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No Comiket thread yet?
What are you guys looking forward the most?
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Obui, Asanagi, Hotate, Neromashin, Great Mosu, Ichimiya, eno, matanonki, ChickeIII, toumasu, bukatsu, Alp, umakuchi,... all the gods I've always followed every comiket I guess.
Is there a site that keeps track of the relevant doujin covers that will be releasing during c105?
I still haven't looked anything up but I'll probably spend some time these days taking notes.

What an all star casting. I NEED this.

Last comiket I spent an unreasonable amount of time going through the entire catalog of melonbooks c104 tagged products to make my wishlist. It was a pain in the ass but I got like 95% of the works that I was interested in by doing that. Unless there's a fancier way of getting things done I'll probably repeat.
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I want to buy this book but this group doesn't sell anything digitally, I hope someone actually buys it at the con

This work is a blatant shinjiro copy even down to the cup size and mole placement
there were already too many blatant shinjiro copies, and hotate's previous shorts have same "inspirations" as well.
Doesn't stop me from enjoying the same thing just like Mosu or eno been putting out.
Every single time I just pray someone would upload Tony Taka new stuff as soon as they get them

There’s also LilyLilyRose
A new manga in decades
That’s pretty much it
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I've been waiting for this for so long. I hope I get to translate it.
Sadao's sequel to Netorase Club will be the highlight of this comiket for me.
Obviously takapi's works
>Dude, rape and murder lmao: the porn artists
They might be the biggest and best in their field, but I can't even get hard to most of their work.
Next year is the 50th anniversary of Comiket, artist better bring their A game for such celebration
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This one.
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Wait, Butcha-U is a woman?
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I'm shocked as well.
>comiket is only five days younger than me
wtf when did I get so old
Could be a booth babe, but it's not that shocking. I think Hana Hook being a grandma is the most shocking
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>My all-time favorite artist responsible for drawing girls getting their shithole remodeled is actually a woman

It might not look like it, but I'm having a nuclear meltdown right now.
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Been waiting for this since vol 1. Can't wait.
I'm surprised the OP hasn't begged for Sahara Wataru's Naruto porn yet. It's the only reason he made this thread for.
They usually say if they're hiring booth girls. There's no mention of it hence the confusion.
I'm nutting so hard my dick won't work again until 2026.
Do we have any information about this? I need it so fucking badly
Is Saint Shiro done with comics? Did Katsurai Yoshiaki release a complete comic?
Same. I kinda want to wait until it's translated. But I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long since this looks so fucking good.
is that part 3?
It's part 4.
yes and anyone who says otherwise is a certified NEWFAG
any Jairou buyers
The only person that's throwing a temper tantrum here is you.
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Will there be anything from Inoue Kiyoshirou? That nigga hasn't put anything out in a long time
I hope he's still alive

[Metamor] Ryo and shindol, I'm assuming will have new stuff
He's still alive. Or at least he was active this year, drawing covers for X-Eros as usual.
The guy's output has always been sporadic, and I'm sure he's either at or past retirement age at this point anyway. I would not expect to see any more manga from him. If we do, treat it as a happy surprise.
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Just this year they released a really thick version of that manga in a larger format with a new chapter alongside a bunch of his pinups (also including the sketches for the OG)
it was being pushed at the end of Wani magazines during the year
so not a comiket entry but still a good year for Inoue's connoisseurs
How do I go about ordering from melonbooks if I don't have a Japanese address and they no longer accept visa/mastercard?
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who do I contact to buy & scan the latest from Sahara Wataru? I hate waiting a month after comiket for it to get uploaded
You can use a proxy service. I have been using japan rabbit which is easy and convenient to use but it can be pretty expensive. So if you care about that I recommend looking for alternatives. You can find more information about proxy and forwarding services in the buyfag guide.
The original is the only physical I have bought
It sucks it was through Fakku, but he's the best
The same face looking pretty bad there, but at least he has girls other than Sakura
Fiver exists in Japan IIRC.

