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SubSauna Edition

Previous Thread: >>8327155

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Previous Thread Highlights:


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Highlights, did you make it?
kill yourself
>ayakon made it
>didn't make it
Fucking christ
kill yourself
(I have a theory that highlight anon is incapable of including gens from towards the end of the thread because he doesn't have the ability to fit them into the collages in time)
Made it 5 times. New record! All thanks to my inspirational prompting BGM.

How does it feel to be a rising star in the hentai AI image gen community?
I wish I could draw.
congrats, should've started a grift back in March dude
I wanted to do this joke but I couldnt be arsed
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Model to dethrone pony/noob shitmixes when?
I am mildly offended that the only output that got in was my low effort one, and not the ones I actually inpainted and drew for.
it's "highlights"
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I also made it in 5 times, good music does enhance latent space RNG bwo
what's stopping you from starting now?
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I don't like latent space. I would rather doodle something that would make sense there rather than leave anything to doubt.

Utter and complete lack of talent. Can't even make a damn torso without needing to draw it over and over again.
>use long negatives on noob that i made up myself
>fucking blurry smudged gens
>use the negatives from a clean catbox of a random anon
>his negatives are less than 60 tokens
>try them out anyways
>clean gen
oh you big motherfucker, i swear man i fucking swear
retard, bet you fell for the /ic/ neuroplasticity meme too
only way to get good at drawing is to draw a lot
yeah, schizo negs fuck up noob. especially vpred
less negs the better
anyone got a collection of wildcards they feel like sharing?
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at least you have eyes to know when a torso is wrong unlike that guy
nta but I have "jpeg artifacts,low quality,scan,censored,bar censor,chibi,chibi inset,bad anatomy,unfinished,displeasing,artistic error," in my neg and im not too sure about it, from my test the gen do get better but not by an amount equivalent to the number of token wasted on it
oh I forgot about this girl, catbox?
gracias amigo
De nada bwo
Make sure not have color negs on the vpred one. Fries like hell with that
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thats some interesting underwear, what did you prompt for it?
Just rng from "crystal lingerie"
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>there's a theobrobine lora on civit
oh yeah, now we're slopmaxxing
>a dick of that size, doing a stomach bulge
who genned this? the schizo who is afraid of hyper?
vpred 0.65 where ffs
box it
not to worry, lax misheard something and now all the computing power is put to work on a tangent.
sorry but the next vpred ver is 0.61 since they were busy training eps 1.1
vpred is only good for dark scenes, Epsilon is home
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how do i make lighting look good on epsilon
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bros... look at my trainer
you don't. vpred is for that
GOD why are ALL the people with funds/machines FUCKING RETARDED!? if only an anon from /hdg/ held the reins, and i mean literally ANYONE from here, we'd be shooting for the moon and landing on mars!!! but these STUPID fucking money men are such RETARDED cocksuckers, jeez!
Like Jordach?
now put your trip on, astra
like neggles¿
If you are so smart, why don't you have compute?
you are now in charge, whats your training plan, how do you curate dataset, how do you handle vpred?
none of our asses is coding, data prepping, and coordinating for all of that and you know it
did LAX even explain why they bent the knees to the furry overlords and added e621? it was going so good and they shot them selves in teh foot.

I havent used any noob models over 0.5 epsilion because of it.
paruparu did it but the trade off is confetti texture on most samplers
they thought more data=better model
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It's because I dmed him saying I wanted to gen Izutsumi with 8 nipples and e621 would help me do that
The good ol, furry model = better anatomy misguided sentiment that stemmed from EF and pony
ah, it's that sd1.5 looking slop, nevermind
Its really funny how that sentiment even got echoed here and no one actually bothered to even check out e621 before people realized how 1.0 turned out
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Ignore the anon above
Love yourself
If anything I feel like the base style looks like pony but it's not like you can't use artist tags.
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cock, cum?
Just DIY on your screen
After further prompting I think the chiaroscuro LoRA is contributing to the look as well

box me up
Previous Thread Highlights



based based
>wide hips
you guys are absolute brain dead retards
Do people genuinely still gives a shit about noob when RouWei exist?
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bros.. look at my trainer farming protein.
post at least one of YOUR rouwei gen
Do people genuinely still gives a shit about RouWei when the NTRMix lora exists for noob?
Trip back on minthy
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mammal, anthro, furry, ambiguous_form, feral,

I'm looking
i put :1.4) emphasis on last one
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Think you've got the wrong prompt, king
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i have no idea what im doing anymore
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thanks buddy
thats a cute style, deliver box pls
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Haven't been here for a few months, did Jordach save local yet?
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ok bro.. we're just going to go train in viridian,
me at the back
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, so I have been looking at this guide. Maybe it will help someone else here.
give me critique and snake oil
Use Kohaku_LoNyu_Yog
i'd let her oil my snake if you know what i mean ;)
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>shit anatomy
>skin folds
>deformed bed
unironically how do you deal with skin folds? any tags that help with that?
gibe drawing tutorials i wanna learn too
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Your negative prompts is lacking, take inspiration from the anons sharing their boxes
No idea, but I've noticed that those higher score tags give more photo realistic results, if you are using autism.
What the fuck is this post, literally nobody here is using autism/pony garbage except for ayakon
Don't know much about tutorials, but most of the time I look at Asutora's art and these guidebooks.


It really shows that you aren't using autism. Your gen is absolute diarrhea mess.
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I want to have fun with anime schoolgirls in back alleys
V4 status?
PonyV7 status?
Jordach status?
all dead and irrelevant
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Despite what shills here try to tell you, everyone outside of this hellhole is using pony and its derivatives. Most good posters left this place by this point.
based ayakon speaking the truth
Despite what shitposters retard here try to tell you, everyone outside of this hellhole is using illus and its derivatives. Most good posters left this place by this point.
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should I be training my loras on base illustious/noob or some other one?
depends what you want to use your loras on
based idol enjoyer
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I'm still laughing my ass off from that Biden pic, truly one of the highlights of all time
>not bbc
So close to perfect gens...
I'm typically on noob 0.5. I thought the consensus was to train on ill, since it seems similar enough to noob. I'm not sure if it's any less compatible with the various noob versions.

I really with there wasnt so many versions it makes lora training so anoying
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it make everything annoying to be honest
Here are the key points from the web page:

The page is a thread on a forum discussing AI-generated hentai images, with various users sharing their generated content and discussing techniques.
It includes links to various AI models, tools, and resources for generating and working with AI-created hentai images.
There is discussion around the pros and cons of different AI models, with users debating the merits of models like Noob, RouWei, and Illustrious.
Users share their own generated images and provide feedback, both positive and negative, on the quality and content of the images.
There are references to using certain prompts, negative prompts, and techniques to achieve desired results when generating the images.
The overall tone of the thread is casual and technical, with users sharing knowledge and tips within the hentai AI generation community.
not reading your chatgpt ass
its claude
I thought he was busy helping jordach?
its ntr
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Can you make the dude a bit darker?
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I magical girls were real because they're always so fuckable
bros.. trying to convince my star pupil that her hair might be a hindrance in her routine.
take the erp shit somewhere else, they'll love you in the other boards
>Kino cun
Does BREAK actually work or just a placebo?
box please?
take your nogen ass somewhere else, they'll love you in the other boards
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oi beeg nogen. there's the door.
hot glue
Still waiting for someone to have an ideia on how to prune controlnets myself
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To separate concepts? I have had much better luck using regional prompting. I find it extremely temperamental.

You must be at least 40 years old.
prompt for those expressions? wondering if it'll work as well with other artists
Yay I got in
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>You must be at least 40 years old.
nta but nah im 30 and i remember the times when rozen maiden was popular
Drawing for this one, Yeezus anon?
>head tilt, confused, ... open mouth, disgust
could also probably add half-closed eyes and shaded face, also probably uneven eyes
nta but looks like disgust
tits too small
I hold the reins for my loras and those don't even turn out well, so
whats the twitter from the guy who made anytest controlnet again?
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To the anon(s) who put BREAK in their prompts.

