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Looking at red butts edition

Previous slap: >>8319610
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Yeah, going from the average artwork quality in these threads I'm starting to think it's just a shit-tier fetish.
Just hide the thread.
they're also nothing but reposts, in addition to the low quality they show how lazy OP is

well at least you acknowledge it
Hide the thread and never post again, thanks.
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spanking is just a cursed fetish. as popular as it is, there arent very many pure spankos, even fewer who know how to draw.
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uh, editor-san, i know you're concerned, but I don't think making it hurt to sit down will make her more productive
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pillow under the hips for more comfort is really polite of them
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Where are her panties? Did she put on a buruma on the bare body?
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>try to start a fetish console war
Imagine the autism...
I think the problem is the opposite, there's too few non pure spankos drawing spanking. If you have a "spanking artist" for whom this is 90% of stuff he ever draws then no shit he has no idea about anatomy, perspective etc.
Never knew thehandprints and animeotk were connected, hope they find a new server replacement
What takes them so long? It's been weeks.
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I'd enjoy this christmas movie.
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>even fewer who know how to draw
*that I bothered to learn about.

That's no excuse to flood the board with Western and low quality pictures. It's a (You) problem.
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ai generated background aside, a nude spanking is a great Christmas present for both involved
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I just looked through the default fonts in CSP until I found one that matched it well enough, that's all.
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Do you think it was a present from the mother to her daughter because the daughter was a naughty girl? Or was it a present the girl gave to her mother because she wanted to be punished with that paddle?
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>Or was it a present the girl gave to her mother because she wanted to be punished with that paddle?
I prefer that scenario.
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10$ for 10 minutes? If that was real, I'm sure even people who don't have a spanking fetish would accept that offer.
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Chizuru found a much more lucrative business. But there's no need for her to be so skimpily dressed. Spankers love undressing a girl.
Do you think it's more interesting if spanking in a game has a bit of lasting effect or easily healed? Also, what do you think would be an interesting way to heal ass bruises.
Does anyone have a specific image from Animeotk? I recall it was about Eumiella spanking Alicia (both from Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura-Boss desu ga Maou dewa Arimasen / Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord)
Based pic
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Spanking is the healing
Eingyeo syndrome is a rare disease affecting young people, 95% of whom are female. Circulation to the butt becomes insufficient, causing it to turn pale and go numb. It can only be treated by multiple daily spanking treatments to increase inflammation and blood flow. The butt also needs to be exposed to air to increase perfusion, so the patient is not allowed to wear bottom clothing. Some patients can be treated at home, but those who don't have anyone to spank them three times a day have to be hospitalized and receive routine spankings by the nurses.
(I know this edit is shit so here's the sauce https://hentaiera.com/view/1248801/5/)
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Spent too long scrolling through my folder...
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I'm thinking of re-texting this entire sub-series and posting it
feels like a good enough tribute to the late great Korean
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Can you guys post something other than Eingyeo
That's interesting, but my spankings are more ordinary.
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Sorry but Eingyeo has created the deepest reservoir of bare bottom spankin' art we have access to.
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I'm way to vanilla for this sort of 'tism. "She dun guff'd so she gets her ass beaten" works much better for me.
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Wish there were more gifs like that. Whoever made this did a great job.
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pretty astounding that bare bottom spanking is an actual thing outside of this fetish. It feels so deliberately erotic to pull someone's pants and underwear down and expose their ass and genitals before putting them in a submissive position.
I assume nude spanking isn't as much of a thing but that's obviously even more blatant.
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also this animation reel by drawfag is great but wow darkness is a real bitch for keeping a regular chair in their bathroom with a bath brush conveniently nearby just in case she ever needs to wet bottom spank Megumin or Aqua
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Bare bottom spanking is a very reasonable thing when you think about it. Why hit the bottom? Because it's the best spot to hit someone so it hurts but doesn't cause any serious injury. Why bare? To intesify the pain. It's just optimal for what it's trying to achieve. Genitals are accidental to the whole thing. And how do you conceive a position for punishment that's not submissive? Fetishization of the whole thing comes later.
I did It, I made an ulterior edit where It used her hand, the girl kept the "stanky leg" down with the other, and also added a trace of another zekel drawing with the reddened ass on display, but ive delete It wlong with all the spanking drawings because i Just kept them there to full disk space and nothing else, If only someone saved Just that
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I can see Nina spanking Momoka like this. Momoka would let her do it to relieve some stress and Nina wouldn't even try to hold back.

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