnt that be an easy way to cut down bandwidth required massively
and charge some daily recharged buzz for the normal downloads to encourage their usage
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It keeps giving the man lipstick and eyeshadow
Very zesty
>try to prompt kuavera on noob
>1.3k images on danbooru
>try year tags and recent/newest
looks like shit and nothing like the artist
i hate local
Looking through gelbooru, there's like 100 artists with the similar style
I see some resamblacne, but it's not good.
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Been a while since we had gobbos
cloudflare doesn't charge for egress, so I guess that would be why
youd just expect an artist with that many hits on danbooru to actually work, the anatomy looks nothing like the artist and the line thickness is way off
anon that's a child (green)...
Gobboposters are apostles of the king in yellow and should be banished to /aco/
Based knower
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Is there cfg rescale for forge?
yeah forgot about that, guess its difficult to regulate uploads and image posts without pissing everyone off
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How does Civit even make money?
I've never paid them a dime and wouldn't know how if I wanted to.
-100 buzz
ads, buzz sales and memberships
v3 is literally older than a year at this point without any significant changes to the txt2img
even if local was still stuck coping with p*ny, nai wouldn't feel that impressive merely due to being fucking old
they somehow have an actual community that cares about buzz, look at the top images it's all "free buzz pls"
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>(3d:0.4), atage, (marota, chinikuniku:0.8),(nanaichi:0.3), (jonpei:0.5), (mossacannibalis, kaneni, momisan:0.6), (snegovski, diathorn:0.4),(quasarcake:0.7)
I just mixed a bunch of mixes I saw here and shuffled the weights around, you could probably drop half of the names and get the same style.
Just for you.
>they somehow have an actual community
What's our excuse, bros?
If 4chan allowed me to train pony loras and share them for good boy points, maybe I'd care about this place.
>What's our excuse, bros?
It's Pony
>they somehow have an actual community
You mean sloppers and slop-eating jeets?
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There is none. hdg feels like a place that is full of unsociable autists that avoid friendships at all costs and actively oppose any attempt at creating a community.
And it's not a 4chan thing. sdg had actual community with anons making life-changing friends there while hdg was drowning in malice and schizos. Picrelated, sdg anons made this.
>sdg had actual community with anons making life-changing friends there while hdg was drowning in malice and schizos. Picrelated, sdg anons made this.
Extremely homosexual behavior
each time you will post lora for illust a random furry will die
I'm actually liking the new vpred. I think we are so back!
Go back
Stll trying, huh?
qrd on this picture? what is this?
>check sdg
>it's full of sloppiest furry/futa slop
I don't know what did I expect...
Grown men who roleplay as little girls.
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pretty sure he means /g/ sdg
dont bother checking though, its dead
I'm going to guess all the /sdg/ avatarfags' characters grouped together and showing how quirky and unique they are.
sameface refuses to die that easily
betas make friends hdg is sigma
The difference is that we have an outlet for homosexuality in our penis focused gens
I respect ayakon for still posting in the exact same way despite all the shitting on them
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>hdg feels like a place that is full of unsociable autists that avoid friendships at all costs and actively oppose any attempt at creating a community.
The only anon I've connected with on here is miqoanon, and that was through Civitai. Very decent person. Same with a discord bro from /b/ on the degen threads.
There's been a few other genners here that I'd love to get to know better, but I think this thread has the vibe of "drop your slop and fuck off", which doesn't give much room for people to connect.
I mean, we are all here on a daily/weekly basis, seeking (You)s for our pics from each other, why not connect on a deeper level?
Is it like that before ADetailer too or are you letting it give him makeup?
This pic looks like she's shitting from her vagina.
excellent bait
he's not wrong doe
Just join any slopcord if you want to erp?
>look mom I posted it again!
why did you post it again?
>seeking (You)s for our pics from each other
i don't post pictures here
Still create better stuff than (You) and 90% of the posters ITT. You will deny this because you are delusional.
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>This pic looks like she's shitting from her vagina.
lol oops, that's Illustrious for ya
Here's a better Rio pic
>excellent bait
Not b8 m8
>please kill yourself as soon as possible
Nah, I'd adapt
>i don't post pictures here
What do you use these threads for then?
what the fuck makes "people" like you post here instead of whatever discord you came from?
>What do you use these threads for then?
v7 status?
you don't have 24gb vram mate?
I do, but that shit makes absolutely no sense with old shitty 4ch vae.
Nyo :3
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Why shit up the thread for the rest of us just because you'll never be good enough to earn patreonbux?
I know being unable to generate beautiful pictures is demoralizing, but this is the opposite of getting better.
You could spend your time, you know, generating?
Hell, even if its for fun, its better than doing this.
This makes me unreasonably angry
I don't understand the hate for v7, you just need to gen locally on the cloud. and use 100 loras to make it usable. and write an essay. and give your sovl away
imagine being this poor
pruned artists, pruned lolis, 24gb, 4ch vae, early 2025 (c)
Nyes, I can syee that.
now that's SOTA
you forgot about saas
sir your civitai early access?
Now that the dust has settled, why did vpred 0.6 flop?
>naiggers lost
>ponyfags lost
>noobsisters lost
Damn, it's truly over
I don't know what that is, I mostly use MiqoMix, and Illustrious
debiased loss
which one is better?
hows 0.6
Once you find out how to make good NAI gens they cease to be amazing, which is why all the top NAI artists keep their metadata a secret.
People pay to figure out how to replicate it, and once they find out, they stop paying.
I'm using sd 1, the original is always better
No one knows
I haven't used SD 1 ever, mostly 1.5
yeah that's why literally all "top" accounts are same fucking ntrslop with same fucking style
bad bait
I mean if you're that mad, it's probably because you wanted to be one of those top accounts but just couldn't do it.
Such a shame.
is this edm2 in the same trainer right now?
Anything was the best Model
it always made the perfect eyes, those 2000s style eyes with the sharp eyeliner
>pruned lolis
It's so fucking over
>perfect eyes
min snr gamma probably
>painted the bottom of her tongue or her bottom lip is three times the length
it never even began with that faggielite, why would you EVER think that pony was something to consider? are you retarded???
Pony was the best option until until we got illustrious
Hell, it's still the best if you're a freak who's into photorealistic porn
0.6 is more "fried" but seems to have better anatomy like hands and less double navels along with prompt comprehension. (imo:1.8)
Tall goblin.
What is v7
it's pony
>Entire point of 4chan is to be an anonymous board
If you're gonna RP as your OC just go to reddit I truly don't understand why people bring their shit to another place and get mad when called out. I'd rather take the "fuck you"s from anonymous then hugbox avatar fag circle jerking any day.
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>no gen
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Grinding your dick on denim can't feel good. I'll raise you an uncomfortable footjob.
found the unsociable autist
go be a sociable autist somewhere else
I'm engaging with you right now, do we need pictures and names to tie ourselves too to speak? Is it that hard?
where do you think we are?
AI threads are inherently for socializing
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I'd socialize your ass
that porcelain tone makes the hole look comical instead
>hdg feels like a place that is full of unsociable autists that avoid friendships at all costs and actively oppose any attempt at creating a community.
Mostly because hentai attracts extremely unsociable losers with no social skills. Their brains are melted from constant gooning and from being generally shunned by everyone else due to their obsession with extremely specific hentai. Anonymous image boards are the only place they can have any relevance, since their irresistible urge to call people faggots and lash out at others is only tolerated on 4chan. They get banned from everywhere else for being unfun cunts who contribute very little. Everyone is a faggot to them and everything is shit to them. They can't hide from their failures forever though. Eventually being unable to find comradery with anyone and feeling left out by even other ai-autists begins to destroy them on the inside. No amount of sarcastic quips can save them from the truth.
Just have fun and enjoy each others company, eventually the good /hdg/ users will find each other.
>this post
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damn this took me on a memory lane. I went and looked at my first gens when sd1.5 first came out, some unreleased text embedding & loras I've done. damn, so much has changed
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I do not use slurs that would marginalize gay people
you mean faggots?
>this post
>Ears attached to hat
the ears go through the hat? She has holes in the hat
the hat has holes for the ears, obviously
This is the kind of troonery that you get from tolerating avatarfags
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Her left ear isn't even connected to her head anon, can argue the hole for the other ear.
Haven’t genned in a while. Should I stick to reforge or move back to forge?
that is a really cute tamamo
>complaining about canon design
the hat has holes
Why is vpred0.6 so melted? Is it unironically over this time?
We all use Comfy here
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kemono ears are more from the back/top of the head
it's been over for a while now
because everyone thought it either would be the new hotness or the next coolest thing.
her head is turned slightly, so your overlay is inaccurate

