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This is a thread for h-artists who doesn't post anything new there's months, years or have went mainstream. Ask questions, post news, last works, where or what they really are/doing, etcetera. So, here's my lists of artists who didn't release anything in the last couple of months or years, or have but have also lessen the frequency of their works:
- Takeda Hiromitsu
- Sanagi Torajirou
- Jin
- Yoshiura Kazuya
- Laliberte (guy was very prolific, suddenly he doesn't release monthly anymore)

Whatever happened to these guys? Feel free to post other artists.
mukai masayoshi disappeared last year
>Yoshiura Kazuya
one of the biggest loss in the hentai world
Whatever happened to snowbox?
I never followed his sns when he went mia.
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RIP hjl

He didn't die. He just doesn't make porn anymore.
Yuasa from BlueSyndrome. Best known for Ninja Dependence, Naruto doujins with their artstyle very close to Kishimoto. Rarely alter character bodies to suit the hentai taste so it's like you are reading actual Naruto girls got raped.

Website died, they stopped releasing doujins and their last work was from 2014.

Katou Kaiou. Touhou fanartist, did doujins. Tags are mainly sleeping and hypnosis.

He has complained about being artist is too hard and his presence on Twitter/X were getting less and less. Nevertheless still look forward for Comiket.

Went MIA around 2020. No social media activity after that. Either he gave up on art completely or died considering it was during pandemic.

Kisaragi Gunma. Went mainstream and never went back to H-works after his last work on Comic EXE. Unsure if he's busy with the sanitized manga or just coasting.
Yuasa from BlueSyndrome:
-Best known for Ninja Dependence, Naruto doujins with their artstyle very close to Kishimoto. Rarely alter character bodies to suit the hentai taste so it's like you are reading actual Naruto girls got raped.
-Website died, they stopped releasing doujins and their last work was from 2014.

Katou Kaiou:
-Touhou fanartist, did doujins. Tags are mainly sleeping and hypnosis.
-He has complained about being artist is too hard and his presence on Twitter/X were getting less and less. Nevertheless still look forward for Comiket.
-Went MIA around 2020. No social media activity after that. Either he gave up on art completely or died considering it was during pandemic.

Kisaragi Gunma.
-Went mainstream and never went back to H-works after his last work on Comic EXE. Unsure if he's busy with the sanitized manga or just coasting.

Fixed for better formatting.
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I miss USA
>Kisaragi Gunma
I remember him.
>Went mainstream
He what? What mainstream manga did he do?
This manga: https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/w24wy34/ren-ai-shikou-seitokai

Calling it mainstream is exaggeration on my part but is it really any different when he stops doing hentai while still doing this one safe serialized manga.
Even looking into his Twitter/X, there is still nothing but that manga of his and some bikinis.
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Yakiniku King. He really did live up to his name.
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Joy did as well. Him and Yakiniku King had the best vanilla around.

I'm kinda happy that they retired? before they got caught by the cuckfags.
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Nyanko400 did some top tier harems before he vanished. I just wish his stuff was longer.
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> Censorship? Fuck that I'll move to a new magazine.
> No Loli? Fuck you, I'll draw as much nude middle schooler Loli as I want.

More ecchi than /h/ but Yamamoto Ryohei seems to have more spine than most doujin / manga artists these days.
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A two part story about fucking your daughter from the future and her would be mother at the same time.

Seriously, what happened to stories like this? When I take stuff thats popular these days its always the generic childhood friend, ugly bastard, or ntr faggotry.
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コブラノヲヤツ/Cobura no Oyatsu
the artist hasn't posted anything in his socil media of fanbox since last year.
I miss Yokkora. His stuff was always goated.
USA, whatever happened there?
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Mero Mero Factory/Mochisuke Teru. Haven't heard the name in more than a decade, and I have zero clue what happened.
A deleted / nuked Pixiv is usually a sign of someone going legit. I remember you posting about him before, I'd take a look but with this art style it would be hard to narrow someone odown.
I took a look, probably on hiatus. Probably will start doing doujin work again at some point
IMO, female artists like USA often drop in and out compared to male artists. She could have had a kid or maybe even gone legit?
I was actually just looking through JP twitter, and it seems he released a few more doujins under the name H'imbus around 2018-19. I'm surprised, but it's still been years since that.
It's easy to call someone spineless when you're not the one who has to pay the rent, isn't it?
You either make a degenerate manga or do something safe.
Its the worst when artists make an inbetween that makes nobody happy.
What happened to Iruma Kamiri aka Hellabunna? I have a digital collection of all his works. And some physical too. Disappeared a decade ago.
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Still waiting for Miyane Aki to finish the Taimanin Asagi ZERO comic.. did he die or something??

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