Explain yourselves.
Don't make fun of rouwei bros, life id already hard enough for them.
I'm a snake oil baron, I need to maximize all snake oil use
it just werks
tokens have a higher priority the earlier they're placed.
BREAK resets the prompt register.
This lets you do schizo style tag oriented prompts, then place a BREAK before doing all of your character shit without character shit(or your schizo style prompt) being lower priority while also lowering the risk of hitting/splitting the 75 token break which can fuck things up(since each portion is in their own register)
it's not very complicated.
Where can I find the Kohaku_LoNyu_Yog sampler, pls?
Everything you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to
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one aligned step*
Can you make it not /aco/?
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If you don't mind, where do I actually put the files? I don't understand the instructions. Thank you
request anchor doko
is kohaku_lonyu_yog supposed to be that "smooth"?
just install as any extension
very meta of you
File deleted.
>is kohaku_lonyu_yog supposed to be that "smooth"?
it's smoothFT-SOLID
(s)he has a hip tumor :(
adetailer... kisama...
Yes, maybe I'm missing something but it seems practical only for inpainting.
That's someone's son you sick fuck.
It's been a long time since cnet upscaling spawned me an extra nipple. I got too cocky and stopped searching, bros..
Not sure what you mean, anon. That's just a shy tomboy.
I'll be honest, red lipstick gives me a visceral negative reaction every time I see it. It reminds me of old ladies or something. It's almost like it exudes a smell when I look at it.
Which model is the current hotness?
>it's smoothFT-SOLID
oh, that's a thing
is it any good?
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Missed a spot.
Frankly, I never had much luck with it. Prefer the SPO one. Or did before settling with a noob shitmix.
aight, guess i'll stick with vpred 0.6
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anyone else using comfy have these all break on the latest update? trying to use them with the latest noob checkpoint gives me some weird tensor mismatch error. every other sampler works fine though, it's only the weird smea and kohaku ones shitting the bed
Are vpred checkpoints ready for practical use yet or I am better off using eps 0.5 still? Not interested in red on black backgrounds, just wanna coom.
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I've felt this way my whole life. Black lipstick is worse though, like I get cringey second hand embarrassment or something.
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the vpred versions are the comfyui of the illustrious world
no they completely fucked up not even Euler a works properly on them. instead of waiting til they fix the problem to release they just kept releasing, so ignore it. It's probably a lost cause unless they decide to properly convert 0.5 instead of continuing to attempt over top of fucked up 1.0, but they give 0 fucks I guess. At this point I'm half convinced kurumuz paid lax off to sabotage the project
Which model is this?
>kurumuz paid lax off to sabotage the project
exactly this, they wouldn't be able to make profit off naiv4 otherwise
I mean if there is some combination of snake oil samplers that would make it work once you set it and forget it, I'd be fine with it, but my experience with it wasn't great.
Guess I'll still try making something with vpred 0.7 if I find some saved catbox with it, but eps 0.5 felt like the only one "just works" illu-based model to me. Other ones are either underbaked or fried.
How much time can they spend on cooking v4 anyway?
If they care about their grifter/coomer subscriber base they really should make some cope 3.1 version with updated characters at least. They must be losing subscribers in droves right now considering noobai, gift keys removal and complete lack of updates.
Noob Vpred 0.6
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>commander \(azur lane\)
what is this actually trained on? Not like we have ever seen him.
what matters is whats on danbooru
It's your jeneric dude in naval uniform duh
All the pictures of a faceless guy in a white uniform having sex with botes, I guess. I just threw it in because it felt right to do it.
based and real
Thinking about trying to earn some money by generating lewd because I really need money right now and am decent enough with SD. Is that a good idea? Looking at pixiv there's a LOT of ai posts there but there may be just way too much to try to fit in at this point. Thoughts?
post your gens and we'll decide if you're worthy
Spam image sets of blacked gacha sluts and you should at least be able to make minimum wage
The quality of your gens doesn't matter, what matters is finding an audience of retards willing to pay for your slop. Slopping lots of extreme niche fetish content is probably the most profitable path.
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It feels like blacked bubble is popping and I wonder if there's going to be another easy opening like that.
Yeah I don't think i will.

>The quality of your gens doesn't matter
I think it does up to a point, at least the focus of the pic needs to be decent because I've seen supposedly foot fetish pics with 7 toes and shit like that and I have no idea why anyone would like that.

>Slopping lots of extreme niche fetish content is probably the most profitable path.

Any ideas how often I'd have to post? Like how many posts/pics per month does it take to start getting even $50 a month?
>blacked bubble is popping
and all it took is for trump to win
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Need box whenever I gen hypno he's too fucking goofy ass.

Yeah it's hotter then oral more times then not, you can try "penis awe" or "cock worship" I think those used to give that same pose with pony it didn't feel like it was working as good in illu.
>(huge penis:1.2), ((huge testicles, girthy penis)), veiny penis
>small penis, frottage, foreskin, precum, penises touching
M-miquella.. uoooooh..
what's the name of that ai timelapse thing illyasviel made that made all the "artists" seethe? last seconds of those timelapses really helped with getting rid of that (ai-generated:1.2) feel of gens
>I've seen supposedly foot fetish pics with 7 toes and shit like that and I have no idea why anyone would like that.
Quantity is a quality of its own. If half a dozen out of the 1000 AI generated pics you publish per week have major issues it's no big deal, and most bottom feeding coomers willing to pay for AI porn wouldn't care in the first place. The hard part is getting to be known by them, you need to buy bots to boost your content on xitter and other social media for that.
>you need to buy bots to boost your content on xitter and other social media for that.
Do you KNOW they all do this or you just assume they all do?
Either of these but
>(loli:1.2), futanari, low-angle view
ain't that just otoko no ko shota then?
Shut up, chuddie, it's a girl but with a penis, not some fag femboy.
You're not supposed to ponder such questions
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It's only an assumption, but that's generally how it works for content creators that need to be pushed by the algorithm into people's timelines.
I'm doing my upscaling with mixture of diffusers after using Adverse Cleaner, is there a better way by now?
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You mean both of those with also
>penis size difference, crossdressing, otoko no ko, teacher and student
chin too long
nta but I'm 90% sure that singapore/malay/indo fags on pixiv absolutely have their own little network that they run for their garbage and are pretty much single-handedly making the AI rankings on pixiv absolutely worthless.
and you have literally zero reach on pretty much any platform at this point if you don't already have an audience, somehow manage to get the attention of someone that does have an audience or you pay for the audience.
frankly, it's all pretty bullshit.
Should have been early adopter if you wanted to get in. AIfags that started around nai leak had such an easy fucking time getting audience it's not even funny. Around the time of v3 release new ones started popping up but it was all blackedshit and the growth was much slower still.
The next potential opening will be with a next major coom model release. If v4 isn't shit, it will it, if it's crap then we're gonna have to wait for a long fucking time for local to do actually make a breakthrough.
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What did the AI mean by this
god AI is so based
Hmm... nyo
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pussy pancakes
anon there is not "next big model" to "get in on it" with.
If it goes under AI generated it gets filtered and you do not get an audience.
The only way to acquire an audience now would be to do things that actually pass for not being AI and then not using the label.
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why is it so pony?
it's aco
nta but is it the shading, or is the face too detailed, or the thick outline? I'm comparing it to something like >>8321887 but it's hard to putinto words exactly when it's too far away from "proper" anime. I mean it's still pretty far from say this >>8612811 which is clearly too much.
can't get used to the "new" cross linking >>>/aco/8612811
nvm I forgot the third arrow anyway
it's pony score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up face
not saying it's a good image, jsut whether it belongs here; and where the line is
the nose and the way it's constructed and detailed is, by itself, enough to qualify it as aco.
the shading, the gaudy lipstick, the "literally why" high heels and the overdefined musculature are just cherries on top.
it just directly resembles garbage "anime-a-like :^)" western porn art that rose up in the 00's.
if it's pony it doesn't belong here. that's an aco model
You can generate aco on illu and you can generate animu on pony.
Skill issue.
>you can generate animu on pony
With 10 loras, yeah. The base model was primarily trained on western art.
show me anime pony gen
I spent some time looking for an anime image with the same nose, similar lips and "literally why" high heels as a comparison. Guessing it's just the shading then, and muscle definition which is mostly just visible because of the shading.

When people can't tell it's pony than there's obviously no issue. It just feels like there are more of those im-between styles these days.
genning kino is what you're doing
Use this post to call out any nogen complainers
Check the archive around august. People got pretty good at aping styles despite pony's bias, just took a ton of effort. Even before the new 4th Tail finetune.

I remember this guy >>8182785 >>8181476 because he mentioned using style components.
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base pony

8um, nmb, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime
1girl, female, nude

neg: source_cartoon, source_pony, source_furry
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Excellent pic again, also using this chance to appeal to the creator of this pic to share box.
I would drop my current wageslave coding job and accept half the money for sitting at home genning all day instantly
why bother asking if you're just going to ignore anything you decide you want to ignore?
Would, if not for what? Just do it.

I would make more money too. Senior devs make 20K a year in eastern eurupe, and work from home anyways. But I don't know how to avoid creative bankruptcy after genning hard for a few weeks.
because I earn 6 figures writing easy python for idiots
Why does the left one have intestine in her hair?
You didn't address the comparison images at all, so I assumed you didn't look at them. Felt like a pretty safe assumption too around these parts, sorry if I misjudged you.
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why is it hairy?
I didn't see anyone link to any comparison images.
it's an embroidered head scarf.
the "comparison" image from /h/ isn't actually a comparison at fucking all is why.
The noses are constructed completely different. The shading is dramatically different. The heels in the linked "comparison" aren't "literally why" tier because they're actually fucking clothed and they're heavily stylized. The eyes, eye shape and facial construction are also all very, very different.
The image being referenced as /aco/ is "bimbo" garbage, which is very, very explicitly western. The image you linked off to to "reference" is just shitty garbage VN filler.
I don't want to post in /aco/... Are you guys alright with me posting aco characters in anime style here?
As if someone posting /aco/ characters would know what anime style is

Well, can always give it a try.
No one here knows what anime is except jannies so post anything you want
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Oops. Wrong one. On that note how do you guys sort your images?
Better start posting some gpo miqo then
You say that as if it's something bad
It's bad without ces
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I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just trying to understand the difference. Shading is obvious, but the lines look so similar to me. I actually pulled out a graphic tablet and traced them.