I cannot remember the service name but some guy who buys Studio Ghibli tickets (very hard to get as a foreigner since the website is trash and has a tiny allocation) and he also buys doujins. Try searching that shit up
The quality of the books has been steadily decreasing too, they peaked like 10 years ago.
Anyone got the Nekopara artbook?
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>Black Dog
Great, time to wait for 1 month for it to get uploaded
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He literally went to an expo in NA because he was a guest as a panel for Fakku, anons. Hundreds of people know what he looks like.
Time changes people, you know.
Doesn't even have the same neck skin or those double skin dots that the booth babe does, you retard.
You're right but I'll convince myself of the cooler alternative
He looks based.
Is this on panda. I forget what it's called.
[spoiler]typehatena[/spoiler] is also gonna be there it seems...
samefagging, im retarded. not only did i fail the spoilertag, typhtn is going to be at comitia 151 not comike 105 gomen
Is there a reason why people post doujin scans that is like 20mb+ per page? Just a 30 page doujin can be larger than an anime episode (500mb+ in total).

Is it useful for scanlation purposes or something?
- more MB gives more credits
- they're dumbasses who don't understand image formats
The part of this that's really imopssible to ignore is that there are actual good female composers in Japan. That's so rare elsewhere to have women writing good music for soundtracks
God I love Ter to fucking much. Probably my favorite artist.
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I now know japanese because one day in 2022 after reading a good english translation of onna no ko-tachi no himitsu na bouken I got this uncontrollable urge to open the raw and painstakingly look up every single word I don't know and then I kept doing that with an endless variety of material without missing a single day. Forever grateful to TER for drawing lolis so beautiful that they can motivate my NEET soul
As someone who translates for learning, I'm curious as to what your process was like. Like how did you pick up grammar, did you use any tools for information retention, etc.
Also, did you peruse content outside of hentai? Seems like it's necessary to pick up more vocabulary. But it's annoyingly hard to find stuff like anime/manga in Japanese.
I would be interested in hearing about your learning journey, if you're inclined to share.
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I already knew a few basic grammar rules consciously/abstarctly probably before starting, as well as a bunch of random vocab from having spammed duolingo for a brief period a while before that. But the vast majority of grammar I just absorbed. I have at least 1000+ hours of listenign and readinb y each. And yeah not just hentai, an very wide variety including hundreds at least of anime episodes, many manga volumes, dozens of LN volumes if you combine the ones I read plus the ones I listened in audiobook format, hundreds of hours worth of VNs plus listening to LPs of them (I notice specifcally when I tried my first VN, fell in love with it then listened to a 実況 of it my vocabulary increased at an absudrly high rate, I felt like I was acquiring 100+ words a day at one point. I think hearing a word in a sentence you understand after you saw the word looked it up in the past REALLY settles it in your brain)
Many hours of listening to talky youtubers etc. An important thing was I had a full-time job for over a year where I was ablet o listen to stuff for several hours a day while working, it was one of those brainless jobs where the distraction of the listening didn't interfere. And yes I used/use anki, for a long time exclusively mining words I couldn't read to not overmine, when it became that there were very few words I couldn't read so I had more leeway to lower my standards for what's worth making a card out of, I started mining words if I thought I might not understand th em if I heard them while listening later. I have no idea how much anki has helped, it would be interesting to do it again without anki to see if it would take longer to reach my level without it but do everything else the same. Sage because off topic
I see, so an immersion-heavy approach with some tools on the side.

I do want to immerse more, but finding Japanese content is difficult for me. Rather, video and audio content is abundant, but I don't know where to get Japanese manga, anime (with JP subs), VNs, LNs, etc. (I know I could watch anime in JP with subs turned off, but my listening is far behind my reading so I would really want the JP subs at first). If you are able to share where you got your content, it would be really helpful for me.

