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Bathing Edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX 21
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R11
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin
https://r.entry.org/kkgcreators (reply if you want to be added, take off the .)

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega
https://pastebin.com/uyNtKmxn (embed) (embed)

>Theme Stuff
https://pastebin.com/EiTPbUeL (embed) (embed)

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/882UALu8 (embed) (embed)

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive
The Koikatsu Situation Is INSANE!
What happened?
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Advice to make boobs to be more like these, with some slack, instead of very firm?
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Based retard OP forgot the subject field
Post christmas you faggots
kkg is actually dead holy shit let's go
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Here's a bunch of semi-finished coords. All of these are colorable
Haha... that's our /kkg/...
Pedro moved on from this place or is just lurking around, not bothering to do the OP, these kinds of mistakes will happen if someone is new doing them, like the (embed)s in the OP. At least someone made a thread.
If anything OP is mostly grabbing old or basic images, He could grab and use the scenes from pedro's torrent in https://files.catbox.moe/uehxbx.torrent since apparently the isekai guys are seeding it these days.
Just stop making threads. There's nothing left here.
Dude where's my card?
Why not just make a pastebin with catbox links of every scene's .png file to download instead of having to use third party programs to download them?
have we really moved so far into the future that torrenting software is something that's not essential on any given personal computer?
gen alpha doesn't even know what folders or file systems are...it's so over
Tbh, I don't like torrenting too much either. I never seed because my ISP will shut down my internet if they catch me torrenting, and seeding is painfully slow through a vpn. That makes me feel bad because torrents need seeders to live.
Music and movie industry seems to have successfully brainwashed you.
Literally nothing will happen, torrenting in itself is not illegal, it's just a transfer protocol.
That doesn't stop ISPs from refusing service for torrenters. They routinely do this.
Must be a "land of the free" thing.
I have never heard of this happening, even with actual piracy.
In this case you could sue them for millions for unrightfully refusing service for a perfecly legal download. I'd take the opportunity, easy money.
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Is there money on making a koikatsu clone with original art and making it similar to ppppu?
ask the fag who's been doing the repacks, he launched his own "notkoikatsu"
The guy had a mega and that got taken down, and the amount of files in the pack is over 2k scenes. There is the replacement mega, but it only has like a half/third of the torrent content. if you dont mind that check the OP
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>some scenes don't play timeline animations right
>see mentions that maybe you need shalty's
>have it already but get an update I guess
>it breaks because pic related
>ok where are the updates
>magnet don't work, direct download slow
>finally done
>error: missing summer vacation scramble
what the fuck is this I just want the dependencies
did you download the HF patch for SVS and tried to install it ontop of KK/KKS?
yeah I guess I was autopiloting hard and thought he gave patches funky names
this isn't KK at all what is this
trying the magnet from the OP again I forgot how I even got the SVS one
this shit is 26GB fuck you
>inb4 you try to install the kks patch onto kk
That's like 1/10th of a modern AAA game
Christmas! Less than a week away!

Sexo! You should make a slutty Christmas outfit.
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The issue with koikatsu is that is closed sourced and that it has copyright issues.

I think I can do an original ppppu clone with my own character designs.
does anyone have an animate scene where the character hugs the camera/offers herself to you as a christmas gift
what if I just learned blender and freed up the 367GB that koikatsu is currently occupying
You'll be making even more assets and stuff for koikatsu instead
is there no escape from this hell
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I still haven't finished my first fantasy character from the original fantasy theme contest from 2019

I also have right around 4,000 hours in the character creator and haven't even launched the studio yet because my characters aren't done, but I'm getting ready to jump into it. Is there any guides besides the stuff in the OP that I should be aware of for the Studio?
Is it "Passion Eyes" is the one he was working on...?
Hows this game going anyway?
Koikdaisy has a really good beginner's guide. Just ask if you're looking to try to implement some kind of visual effect, and some anon can probably tell you how to do it.
>Must be a "land of the free" thing.
Everybody says this but I do it all the time here as a burger and have never had an issue. I think one time in college I got a letter to stop and just threw it in the trash. I only ever hear fearmongering stories online, but have never known anyone to actually get in trouble.
What are you expecting from koikatsu 3? What would you want that isn't in koikatsu 1 and 2?
>better netcode
>64 players
>official mod support(lol)
denuvo ontop of the shitty anti-mod encryption
>forgot to backup my plugins
>lost my timelinesync again
poor lil guy
Well I have xfinity and I'm pretty sure I've seen posts of them doing this.
One time in kkg someone said I sound like a weeb who owns a sword.

and I do...
Does anyone have the Ippan Josei newbie head mod? I'm missing that mod...
Seriously though why do you guys hate KKUSS? It has:
>shadows that go well with the game's illumination
>shadows and lightning that match the character's body
>more realistic clothing
>better skin texture
>better shiny skin
Post an example.
This post from kemono has all of those examples:
I don't hate. It's just that xukmi's shit works for me. And there's a plugin that easily swaps shaders. If there's something like that for KKUSS, and it supports realtime volumetric lighting, I'll fucking switch over without a second thought.
Maybe you are just confused about how the shaders work?
xukmi shaders can do all of that and more with less hassle.
Some of these things aren't even related to shaders like skin texture and normalmaps.
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that animation is made with pure sliders
Oh great the vhigger is here
Don't reply to me you fucking freak
I don't hate it, I just don't like working on it with mat editor UI and the number of properties it has.
But I hate shader shills more with how insistent they are like vegans.

