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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- hhttps://niyaniya.moe/?s=tag:^netorase$ (check mirrors if link is down)
- https://hentainexus.com/?q=tag:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK
NTS Games: https://pastebin.com/Pw97kzWb
More NTS Games: https://f95zone.to/threads/complete-netorase-sharing-games-master-list.90458/
NTS Twine Novels: https://pastebin.com/gY3SPHbQ

Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125180549
Previous Thread: >>8359713
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I really need an artist to draw the cuck's dick right in front of the penetration with the wife facing her cuck. She's moaning like a whore and squirting like a pig on his dick as she's getting bred. The cuck cums his heart out of course.
Heart eyes, because the love of her life is right in front of her, and she adores seeing her partner delight in consensual cuckolding.
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Bokudaka mod I made.
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Scenes like this are pure bliss for me. The bull's cock releasing comfortably inside the wife's warm hole while the cuck's struggles desperately to climax—such a striking contrast. The more the cuck is denied during the NTS play, the more intense the reclamation and aftercare will become...
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Does anyone know if hi-res versions of the bokudaka pre-order poster illustrations exist? I searched but this was the best I found.
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bokudaka bonus 2
bonus 3. This one is absolute dog doodoo scan.
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Oops, pic didn't upload.
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bonus 4. Another sadly low res pic of it.
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There was also this phone card one with a nice cumshot yukata illustration. Woud love a higher res.
Are there any works where the gf treats the bull with motherly love like he's her baby or where the bull isn't more dominant than her?
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part 2 never ever
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femboy netorase is so niche, shota ntr kind of fills the gap but it's just not the same. shout out to ankoman and fuzume
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there's a few gems every now and then
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Thoughts on pain play?
Imagine the heroine slapping the cuck's balls while in the next moment giving the bull the most sensual blowjob.
Don't like CBT, the mental pain is already enough.
maybe like a light slap to calm the cuck down when he announces he's gonna cum soon but I don't like anything more brutal. the fmc should always be loving and caring
I don't enjoy getting kicked in the balls
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Funny that people have been talking about bokudaka recently considering that the next game in the series just got announced today. Same title but a different subtitle.
I think the girl has a better design than the previous one.
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>Thoughts on pain play?
It's based.
I need alternative Cucked by an Incel storyline where Ollie is even more depraved but very submissive and Tyler pities his situation so much she lets him do anything he wants to her until he finds a proper girlfriend
Holy fuck. Is there a better picture of the wife?
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Anything with a shota bull like "Indecent Wife Hana" or "A Random Lady Showed Up At Our Secret Base!"
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>shota bull
Anim always teases their games a week before the proper announcement. That one will have a story synopsis and character profiles along with maybe some sample CG.
No fucking way, they're finally making another?! Oh god, please please please be good. Please don't fuck this up TeamMM.
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Shit taste, anon. Shota bulls and femboy bulls are the best. Much better than Chad bulls, BBC bulls, and ugly bastard bulls; I want a bull I wouldn't mind fucking.
Tbh, given Anim's track record with literally every other game, I have very low hopes it's gonna live up to bokudaka 1, but I so want to be proven wrong.
Netorase should happen with guys she finds attractive, I don't want to be the one in control.
There is a balance between letting her fuck guys she finds attractive and getting potentially NTR'd or having her fuck ugly and make the sex less enjoyable for her
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Based loli ntsGOD
I suppose her body is nearly there, but 16 is sadly too old; either way there's not enough loli NTS full stop.
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i'm still mad this one sucked
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Smug, loyal wives make me weak in the knees.
Peak, i hope momonosuke do more Ntr/nts stuff for BA,i've really liked his Yuuka and Noa
Anim and Atelier Sakura just suck at making eroge in general.
They aren't mutually exclusive though, in fact I kind of want to see a femboy/shota bull that fucks both the wife and the cuck
Gay ass nigga keep those fantasies to yourself
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nigga this is the thread to talk about that stuff
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we're so back
This heroine was boring as fuck. Didn't tease the cuck and just went with the flow.
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it was just regular ntr, the swinging game had a superior version of her
Been like a year or so since I've been here, did any of the twine stories ever get updated?
Question for you /NTS/
how do we feel about the wife getting intimate with the bull, more specifically kissing
should that be reserved for cuck-kun?
I'm okay with it either way. Setting an initial boundary on kissing then later lifting it can also be a nice escalation.
Bull intimacy is highly underrepresented. It's usually done in a horny presentation like Yumi and Jin but there should be more non-sexual intimate cucking. There was a panel from a doujin (but it was NTR iirc) about the bull being able to afford more expensive dates than the cuck and I bet that's gonna hit a lot of masocucks more than sexual superiority imo. Gifts are one thing like jewelry the wife wears but I would love to see stuff like
>bull remembers the wife and husband's anniversary and he gifts her something but cuck kun doesn't
>bull is able to send the wife to romantic trips and sends lovey-dovey selfies
>wife posts the bull on social media with the typical on a date captions
>bull meets the wife's social circles in gatherings
>wife shows how the bull sends sweet caring messages to the wife
>non-french kissing pics (I personally feel like a genuine loving kiss on the cheek is a much more painful show of 'I love this man' more than a lot of sex acts)
I'm not a masocuck so I prefer kissing exclusive to hubby. It's hot when she puts her foot down and she's like nah-ah, nope. That's how Yumi was for a long time. Tbh these recent kissing plays aren't as exciting for me as her kissing denial was.
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I think it's best if they start with no kissing allowed and a condom always being required, but eventually in one of their sessions they forget about the rules and enjoy each other's body to the fullest. kissing and condomless action are best when it's taboo. of course the wife should report all this afterwards
So much this. Nt00 lost touch with what made yumi sexy which was her desire for Haru. The whole reason she kept fucking other dudes and sending him pics was finding out he liked hearing about it. She literally thought they were all losers and the virgins she plucked she considered it practice to give haru a better first experience, and despised senpai once she figured out he lied just to fuck her. Good nts is predicated by the woman being loyal to a fault and what she does is to please him, even if he's an ultra beta cuck. That's the whole point of it all.
Yeah. NTS, especially for masocucks, is largely seen as the withholding of sex from the husband and giving it to the bulls in order to make him jealous. But I think withholding from the bull to assert her dominance is sexier. The bulls of course always want everything. So putting the brakes on them really shows who's the boss, and who she's doing it for. IMO it's the better way to do dominant wife NTS, and a reason Yumi was so successful.
Way too many pics getting posted. As a reminder these threads are for autistically arguing over definitions NOT posting hentai
How do you guys feel about NTR -> NTS? Stuff like "Girlfriend Tapes" and "My First Cuckold Masochist Training" where the girl starts out cheating on the guy without his consent but eventually he comes around to enjoying it.
This one was pretty good, I liked the ending.
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More NTS should feature cum cunnilingus
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you don't understand, I HAVE to argue about my hyperspecific rules for imaginary scenarios with everyone else otherwise i'm getting cucked irl
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What a great thread. Make sure to keep ignoring the autistic essay monkeys and "what if" donkeys. They should go to plebbit, this is an image board.
>It's usually done in a horny presentation like Yumi and Jin but there should be more non-sexual intimate cucking
One of the best moment's in Yumi is when she and Jin are filming that interview video on the couch to send to Haru. Nt00 really should have featured more playful moments between the two, specifically from Yumi's pov so we can get a better understanding of how much she enjoys Jin as the bull for her and Haru.
I say should have because it feels like the story is coming to an end soon.
why is the cuck even present at all then? eventually it's just a romance story between the girl and the bull
I hope there will be at least one new chapter before Christmas
I mean, OP said next one would be better :)