"heavily stylized" is also not helpful, I mean do high heels fit a bodysuit but not a leather dominatrix getup?
fry is it so why'd
Don't know what you mean but the answer is because I'm retarded and not very good at this.
I'm not going try to judge whether something is or isn't aco but I will say that both of these appeal to boomers.
Based honest shitter.
it's eyelashes
I'm a boomer and both look like shit
Angel is so cute. He said that he can't comprehend stupidity of noob vpred models.
It's the pixels
and we should care why exactly?
there were like 200 posts deleted last thread are we really going to do this all over again today
Discord gossip is the lifeblood of this thread, newfag
Speak for yourself, newfaggot
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But the other girl in the same image has those eyelashes. Lips too, although a lighter color.
angel, ayakon, jordach,miqo and groidy is /hdg/culture
angel delivered, won't deliver anymore
why should i care what he has to say?
why should i care about what YOU have to say though? did you deliver anything at all, you worthless piece of nogen?
and child porn is still there >>8327471
aligning the steps as the steps align what cannot be seen
For sure. It might be the only hentai franchise that survived two decades, and still going strong.
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>6 fingers
He stopped inpainting his gens since they're getting shit on anyway
isn't that hyper?
Consider this >>8330174
why is it so fried
I wonder why?
It's a Mars Bar, it's destined for the fryer
Should people post their own gens along with every complaint? I thought that'd be seen as avatarfagging, I always try to keep my gens clear of personal opinions.
why won't he stop posting slop here? guess we need to keep shitting on then
Maybe because he doesn't have an eye for style or perspective or anatomy or expressions and instead autistically judges his gens by the accuracy of outfits
That's unfortunate considering the uniform is incorrect anyway :^)
have you considered that maybe if you're trying so damn hard to straddle a line that whatever the fuck it is you're doing probably just doesn't belong?
look at it this way.
post it on /h/ and you get bitched at for it
post it on /aco/ and literally no one cares(some might even like it)
which of these two options seems to be more beneficial?
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i think the vpred oversaturation is tied to particular tags or combinations of tags, asuka plus either sadamoto yoshiyuki or official art was getting red bias, but a combination of the two at 0 power plus some negs seemed to werk
>Should people post their own gens along with every complaint?
I'm a filthy nogen phoneposter rn, so I have no skin in the game. Just trying to understand where people see the line. Quality control is this general's greatest advantage, even though it's weakened lately judging by those ayakon apologists. /aco/ allows everything, but that means you'll end up among people who've never even heard of adetailer or controlnet, and it's all pony. I try to educate them sometimes but the general doesn't have a long memory, unlike here. People come and go.
>Should people post their own gens along with every complaint?
No, sloppers just want a convenient way to deflect criticism. Nogen is better than a bad gen, there is no rush to fill the image limit.
Question anons,
If I want to train a style Lora for a style that NoobAI doesn't know already, which model version would you recommend training on? For eps version of the checkpoint, have you found it better to train on 0.5 or the current latest 1.0 version? And what about the v-pred version, is it better to train on the earlier 0.5 version or the latest one, 0.6?
>which model version would you recommend training on
The one you'll be using the resulting lora on
Just wait until a good version of noob drops. Will take two more weeks at most
for EPS i rec train 0.5
for vpred train latest
It's out
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>6 fingers
Good job
your gens are alright for a boomer
>backhanded compliment
>The one you'll be using the resulting lora on
Right, I get that, but let me try and rephrase what I'm asking for: which version of noob, if I trained a lora on said version, would allow most compatibility with future versions of Noob and it's derivatives/fine-tunes.

>for EPS i rec train 0.5
>for vpred train latest
Thank you, I was thinking the same. I did train a lora not too long ago on the v-pred 0.5 version, and it still seems to work fine on 0.6. But I'll try train a new one, maybe soon, on the latest 0.6 (or the rumored 0.67-0.7 version coming maybe this weekend)

I curse your gens with one too many or too few fingers and the seams left behind from the inpainting mask around the hands will always be visible from miles away no matter what you do.
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Whichever one they decide to continue training from. I assume that would always be the latest, but no one knows for sure.
why is she so unimpressed?
Haven't thought about the why, I just find it cute.
>which version of noob, if I trained a lora on said version, would allow most compatibility with future versions of Noob and it's derivatives/fine-tunes
The current latest version of Noob (1.0 eps or 0.6 v-pred).
LoRAs are just weight deltas, so as the model weights shift in training you're not guaranteed to get good results in later releases because it will (very likely) diverge more and more over time.
Hey bro, would you mind to share a pack of your works? I want to bake a lora, unironically
Just subscribe to patreon bro
to use it at -1? that's a good idea
Gotcha, thank you for the more technical explanation anon, much appreciated.
search the archive by filename
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Pony slider, kek
Yeah, I know, just wanted to ask score_10 king directly
what's tag for pomf bubble
"puff of air"
That was more of a random gen as usually it comes out of the mouth area
Hmm... nyo
uhhh guys? partial version of a partial version?
vpred 1.0 never ever
You are EXPECTED to use shit like rescale/apg with vpred. Even NAI which all local bakers consider to be the golden standard of SDXL anime models it's the case. Some artist tags are very fried and work much better with rescale.
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needs a penis
rescale is just desaturating my shit up and mucking with composition
holy numbers
box please?
Fusho civitai's best LORA creator is back,now with LORAS for illustrious!!!
holy slop
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holy based
In our lifetimes we will be able to make them real
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Needs black eye shadow and to be even more UNINTERESTED. Never change this beauty. Great stuff.

What prompts did you use to get so much cum?

t. Bukkake enthusiast
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>judges his gens by the accuracy of outfits
Which is of course completely different from all the genners here who judge their gens by the accuracy of artist styles and fotm anime/gacha characters. Nobody here has any sense for what makes a good picture. That's why it's all 1girl, simple background, pov slop with fancy oekaki styles smeared on top of it, like how people drown food on mustard and ketchup to mask the shit taste.
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A shit ton actually, I just haven't bothered uploading any of them because my motivation fell off a cliff once noob came out and realized that none of my doras I trained worked on it.

i'll upload them bit by bit to my mega


very cute drunk hag

added to the mega
Excessive cum is pretty potent just for that alone.

I still find it's hard to get it to pool correctly like how I want too, like on the face for example. Not as thick either like yours.
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Not that anon who posted those but it's just adjusting emphasis and where you put the tag in your prompt.
Wtf is happening with the vpred versions?
if you're still looking for unique styles may i suggest
We aren't actually make it to v1 are we, like is this just like some cry for help at this point?
I cant fucking take it anymore, why the fuck are they doing this. just make the damn thing and publish it when its done.

I wish illustrious was the model that was still in development for public use, im sick of noob and their team.
broken model, broken vpred implementation
angel was right

Could you give me an example?

Would it be like (Bukkake:1.5,facial) or something? Still new. Been trying to redirect the splatter for a while.
Seems like they are about to lose all their compute and they are just pushing out whatever they manage to train.
If only the anons with inside information were here.
(excessive cum, cum on face, facial, cumdrip, ejaculation, projectile cum)
etc something like that, check danbooru wiki for all the tags too since that's where they're going to be. Prompt order is more important with illu / noob like Nai prompting so if you want something put it more to the front of the prompt imo.
rouwei will save local, total zigger trust (ignore the fact his vpred impl is also broken)

Thank you I'll try that. Using Illu/Noob 3.0 so I'll try and figure out exactly how to format my prompts in position.
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thats a low amount of images,but i'm up for the challenge
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aligned step count : 100, it just looks better than 20, trust the steps
It's nyover
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For me? It's the DDIM 1000 steps.
i would rather they share their progress and exactly what they are doing so it can hopefully be course corrected, because clearly them doing it on their own is not going well
though on the other hand the v pred channel seems adamant on confusing them even further with their stupid snake oil
If you are going to align your steps that high, then DPM Fast is the sacred answer
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so was vpred bad this entire time? why did people shill it here so hard
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NAI psyop to derail community projects, they included disinfo in their paper that vpred was good
vpred is good when you know what you're doing. But it seems like only SaaS knows.
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interesting idea, but what about their legs
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I feel like it hasn't had a fair trial yet, given that LAX's team can't do the simplest of things right, let alone vpred
Oooh, nice style
I like the shading in this, is it the artist(s) you're using or tags? Very nice
angel and neggles (lol) also figured it out
nta but the thickness depends on the artstyle too. Many draw cum with no outline at all which makes it look low-volume
>comes back
>no (you)'s
its over
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bonus https://files.catbox.moe/mtgv71.png
Is this where I'm supposed to say "it's pony" regardless of what it actually is?
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fucking based, I was really missing him
No, vpred isn't bad. Lax and Euge don't know how to implement stuff. They should have just used CosXL and copy code from either Terminus or WD
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fuck those latex thighhighs are so hot
They "could have done" a lot of things but it doesn't really matter now.
>try aligning 150 steps as a joke
>actually looks better than my 30 steps
Thanks bwo, Nice Catto
Either that or "why is it so x"
Thanks for sharing, you're a homie *kisses*
Hey, I complained about them before they even started training their first eps model and got a lot of hate for it on here :(
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that's some freaky lineart
drawing that on purpose would be a nightmare
Doubt it's that complicated for JP artists.
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Come on, anon, already?!
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That's nice. Box?
whats the art style?
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why don't you open the catbox and find out
it's just photoshop gibberish.
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thanks anon
Feetbox pls
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>6 toes
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Trying out NoobAI-XL 0.6 vpred edition with reForge. Been getting some really poor quality, splotchy generations out of it, compared to 0.5. I read the guide pretty thoroughly (using Euler only, CFG 4, etc), to no avail. On further inspection, most of the outputs on civitai are messy like this too. Is this model just… like this?
Skill issue
use dpm++ 2m, sgm uniform, and more than 25 steps. you can use cfg rescale or apg with 6-7 cfg. they do not know how to prompt their own model.
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Do you mind to box one of yours?
thanks fellow feet enjoyer
this one's euler a but i switched to dpm++ 2m recently because it feels sharper
I also personally recommend the itercomp merge (i think reoe posted it on civitai) and maybe using a 1x de-jpegging upscaler if you're getting artifacty gens
Another LoRA related question for you anons,
I was curating a dataset for an artist, when I noticed said artist is using adversial noise/glaze in their newer images, which is really noticeable (pic related, zoomed in on some clothing), and I fear this will affect the quality of my LoRA.