Yeah but the bottom of the hat is solid like her ear is on top of the hat. You should see a part of the ear
if they aren't above where human ears are supposed to be, it looks weird.
That's it. I'm leaving you insufferable faggots to find friends in sdg
Okay but what are YOU gonna do about it?
Your estrogen supply will be arriving shortly sis
I voted for trump
we do not question ayakon
Shut up nigger.
memestrels sir how have you been holding up since the election results?
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needs more emojis
You talk like a permavirgin I used to know from /b/ drawthreads
are you also obsessed with vore by chance?
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There is no need to be rude wtf.
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I still remember how many people were unable to gen on pony v6 because of it being on SDXL while using their shit tier cards before gui optimization came around
I genuinely can't understand why horse fucker wants to alienate 99% of his fans who don't have enough money for higher vram cards despite them being the reason for his "success""
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Best girl
he's retarded
because he's the only baker besides nai's team that understands how shit sdxl is
his plan is for it to be primarily web service based so he can make money off of it, so he doesn't care about the system requirements. remember that this retard is only using auraflow because SD wouldn't give him a special license and he thinks he's gonna be a millionaire yet doesn't want to pay the standard licensing fee.
based fag respecter
It's intentional. He wants to remain open-weight, but unavailable for 95% of local users so they'd resort to his cloudshit.
He would need to make an actually great model for that to work, which I don't think is going to happen.
based third world filtering, if you are poor I don't want to see your gens
astralite literally becoming SAI
I know this is 4chan, but I'll try to answer rationally. booru-like tag based prompting is quite limited and cannot do composition well enough (neither can sdxl for that matter). another limiting factor, besides the tags themselves, is also the text encoder in sdxl. stability even says on their sdxl model description that it cannot do composition. that's why pony v7 will be using auraflow (well, besides having the right license for commercialization, but hey you gotta make money somehow, right?) which comes with t5-xl (https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/main/en/api/pipelines/aura_flow)

all in all, this does mean that gpus with not enough vram (read minimum 24gb) will not be supported, at least not at the beginning. there's quantization available though, so that should not be a concern (and there's also qlora as well, which should allow for loras as well)

