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No blacked, futa, rape, NTR/NTS, or AI slop
wholesome art and impregnations appreciated
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This email verification shit is retarded
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>No rape

Fuck you nigger FE is peak rape franchise
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>no rape
I mean there's definitely impregnation, but nothing wholesome about his art other than beauty of motherhood and children inheriting skills
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Eugenics is genuinely a fantastic gameplay addition in FE and I wish more games had it. It really gives supports a long-term tangible benefit when you get to play mini-Hitler
I wished Tachibana Omina still did FE, well at least his Isekai fantasy kinda counts.
This. Its a somewhat medieval fantasy series centered on war and human conflict. Spoils of war are practically the assumption for losing scenarios, bandit raids, or prisoners of war. The skillful but vulnerable women combatants are one mistake away from being the enemy's fuckmeat.
>>8339622 (OP)
>Fire Emblem
>no rape
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>>8339622 (OP)
>No rape
>He says as if every other FE game doesn't feature bandits that sell women as sex slaves or villains like Narcian and Valter that want to rape heroines like Clarine and Erika
You are in the wrong fanbase if you're against rape porn of FE characters.
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Havent played Tellius yet, but Micaiah is hot as fuck
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literally made for big corrin cock
The fucking problem with le rape tags, rape porn/hentai and rape faggotry is that it is so goddamn overdone, overused, utterly abundant, excessive and can just get way too decadent and over the top to the point it's starts becoming offensive and disgusting and gross to look at.

Maybe the reason why some people insist on "please don't post rape" is because some of us have empathy to female characters we like and love and would like to have boners and not get flaccid and have our boners killed at an act of bloody violence that is doubly traumatic and inhumane towards women. I sometimes find it absolutely concerning that gooners, coomers and porn addicts might start forgetting rape is genuinely a bad thing and is the worst of act of criminal violence that can happen to any woman and is not some tehehehe haha funny quirky doujin tag or pornographic sub genre.

>Buh! Fire Emblem is a medieval setting where it's rape and sexism is realistic

SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT SO CALLED "REALISM"!!! Can you faggots please stop using "historic realism" to justify your vapid narrow-minded fetishes and honor the polite wishes and requests of vanilla fags and less radical coomers for once!? Why must you bring up "historical realism" to justify your rape slop!? There is already more than enough and countless rapes and sexual violence happening to women around the world and in real life. SOME OF US don't need to constantly be reminded about it especially from you faggots who get boners at the sight violence and traumatize and victimized beaten woman with blood dripping from her vagina.

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Can't relate
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>Not liking rape

lmao fag
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bait used to be believable
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>Severa being concived and impregnated at the same time
>with blood dripping from her vagina
Don't forget the cum anon, Fertilization in FE has a considerably heightend chance of success if it's performed through non/manipulated consent
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Not reading all that. Congratulations or sorry that happened
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Love to see more rape product offsprings like Julius and Julia.
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anything animated?
True. Rape is such a nigger tier fetish.
>rape product offsprings like Julius and Julia.
Don't be jealous Sigurd
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Sorry I can't hear you over the humiliation the heiress of the Goneril suffered when she got raped alongside some other stuffy Royal Navy bitch trying to save the life of some prostitute sexaroid
Are animations legal on this board?
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Animations are allowed on /h/.
But I don't think bestiality is
You know this is /h/, right?
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Don't bump, contribute.
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>no rape
Man, I wanna respect that, but just...man...

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