My question is, is this something I should/should not worry about during training? Would it be wise to find an upscaler model that can remove the worst of it from said images, before training on them? I found this upscaler model that seems pretty good at doing this from openmodeldb:
Or are there any better upscaler models you anons would recommend?
Ah, I see, the hands still fucked up alongside the other things...
Also to add to this, this pattern of noise can be found all over the entire image. And it's definitely not a style choice because the artists older images does not have this.
it's SDXL
There are a bunch of SDXL images in this thread without that.
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pretty sure I was supposed to retrain the unarsite lora with different settings but never did since I got sidetracked. uploaded that version though(but it might disappear in a day or two and replaced with an updated version)
same anon. lol, I was about to prompt this tsugumomo artist. Thanks for the box.
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Thanks, anon. It’s a little better, but still not super great (look at the hands). I wonder what happened. Is this version just a dud?
Currently there is no better local model than Noob eps 0.5
0.5 eps is the only good version of noob, unfortunately
*eps 1.1
oops, meant to say vpred 4.0
eps 1.1111111112 soon guys
>eps noob
>colors don't pop
>vpred noob
That’s hilarious.
was previously using 4x_IllustrationJaNai_V1_ESRGAN_135k and 4x_foolhary_remacri on auto1111, would you advise another for reforge?
that won't do anything. adversarial noise is snake oil
You don't need 400M for a single style. Consider how many styles the model already knows and it's only 7GB.
Why even ask? Worst case you train for an hour and it's noticeable. They you just retrain after fixing those images.

anyway imo unless it's like a third of the dataset it won't have any effect.
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seeking input on artist, want nice shading on cum and shiny body
The only good part about 4chan vae is that it will fuck all that shit.
that fucking arm...
I still use remacri these days
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A surface blur in your favourite image editing program at low values will clear most of it.
ive used manhwa null to preprocess a dataset with heavy jpeg artifacts with good results
don't download it then.
You may need it for consistent style that's not very similar to the model's default style. Also, larger loras (or, better, locon extracts) can stabilize the base model at basic concepts.
>anyway imo unless it's like a third of the dataset it won't have any effect.
even if it's 100% of the dataset it won't make a difference because images are resized during training to match your target training resolution and then are encoded by the VAE.
I am a fire.inc glazer
man knows what he's doing, arguably some of the best loras I've used, specifically the muji one
when he starts training 2-6.5GB then riot, 400M is nothing. some of the controlnets I use are 2.5GB
the only way gloras get smaller is by snipping layers post-training since resizing isn't a thing.
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added "sunny bitch" to the mega
Not bad for only 25 images without cropping,let me know what you think of it as I might retrain it with some extra cropping bullshitery if it aint that flexible
alright, thanks.
Yeah. I like the definition style wise, but her tricep doesn't make anatomical sense
>6 fingers
so this is the power of local and loras...
im a lil late
>4chan vae
Could someone repost?
A controlnet is not a lora.
Back when nai first leaked people were training perfectly good styles using embeddings that were only a few megabytes and suddenly you "need" half a fucking gigabyte to do the same.
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comfyfags how do I remove those, the number+node's origin
>the only way gloras get smaller is by snipping layers post-training since resizing isn't a thing.
That reminds me the anytest guy made this
you only need keep tokens if you have an activation tag right?
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I should really check the image before I upload it
yeah man, 100% of embeddings produced pretty shit outputs
I've trained everything from embeds -> hypernets -> dreambooth -> lora
I've directly worked with lora layers, editing out blocks and tweaking tensor values
I'm familiar with what they are and what they can do.
I look back at some of the embeds I've trained and they're dogwater compared to loras.
I would suggest stripping the glora down, since resizing isn't possible with current tools. I've previously nuked like 60-80% of a glora's size by just cutting blocks, you can probably do the same here.
can't find the original post but it doesn't matter.
you can usually cut a fuckton of data and actually improve outputs.
arguably might not need it even then
unless you always prompt your activation first
I dont like style loras with activation tags so I was curious.
im sorry for being mean good job fixing it
i use it for wildcards
If you mean `keep n tokens` then yeah, you may still want to keep the tags if you bother to caption your data in the way the base model was trained on.
If you mean caption dropout - you probably want to keep artists, series, characters tags.
>I am a fire.inc glazer
I don't know what the fuck this means but it sounds like something a gay fetish group would call their members
I keep the first one on a character im training and move the activation tag to first, but thats it
Best will always be finetuning and extracting lora
is there a nyalia version for vpred?
And that's exactly what it is, you are correct.
Just use (ai generated:1.6)?
i found it on the rentry
can someone explain to me what the issue is with nyalia, genuinely curious
you sound jealous anon

yeah, full model tuning does the best job of training the whole model
have you stopped to consider they're not really being made for public release and are just released due to interest from others?
or, to put it another way, have you considered that they're not being made for you so your considerations of what is and isn't "needed" are not a priority?
>If you mean caption dropout - you probably want to keep artists, series, characters tags.
use keep tokens separator and wildcards for this
>what’s wrong with a sloppy Lora trained on distilled slop?
Tell me what's good about it without sounding mad.
To be honest, I’m not completely sure what you’re talking about. I’m referring to the Keep Tokens option in the Subset Args of Easy Training scripts. What I usually do is, if I have an activation tag for a LoRA, like for a character or a concept, I set the keep tokens to 1. But for my style LoRAs, I don’t like using activation tags, so I set it to 0.

I’m not sure if there’s a better way to handle it when I don’t use activation tags, or if I’m just overcomplicating things by avoiding them. I could deal with using activation tags if I really need to, but I’d rather not.
>you sound jealous anon
I actually hoped someone would tell me what it is. Then I can decide whether I want to be jealous or not.
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no worries anon, if people don't criticize other peoples stuff then that's a surefire way to stay stagnate in whatever you do
Loras trained on AI outputs tend to be stronger and more style stabilizing even at lower weights. Of course given that the AI outputs it is trained on isn't some piece of aomslop with fried hands and faces but something the aifag put at least a bit of effort in.
anon promotes model collapse
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oh no no no noobbros we are being made fun of again
comfygods I beg for your help
Have you stopped to consider that I was merely offering simple advice and that it's not my fault that people started getting defensive over their needlessly large loras?
Can this be avoided by using outputs of a different basemodel, or a different architecture altogether?
I get the intent but the bubbles look silly, is that with trying something like cum_bubble? Like she lubricated her mouth with soapy water before giving head.
>Like she lubricated her mouth with soapy water before giving head
I thought everyone did that
If it's not released it doesn't exist
Release new illustrious versions or shut the fuck up.
oh no when illustrious dropping locally again?
I've used comfy for a year and never saw that. Assume you get rid of it the same way you enabled it.
is angel being held hostage? why not release these superior illustriouses?
nta but did you update during that year?
It appeared at some point for me too but I don't really care.
Usually people train on NAI outputs for those loras.
I was willing to give him a pass but he's a fag doing these comparisons and not
A. leaking the v1 or
2. at least saying when or how they'll come out

Their fucking documentation says up to v2 so where the fuck is it, if it at least turns into a nai-clone for online gen and selling it so be it but I can mock it full time then.
Yeah, once. For Flux support.
Yeah they appeared after updating :/
god I wish angel would leak the model again
hostage to their own retardation possibly, or more likely its just an excuse, he said that its too much effort to write the report every month or something
because he doesn't want to get fired and his superiors seem like idiots
I see there's a noob .6 vpred now. Did they also fuck this one up like they have the eps 1.0?
>"uh, release my superior model? u-uh I can't!!"
should be able to set it in the manager menu, badge: None to disable it
Not like 1.0, they fucked it up in a new and exciting way.
bro your noob vpred 0.6s?
Why do they even bother training a model that someone will later have to fix by training it on e621? danbooru tags are so anemic
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Do tell
based fart on prey enjoyer.
they're also missing sankakucomplex and rule34 tagging bros, tech is still not there yet, maybe in 4-5 years.
>man knows what he's doing
I would say I have a concept of knowing what I'm doing.
A bit of that is imposter syndrome talking since while I absolutely do actually know a lot more than most I also intentionally keep myself separated from as much of the ML autism as I can and focus more on just making things look less bad.
while I don't like posting social shit here at all, fire.inc is just the handle I(the guy that does stupid shit with GLoRA's) use to post AI shit on pixiv/twitter(well, twitter is @firedotinc).
more contrast and color range
but it can run out of control

low-skill prompters lean on rescale and apg to try and force it back in line, which doesnt work very well
im the original shitposter but honestly it kinda looks like shit as well, only thing that can save us is new architecture
Wow. Such an organic post, sis.
Subscribed, donated and told all my friends about you.
kurumuz will save us with his custom arch he engineered himself, total NAI trvst
It's nyover isn't it
If so I'll start a patreon just to pay for the NAI bsub
he would have to look for new career since this model is too perfect that nobody can make new model that can beat it.
how does the business obtain revenue without releasing anything ever?
Grant grifting
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thanks anon, works well aroud 0.8-1
If I wanted to train alora to actually share here, or on Civit. Would you prefer it be trained on base illu, eps 0.5, eps 0.75, vpred 0.5 or what?
NAI released a service, angel releases nothin at all
nothin at all
Or what
His illustrious examples are equally shitty tho? What did he mean by this?
Any boxes for these? (also nice kirari)
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Maybe it's more apparent in the fullres image. Like this they just look like seed variants of the same model.
Jordach status?
what do high-skill prompters do
if your lora isn't weak as shit then training on base illustrious is best since civitai doesnt have a noob category and you'll get a shit tone of people asking why it doesn't work on their shitmix#54213 plus its compatible with all illustrious/noob versions that arent vpred (assuming they aren't doras)