I don't think the vram requirements are the worst thing about the model. the worst thing is that the artists and characters are not being trained on, so this means another 1000s loras so you can gen to your liking
astralite sir you are about to get fucked in the ass by the 4ch vae, what are your feelings about this
>use 100 loras to make it usable. and write an essay
As opposed to using 50 artist tags and 25 loras to "stabilize" the output, as well as a 700 token schizo neg.
not astralite unfortunately, just an anon. don't get me wrong, my go to model right now is noob, but I'm being closed-minded about pony either
that's bait
not being*

noob ain't perfect either. between tags and loras, I do prefer loras
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noobai bot has the latest model (better than 0.6 they fixed the cfg burn issue)
What about the melt?
no they didn't, EPIC
kill yourself
That's the master plan for his saas and/or civit cloud generator. Saars will just pay for blacked toe hoes.
okay why didnt they post that version instead of a one week out of date one?
That's not where the penis is located. Do none of you idiots check for anatomical consistency? Are shitty fotm characters and generic artist styles all you care about?
>Are shitty fotm characters and generic artist styles all you care about?
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isn't this hyper?
Isn't this hyper?
my penis looks like that
snake pp hits again
it working on 6 and 7 cfg on euler a
that's a child
it's pony
dicklets btfo
you are literally indian
they will outbreed you
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Didn't even notice, have some Übel
irrelevant , you do more indian shit than me
This is fair I think as most women posted here are probably in the same breast size/weight ratio standard deviation as a dick this large
those hands though. how much gacha?
please never post here again, EPIC
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I havent left, thats an old image of mine, somebody reposted. I just moved on to ill/noob.
None? It's complexnoobai, I don't think hands have ever been a problem there
it's nai
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tanned box?
Also why is there jalter on the top right
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it's a lie
are you this nai person I keep hearing about?
No, I'm actually pony.
>playing the drums on mona's ass
living the dream , catbox?
>used vibe transfer to gen Fern
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lol i was trying to gen Fern too but it didnt work
you say it's not gacha, but look at those hands
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noob vpred 0.6 is so fucking good i can't decide which picture to post
Why is it so fried?
It's vpred.
I am an Indian.
We all are
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i need your expert opinion
it's e621
I am shitposter. nice to meet you
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>gen a cute girl
>add animal ears/tail
>looks even cuter now
Am I turning into one of those furries?
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I have no idea what that means I'm afraid
I'm not on here often, gacha just means luck with a good seed? I don't really know what's supposed to be particularly good/bad about those hands, that's just how the images come out https://files.catbox.moe/cwrvmo.png
it's ntrmix
thank you anon!
are you into ponies/dragons/dogs/etc? if not, you're not a furry. fox girls are allowed
Are wolf girls allowed?
does your cute girl with animal ears/tail happen to weigh about 400 pounds?
gacha equals rng equals luck
I doesn't understand a single fucking word they say
America explain
What is V-pred
that not model name
depends on how cute they are
No, maybe 120 max
it's possible mirko does
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No more miqomix ever again?
perfect sir
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nta but I'm into dogs, I'm white btw
>I'm into dogs
>I'm white
Are you female by any chance?
It's v-predator, e621 term
That took longer than expected, mostly because I didn't approach the inpaint in the proper way at the beginning but now I'm concerned about how fucked the anatomy is (or probably was since the first post), I wish I had that anatomy knowledge
Anyway, I tried (could also just have done a new complete gen with that same pose)
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Look at my prompt, my prompt is amazing
oh no no no no
vpred -> better color -> better shitposts