if you think catbox will be online forever then you don't remember what happened with all the anon files links.
Vhix teach me how to animate with sliders holy fuck
Fuck off Vhigger, stop samefagging and go back to trying to sell your shitty cards
ok i gotcha
just uh, uhm... you make... chimera!? and then recycle so you become the best sliderman

>b-but vhix you use endless and multiple variations of styles
just pretend i don't exist bro, its about the grind

mr admin
just chimera until you die
the best sliderman...
Samefagging retard
No wonder no one likes you
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hang on let me edit it on how i made it with timeline
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what is he writing
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At least its not Kitanon right?
True, at least it's not kitfag.
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This is I asked in the Last thread. I tried that and I think is not bad but il tacks a lost of things.
Anyone Thinks if it will improve can be a good sustitute to Koikatsu?
how do you feel about the fact that you almost singlehandedly killed a long running general, vhix?
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i can work on this general full time and post works but its not work if im not paid for it

so basically, everyone thinks the same as i do and we don't work here so they dont wanna post

the "vhix killed" whatever garbage is just your propaganda of whatever goal i dunno
just post work jesus
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if you're curious though if what im doing
im editing this gamer girl so uh... im not on studio
merry christmas
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here's also my quick christmas scene

i dunno why not post some work.
waste of energy? doesn't make money? posting on 4chan doesn't make money? oh

oh ok, look at the irony then.
too lazy to make random stuff because it doesn't make money?

i get that maybe most or some of you are rendering some gachaspam in the background then you have a reason why no one is posting

why play dumb right?
could've just enjoyed some works from people who don't render in the background

are we building a digital art community or it was always been trying to manipulate every user to just think about you
Merry Christmas, mate.
Vhix didn't kill the thread. All the thread regulars shitposting others behind the cloak of anonymity for years now killed the thread.
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so yeah not saying that i wouldn't want any cash on my hand, im even grateful for my $14/month

but thing is, i kept being called out of whatever greed bullshit when most of the time... dude you can fucking see.

i make montages straight out of my heart because i simply love art.
like to be honest, its way too far the way you behave and the way i do.

i took me like 30 minutes to make that christmas scene, if you include that map, it took me 40 minutes when i was making it.
so its over an hour in total

thing is, you don't have time for yourself in terms of art and i do.
i just close my eyes for bullshit you're trying to push thinking you're all some sort of manchildren that would move on eventually because this digital art thingy is actually fun and takes time but no.

fuckin rendering non-oc in the background and shits without contribution every single time and you have the audacity to call out shit while im seeing no passion on yourself

shit's crazy.

ok you can't sculpt or whatever, then you still have time to use the model you have for some heartpounding fucking motherfucker but you didn't
even fucking sex, self insert yourself on how you fuck that anime character despite using the model of somebody else

i don't know what im seeing, this is some sort of crazy shit
you do look like you post to impress and you died because you no longer impress.

who cares if you don't? you keep saying at least you earn, then live with it
at least you earn at least you earn and then just post contribution to see for other users

its clear that this is no longer your market if you see it like that, then behave as a member of community

stop making me look right that its all about manipulation of turning every member as your consumer

if you do good shit, you don't need that johan libert type of garbage

Just post
If you didn't post these completely incoherent ESL rants so often maybe there'd be more workposters here.
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you're acting some sort of mc that doesn't work

thats just how digital art works
if you post garbage, its garbage

gamer pulling johan libert for fuckin straight weeks just
Not sure exactly what you're saying (as usual). Consider taking english lessons.
I have been posting work recently. Just want you to know that when you fill the thread with this insane rambling it drives people away.
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like you played some whatever bullshit johan with your hands on your pocket while typing on your phone or keyboard i dunno

now we look at the current date, its december of fucking 12 right
instead of people getting their ass on studio and having a good time, you fuckin' pulled johan and they're thinking about it and they're losing their time on that bullshit you just created

i can speak completely gibberish it would still make sense
Like, if you're this passionate why not consider being a professor in manhattan or whatever
oh fuck, its december 22 im looking at the date wrong
Genuinely, kill yourself
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You guys ever had an bug in CharaStudio when you closed the program and the character's head twists in a creepy way?
Hello anons, which are the best loli timeline makers? asking for my dick
Who's the artist of this SD that starts at 2:40?

I know the one before it is imsayaa34 but i don't recognize the last one
chris, hoptia, nyanify, niza, amazingcatbug, mightymeat, holomonx off the top of my head
And that's a good thing
>nyanify stopped releasing SDs because chinks resold his scenes
they got another one... it just never ends
sucks but it was a good run. shame it was all just loops with no finish though.
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goddamnit why is it doing this again I just updated shalty
happened to too many creators I follow, luckily a lot of the time you can just ask to get the scene data if you upload and share stuff yourself.
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