Also, what's your process for looking up unknown words? At least in my experience translating stuff on here, I never have copyable text and have to rely heavily on a kanji lookup tool, which is super inefficient. Do you use some sort of OCR tool?
I started learning seriously 2 years ago as well, but I couldn't immerse as much due to work and not spending all my freetime in learning japanese, so as of right now I'm still terrible at it, especially listening.
Still trying to read 30 mins everyday but sometimes I wonder if it's because I'm retarded for not improving after 500-ish hours.
If I remember correctly increase in comprehension is massive after reaching a critical mass where you start notcing the parts you don't understand because you understand by default instead of noticing the parts you do understand, so until you push the rock over that hill your progress might be harder to notice. Especially the first phase of listening, i wasnt sure if i was improving for a bit. I do think intensive amounts of input concentrated in smaller spaces amplifies learning speed as well. Imagine reading for 6 one day how many chances you have to encounter a word you used to not know, whereas 30 minutes a day you might not see it again until next week. Also the more you understand the more value you're getting from what you're listening to and as your reading speed increases you're getting more in the same amount of time. So there's a snowball effect and it's always harder than it's ever going to be, the beginning being the hardest
If I encountered a kanji I didn't know blocking me from looking up a word and it wasn't an LN/WN where I could simply copy paste it then I used the parts selector in jisho org to find it. Very slow at first, but eventually you get fast at picking out the parts and as your vocab increases you can just type out the kanji to put the unknown words together. Now I almost never have to do this because 1. I have a big vocabulary now 2. the chance of a word I don't know not having familiar kanji enabling me to look it up is not high 3. Words that are rare enough for me to not know nowadays almost always have furigana, even in a work that almost never uses furigana cause japanese writers tend to like including furigana for rare words they think some people might not know, so I can just look up the word by the furigana anyway. I never learned how to use an OCR or text extractor or anything but im not against them at all. Use kitsunekko for JP subs. dlraw for manga. Lolibrary and Anna's archive to find LN epubs, also huge troves of epubs and audiobooks on nyaa (which is also where you'll find most VNs). People really like to share epubs in /lng/ so you can lurk there/scroll archives for that. Also you see a certain point of advice a lot from some people "don't use JP subs you'll never develop your listening." I have like 99+% comprehension of anime without subs nowadays and that's bullshit, i stuck with JP subs on for most of my journey and I doubt people saying that have comprehension as good as me. Yeah it doesn't train your raw listening specifically but you'll reach high comprehension faster that way, which will make it easier for your brain to improve raw listening later. I switched to raw after I developed very high comprehension with subs but would still fail to catch stuff with them off, which meant time to take the training wheels off in my mind. Audiobooks and youtubers are better for pure listening input anyway.
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Did the Ane Naru Mono art book from last comiket ever get uploaded anywhere?
Crazy that Ankoman is still not scanned.
Obui and Try likewise. Weird.
through how many pages is it okay to flip through until I morally have to buy the doujin?
if there is a sample copy, all of them
if there isn't, you touch it you buy it
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Really don't know where I can ask about it but maybe the comiket thread is the best place.

Haven't read lots of doujin but I really liked Petit Heaven (especially Girl 2,3 and 5). The drawings are clean and light, the contrasts are mild, the outlines for the girls quite elegant.

Moreso the girls have long slender legs for the most part. Can't stand the lowkey chubby down syndrom femdoms. They have cute and joyful faces, no over the top exaggeration in their expressions but rather an almost romantic type of heat.

In one word: It's just a beautiful doujin and I'm looking for more in this style. Any recommendations?
When do most of the scans get uploaded usually?
It seems a bit slow this year
A few days afterwards. But yes, we've lost a lot of scanner bros over the years, so be ready to wait a long time for what isn't up yet.
might be coincidence that most ffm threesome doujin I've read this comiket have blowjob rimjob combo
Did anyone looked at this illustration book by Signalviolet or bought it even? Picrel is the cover
Link to the fanbox post:
Is loli illegal now?
Why can't I find it anywhere online?
Because you're only looking in normie places.
just use yandex instead of google
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did anyone buy sugarbt's newest work?
>scans where the scanner retard doesn't properly press the book against the scanner so 1/4 of the page is just blurred
really tempted me to return to scanning if the zoomer scanners can't even follow basic scanning techniques.
but that breaks the spine!
They're scanning it as if the book is like 200 pages long when it's only 28 pages on average. It's easy to get a clear scan without breaking the spine and you can fix the page bends easily after.
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Has anything been uploaded?
Panda doesn't have much
at last some artists are uploading the digital version now.
bukatsu and hotate's for today I guess
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>Go to EXHentai and other doujin sites
>Some doujins are still my shiity, borderline two decade old scans I did while refusing to break the spine