no need to know more
>not made you look BITCH
Are you a vpredator or are you an epsilonprey?
ive used it recently just to test new loras but not for general use. I prefer the capability of ill/noob. Pony requires far too many loras to get anything right, and most things work out of the box with finagling on noob. I'm happy you still like miqomix, but maybe you should give noob a try more.
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on all levels except physical, i am an indian
vpred 0.6 is really good bros, local won
>racist bs again
it's 4chan
why is it so brown
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Ahh my Adetailer is leaving fried rectangles - I remember there was a fix for it, anybody know?
forgot box, in case it helps
>Sampler: Euler Ancestral CFG++
I never used that, but I'm going to assume that it doesn't work well with inpainting and it leaves the burn mark, change the adetailer sampler to something like regular Euler A.
lax sir im sorry but we will have to take you off your copium meds
queen, you are as buutifull as the day i lost you
i don't know if it's really improving or not, at least you can use CFG 7 without getting incredibly fried colors now and also it can do sharper lines compared to vpred 0.5 but it also got worse at doing eyes/faces and i feel it kinda blurry overall now
man i don't fucking know what the chinese retards are doing with this model its so confusing, i cannot tell what direction it will take, its behaviour is so ambiguous
For me, it was external VAE. For some reason, Impaint (and Adetailer) didn't use it by default.
Either disable it and use the one from the checkpoint, or specify it in the settings.
It works fine with.
Woildn't be a problem if you used MiqoMix
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Switching the vae fixed it, thanks anons
Go into Photoshop and edit out that sixth pinky finger in each hand.
I already did ya dingus
can he pee in her mouth after cumming? thx
cute hair grab
Let this be a lesson: always double and triple check your gens.
Any 2hu bbc man in
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its always fun seeing other peoples take on her, I checked your catbox and you have "thin lonytail" Just wanted to point that out. The tags I use for her hair is long hair, low ponytail, hair over eyes/hair over one eye.
you can keep the same vae, you need to up the mask size, adetailer has a shit default of 4 where 15-20 is better
Word on the street is that 0.6 is the last open Noob vpred epoch. They're planning on keeping 1.0 with the fixed CFG issues as a Midjourney-style Discord bot.
based, nobody is entitled to free open models
it's bait
You have to be in the qq chats, can't leak em or I'll get got by the CCP.
What do you mean? The first was an un-upscaled image to ask a question, the second was the upscaled version with fixed hands
oh no... anyway...
That's what I've been trying to tell LAX since the start, glad he finally listened.
Do people genuinely still gives a shit about noob when RouWei is better in every way?
comparison grid or it never happened
It's also shit
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cleaned this up a bit but I still disagree on showing the ear under the hat, it's further back
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she's a child, you sick fuck
ayakon anon what's your secret?
rouwei is underbaked as hell and the vpred version has fucked up clip issues for some reason. if minthy can salvage it I'll give it more credit, but even despite being a more aesthetic-driven finetune it gets mogged by Noob 0.5eps.
Anyone else having really weird gen times using the latest version of noob vpred?
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So true minthy!
It's very prone to outputting monochrome slop in my experience. One artist you're getting okay images, another artist you can get nothing but (nearly) black-and-white shit even if you put "monochrome" in the negative. No other model I ever used was like this.
noob eps 0.5 is still the best local model we have unfortunately
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People still making fun of catanon huh
this achievable natty?
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Look at this shit
>12seg -> 7 -> 8 -> 8
i genuinely think minthy and co. may be having some serious skill issues, baking so much and failing to achieve something of arti 2 level is hideous
why his every model has this particular look to it?
4th tail, tofu and now this shit, it isn't just underbaked grey, but off putting shading and even artstyles by itself
pretty sure its just a single guy still but ill get called a schizo for that
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Changed resolution and now I'm taking this long? the fuck?
ahh ahh mistress my panties are soaking wet
yeah man, fuck that schizo guy
die noodletroon
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Primarily it's "National Center on Sexual Exploitation" previously "Morality in Media" and previously "Operation Yorkvile".
Christian lobbying group that equates any pornographic depictions as essentially sex trafficking. They're also behind stuff like FOSTA/SESTA, with Onlyfans flirting with removing all sex stuff, paypal shutting you down if you do sex things, etc etc
live noodleschad
You didn't align your steps.
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Interrupted that, used the same settings and now I have normal speeds again, hope reforge guy can tell what is happening
they're right, you know. just look at this thread to get an idea of what pornography does to vulnerable youth. it should be banned wholesale.
I mean its funny
minthy is a russki troon, obviously he's liking this style
go to /tv/ and /v/ and look what entertainment does to muh childrerinos
we should all live like amish
Aren't troons considered terrorists in Zland or something?
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why tho
Why not?
He's the "if it works (it actually doesn't) don't fix it" kind of boomer or just a comfytroon.
I switched over from forge to refore a while ago since forge was not getting any updated, am I supposed to switch back now?
you're supposed to use the one you like and not listen to cringe anons
rope brainrotten updooter
No, forge went through a MASSIVE restructuring several months ago is now the developer's own little playground. reForge is the spiritual successor to what forge used to be.
Right on the money lol.
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kys /u/Tft_ai/
does it happens on dev/dev2 branch?
you prompted ohaisashiburi instead of ohisashiburi
>4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
nta it has shadow metadata
holy shit man
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Oh fuck, you are right. I think it still is the same effect though because it's aliased on booru.
AIBooru is dead
Owari da....
I'm on the main branch
yeah it shouldnt be that different thanks to clip anyways
>all models are shit
>civitai is going to be sfw-only
>aibooru is dead
It's ogre, aibros, time to pick up a pencil
any style training optimizers suggestions? CAME feels like it overfries the style, making it unflexible to characters
look ma' I'm famous
oh shit nigga
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nta but it seems that the script sometimes works incorrectly
can you try dev branch? I think main branch is a bit outdated on the model management backend (the same one as og forge had)

latest updates were adding lora block weight and lora control, you can try disabling them if you found issues as well (maybe will move it to separate extensions)
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Alright, I'll try it out
Cool, no more weird gen times issues after the switch to the dev branch
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nice, are you trans?
The fuck is that
thank you bro
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no, I am a biological female
why do you ask?
Basic math.
nice, yeah prob gonna mention in the readme that main should work with all old forge extensions, but may be slower vs dev branches (the only extension that it doesn't seem to work is the old layer diffusion)
Noob/Illustrious realism when?
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is aibooru down for maintenance?
or has the reckoning begun already?
I blame /ic/
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That's not Joaquin Phoenix! What gives!
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He was busy shooting Joker 2.
>hand has five fingers
>hires consistently adds one more
I'm gonna kill someone
Probably never, even its 3D styles look very anime. Why would you want one though, for characters? Pony already does everything else.
lower the denoise and use esrgan upscaling anon
You can use controlnet to guide the hiresfix. Weak strength or limit it to a specific area.
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>even its 3D styles look very anime
I never checked, but does it know specific 3D artists or can it only do generic anime SFM/MMD porn style?
How many pics do artists and characters need to be recognized in IllustXL?
About tree fiddy
I am using r-ersgan 4x+ already. But if the denoise it's too low it looks shit and if it's high enough I get extra fingers