Anyways, I dislike MTL, but I feel this one does the job.
I left the stupid converter thing on the filename, sorry

This one's an oldie but I really like it, fits well too, as Christmas is near.
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>eventually he comes around to enjoying it.
Much prefer NTR>NTS where the guy likes it from the beginning, but he doesn't tell the girl; the guy quickly realizes he's into it so there's no "eventually"; or BSS>NTS stuff like Haru o Uru Kishi
I guess it's more contrived and maybe requires more suspension of disbelief, but someone having to be gradually convinced that they like NTS is (a) kind of cringe and (b) probably not how I would react so it's harder to relate
Agree with this. It's only "real" nts at least by my standard if she is shown able and willing to put the brake on to show where her loyalty lies and demonstrating the other dude will be dropped the moment he isn't helping her get off her boyfriend, or for stepping out of line even if the boyfriend isn't showing a sign of wanting to stop like haru, which is something we need out of yumi. Otherwise the boyfriend being able to say I don't like this I wanna stop and her no hesitation agreeing. The softer side of it is heavily neglected because ntr fucks won't stop droning. But I do want someone like yumi showing her dominance in both how she takes care of her boyfriend and how she denies without concern dudes like Jin. At least for the more masochistic leaning it's more about the femdom I think than anything else. Like it doesn't have to be her fucking other dudes necessarily so much as whether she knows how to femdom tease correctly. She did it in the first story and even though she did it as a pleaser because she's a natural sub, she can do the same as a pleasure dom and take charge of haru. And that can be done without punking for another man.
The fundamental problem is ntrfags enjoy seeing beautiful things destroyed so they do their best to influence any good story possible. Since nts is parallel its the easiest target for them to corrupt since most artists aren't very well versed with nts and not understanding what makes it good for most people. That's basically it. Just look at how ntr people piss on here constantly and anywhere nts is discussed.
As I see, on the latest chapters, Yumi is pretty tired of it already, I think she's just going along with whatever, so long as Haru's satisfied. This is, implying obviously, that Yumi still loves Haru. But, I still can't shake the feeling that something's wrong with these latest chapters, my NTR meter is going off charts on this plot she's going. It obviously might not be canon, since it already ended and we're just getting random chapters in the timeline... but still, I'm gonna be surprised if she breaks up with Haru. It will be a plot twist, most definitely.
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Fuck off blogposters, especially if you're not even gonna post images like the OP says.
NTS where they play around with the aesthetics of marriage is always the most tantalizing. Sullying the wedding ring, or taking it off while fucking, wearing a wedding dress with the bull. Pushing boundaries and pretending to be the bull's wife when they're together all to tease the cuck.
Anons, if I had a gf, how can I get her into NTS?
Talk honestly with her about it. Share your favorite NTS content. RP it out first, have her pretend to give reports, see how she feels about it.
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Nuh uh, no larping either.
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Adult takagi remains my NTS queen. Extremely loyal and in love with you, but knows exactly how far she can push boundaries to make your cuck dick feel euphoric.
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I introduced mine to the kink by sending her a few novels and hentai pics. Then we switched from regular sex to me mostly fucking her hand. She has now started texting her friend's ex and they went on a first friendly "date".

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