If you're training vpred then train on the latest version
prompt good
They use pony with a lora and color correct in post.
except the only good local anime model we've ever had i guess
noob only "works" because it was trained on top of it
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its over
we need Epic to chime in
oh no...
is this a pun for how every result was toast
imagine if noob was trained on base sdxl
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what did he mean by this
They'd fucked even harder.
Well, this is quite a healthy reaction to half a year of effort and 10k dollars spent on literally nothing. No results at all.
Is there any legal obligation for him to return the donations?
So he spent $4k for training a shitty 1.5?
Imagine if noob was trained on top of nai3...
I wish it were just so it was obvious immediately how fucking retarded their methodology was and that they needed to scrap everything and start the fuck over.
they would have trained it on cosxl or terminus if they weren't fucking retarded
fursuits can be expensive you know
idk, noob is still the best model in spite of mistakenly opening the TE for training. i prefer vpred 0.6 over the rest of the field
Good colors and less mangled anatomy
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people keep repeating this about the TE, but im thinking it just accelerated whatever fuck ups they already had, rather than being the cause
Not surprised
Anons don't box their stuff by default because then they don't get (You)s
As someone that know nothing about it, is it really a good idea to keep training in hope things get fixed with more training instead of starting over with better settings?
>be me
>not feeling any of their fuck ups
no such thing as starting over at this point, their compute time is almost over
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nah, noob was clean linear improvement over illu 0.1 from early access to 0.5
quirks crept up on 0.75, and more crept up on the vpred transition, but it's still been net improvement each version
As someone who also knows nothing about it, you'd have to first accept things are broken. And I don't think they're there yet. Then figure out what's wrong with the current settings. Then try out new ones with no guarantee things will turn out any better.
yeah I know, I mean hypothetically
i box almost everything i deem fit for posting
now this is just copium
early access noob already had extremely fucked color ranges lol
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That pose is such a bitch for the couch fellatio, tried it earlier and I couldn't get the guy to face forward and the girl to be laying across the couch sucking him off.
i mean they could have avoided most of their mistakes in the first place by simply fucking reading the nai3 and illustrious papers
what is there even to cope about? if i ever see a better checkpoint ill switch without hesitation. there is no investment other than bytes of hard disk.
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he picked up the pen anyway
So is Jordach saving local yes or no
is that a censored tongue?
eps regressed after .5 and even .5 has some quirks that has me contemplating going back to base illustrious.
they did a lot of things really wrong. Trying to cram e621 and a wildly different tagging system on top was beyond asinine. Doing shit like that is fine if you're doing the full finetune from scratch and don't care or want much of anything of the original model to be recallable but it's clear they were trying to lean on illustrious really heavily and they just kind of fucked that up.
And then there's their dropout... "strategy" and that they didn't actually refine their dataset at all. And that they just completely fucking fried the TE and then... kept frying the TE.
And these are just things we know about. There could have also been a number of other fuckups they're not mentioning anywhere.
He can't even save himself.
loras and style mixes

what are some of those quirks? I skipped it for 0.75 and it at least feels easier to use than base.
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based chadmix god
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Some artist styles are so fucked on vpred
jyt looks nothing jyt for example
Worse than base? Most artists look weak or weird on base, not sure that's vpred fault.
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im going to be honest with you
i havent used loras other than silly memes since illu 0.1 came out
the base checkpoints know all the characters and styles well enough
the low light illu/noob lora was nice but it's obsolete on noob vpred
and the vast majority of mixes have been slopped up regressions because basic stabilization is all the base checkpoints really need, and smoothFT and itercomp merges provided that in short order
what base?
I don't, I just delete them after they're a few days old
.5 can have some weird anatomy issues that seem to manifest mostly on landscape resolutions, also mostly on "from side" viewpoints. Though illustrious might very well have that issue, too.
It can also exhibit some odd behavior if you're prompting for specific kemomimi features where you'll have to put furry into negatives, lest you want furry dicks.
there's probably more than I can bother to think of at the moment. Don't get me wrong, .5 eps still has a lot of stuff trained significantly 'better' than base illustrious can offer, which is good - it's just also still a pretty flawed model. And eps got significantly worse with .75 and higher.

Did you edit the picture on the TV?

I tried forever to generate images on a TV and have my character stare at it but it went terribly.
yeah I suppose that could be it, I don't have base noob 1.0 so I can't really compare
Jyt was pretty solid in eps, I think I've tested it once in a mix but didn't see it really pop out, unlike the colors

Just giving approval as usual.
>try harada takehito, looks like a rough draft
>try mikoyan, looks like /aco/ maleface
>try kagami hirotaka, looks like his early art from 20 years ago
>don't try wife because she has 3 images
I guess maybe it depends on the kind of styles you want. Good for you, anyway.
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i stick them in a numbered archive folder when i think i need to cull thumbnails in my default folder, and then those eventually get deleted because i dont really care to look back on old slop
I still bake style LORAs for this reason lol
Yep the TV is inpainted from this base gen:
Fucked up tattoo but still based for posting Kuro.
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Neat, I mean for a base gen that's still really good.

Mine wouldn't cooperate at all.
very biteable nipple, what artist is that?
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The Obsession vpred is pretty good
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>(huge penis, veiny penis, girthy penis:1.2)
>(very awa:5.0)
large testicles, veiny balls, hairy, throbbing
That's a stylistic choice. Maybe don't focus on dicks so much. I'm more worried about the leftover noise in the shower water, and her melted eyes.
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large insertion, impossible fit, (hyper genitals),
deep penetration, excessive pussy juice, stomach bulge
>Dataset:50k AI-generated images from Aibooru and Pixiv
hello slopness my old friend
ive come to prompt with you again
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(bloodshot eyes, rolling eyes, dashed eyes, one eye closed:1.2)
If I could ask a very stupid question, does it matter if I store the SD files on HDD vs SDD? Or is this one of the things where it doesn't really matter?
I recognize that mizumizu.
i put each one on its own microsd card and pretend im swapping training simulations in the matrix
please catbox
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lovely work
thanks bwo
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more proof
just crank that shit up
>(cum on body, facial, cum on chest, excessive cum, cum:1.65)
stomach bulge, paizuri
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/h/ere you go
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Any black man in?
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Testing a 0.5 prompt on 0.5 vpred with the new artist mix I'm trying
how did you make it 2048x2048 without it getting deformed? whenever I try to upscale it ruins the pic
I will get you for indecent /e/xposure if you don't cough up the box
Had to inpaint the hand
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it just works
not sure, i thought everyone was doing it.
heres the catbox for my settings
how horrifying
res at 1024x1024 and upscale by 2??
is that supposed to be dashed_eyes? looks strange
In my experience putting the models on a HDD makes inference times skyrocket so I would recommend using an SSD
does anyone know how tf do I prune my own loras/controlnets?
i need a wildcard file of every yuri character in anime (and video games)

Oh you put the weight in cum itself and then group them with the other tags, yeah that makes sense, I had them all separate and not grouped and then would do like 1.5 on like bukkake and pray.
Not sure if that’s even possible, but for normal models, you need to store a full checkpoint with a special wrapper for that.
and don't upscale latent (unless you know what you're doing)
and don't go too high on denoise (unless you know what you're doing)
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apparently I managed to learn everything in the webui except for inpainting, is there a inpainting guide for retards I can follow that will show me what the prompt looks like each step of the way? I'm confused between tacking on more tokens on top of my prompt and wiping it clean and only prompt for what I want
>hitobento lora
oh shit me too
"grouping" doesn't matter, it just applies that weight at the end to everything in those brackets
equivalent to doing 1.65 on each of them
You don't really need to prompt anything for small inpaints with low denoise.
What is the best LoRa making tutorial so far?
To be honest, dashed eyes doesn't seem to work that well most of the time. That's bloodshot eyes making the eyes look weird.
gen base res, don't use hiresfix, ~832x1216
inpaint masked only, 1024x1024
30-100 padding pixels, soft inpainting, mask blur 10-20
denoise 0.4-0.6
set other gen params as per txt2img like CFG/sampler/schedule/steps
always randomise inpaint seed
and of course, rough sketch your change in an image editor to make it extra reliable.
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right is base noob vpred btw
I seriously implore everyone to try the obsession version of vpred
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I had them on an SSD then as I ran on space I moved them to an HDD and the only difference I notices was the load tiem of the model, generatin time once it's loaded is the same. I only notice when doing xyz plots and it has to switch models or refining / upscaling with a different model.

Now I would like to have my mopst used models in teh SSD and the rest on the HDD, but I have yet to find a way to configure forge/Auto/reForge in that wayt, didn't try with comfy.

Currently all my UIs share all the models using symlinks, I guess I could add simlinks to those specific models from teh SSD into the models folder...
still not a single 1:1 comparison to be seen one month later
>Dataset:50k AI-generated images from Aibooru and Pixiv
No thanks. But that means more for you, right? Enjoy!

That's a neat trick, thanks! Just a little time saver.

That being said what stops a person from just putting () around their entire prompt and then putting 1.65 at the end?
this would make more sense, as once the model is loaded, it no longer has anything to do with the storage drive on a hardware level as it's essentially working off a copy of the file being kept in the vram
So what? If the results are better then surely that is all that matters?
nigga stfu
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>Bare minimum VRAM requirements
>8GB OR 12GB

Nooooo, my dreams of making a BlueGirl LORA just got dashed...I only have a measly 6GB (1060GTX) and I've ruled out getting a 5060GTX because the 5 series doesn't come with enough VRAM unless you pay premiums...

I had 47 manually approved pictures to train a lora on so far...I weep.
My gut feeling is that it wouldn't do anything and weights are probably relative to the rest of the prompt.

Makes sense, someone should test it though. What if you made one prompt that was junk like 0.1 to balance the 1.65? Aha
Yeah I guess, I'll give it a try.
Dont pay attention to them theyve been trying to convince people thats the best way of training without showing any proof
if you dont have a decent amount of VRAM then you could ask an anon to train a LORA for you just make sure the dataset is uploaded and tagged properly
just train a lora instead of retard snake oil
appreciated, looks great
>A1111, Forge, reForge
Which are you guys using? I'm used to ComfyUI but was thinking of checking on these others. The spaghetti to do certain things is getting tiresome.
is vectorscope snake oil or does someone have settings for the comfy node they actually like?
Remove >>>/vg/aids link fro the OP.
Dead general.
it's not snake oil but you need to know what you want out of it going in. it's good for color correcting styles that are too warm/cool or getting a little bit of extra contrast out of eps
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Dreams alive again! Any guide on how to train a LORA?

Also I know the hands are a messed up and gonna try to fix later but look how cute she is, that expression heals my soul. Need to keep my hopes alive.
you can't on a 10 series card with 6gb of vram but occasionally people will train datasets that get posted itt
It still has posting. What do you mean?