Guess I'll try that but this issue is retarded
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I'm guessing you're using an epsilon model? I noticed v-pred is much much better at img2img (nad hires as a result) and it can do much higher denoise values

hi-res is basically just automating the upscaling and img2img parts for you, so you could try doing those manually so you could control the second seed (basically, just upscale in extra, and use that in the img2img tab)
the steps are speaking to me, they are not happy about being aligned
The 3D selection on danbooru is pretty thin, but try leslyzerosix, or m-rs. Some like "Dead or Alive" only work with 3D in the prompt.
i wish an anime aligned her steps on my sausage
Did noob publish a list of artists trained in each release? I thought 0.75 made my lora act all weird, but they just trained more and made it obsolete. Only has like 150 pics.
i meant a girl
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Such diverse and cute group of avatars.
Its too bad they are all like this in real life.
Can you not set defaults for image res, sampler, or cfg scale in forge? I could do that in reforge but for forge I have to set them manually every time I launch
Hey, where did you get my photo?
Thanks. But what the fuck, it even has 2-image characters. Looks like a complete rip.
so far ive been using iopaint for dataset cleanup and its been great, but is there really no model or tool to run a batch of images and auto clean watermarks? that seems simple enough to make for some 5head, but I am a brainlet.
It's pretty much all of danbooru and e621, at least that's what they say.
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You can, under Settings -> User Interface -> UI defaults 'xl'
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Unironically don't think there's anything apart from NAI for this right now. All other solutions would require some manual editing.
>I don't know what segment anything or florence 2 is
nta but how?
God just stop shilling your ugly shit. Forge just works.
SAM with cumrag might be enough to remove the most extremely basic watermarks I guess, but it was really bad for anything that covered characters in my experience.
Huh, weird. I found those settings, but closing and re-opening ui still sets it to the old values. Bizarre
Did you save before reloading?
It's funny how NAI's data processing tools are way more impressive than their actual imagegen service and we're never going to hear about how they're structured since they'll be lost to the void when they lose their lawsuit in February.
interesting bait
but they still have the best anime model by far?
Nvm, did it again and reloaded again and it stuck the second time. Must have done something wrong the first go
i look like her
it's CF
>but they still have the best anime model by far?
>I will still pretend that NAI invented segment anything
kurumuz actually wrote the code for Transformers.
Proof: It follows trivially from the definition.
I guess it's him yeah, aids is fucking dead and little bro feels lonely.
Does anyone have that rentry with all the V3 prompting tips?
>new model released
>general isn't being flooded with gens
Local is absolutely fucked.
He actually wrote the Transformers paper.
Do you think we're gay or something?
Don't worry, v4 will save /hdg/. Gens out the ass for weeks on release, at least. And they'll be the best gens you've ever seen.
He wrote the implementation first and then Google stole the idea and wrote a paper.
you vvill align your steps
and you vvill be happy
v4 would destroy this place
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Be consistent!
kill yourself gennigger
>no metedata found
feel like I recognize the artstyle though
at least i didnt misspell it in the image
it's pony
Technically both are correct, I guess.
They're technically both "correct" since the official translation just guesses at whether she's meant to be aegis as a shield or aigis as a name.
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does forge not support vpred models?
Tried noobvpred06 and gens look fried.
What am i missing
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i would donate you all my buzz, sir
but how
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Fucked up something when refactoring the script recently, it's fixed now.
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A social media platform. One of the first and oldest.
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>gens perfectly fine all morning.
>happy with the prompts and settings, even.
>turn on "generate forever", then leave for work.
>return home.
>the entire output folder:
rip gpu
were you going for the abstract grass kind of gens?
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it could have been worse, you might have returned to a scorched ruins
Lucky for you Nvidia is ready to unleash the 5090 with an unrivaled total of 32 GB of VRAM
Can I get a catbox for 00055? That bowtie looking shape got me gripping hard
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Reminds me of when I fucked up something in a wildcard and half the gens get bricked because of the way the extension works. At least the bricked image with noob is way more wholesome then the awful pony ones.
fem pov goku hentai any style thanks
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working on a jackson pollock lora
perfect copy cat lora
vpred 0.6 masterpiece
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i imagine you can just consistently prompt this on nai3
when can we expect your 'exquisite details' finetune anon?
there isnt a single thing you cant prompt consistently on naiv3
Why would anyone want to prompt this?
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e621 might have fucked eps past 0.5 but its made vpred hoof prompting pretty nice
wrong board fag
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whats the best autotagger fellas
eva large
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at which point /u/shit becomes /h/?
You either need a penis or you need cum (from a man).
Manually tagging if you actually care.
I don't think he has share their meta before so I wouldn't bother asking.
I think sensei is a little too pale here
it will unironically be cheaper to buy an a40 with 48GB vram than a 5090
surely jewidia wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot like that
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the right answer is "when it starts producing eldritch abominations", dummy
the 5090 is still way more performant for gaming but an a40 is like $4000 used and you better believe scalped 5090s will be selling for that much
Oh hey it's back
We are so back
>producing eldritch abominations
around here we call that "hyper"
mutts law
When doing a character lora, should I only use images where all the core concepts are present, or can I include images with non canon stuff with tags that these things are different? I'm not talking about outfits, but stuff like ears and tails and stuff
Manually tagging is retarded because you'll forget or miss tons of things. Autotagging and refining is the way if you care, though Eva large has gotten good enough I don't even do that anymore and my loras turn out just as good as ever. You're living in the retarded past
imagine not having memorized the entirety of danbooru at this point
I'm sorry promptlet-anon, that's just a skill issue on your part
You are adding way too many unnecessary tags with autotagging.
And maybe it would be ok if your dataset has like 500 pics which is also retarded, like you.
I have never had a dataset where I didnt need to add or remove some tags, there is tags that are way too vague to be recognized by autotaggers
Thats not true, if there is too much dumb tags then just put the confidence higher
There is a risk that those features will show up in gens unprompted, higher the more those features differ from the model's understanding of them; eg cat ears generated by illustrious are okay but non-standard cat ears that are halfway to a fox, or a different color than her hair, etc are an issue.
nah they'll just name it 'lite ml'
I guess that makes sense. Thanks anon
>this is a win despite knowing full well that nothing will come out of it
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Remember if you are not getting the dark images you want with noob, you can always throw in a solid black image into img2img and set denoise between 0.95-0.99 while prompting and genning with your other usual settings.
its already been done before with minimal quality loss, see the 8b distillation someone did
I just gen the image and then turn off my monitor
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testing 0.6 vpred noob with DPM++ 2S Ancestral CFG++ sampler, Align Your Steps 32 scheduler, cfg 2.
>If I solve the differential equation in a slightly different way it will somehow result in a consistently better result
Sampler autism is the bane of /hdg/
What about scheduler autism?
>i can't coom until I see DARK
Mi*o made this place toxic
>differential equation
>diffusion sampling
how do we break it to him, chat?
nice tits
very nice tits
Who's that pokemon?
Who is Milo?
>1girl, solo, loli
Uhhh... bro??
The image and the prompt don't match at all.
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Oh hell no, what is this now, why is there more options?
Comfy don't have this problem
So erotic
Is there a point in doing more than 10 epochs for loras?
What matters is the total number of steps. How many steps an epoch is depends on the size of your dataset, and repeats if any.

