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Imagine how much better work could be.
Post girls sucking the cocks of seated men from below desks or similar arrangements.
>you drive to work, enter your building, and walk to your office
>as you arrive, your desk slut is underneath looking up at you expectantly. she knows her purpose is at hand and opens her mouth instinctively
>you unzip your fly and pull your cock out, placing it on her patiently awaiting tongue.
>wordlessly she gets to work, gliding her supple lips up and down its shaft and coating it with her spit
>her motions beacon you to subtly thrust your hips and enjoy the feeling of plunging further past her tonsils as you plug in your laptop and check your email
>moments before you fully immerse yourself in your tasking, she picks up the pace, taking your shaft deeper with each thrust
>now sucking loudly, she looks up into your eyes pleadingly, as if begging for you to cum in her mouth before you get distracted by all that pesky work. it's as if her life depends on it.
>mercifully, you grab the back of her head and begin to thrust more forcefully, adjusting the angle and pace at which you penetrate her throat to maximize your own pleasure
>she gags and sputters a couple times, but eventually catches herself, finally settling on a submissive stare deep into your eyes as you have your way with her esophagus. Her training has made it clear: she exists to service your cock and swallow your cum.
>A few pumps later, you see fit to give her the easiest orgasm of the day as a freebie. As you announce your intentions to her through the customary pressure of your fingers on the appropriate indentation in the back of her neck (much like flushing a toilet,) you relieve your pent-up balls, unleashing a torrent of spunk over her tongue and into the back of her throat.
>Your cum spills forth onto her awaiting taste buds, before she reflexively begins swallowing every drop, each spasm of your orgasm matched by an equivalent of her imbibement.
>after you pump several pulsating bursts of hot seed down her gullet, you gradually regain control of your mental faculties and begin work.
This is how I spent the entirety of lockdowns. My wife would just crawl under there all day. Turned it into a pillow fort. I was in Zoom meetings getting milked and nobody had a clue.

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