Until someone redid the translation of Nightmare of My Goddess on the digital version you could see one of my hairs that had gotten caught on the scanner. It's one way to be immortalized.
i wish he would do some more pokemon
lol, well done, I always put one hair in on a large black area of one page

sadly nobody has noticed my signature yet (or at least commented on it)
Yea the scans I'm talking about are actually worse than what you posted. I'll post the example if I find it again but I saw a translator in the comments saying it's unusable and he'd rather wait for a digital or better scan kek.
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this is like not noticing pube hair on the girl's mouth wtf
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me too, my nigga
his lisia doujin was pure kino
also, why the fuck his art get worse? he draws so many deformed mouths, noses etc. now and makes the faces too wet
pic related (upper row is his second-to-latest doujin and bottom row is his art from five years ago)
what the fuck is going on with the guy?
Based femboy dom enjoyer.
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can you tel me the title of this artwork? i would love to see it but i cant read japanese
It's still ridiculous he hasn't done one focused on Sakura and Ino's rivalry yet.
damn, thought it was gonna be a 5Ds book...oh well, it's gonna arrive at my house tomorrow anyway
already got this
>- more MB gives more credits
wait, really?!
which one? I bought both from Yahoo via proxy, but still waiting on 6 other doujins for them to get, and then try to figure out how much shipping is gonna be for 20 doujins from 7 different sellers
you got intimidated by retarded newfags, lol

I went to C105 this year and got his Resident Evil book. There's crazy shit in it like Tiananmen Square references and Xi Jingping watermarks on pics of Ashley getting fucked.
It came with a DVD too I need to get around to watching,.
No idea what that has to do with replying to >>8382155
If you wanna find tools to help you learn Japanese theres loads of guides online. Can't link them here but look up TheMoeWay or xelieu lazy guide. I went from 0 Japanese to being able to read novels easily in about 3 years of lazy immersion.
What I'm gathering from these guides is that I should know enough to be immersing. However, the hard part for me is determining what to immerse with and then actually being able to obtain that material (and without going bankrupt). You might notice me practicing around here by translating some images (not the Translatorfag thread guy), but I know that translating is not a proper way to immerse. Too slow, and defeats the purpose by constantly switching between languages. The hurdle for me is that loads of content doesn't have text that can be copied, so looking up words with kanji I don't know takes a lot longer.

I know I would be better off if I just did literally anything other than agonizing over what I think I should be immersing with. But I just can't seem to drag myself out of that pit.
The key is to find something you can't help but binge. You have to pick what you like/are interested in. I don't know you but I have an inexhaustible backlog. Also all English entertainment has to be replaced with Japanese to maximize your hours until your comprehension is really high so you don't have to worry about it anymore
One thing I can tell you for sure is that if you've been duped into following Mehmet's Them***y guide, your best option is to stop now. He just copied what matt said, changed a couple things and put his patreon links all over it. His half-assed "guide" is full of malware, and he scams people for donations. He doesn’t even know Japanese unlike the creators of the official djt guide. Also, avoid the anki decks he shills or you'll get crippled.
Beginners, be sure to use only the /jp/ guide by Tatsumoto if you want to make it. tatsumoto.neocities.org
>I do want to immerse more, but finding Japanese content is difficult for me.
read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/introduction-to-learning-japanese#how-to-immerse
>where to get Japanese manga, anime (with JP subs)
everything is here https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/resources
>Also, what's your process for looking up unknown words?
It's not tricky. You just use Rikaitan or Goldendict-NG to look up words as you find them.
> Do you use some sort of OCR tool?
Yes, this one https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/mining-from-manga
some doujin artists use way harder vocabs than the average nukige. Sometimes I actually go searching instead of whitenoising even with one hand using phone. Sagattoru's すべられて for example, is still one of the harder doujin for me.
>two doujin with split tongue + rimjob
>tfw just read Neromashin's family wreckage part 4
fucking wild. I was a little bit disappointed by part 3 after the omega kino that was part 2 since it was "more of the same" without any twists but this one is amazing. neromashin on top of his game with the dad + gilf triple penetration scene. Gave me back the same vibes I got on hojou no reizokou elf when the father returns utterly mindbroken and starts drilling his daughter.
when is this and why is it not a specific date
中旬(ちゅうじゅん) means middle of the month
下(げ)旬 and 上(じょう)旬should be self explanatory based off this.
You should already know if this if you've read comics that have 上・中・下巻
of course I know it's the middle of the month but I don't know if it means the 15th or the 20th
It's somewhere between the 10th and 20th day of the month. It's basically like using Fahrenheit but less bullshit.
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I have it. But I'm not posting it (because I don't have a scanner).
On my DHL page it says "delivery is cancelled either at the request of the sender or country specific reasons". Am I fucked? From Austria and never in years had this happen before. Package had 3 doujinshi. Too scared too call there.
How high does it rank compared to the rest of his naruto works?
Does anybody have any shots of Momofuki Rio's work? Honestly was one of his fans would be willing to share his work but I guess he's still pretty niche.
How much attention do Tsunade and Shizune get?
His Sarada is the only good one
No Ankoman kino yet huh, it's almost as despairing as waiting for Imaria 3+4 to go online
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There's still no Obui's.
Not C105 related but waiting for Blue's Love Maid 2 and Sadao's Netorase club 2.
Above average because he actually focuses on Tsunade and Shizune (doesn't have a single line of dialogue) almost as much as Sakura.
Great news anon, thanks for reporting.
>which one?
One with Shinji.
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stuff I won or bought from yahoo auctions, but don't have the $$ for shipping yet because it's 20-something items from 13 different sellers
Very nice, some of those I'm also ordering on my next haul. Assuming I'm right about the literal last item, I also got myself a copy of konoshige's last work that should arrive... at some point. When I learned about it I lost my shit. Pretty excited about that.
Who's the artist of the blond oppai loli on the last row? Looks great.
Melon gives me nothing on たんぺん or the english title.
The prequel's been up on the panda a while ago
Ok the absolute units at melonbooks actually listed it as たんぺン instead of たんぺん. The cheeky bastards.
100% getting both, don't mind that it's just 12p.
what proxy service is the best?
basically anything that uses paypal (looking at you, buydoujinshi, why the fuck did they drop paypal)