afaik the standard is 2-3K steps divided by your effective batch size.
SpotDiffusion doesn't work with any shift option... why is it there on the first place
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>'ates groids
>'ates bright colors
>can only coom to a dark image
The west has truly fallen.
Weird, SDnext feels slower than forge/reforge and a1111, despite using cu124/torch2.5 like comfy.
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never post this SLOP here again
stop being mad furry
I was aiming for datasetXrepeats between 200 and 400
I did a few run but my best epoch is always the last one which make me think it could maybe get better with more epoch or steps?
It's vpred 0.6
i do not enjoy farting on prey unlike you saar
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jealous, ayakon?
only post masterpieces like this from now on >>8319448
finally someone with taste
>nyooo the heckin image is too dawrk!
>nyooo the heckin image is too bwight!
>nyooo the heckin image is too piss colored!
>nyooo the heckin image is too greyscwale!
>nyooo the heckin boobas is too hyper!
>nyooo the heckin cock is le futarawrni!
>nyooo the girl in the image is too old!
>nyooo the girl in the image is too UOOOH!
>nyooo the boy is not dark in skin!
who are
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What software are you using to generate? I dislike Comfy, and with A1111 there are so many forks/abandoned options, I am unsure what to use.
if you include forge/reforge as a1111 forks, then no idea what other things are out there
Sure. Overshoot then do an XY comparison.

You have to try out different compositions/poses/styles etc to see when it's overbaked
simply use none of them and imagine the finished images in your head
I will posts jk flatties gens out of spite
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Unironically best gen itt
all according to keikaku...
Aight i'll do a 20 epoch run and see how fried it gets
it's not even a gen
shut the fuck up
Now I get it.
/hdg/ was never about sharing sexy gens with cute anime girls in them.

It's about trying to cause as much confusion, spite, keks and rage with one's gens and opinions, only interrupted by the occasional short period of serious discussion when new models come out.
>serious discussion when new models come out
>/hdg/ is about shitposting with occasional gens
took you a while, autism status?
first day on 4chan?
This but blacked 2hoes (again)
it's about me being able to anonymously complain about training and then post images i want to jerk off to but am too lazy to transfer to my phone
>pija \(pianiishimo\), (blue borscht:0.8)
let me guess, you need more?
I fucking hate to admit that even if the nips never managed to get past the 1.5 style era they actually can give good advices when they want.
Took you long enough, dumbass
90% of /hdg/ is shitposting, 5% is unironic shilling/astroturfing, and maybe 5% is legitimate discussion. Don't take anything you see here seriously, it's merelt the late stage consequences of modern 4chan having little to no janny activity to stop people from being completely retarded.
I'm using just borscht, not blue borscht, Am I doing it wrong?
At least close to Noob's official release I saw some form of serious on topic stuff.

>took you a while, autism status?
Officially diagnosed 3 years ago in my 20's.

>first day on 4chan?
A while ago, though only months ago did I start to post gens.

>being able to anonymously complain about training and then post images i want to jerk off to but am too lazy to transfer to my phone
Honestly understandable.
>At least close to Noob's official release I saw some form of serious on topic stuff.
jokes aside this is basically the cycle
discussion surrounding new models with shitposting throughout all dry spells
>I saw some form of serious on topic stuff.
It usually goes
>new model comes out
>shitposting ramps up in the thread
>a few anons post some xyz plots
>more shitposting
>a couple of days pass
>if it's good then people actually start using it
>shitposting is redirected
>rinse and repeat
I usually don't find that unless a couple of days have passed that there's actually any worthwhile discussion going on because similar to other boards on this site I think a lot of people just have hate boners and want things to fail no matter what it is.
used to be a ton of lora sharing too in the pony days
now they are not necessary
>Generate forever
You guys don't seriously do this ..... right ..........?
>setup huge wildcards with fun prompts
>let it shit out gens
i dont see the problem
Ultimate sloppage. I don't, but only because I'm too lazy to set up wildcards on Comfy.
You know, I didn't understand why wildcards were a popular thing
I'm beginning to understand now
>he doesn't benchmark anatomy failure rates
>discussion surrounding new models with shitposting throughout all dry spells
Shitposting could be thought of as the coping mechanism of /hdg/ while we wait for new model releases.

But yeah I agree with yo on your point. At least the shitposting isn't as bad as it was pre-Illustrious.

>people just have hate boners and want things to fail no matter what it is.
I will never understand this mentality, even if the thing hated has positive benefits for the haters, but I 100% believe they just say/do that to spite others (if that makes sense).

