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Aight been out of the loop, just wondering is there any H-game better that Wolf Girl with You?

Obviously looking for something vanilla, short and sweet, amazing animations that defies uncanniness and well not being shit (literally and figuratively).

Prefer 3D or pure 2D animation over those uncanny smooth puppet tool type stuff.
Bump for interest
also bumping for interest. also wondering if theres ever been a way to uncensor Wolf Girl and You.
I have never seen a better anime 3D model ever and it's from a hentai game
Nah there's been a great amount of stuff from Blender artists like this one by @kensyouen_Y: https://x.com/kensyouen_Y/status/1820748563338637581

Also games like Guilty Gear has an amazing style.

Good heavens because this push from MMD is well deserved for how outdated that program's lighting engine is. But Liru has indeed aged as the finest wine out of the pre-2019 3DCG stuff.
Unfortunately they're pre-rendered videos. So you'll have to use an AI tool like DeepCreamPy but as an image sequence. I haven't followed what's the successor because its been a few year since so I bet there's something way better now.
wolf girl with you is great but it's a glorified video player so yes, there are tons of better h-games simply by virtue of being actual games
Fair enough, but I would classify dating sims with excruciating 20 minute dialogue scenes as any better.

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