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hentai with interesting settings and storylines

like the Kon Kit's universe, Lioreo's MYTHICAL WORLD adpataing stories from Greek and Norse mythology, yamamotodoujin's taking moments in DB and making them into hentai manga, Nagashima Chousuke's The Otaku in 10000 BC or Iwasaki Yuuki's horror and hentai fusion
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I appreciate how this guy always dedicates around 50 pages to world building or action scenes before getting to the rapes, which are also fantastic btw.
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>>8338009 (OP)
Pandra (Pandora) from Erect Sawaru. From essentially a one-shot with magitech it's something of a schizo shonen with Olympian deities and a shitton of every genre of lewd imaginable. Pandra III is essentially a low-tier battle shonen with porn by this point, the thing has like 5 volumes.
That guy makes me wonder, did they reject his SFW series? Because 50 pages of carefully choreographed and detailed fights then good lewds is insanely weird.
Nageki no Alicia by H9
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Holy shit, this is great. Thanks for the recommendation.
>That guy makes me wonder, did they reject his SFW series? Because 50 pages of carefully choreographed and detailed fights then good lewds is insanely weird.
saw on his twitter that he recently submitted something to WSS
I love Pandra. The orgies and gangbangs are legendary. I hope we get the other volumes licensed. And they get more hentai adaptions.
>Ani to Imouto no Jijou
>young girl (not loli) gets bullied because airhead but holds on thanks to her older brother taking care of her
>they're orphans and live together
>one day he rapes her which causes amnesia
>it wasn't the first time, them having sex caused her amnesia in the past too
>the bully is actually jealous of her and tries to fuck big bro
I really love how much plot was put into this
>>8338009 (OP)
>Nagashima Chousuke's The Otaku in 10000 BC
how has this not been animated by bunnywalker yet?
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>saw on his twitter that he recently submitted something to WSS

>>8338009 (OP)
There aren't any
>>8338009 (OP)
>hentai with reading orders
how common is this?
Extremely common, anon. Any story with more than one chapter has a reading order.
>Any story with more than one chapter
those aren't showing chapters though, they're showing volumes it's hard to imagine tons of hentai have mutiple volume spanning storytimes
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>>8338009 (OP)
Most interesting one I can recall on hand is Nozomu Tamaki's Amazing World series, which began as a Seinen comedy, then became a hard ecchi, then a straight hentai doujinshi series before wrapping up as a mix of all of the above+Tamaki doing a self-insert saying he pretty much ran out of ideas.

Whole order of this series IIRC is
Don't Defy Miss Maverick
Lily Trigger 1-2
Don't Meddle with My Daughter 1-3
Amazing Eighth Wonder 1-4
MILF of Steel
Uncanny Eighth Wonder 1-2
MILF of Steel Returns
MILF of Steel Forever
Uncanny Eighth Wonder 3
>>8338009 (OP)
doesn't kon kit have like a huge reationship chart as well?
i don't know about that but his series has a fansite /wiki

would they even animated somehting that old?
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Honey bust shot was based on this series right?
Noryoku Gakuen Gekokujo, basically a battle shonen hentai
I really hated 2 year later
The original is one my favorite manga and the sequel is filled with trash new characters that no one likes that dumb lesbian bitch
I think I tried reading that and got confused and stopped
His Paya hentai is 10/10 tho
You can't fucking tease an ending like that and not follow through
0/10 I'm beyond frustrated
i guess even in porn people don't like timeskips
>>8338009 (OP)
anymore reading orders?
It's so over just found out I'm a Kon Kit part skipper
which one did you skip?
Time Skips suck, yeah
But the worst part really is the new cast
>mtl for the last two chapters
fakku translation when?
I liked Energy Kyouka but its not super long. There's a lot more the author could've done. Are they any good prositution stories?
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>>8338009 (OP)
My favorite for a long time:
Update with Kaya's son being possible Futoshi's son, it has been hinted on the story that Izumi's son, specially on the Town festival where the townfolks says that Izumi was a lively child and his son doesn't behave at all like him.
>There's a lot more the author could've done. Are they any good prositution stories?
this reminds me, interspecies reviewers really should have just been a hentai series
where do you find this?
find what? the page from mashu's oneshot? i downloaded the issue of WSS that it was published in

>Shonen Sunday 2024-24

will she pull off this?
There was Gun Drive, If anyone remembers that series. there was actual effort put into it and the fucked up shit that happens
Ah shit I meant Gun Tribe, by Shimanto Youta.
top tier
didn't he do a future version?
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>Suki na Ko no Beit Saki ga H na Service o Shiteiru
>some beta male fawning over the girl
>found out that the girl she fawned worked at a bumfuck cafe out of nowhere
>the beta had his membership card upgraded to VIP which has access to special service late night
>decided to visit the cafe at late night
>found out that it becomes a prostitute place with all the waitress offer the sex service
>found out that the girl he fawned do works there
>hilarity ensues

picrel is the "uniform" that the girls worn for the sex service
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>picrel is another girl
while i admit that the plot is pretty basic for a hentai, i like the premise of a speakeasy style place of debauchery hidden in a normal place, and also the uniform, iso far it's the boldest uniform that i've seen for a hentai about prostitution
>upper far left is the third girl
the latest one is the story of the fawned girl prior to the beta male's discovery of the cafe. from what i've gathered it's more technical in details of the system of the prostitute place. while it has been released during C105, there's still hasn't digital scan of it
These works by Simon that are in the same continuity:

Kumori Glass no Mukou - https://e-hentai.org/g/1632334/a81675c518/

Re:Hatsukoi - https://e-hentai.org/g/1643270/74660dcf36/

Kumori Glass no Mukou no Kunan - https://e-hentai.org/g/1808433/3c86f949a5/

A pity Simon stopped writing from what I reckon, stopping at Kumori Glass no Mukou no Naka de (https://e-hentai.org/s/1aa9fcba5e/1840242-269) for this series.
timeskip animated when?
>>8338009 (OP)
hope kon kit work get animated someday
Kanente-san to Ohnawa-kun
when is the leader getting fucked?
>>8338009 (OP)
what compels someone to making a long form story in hentai?
Noryoku Gakuen Gekokujo
muramata san no aijou
>dagon ball
Oh shit i forgot i own the complete box set of this series. Im gonna take a look and see where i put it
don't leave us hanging!
best hentai
Does anyone have any recommendations for things that play off Egyptian mythology or similar aesthetics?
>for things that play off Egyptian mythology or similar aesthetics?

the chapter featuring the one on the right with the headband is what you're looking for
Thanks, hafta check it out. Ill keep an eye out if anyone else has recommends
this for ants?
better than gt
dude needs to do more op
sera times
new chapter out

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