>used to be a ton of lora sharing too in the pony days
A ton of those were actually really good, compared to those on civit. Kudos to the bakers back then.
Shitposting resumes very quickly now
It's FAR from being dry spell currently yet threads are just full of shitposting now
you just gotta accept that hdg is never going to be as good as it used to be
>character wildcard
>pose wildcards
let the gacha begin, of course its fun
he was an ays boy
she was an sgm uniform girl
he was an euler boy
she was a dpm++ girl
im more of a peepee anon myself
i aligned my steps and now my gens are all straight shota
"""not curved"""
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4chan made me hate the word "Sir" :((((
4chan made me love the word "Saar" :))))
That's it, I'm gonna redeem
working on a dataset rn
damn euler a SUCKS for details/backgrounds
cope it works for me
no brown cystaars?
>t. gens white background, simple background
You know, I'm something of a step aligner myself
aaaaand filtered!
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This vpred 0.6 is pretty decent.
is the only thing you have to do to train a lora for vpred train it on a vpred model or is there something else?
vtai sirs made a hoshi usagi lora?
not on civit and somebody posted this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8449324?q=xyerayume
there's a flag/checkbox for v-pred
theres other stuff, I dont remember tho check noobnai page theres details on training there
too wide hips and tits
looks like fucking futa
>all posts by this person have been deleted
your straight shota saar
no its girly
no it doesnt
why is it so gay
the character gigi murin supposedly had 250 pics in the noob dataset
doesn't look anything like the artist
that's a racial slur
noo, you must redeem small penis!
paja? pija?
>makes waifu sluttier
>no outline
I could almost like it enough to save it
nyo :3
based saviorfag
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its getting too gay in here
there are some similarities but yeah
hoshi has cute artstyle, but not too many newer pics for a lora
save us miq*anon with your sexy gens
>man's face
I will never get over this guy eyes
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That's nice.

finally found cunny holy grail
it's sabamen
Based miqochad
You have the opportunity to generate an infinite number of sexually ideal images. Why prompt condom cuckery?
next you're going to tell us you just discovered this crazy underrated cunny artist nobody has ever heard of and it's gonna be gomennasai or some shit
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arent those the little green dudes that killed chiaotzu
genuinely haven't seen anons using it here and forgot about him myself
pumping rn
What the heck, man. All his girls look like malnourished little boys. If you want a real loli holy grail, try ter_(otokoter).
it's kino
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Literally the best part; do all the backend work finding poses, set them up, set up character wildcards, set up style wildcards then just let AI jesus take the wheel and see what comes out.
how do you do it with comfy? I would start using it just for this when I need it if it works reliably
it works great at getting rid of default wide hips
i would imagine you train some yolov8 model on watermarks, have it autodetect it, then autorun lama on the masked area.
nevermind i read >>8320985 right after posting. just use that and run lama on the masked area
would you mind sharing your pose wildcards?
> 800$
That's like 3 years of NAI
if you use easytrainingscripts this fork has some updates like new schedulers and the updated debiased estimation code
i cant provide any tech support just putting it out there
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why is it soggy
why is it so fried?
it's NTRmix
thats some big hands
miqomix proportions
she just got out of the pool, retard
i asked her and she said that's not what happened btw
Yeah I gen monster girls so being able to get specific stuff that danbooru doesn't have tags for is nice.
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>just use florence bro
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The savior of /hdg/
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>It's FAR from being dry spell currently
not relative to the pony era but definitely relative to the expectations people had around noob's announcement
we thought that we would get local nai3 or better by the end of the year since there was finally was a local team with as much compute as nai3 was trained on (!!!) but all we got out of it was a slightly improved illustrious finetune (eps 0.5) and a bunch of half-broken models
>we thought that we would get local nai3 or better by the end of the year
i genuinely do not understand how anyone expected anything but what we ended up getting
if you had faith in the project once euge was the baker they chose, your disappointment is on you
well, angel proved you can be retarded and still bake the best local model we've had if you have enough compute
but i guess lax's team proved there's a limit to that
give me one nai gen we can't replicate on local right now
pony with loras could already replicate any given nai gen, so true!
shitpost all you want, rouwei and noob does it with no loras
have you ever used nai?
do i look retarded enough to pay for saas?
you look like 25$ is half of your salary so i don't blame you
>no one wants to post images here
>people post stuff on the other generals fine.
Could the problems be us?...No it's the models fault!
I'm doing /e/ gens atm

>Post the 1 girls ive been doing most of the day
>some turbosperg shits and pisses himself at not seeing a penis or bodily fluid in the image tells me to go to /e/

Yeah no thanks
You get what you fucking deserve
>shitpost so hard that there's currently three threads
>complete and utter lack of moderation
>but god forbid you post a bust size slightly too small or something that can, in the most vague of circumstances, somehow be construed as being "underaged!" that's a ban
>well unless you're one of a few specific shitposters :^) then it's cool
I mean, I honestly haven't been doing much of anything at all for the past few days but can you really be surprised that people aren't really all that enthused to be interacting with the thread at the moment?
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Wait for it
threadshitting is exactly what groidchan deserves. how people can still try to post seriously is sad. this site is little more than a hollow attempt to farm money from third worlders.
boxo and link to loras sankyu
Does this shit in negative actually work?

low quality, worst quality, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra legs, deformed anatomy, messy color, deformed fingers, bad, distracted, extra arms, blurry, extra finger, stone, mountains, cover, bad drawn fingers, watermark
Sometimes I like getting mountains though
don't mind that, i should've actually read it
probably not
Low quality and worst quality, that's I think what was trained, bad anatomy I think is a valid tag on danbooru so yes, the rest is snake oil
imagine posting in this shithole
what's with all the trooncord faggots posting here today thinking they're funny?
you shitposted too much and now they think they are in good company
all complainers are loli pedos
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Even cathag cannot save this thread
New thread

