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Bonus points for cum
imagine how good it must feel to force an enemy to their knees before you and use their mouth as your fleshlight as they stare up in impotent shame disgust and rage
I'd be pretty concerned about her biting it off in that situation, to be sure.
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>be me
>about 25yrs old
>working as maintenance guy in college apt complex (they knocked off 20% of my tuition)
>one night at 1am get call about clogged toilet
>go unclog it ($20 service fee to my pocket)
>go back to office to clock in and out
>notice from dark office window that theres some people in hot tub
>get closer and see on of my GFs best friends in hot tub
>shes naked, and blowing some guy sitting on the edge with his feet in water
>call up my GF who is awake playing on the computer
>tell her what IM looking at and that the guy is NOT her BFFs husband
>she doesnt believe me
>tell her to bet on it
>She offers whatev I want, I offer to get her a new car
>she walks upto the office front door, I let her in, we go to office window and peek
>YUP its her, NOPE that aint her husband
>Tell her I won, Im gonna call her husband up
>She starts to protest as I walk to front door
>Remember my bet, and tell her to goto to office kitchen/breakroom
>we get in there and I make her strip and get on her knees on top of her clothes
>Tell her she has to give the best BJ in the world or Im calling her BFFs husband
>Its exactly like 9You)r
>only I made her put one finger in her ass from behind while she played with her tits
That angry look on her face as she had watery eyes and spit drooling down her tits.. man..and she swallowed also..
miss that hoe...
Her husband found out eventually it wasnt even with the guy I saw, but 2 niggers in a motel room.
Lol I keep waiting for the opportunity to tell my wife to bet against me. The scenario itself is so hot
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OP pic is Jinx from Teen Titans, a Western IP.
ai garbage
If it doesn't look bad, who cares?

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