Damn, still a bit of a hurdle then. Well I'll keep that in mind and keep genning consistent pics of her.
Anyone try Jnodes? After installing it, I can't get old workflows to work correctly anymore. They produce completely different images. I don't see why simply just installing some nodes would mess up workflows that have nothing to do with those custom nodes.
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The concert is about to start!

It works nicely adding symlinks to the checkpoints stored in the SSD.
bRap battle
ok I cranked the numbers up past 2, interesting what it does to the noise in the early step previews
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you don't need more than 50 images for a character with a simple design
>making a BlueGirl LORA
Or just put words in the prompt? This isn't some super complex overdesigned gachaslop frilly combat maid shark tail dozen belts and zippers shit. It's literally just 1girl, medium hair, two-tone hair.
That is not how you drop the bass!
ellen is hot and you have bad taste

What kind of photo's do I need to gen specifically? A bunch of seflies? A bunch of backshots? Different poses? Different hentai situations?


Of course there are far more complicated but I find myself having to put so many little details into prompt just to have a chance at generating her the same way every time otherwise it's not her. Even having her hair curl in the opposite direction really changes the feel of the character for me.
You're trying to reason with an autist it won't work
Nice. Though I'm more of a vaginal man myself to be honest.
you want some variety in terms of image composition and you probably want mostly solo images

I'm willing to take genuine feedback because I'm learning but the plan seems very flawed to me since to keep replicated the same design, even if visually normal, seems to eat up a lot of prompt token. Especially if you try to define details like clothing, accessories, eye details like pink eye iris and all kinds of other things like breast size so it stays consistent.

Alright thanks I'll keep that in mind and try to gen 360 shots with and without her skirt on.
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the shark
Even after uninstalling it, my ComfyUI just does not reproduce old outputs anymore.
start by downloading adetailer instead of doing blurry face gen
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>Check my short list wildcard for characters
>Most of them are just brown hair girls
Oh. I don't play her game. I'm not a fan of the scalie faggotry and jrpg protag bullshit clothing, but I like the hair.
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a tail doesn't make her scalie anymore than a catgirl with just ears and tail is furry

Aight I'll try that, thanks.
How come you can see the back frills here, shouldn't they be above her tail?
No difference besides time it takes to load the model.

Once the model is loaded into the GPU, inference speed is the same.
Catgirl with both ears and tail IS furry. Scalies and furfags belong in >>>/b/
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Do people unironically still use their own gpu to make lora? You know sites like Civit, tensor, seart, etc literally let you do it for free without frying your own rigs to a crisp right?
Or you could simply use NovelAI.
>hmm maybe I should try out reforge
>try installing it
>it downloads some kind of shitty model I never asked for
>ok fine whatever let me just boot it up
>it crashes
if this is bait then you did a pretty good job at imitating the tone of a retarded thirdie, good job
agreed but was the slur really necessary?
i don't think thirdie is a slur?

this is by far the best guide for inpainting i've seen, just ignore the furry shit and go step by step following the examples
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Goodnight guys, have a good day / night.
put the box in the bag before you decide to leave
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lol, retard.
Explain why is wrong without trying to sell snake oil or sounding mad.
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Did someone tried to bake with
>Optimi optimizers, implement kahan_sum
from there? It's always washed out, very bad results compared to adamw or prodigy, but still fries out if lr is set too high
How do I do a simple xy plot on comfy? Like, seed 1,2,3?
easier to run a loop and run imagemagick on the output images
efficiency nodes has decent XY functionality but isnt compatible with a lot of the newer model autism
any examples on how I'd set that up? thx in advance
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how so how long do you image gens take these days?
My 1152x896 upscaled 1.5 to img2img workflow takes 35~50 seconds depending on sampler with 3090.
Not sure if I should be looking to update drivers or whatever
my rx 6800 takes around 50 seconds to upscale 1.5x. Your card should be faster, check a non sde sampler
just use forge comfy is a meme
Nta but do you have a script or guide for doing this with imagemagick? I definitely would not recommend Efficiency Nodes. And afaik the only other option is one where you have to set up all the gens yourself and just nodle finished images into the XY node.
It's a fun meme though.
no bro comfy is better I just gotta spend some hours figuring it out
>called comfy because its supposed to be "comfy"
>actually harder to use than other UIs because of its blender node system which is a wall for that program as well
what the fuck
can i post my perfect opossumachine gen even though it has a single (1) nipple or will i get a vacation?
It's "Comfy's UI" really, he just named it after his online handle afaik.
>It's not comfy
>It's not automatic
with catbox (and metadata) why not
But the noodles, bro. You haven't considered the noodles.
is machamp /d/
>muk \(pokemon\) in negs
Hypno bros.. we won.
>can't even make a knife
>there's only one
>microsleeps while typing the o
That forehead is designed for tic tac toe
boxes please? very sexy gens
acheron box plz
Honestly, I hope all of you "I'm better than a catbox" cunny posters get banned, especially when it's this realistic b-tier shit.
isn't that hyper?
The catbox script recently got updated to shoe catbox links as pictures, bro. You don't need to risk it like this.
Also, inpaint that hand, You're giving us a bad rap.
pokephilia in general is /d/, yes theres hypno in the thread, I never said it was an enforced rule.
well I feel like a retard, still a shit UI.
Well hypno is basically a yellow orc, the rule is probably meant against animals.
Pokemon aren't animals. They are pokemon.
start posting gardevoir and see what happens
>You're giving us a bad rap.
>Well hypno is basically a yellow orc
Based. kek'd pretty good.
The rule is meant against pople like you then. Who would abuse a loophole to post bestiality.
Gardevoir gets slapped on /d/ of all things too so it's just dealer's choice with jannies on who gets slapped.
I like lolis as much as the next guy but this style, body proportions, or whatever it is, I don't like it. It makes me uncomfortable.
It's supposed to. Too close to realism.
if it's drawn porn its /h/, death to rules
Does "the next guy" like loli? I thought it was a pretty niche fetish, like milfs or tomboys.
thats just how opossumachine looks
The perverted always project their perversions onto other people. No, nobody likes loli shit except for a few very vocal future sex offenders.
when they have the slight chub that's reminiscent of toddlers is where I draw the line honestly, since all babies just look vile at that stage
Danbooru tag counts
1girl: 5.9M
loli: 144k
milf -> mature female: 33k
tomboy -> 8.4k
Not like anybody out there tagging
The tagging system sucks in general but it's a borderline impossible thing to change it at this point
>mature female
This tag has no meaning. A woman who is not a loli (child) is by definition mature. So the real ratio of normal people to mentally ill sickos is 40:1. You are the minority, and we don't like minorities around these parts.
I'm pretty sure you're just gonna get a shit bunch of schoolgirls which is by western purity tests, very much pedo
The US is not the west.
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it's not, but it's definitely where all these "holy shit this sicko needs to be hanged" attitudes come from when it comes to fucking drawings (or decoded latents in this case)
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We should only be counting nsfw posts for the ratio since loli is a nsfw tag. sfw posts are tagged "child".


Which fetish tag could have more results than loli? Even "feet" is only at 96k among nsfw posts and that probably includes many images where feet aren't the focus.
"""loli""" posters are a scourge on the entire anime community, fucking embarrassment
umm nyo
No I agree with him. Sorry, but you lose this one.
so this is the power of...
oh its my pedophile friend how nice
NTRMix lora replaced the nyalia lora recently.
This is the art style that takes you down the pipeline to real children, stop at once.
>load up ntrmix 2.1
>load up ntrmix dlc lora
>napkin box & lotion bottle on deck
It's gennin' n goonin' time, bros.
Hell yeah bud
Serious question, are lotions a cutfag thing or do some unmutilated people use it too? Seems completely unnecessary.
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>train character lora on illustrious
>it's more accurate on the shitmix noob 1.0 merge
makes sense to me
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outside of shitposting, probably not but definitely if you're using a tenga, ona, etc.
Thx to whoever shared that suwacrabb toml. Shit took forever and ate all my vram, but the result is amazing
Im still on pony tho
Ideally you should post what you prompted if you do grids or comparisons. Genuinely useless without knowing if you prompted for shit and got it or if left truly did follow it better.
Lora training settings? Please link.
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>tfw she wanted it in the other hole
homubox me up
Her upper head looks like testicles.
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girl needs to hurry up and start sucking on that cock
Bwos, I can't wait to try out the vpred 0.65s(aved local)...
What if she doesn't want? Is her consent of no concern to you?
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why does adding the word handjob to the prompt also try to give her cleavage
>questionable consent, irrumatio, forced oral
by the time the cock is out, consent no longer matters
Honestly the new catbox update makes it so there's no functionality difference in loli posting if you just upload catbox links as they embed anyway with 4chan X. Pretty slick.
I would never force my 1girls to do something they don't want.
much love
Yeah now I know who to report without having to click the links.
This, i only rape them or amputee them with their consent
/hdg/ is healing
go fuck yourself jannies
Now if only we could be racist again...
Now if only people could stop posting bestiality >>8331171
I'll only prompt pov, cowgirl and let my 1girls decide if they want to put it in, in the latent space
Dykes are humans too you bigot.
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he's so insistent on terrorizing these threads...
somebody please stop him
they are good posts so no
but the GIMP pepper is sovl
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when will she get an anime
Whyh is iotkmaenrae mkr,f sa
Becausdj oi thej korqs
si't fjrpahz
After "I want to see you embarrassed" gets one
>mouth pull
Even if the model ignored it that time image still turned out nice.
Feel like I could tweak the settings a bit more but I'm glad it was helpful to you, anon
It wasn't ignored, he's mouth pulling her cheek bone.
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the metadata is already in the image but here you go you lazy fool


Sunny Bitch lora can be found here
We won.
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should have the heel on his face so he could sniff it
Anyone tried Kohya's hires fix? It doesn't seem to work with the samplers I like using. On reforge.
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when will we get to train loras on a model that isn't fucking garbage
break into analtan's headquarters and leak nai
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maybe im retarded but im getting the black box of doom trying to get vpred 0.6 working on reforge. I copied another anons catbox too.

