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Straight, explicit sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

Previous thread: >>8273268

>the male must be attractive
>the picture must be focused on the male
>the female must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male
>the female may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless girl self-insert
>she may also be the focus, but preferably not more than the male
>unexaggerated proportions are preferable
>content of Asian origin and anime/manga art style, western art goes here:>>>/aco/femporn

No yuri, no yaoi, no faceless dudes, no shota, no loli, no derailing thread. Thank you.
Tip: Before you ask for the source of an image, use reverse image search sites such as iqdb.org, trace.moe, or sauceNAO.com to find what you need. Do not post solo male pictures even if it is meant to be straight, since those are considered /y/ content in this site and could get easily deleted.
Do not post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that is not porn).

Femporn Reclist v.2

List of Archived Threads

Related femporn genres and Japanese terms are:
>女性漫画, 女性向け(Josei manga, Josei-muke/for women) *might also include BL
>レディースコミックス / レディコミ (Ladies' comics / lady-comi)
>シチュエーションCD (Situation CD)
>乙女向け, 乙女ゲーム (Otome-muke/for maidens, Otome game)
>夢向け (Yume-muke/for yumejoshi) *try adding 夢 to series name on Pixiv for yumejo results
>ティーンズラブ / TL (Teens' Love)
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i miss when chubby guys would sometimes get posted, it's really difficult to find any stuff that isn't ugly old men ntr shit
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Who is he? Where are they from?
Straight big guy content is pretty rare in my experience. If it's character driven it seems to produce nicer art.
There is some of Laios with a bit of tummy but he's not heavy set.
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God bless this drawfag.
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incredibly based love love
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more kissing
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>imply mmf/mmmf/gangbang on the cover
>it's one-on-one from start to finish
Why are TL manga always like this?
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Because usually these kinds are to show off various relationships in multiple character choice games/stories. So they're shown together on the cover so you know all the guys are featured with MC.
That's all.
Multiple versions of the same character can yield good results tho :)
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I love how this artist draws totk link there's just something about hair and the body that makes me melt
Understandable but oh so disappointing. Are there many where this isn't the case?
>, no yaoi

Excuse me but some of us like being in the room when two men are going at eachother
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If you want gay content, I'm sure there are other threads for it.
Cool, but this isn't the thread for it. Get out.
*other boards
I'm a guy and I've always preferred porn catered to females, I love romantic and passionate shit, more than just mindless fucking. Is there something wrong with me?
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with my very limited knowledge of mouthwashing, even I know this is kinda, whattheactualfuck??? didn't he like rape her? not the ''kyyaa, oh no, I totally don't want you to force yourself on me while I pretend to be proper and pure'' but actual rape, like zero consento, or am I misunderstanding this?
Like I get it if it was her and the captain dude, but this guy???
How is that any different from the rape being posted here regularly?
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I already explained the difference
yeah it's weird
but more, it's western art so would be better posted to /co/
beautiful wonderful spectacular
Not really, retard.
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Not my fault you lack critical thinking skills.
>makes retard post
>cannot backup retard post
Old teddy was right about arguing with idiots. Nice pic tho.
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I'm not spoon feeding you shit, if you don't even understand what I'm talking about in my original post.
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Source? I love his build and the size difference sm

I don't know why this stuff does it for me, but it does.
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Something about pearl clutching and tourism

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