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Bonus points for irrumatio & cum
this one's my favorite
I love them, I wish they got their own separate tag in sadpanda.
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My favorite's the sinkhole gag, bonus point if the plug's not just a sinkhole plug. Dildo seems to be the most common alternative
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Whatever contraption this is
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It's called a fellatio mask (フェラマスク) or suckmask. It's meant to evoke the image of sucking a cock so hard her face gets deformed. Not actually practical in real life because the mask will get in the way of the actual blowjob

Is that what it's called? A sinkhole gag? With the plug? Been trying to find the name of this fucking thing for years.
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It's actually called a plug gag on the boorus, I don't know where I got the name sinkhole gag but I'm too used to it now

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