not sure what im missing, I have the advanced model sample for reforge on, and set to disccrete and v prediction is enabled
which catbox are you trying to replicate?
You shouldn't need to enable advanced model sampling as of vpred 0.5 but I don't think that's why you would be getting black images
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what are your settings? this image was generated with reforge and vpred 0.6 without issues
I wonder who?
pretty much any from above. when I try to do this anons >>8331226 I get a TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable or a blackbox for others. I am on a the most recent version of the reforge dev branch
i like nyalia :(
you just like to stir shit without any appropriate reason, huh?
using slop loras isn't an appropriate reason? might as well load up the expressiveH lora as well sir
Nyack nyack nyack.. nyalia nyever~
Fuck it, no more sharing my metadata. I'm really tired of being discriminated for what I use in my mixes. You assholes don't deserve them anyway.
as long as resulting image doesn't look like disney ponyslop what's the problem with it?
Based spiteful anon.
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yeah, some of these bitch made anons can't get off their dunning kruger curve just because they got a little taste of this technology and start generalizing second hand knowledge onto everything
Huh, no clue. I haven't updated my reforge dev in a while though since people were having issues with the new stuff.
I'm glad nogens are getting a stern talking to.
>clown is still on his nogen tirade after repeatedly getting clowned on for days
fatherless behavior
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oops, will use catbox directly instead
im not sure either. I see this error in my cmd window

RuntimeError: setStorage: sizes [], strides [], storage offset -9223372036854774808, and itemsize 2 requiring a storage size of 2002 are out of bounds for storage of size 2000
setStorage: sizes [], strides [], storage offset -9223372036854774808, and itemsize 2 requiring a storage size of 2002 are out of bounds for storage of size 2000

not sure what it means tho
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dragging school idols into back alleys for personal relief
(god that manga ending fucking sucked)
>Yeah "we" totally clowned on him XDDDD
Stop, don't embarrass yourself any more
why is it so fried?
nyalia is good
Why don't I ever see anyone here making clowngirls having sex? Isn't clussy kind of cute?
ntrmix lora for 2.1 replaced it
if the self apparent nature of profile clicking behavior and where it belongs isn't obvious to you, you're on the wrong side of the bell curve
we've already even put it into words went over your dense head, but I guess the rock dust that make up your brain should be given a break
you mean chadmix vpred 0.5 locon extract
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You wouldn't a roach.. right?
I thought it was a dora?
>>8331329 (me)

changed my sched from yours >>8331317 to automatic and got a blackbox, heres the black catbox if anyone can see anything from it. I have the same issue on 0.5 vpred too.

There's only you, you stupid nogenfaggot
is your vae alright? non vpred models work fine?
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end is pretty degen so il not post everything
Why does guided_penetration never work?
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but it does?
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I don't get the controversy, what's Nyalia?
skill issue
It doesn't on Pony, it doesn't on NAI.

I have sdxl_vae in the path it has been in for a year with no changes. No issues on non vpred models.

I do see a vae related error in the cmd but I am not sure why

Anon, that's unironically a skill issue
Oh nyo~
boogeyman for le bad trained on AI lora, low hanging fruit because of that
Do NOT put that in your prompt. I'm serious.
Has anyone made any size difference stuff for illustrious? I don't see anything on civit. I'm thinking of things like piggyback and face humping from besollo.
pony loras should work* on illu/noob
Sounds like nogen butthurt. I'm just happy when people share data so I can improve, I don't care if your lora was trained on liquid shit.

>degen warning
4: https://files.catbox.moe/dvhxyo.jpg
5: https://files.catbox.moe/tofhs7.jpg
Some work, some don't. Glad I didn't delete my pony lora folder to save space.
I'm on an old reforge dev commit so that might be why it's different.
I'd say you should try to go into politics since you seem to desire to establish policies for others to follow but not yourself, but I doubt you know how to manage human relations for that kind of work
Maybe try out for becoming a subreddit mod, it's not much, but it'll do to fill in that emptiness you have by enabling you to enforce your dumbass rules
sure am glad we don't have that shit here :^)
who are you talking to, schizo
>Character with 10 pages not recognized at all
For some reason tagging the series made the character look like one with only 2 pages... I wonder if it got tagged incorrectly somehow.
Using automatic VAE should work, but

that error is pretty weird, seems related to the model or where the models are stored? do that vpred work on other uis? (I mean the one you have on your storage). Download is not corrupted?
I still don't understand what foreshortening do. Is it similar to POV?
yeah i wonder that too, keep it to yourself though
Does no one here use Kohya hires on reforge? Damn.
I was scrapping the barrel with >>8331340
Only 7 pages and not even big artists who at least did multiple pieces of the character. Copyright and descriptor tags are carrying it.
nta, but should be similar to fisheye (which is a very powerful tag)
this is one of those times where it's actually appropriat to say
>pick it up
Think of those dynamic pose shots where the katana is right up to the "camera" so that the tip is large and tapers to the hilt because the hilt is further away from the camera than the tip
You can see how this will help in cases of trying to get stuff like face-to-face pov since the body parts will seem further from you than the face, improving the immersion I guess
It adds depth to an image. Like a hand or foot closer to the viewer.
I mean at least the character I was trying is a basic bitch I could prompt with just color and hair tags but I'm just confused why the character with less data snuck into the series tag.
Ah. I guess that image isn't a good representative of it.
guy with the issues here, Installed a clean version of reforge and it fixed the issue. I upgraded my forge from normal forge to reforge so it could be related to that I guess.

Guess ill need to setup my ui again
Did you post this to /d/ as well?
Wasn't that technically
lax-sama... i need new partial vpred epoch...
It's a bit hit and miss of a tag, depends a lot on if it conflicts with another viewpoint tag. Worked well on this one though.
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So you want that Porygon huh?
Isn't that a man?
Jordach status?
it's genderfluid
picking it up
Who is this why is every person making good models an asshole?
>doing touch up
>inpainting eye
>her pupil on the gen next is looking at the side of her eye directly at me
this spooked me
no cap
I hope she was getting raped in the image
Just met her in To Azure today, looking forward to finding out what everything she said meant in Cold Steel
I'll box once nyalia anon >>8331306 apologizes to hdg for his meltdown and shares with us again.
>artist:jlullaby, artist:nyantcha
>nyalia lora at 0.25
oh yeah, it's genning time
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I wonder if this counts as 18+ or merely ecchi
For me? nyalia at 1.3 with a side of expressiveH at 0.9. Call me conservative, what can i say?
I. Will. Not. Apologize.
its hdg who melts down once it notices nyalia doebeit???
Zamn, I get shit from the futa cock schizo all the time, oh well.

I couldn't play more then a few hours of trails but the second I saw Towa she was the best girl and I just wanted to imagine all the things I could bend her over and fuck her on.

>Downcast alphas_cumprod: True
Alpha just cumprodded into your gen, kek, unironically
Time to paywall all my catboxes, you fags don't deserve them
Today marks the birth of patreon slopper NYALIAKON.
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What's your favorite illustrious merge right now?
Why did she tape her balls like that? wont it hurt later?
KonpaEvo Mix (NoobAI EPS)
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If you get more time, I will also join the legion of people that recommend it. Trails in the Sky starts off slow by introducing the world, and all the doors in Trails in the Sky 3rd really start setting up and hyping up all the conflicts to come. Not to mention the girls are all pretty fucking peak
noob vpred 0.6
box that ass pls
pwease postem catbox
I don't like nyalia because it is spelled with nai and I don't like that.
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Well, bros, even if nyalia anon refuses to apologize, I'll still share. For now, he can see himself out.


but it has "nya" in the name? Do you dislike catgirls?
New vpred version status? They usually upload it around this time
it's nyover...
Has nai finally become irrelevant?
I honestly think they slowed down because they can't figure out how to put together a conversion method that works. Kurumuz is seeing the hubris of man unfold right in front of him, but he needs not topple their tower of babel, it'll just full from the sheer lack of tensile strength that the chinese phds that were used as a foundation possess
How are you liking falafel mix?
You got anymore giselle gewelle gens? I need to confirm xer gender
The moment you try fucking them, any small splash of blood from tissues tearing will zombify you. Literally unfuckable
Remove the NAI ad from the OP.
bros why are 90% of the styles in eps 0.5 /aco/ to the max
I'm not sure if it's the change of sampler/scheduler I recently did but this shitmix along with n40naiilluv2 have been producing equally, if not better than personalslopv3 for me. But could be placebo as everyone is just cannibalizing each others shitmixes in merges. That said, I do test most new shitmixes and 99% of them are shit. But these 2 have been alright. Test 'em yourself. Curious if I'm not just on a good gacha roll.
i don't know, why are you on 0.5 eps
Fair enough, thanks. The frequency at which these shitmixes are coming out is frustrating with how temperamental a lot of them are with samplers/schedulers.
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better off fucking xer friend
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last good model to spawn out of lax's training spree
question was genuine but understood
i just coomed all over my screen
>captcha: 4gg3r
>Enhanced the training dataset with anime screenshots and cosplay images, significantly increasing data richness to 16 million.
I question the legitimacy of this claim but I guess there's only one way to find out
damn I needed to take a shower tho
>anime screenshots and cosplay images
would be useful if they actually included example gens
im not as impressed with the examples as i was with .6 but this is only .65 i guess
time to take a break for a week so that next week's version hits harder. hope this week's is good but i don't want burnout.
I love repeating the mistakes of NAIv1 by diluting the dataset with real images, fuck these guys never learn anything from their predecessors huh
0.65S is... something!
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Are they training a IP adapter too? or am I reading that wrong. That's huge if true
they're merely following in angel's footsteps
hugely retarded
why bf16?
Thanks <3
kewl bro
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Nothing good. Xer look gets heavily influenced by artist styles so I'm just raw dogging with the copyright now.
Mmm.. nyo~
now box that satsuki please
I have absolutely no desire to prompt lately, why am I still lurking here...
You're here for nyalia, chud
you're not the only one, judging by amount of shitposting as of late
Didn't prompt half this day window shopping monitors with black friday sales.
post your best noob6.5s gen right now
>as of late
Hopefully so. Or they plan on making AI beer.
>Enhanced the training dataset with anime screenshots and cosplay images, significantly increasing data richness to 16 million:

where is everyone?
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It seems images are ok without apg/rescale cfg on 0.65s?
looks amazing without apg, but am worried about the new realistic cosplay images they added
Damn, now how will we shitpost about vpred!!!?
this is how: >>8331591
>anime screencaps
Thank god, I thought we were running out of boogeymen. We good everyone
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Okay I feel 0.65s is clearly an upgrade vs earlier vpred versions. My eyes don't get burn out when not using APG/Rescale.