well, almost anything, I mean, the ones I know allow p*rn would be buydoujinshi, treasure-japan, vv.japan, hoyoyo, japan rabbit (although no paypal selection). Dunno about the rest
Are you planning to scan them? The Shinji one is inevitably going to get a digital release soon enough, but the Gridman one is much more up in the air, so a scan would be really appreciated.
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Was gonna buy this a couple comikets ago, but I was late to and now I don't know if I want to cop any hauls this time
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Last haul was around C102
Sure, just too broke for shipping atm
Anyone here grabbed the new TerasuMC Short story of Tsubame? Apparently released on the comiket >>8411253
>artist puts out new doujin
>says the next doujin at summer comiket will be featuring the 2 girls that already have a doujin instead of the 2 girls that don't
>was enjoying artist streams on pixiv sketch
>most of them stopped after comiket
>digital Shinji Ankoman doujin up for buying
>greentext greentext
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It's more /e/ than /h/ but I hope someone scans Magu's new Aik Sole.
still no mo
still no shinjiro
>because I don't have a scanner
why must you tempt us so, anon?
anyway, i can't believe it's taking this long for wataru's doujin to be scanned, back in the good old days they would get scanned day one
what the fuck happened?

>because he actually focuses on Tsunade and Shizune
thank god, i'm sick of his sakura shit

get out of here with your shit taste
Shinjiro's new work is a continuation of the "39 year old mother makes her debut"? Please say yes.

Also I thought Takunomi had some new stuff?
for the love of god and all that is holy, will someone please scan this work?
Im thinking of going to C106 for the first time, how bad is the heat compared to december?
On God bro could someone please scan the new Sahara Wataru already ive been gooning to these for a fucking decade now.
Sure, if you buy me a scanner.
i wish i could, anon
why don't you take pictures with your phone? the quality won't be as good as if you'd scan the work, but i'm sure we'd all take anything at this point
Speaking of comiket, does anyone have scans of the hololive doujins by Nuezou? I've been trying and failing to find a single one of them, I've been especially wanting his subaru one, but it's not available anywhere.
finally obui and tanishi doujin are up.
reminder this is a samefag who is cancer.

this is the retard who is creating every recent comiket thread for the sole purpose of begging people to buy him naruto porn from this particular artist.

a while back, a scanner shared unfinished scans of the c104 book to 4chan and stated better scans are coming. this samefag posted the unfinished scan to exhentai and then samefagged on 4chan to trick the scanner into giving up on delivering the completed scan.
Hell no. Why are you so desperate for some porn that you want some low quality phone pictures? Just order it yourself.
That's some attitude towards somebody you're asking (begging) a favor for. I'm definitely not uploading shit now.
I didn't ask for shit and I don't care about that book, this is my first post in the thread.
Just say no, what's with that tone? Desperate? The dude just asked. You're on the porn board too, there's literally nothing wrong with asking. You're not better than anyone here. Just fuck off.
Seeing how large my collection is relative to everyone else might be a wakeup call for me
How large are we talking?
Aren't you a bigger cancer since all you do, every post-Comiket thread, is posting the same shit? Like, every time there's someone to ask for Wataru's work since it takes a while to upload recently, you are there with the same samefaging shit every single time hating because someone has a favorite and wants to see it as fast as possible?