That shit is four days old
kill me
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baikenbox? although she should be missin an arm
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oh shit I forgot about that I haven't played in a while.

box please?
Stop doing this to her.
Can someone spam some images really quick so I can see the highlights before my bed time?
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yeah i know about it, but thats still really big, hopefully he manages to downsize it further, it wouldnt even matter if there was some reasonable quality loss since it would probably still be better than sd3.5
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>keep bouncing between personalslop & cumplexnoob
I feel like such a slut, bros.
been using personalslop, need to try complex. can it do reverse nursing with nipple stimulation ? i found most other merges couldnt
box please?
Can't say I've tried that, anon. But I've gotten some really creative poses just by prompt engineering so I wouldn't be surprised. Complex feels pretty diverse in that regard. Slop has a few of my mixes it does better than complex however. It's a constant struggle.
stop using shitmixes
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shit like this pisses me off for some reason
niggers just prompt a character name with a few random chinkoid artist names bokeh very cinematic very awa trending in india lens flare abstract thought provoking and pray to the gen gacha
there's no actual idea to what they're trying to get, no method, just mindless grind for something that will look "good" and then they proceed to milk this shit for all its worth
porn chads are fucking prompt engineers compared to those hacks
thanks, nice gen
most pointless melty i think ive ever seen in this general
idk some of them look pretty cool man
You need to chill and have some fun kek
sisters.. is he coming at hdg's choice of slopper, the creator of NTRmix?
i refuse
Nah, you're just jealous his gallery is cooler than yours.
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Yeah, I also dislike at some extends those kind of people/gens, most of the schizo background posters here are good tho, you can at least tell their direction with their gens
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that's factually wrong. civit says I'm cooler
you right, but
looking at these pictures, someone can get a false impression of how good this model actually is
retards on civit will say that it is just like NAI or better, meanwhile in reality it struggles to generate proportions that doesn't look awkward
?? the fuck? I honestly don't even know where to start with this take
strange falseflag
is there a way to auto append a comma after I add lora to the prompt?
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Based, one of my favorite mixes
Why is it so yellow?
it's e621
skill issue
what part?
you haven't seen those retarded comments on civit comparing it to nai?
or do you think that anatomy/proportions are perfect on noob?
what is this nai glazing? why are you so attached to it, huh?
obsessed much???
why do you care about what "people" on civitai think in the first place? they were previously talking about how 4th tail and tofu made nai obsolete
i mean i think its pretty good for local
i don't know about 4th tail and tofu, but rouwei and noob mix sure did
rouwei and noob mix did not turn out well for me
noodletard got no (You)s so he's trying to stir shit up again
is this "noodletard" in the same thread with us, naicuck?
>all me itt
>pills have run out
2bad so sad
mad you got called out huh?
>6+gays are taking over the thread
are we past 1girl and back to shitposting?
i wouldn't be surprised if the fags posting gay catboxes here were the biggest shitposters desu
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1girl > 6+fags
nice samefag
new boogeyman?
Are (You) with (Me) in the same room right now?
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Miquella catboxes > all hdg gen's
There. Someone fucking had to say it. You fags need to stop coping already.
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Would you say with the noob checkpoints there is no quality benefit to doing any more than just prompting masterpiece, best quality in positive and low quality, worst quality in the negative? Or is there quality in putting in types of scene lighting, backgrounds, absurdres, 4K, etc of autistic schizo prompts? Let me get everyone on /hdg/'s thoughts, I'm interested.
I've narrowed my tags to master, best, newest, and absurdres. I'm slowly weening off that last one.
In negs, I've dropped a lot of the schizo for: worst quality, bad quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, text
there was more seething about those few catboxxed traps than when some subhumans were spamming boxes with guro, bestiality, toddlercon or some hyper gaping and prolapse shit
every thing you listed is fine, besides guro, btw :)
>Miquella catboxes
objectively useless tag, good chunk of these are just scanned images riddled with halftones
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>blue borscht, atte nanakusa,
let me guess.... you "need" more
I forgot the box... forgive me cvnnybros
there were like two boxes with him, week or two ago, and some anon still has trauma about it
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thanks cunnyGODs
Kayoko is not cunny despite being small chested, she's 17-18.
here's a catbox of something I already did a low effort version of in a different art style, but this time higher effort and landscape instead of portrait
catboxed because I don't trust retarded jannies(even though it doesn't even have nudity!)
pinnacle of anatomy
kino, see you in highlights saar
I've grown to like spreading out as many as artists tags but with slight weights to them "(enosan:0.15), (michiking:0.15), (nekoshoko:0.15)," and others
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it's ok. sunday night after all.
>spreading out as many as artists tags
As in: 1girl, standing, (enosan:0.15), blonde hair, green eyes, blush, looking to the side, covered nipples, (michiking:0.15), etc?
I have formatting autism so I go
>artists/style /n
>angles/actions/concepts /n
>char descriptors /n
>ditto /n
>location/setting/objects /n
>quality tags
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I put general tags first, then quality then all of the artists tags last. I have 13 artists tags in total.
New Thread:

Anyone else feels like stuff posted here has been getting... rapey? I guess?
Like it's different stuff. Unwilling girls, prostitution, sleep sex etc etc. very young girls too.
Wasn't like that before so I wonder what could be the cause?
Makes sense, america voted for a rape president
holy fuck...box?
based thanks
Can I get a link to these supposed pictures so I can definitely report them to a janny and definitely not download them?
Is that a tenga outfit?
Very sexy

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