Also white/black backgrounds are true white/black backgrounds without oversaturating everything.
fine ill download 0.65s
noob shitposterbros is it over for us?
my favorite snake oil, euler a cfg++, works once again.
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idk why using AYS almost never gives me pure white backgrounds
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Is epsilon-pred 1.0 shit or what? Why do people go for unfinished vpred versions over that?
just use sgm uniform
/hdg/... i kneel....
who is this twitter vrchat shitter
Yeah I never got it using AYS either
They told you to align your steps. You did not listen.
And now you're gonna pay.
new toy syndrome
Every eps model after.5 is shit
What was the issue with pony again? I kinda miss the times when stuff just worked without having to rebake loras every day and model breaking with incorrect sampler and amount of steps. This shit is awful, bros
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With SGM uniform it seems to work fine
Pony IS the issue
here comes repostjeet, let's see how many people fall for it
two-tone background, black background, white background

kek, wd already found out how it will end with their crap dataset from instagram or whatever
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example 1
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example 2
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Rather just gen towa desu.
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nyalia boxes
what does it mean?
>rewrite noob prompt to documentations specifications
>output looks worse, has 2girls instead of 1
is 0.65s less fried
any comparisons?
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SMG uniform is so fucking bland and boring, i don't really want to use it but it actually follows my prompts and don't add anything else uhmm
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cute but where da penis at
where da cum at
screenshot working just as well as it did on v-pred 0.5 and cosplay working just as bad
not sure if the data addition is true
surprise butt segs (with anime screenshot and cosplay phot data)
Holy shit, new vpred is so good that my nai sub cancelled itself!
Tried to use optimi's AdamW for regular loras and it was very unstable.
extreme cringe
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Yeah, I was comparing with loras too, to quickly find if those are good optimizers. Have you perhaps tried furry torchastic?
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testing with yuukasex it is
>furry torchastic
Huh, first time I’ve heard about it.
I've tried schedule-free Adam and it was pretty good at 4e-4 lr.
Also wanted to try Fishmonger, I even have a (presumably) working config for it.
why is it so gray
i think i may have broken my benis gonna take a couple days off see you genners later
don't gen too hard, kids
>Huh, first time I’ve heard about it.
It's mentioned in the rentry https://github.com/lodestone-rock/torchastic
>schedule-free Adam
Haven't got luck with that one
This one feels really solid with default settings, but it's too damn heavy, consumes even more vram, than prodigy and runs 2 times slower
gen kids too hard, do...
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new noob is... something
What's the best workflow for adding color to black and white doujin pages these days?
>that tail
>those eyes
>seven fucking fingers

Shit? Is the answer shit? Cause it should be.
desu the style is so offensive that i didnt notice
time to return to eps it seems
Yah I just did a 100 batches with a seed on overnight what about it?
Are you ready to apologize, nyalia anon?
so what is the verdict for the new vpred
for me it doesnt blow up anymore but the colors also dont pop nearly as well as the previous versions
the s stands for sabotage
I think you have to ramp up the cfg now colors and details seem to be much better than.
it's alright if you're competent
aka expect 90% of the thread to call it dogshit
do vpred models work with SMEA or am i fucking something up?
Sigh. Yeah. I'm done. Back to pony, I can't be bothered anymore.
Based sane anon
Box me up senpai. Love the position.
update your lora bakariso the new model is out
It burned in the previous version but seems to work on this one from my quick limited test
>on pony
>regularly draw from my retinue of my 873 lora because it can't even do basic shit like folded by itself
>move to illustrious shitmix
>download 300 lora in anticipation
>never ending up using any, everything just works out of the box
Might help more realistic styles I guess
Those get called /aco/ around here tho
catbox pls, I need 3D
I don't get it though, I thought styles like sakimichan were anime? Are people here just trolls?
why do i have this good faith in people and think textposts you faggots post here aren't straight up shitposts
>new vpred model releases
>gens in thread get worse
One could say it's, uniform
try again
any good gens with 0.65s yet
https://files.catbox.moe/0xgv2e.png :^)
All nogen posts should be taken with a grain of salt
taking this with a grain of salt
Wait does that mean we should take your post with a grain of salt!?? That means all other posts are legit
Too much salt is bad for your health
Every artist now looks like ai sloppa.Every gen is washed out trash. I could get more colorful images even on eps 1.0, apparently base/spo Illust are still the best for pure anime aesthetic...
RIP blood pressure
>the IPA for NOOB is nearing the end of its training and is currently in testing. Look forward to its release next week.
holy fuck yeah that's incredibly hype
>apparently base/spo Illust are still the best for pure anime aesthetic...
almost had me thinking this wasnt bait
i didnt realize. thank you i am retarded

where did you get euler pyramid?
Explain what's wrong with base illu without sounding mad
or babbling?
Unfortunate, but understandable
it's a good model, just an early experiment in a line of (currently unreleased) models.
noob is an objective improvement, however.
Unironic skill issue. Base illust was underbaked but was competent and with some wrangling it produced the cleanest anime style out of all local models.
If you wanted some more sex capabilities and a bit less tardwrangling, eps 0.5 was the best option. It's all downhill from there.
>20 hours after learning about apg and cfg rescale a vpred update that fixes the cfg jank comes out
explain why you're unable to produce good results on models post eps 0.5 without revealing your massive skill issue
I unironically get amazing images with base illust, while Noob keeps getting worse and worse with each update, currently we're hitting pony levels of shading on the newest vpred.
Of course claims model is better with no gen. The perfect way to prove something
The only improvement I've seen so far with Noob is that it knows some new characters, and a very few artists got better. While the others didn't improve much (if any), and some regressed.
Without sounding mad should just be the default way of explaining things. When you have to say it, it's like acknowledging that your question willl make him angry. In which case you should probably rephrase it.
>samefag out in full force
Explain why would I post a gen in a text general without sounding like a complete retard.
thanks, is it any good from ur experience?
damn you babblin
yeah, all me
>babblers babbling
oh nyo nyo nyo~
i dont gen coom so i dont post gen here sorry
i gen coom so i dont post gen here sorry
Yeah, did a dozens x/y tests and I saw more varied composition and small details

Although that gen is old, now I always use Kohaku_LoNyu_Yog
nta and it completely obsoleted my Tenk lora. But it was one of the first ones baked, so I wonder if someone on the team saw it itt and gave it special attention. Since other styles did not improve that drastically.
>there's a depthflow node
oh neat, maybe I'll try it out for some cheap "animation" again
>They had to resort to including anime screencaps and a fucking cosplay to tame the "superior furry anatomy" (c) (tm)
a healthy kek
all you need is eps 0.5 and a lora
thanks, the only reason i dont use kohaku is cause its so damn slow on my 1080
all you need is your imagination and the pencil
this thread is not very awa
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eps 0.5 bros... our response?
explain why you refuse to use lora's without sounding mad
(this is a double entendre - I mean both mad as in angry and mad as in mentally unwell)
based breast expansion chad
Oh nya nya nya nyalia~
hmm... nyolia...
(ai generated:2.0) is all you need
v65s is looking real good bwos, I always trusted in cute Euge-Chan to deliver
b... buh the thread says it's bad!
you like something? fucking shill, kys
No gens say it's bad and that usually means it's good
how many steps should you train a style lora for? i know for characters the sweetspot is around 2000-3000 but the first time i tried a style lora it was extremely underbaked.
You know, NAI shills predicted all this. The end of local, the retarded bakers, all that.
Some Evangelion type of shit.
Aim for 6-8k and just test the checkpoints
65s eyes and hands have degraded to cascade tier. you people are sick
did that guy ever finish his comic, it was good
keep us posted, nogen-kun!
masterful bait, 0.65s is the best model local has
Should be roughly the same. Check if you didn't include a trigger word by accident. Any tag that's present in a majority of the dataset you'll have to prompt for to get the style to show. Even stuff like 3D or loli or huge breasts can become a style trigger if your dataset is not varied.
Strange to call it "the end" when it's really just the end of progressing forward, all the existing advancements are still available. I mean by that logic NAI ended more than a year ago, and might perhaps be reborn someday in the future as v4.

I actually wonder if we get so few NAI posters now because they've seen everything the model can do and are just tired of it now.
>No metadata found.
>I actually wonder if we get so few NAI posters now because they've seen everything the model can do and are just tired of it now.
or maybe because "they" moved on to a local model once local stopped being complete fucking joke? you don't swear allegiance to one "side" anon
Sorry, I went to sleep, here: https://files.catbox.moe/nboin7.png
eh, sure maybe
>vpred models always the ones getting catbox requests
>epslets seething over how 0.5 was the last good model
seems some of you are rather detached from reality
I abandoned reality long ago
Yeah NAI is dead. Local won
>local is the best option
>use local
>nai is the best option
>use nai
>local gets on comparable level, does not cost money
>use local again
it really isn't hard
vpred 1.0 is going to blow your mind
I already blew my load, I don't want more blowing

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