Idc if some anon is begging for Naruto porn from Wataru to be scanned as quickly as possible, let him, who cares man, jfc. Every Comiket it's the same story. Y'all are here on a porn board anyway. Stop being a negative twat.
could someone post that sahara wataru doujin allready please? How long is it gonna take?
Help me understand why you can't buy it yourself? There are multiple ways to get it shipped to you and it isn't that expensive unless you're living in poverty or some shithole where you can't feasibly do it.
You're a stupid mouthbreather. He not only keeps begging for scans, he has so much brainrot over this Naruto porn artist obsession of his that he would be fine with low quality pictures. Sounds desperate as fuck to me. Why are you defending him so hard? You're saying you don't care about the book, but you're probably another Sahara Wataru begger too.
what you need, yes

It's the same retard. He's defending himself. He does this in every thread.
How retarded do you have to be to think that there would be only one guy who wants Wataru's shit scanned? You're unhinged and I am sure everyone who is browsing these comiket threads is already sick and tired of you appearing whenever someone asks about Wataru, you fucking imbecile. Stop posting.

The same goes for you (my guess is you aren't the same guy as the retard typing in lower case).
>can't see through the most obvious samefaggotry
>calls everyone a retard and mouthbreather

you need to kill yourself
Where's the guy with the omegastar BiMan artbook??
Is it kino or what
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Hey guys, two things. Is there a place I can go that has most of the new doujins listed for Comiket 105 or any past Comikets? Secondly what does this mean?
ラブラブ, lovey dovey.

found it myself

uooooh ToT

found it myself
uooooh ToT
and here it is
Just start taking your meds
Just kill yourself instead of pestering us with your self-projecting, samefagging and begging.
could someone please post that sahara wataru shit I cant order it because my parents would find it in the mail
>because my parents would find it in the mail
Jesus Christ, this explains a lot. You have to be an adult to post here.
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So what part of this actually contains new content?
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This book contains the 4 previously existing dekosuke kyoko books, an extra 40ish pg long chapter drawn by dekosuke and the rest are collabs by other artists
I already have the 4 standalone books but I'll probably order this one too at some point because the new stuff looks fucking great.
you can't be that dumb, can you?
You are one sad individual
Oh okay, so the swimsuit one is new.
I'm asking because I would like to translate it if I can get it done in time.
>you're mentally ill if you see through my samefagging and won't buy me naruto porn from this niche artist

ok retard
This faggot is begging for that Naruto porn in every thread.

He's not a turdie because they don't have the luxury to beg on the internet, meaning that he could afford that Naruto porn if he worked at McDonalds for one hour.
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Yeah, picrel is the new one.
I'd appreciate that, I really love dekosuke and buy all his works, so thank you regardless for looking into that!
No one is saying only one person wants it scanned, they're saying the begging is all coming from one person.
You are talking to different people, you fucking retard. Stop posting, dumb nigger.
Is there a breakdown of comiket releases by source material? Feels like half the shit is buru arukaibu.
You need to kill yourself asap for being retarded enough to samefag for that Naruto porn and being too unemployable for one hour at McDonalds.
actual shizo thinking he talks to the same person. also, projecting much?
The real question is why that mentally ill freak never gets banned. He's got all the characteristics of a Fakku shill. Another possibility is that there's a tranny who likes Sahara Wataru's Naruto porn.
What happened with his eye issue anyway? Did the experimental treatment help?
Not sure. He probably wrote about it in his afterward with his latest doujin. Annoying that it got Irodori'd off sadpanda so I can't just go check on it.
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>Houshi-iin No Oshigoto bonus chapter
Holy FUCKING shit is this real? This is my my favorite doujin of all time. How the fuck do I buy this? Does wanimagazine ships to gaijin countries?
New obui was disappointing. Still stroked it 4 times.
What the best proxy for these types of books?
>kakuzatou's book is released in digital version but gated behind DMM (and supposed irodori? idk why sadpanda doesn't have a few books)
why is shinjiro taking the longest to upload?
no the longest, by far... once you've waited 10 years, it may come close
isn't that because his book is not supposed to be C105?
unless you're talking about his fantia
anyone have news on the new sahara wataru doujin?
lol you're still here?
I have it. Still not scanning it. Time to either buy it yourself or pay somebody to buy and scan it. Broke bitch.
Begging for subpar art that just only rehashes the same plot.
That might not be the same person, they asked in a much calmer tone.
Kil yourself, freak
Fucking kek

You're so retarded you can't see the samefag is putting in effort and why it's sus this artist out of a million artists is being singled out
imagine living rent free in a retard's head
chill lmao im a different guy. Is there any way for me to get an online copy of the doujin because I live with my parents. The College I go too wants too much money for dorms. Is there any way you can scan the doujin and post it?
also if I were to buy it how would I go about getting it onto the internet?
Also is doujinrepublic safe to buy from? Im starting to consider ordering it
I don't have a scanner and I'm not buying one just to scan one doujin.

Yes and they have great customer service. Ordering from there is just very expensive.
fuck it I just ordered the damn thing gonna be real fucking awkward if I get home from college and my parents ask why I ordered Naruto porn. I should be able to scan it atleast, once I do will someone translate it?
Good for you anon, hope it arrives safely. Be a man.
dont buy from dropshitters
care to elaborate
>once I do will someone translate it?
i will, anon
thanks in advance from me and many others for scanning the doujin
where do you think they get their shit from? they just buy from the stores you should be buying from instead. their used doujinshis are all just listings from surugaya with their prices raised
I've seen (and bought) doujins from them that I haven't located on surugaya melon mandarake private online booths amazon jp or yahoo auctions. Especially stuff that's really old or con exclusive.
Sometimes they are an useful last resource when there's literally nowhere else to go. But they are really expensive and only 0.01% of my collection so I would only redirect you there after exhausting every single resource and checking for months on other proxies and sites.
is raita doin anything?
any new zettai shoujo?
anyone going to FF44 today?
Are you gonna scan it, anon?
No, like I said in my post. Can't you read?
Your post is >>8439647 not >>8440871 (the one I responded to), you absolute fucking imbecile.
Stop posting, dumb niggerfaggot.
Why are you never banned for samefagging and begging?

Are you a tranny?

Do you pay the cuck fee (4chan pass)?

Are trannies so retarded to believe you're the reason anyone shares that artist's naruto porn?
yes allthough im starting to wonder if I actually ordered it because the fuckers havent emailed me yet and now the thing is sold out, so maybe someone else bought it right when I did, but when I finally get my hands on it ill scan it
I'm not >>8442428 you raging autist.
>still hasn't scanned it
when will you realize that he's only dangling a fake carrot in your face to make you jump
How retarded are you? Do you know how long on average it takes to ship something to Japan to the States? Usually around two weeks. Your brain truly is empty.

YOU are that dude, its YOU
I bought the doujin but its still in the handling phase my guess is its gonna be like 2 weeks till it gets here. Also my scanner is black and white so if I were to scan the doujin would people be able to color it?
By the time it takes to do that someone else will scan their copy.
I know this is a bit of a bait-like reply but I'm just curious
Has been there any interesting AI slop comics over at the comiket likes so far?
my man, it's been almost two months since the doujin came out, i highly doubt anyone else will scan it before him
>so if I were to scan the doujin would people be able to color it?
why wouldn't they be able to?
I hope so but I doubt it lol. Also do I need to tear the pages out to scan it?
Also do I need to rip the pages out of my doujin to scan it?
If you want the scan quality to be good, yes.
If it's a staple job you could carefully remove them with pliers, but it is likely that sacrifices will need to be made.
i don't think you should ruin your physical copy, just scanning it is enough
try going for something like this https://e-hentai.org/g/2646981/7da3ae09d8/
it's obviously a scan of a physical copy, but it looks very good
>tfw this trap/futa one is still not online
I'm suffering please
Since your scan will be black and white there's no need.
Monk-girl looking nice. Hopefully it isn't another schizo movie-tie in plot. That stuff just feels weird in my noggin you know.
ok my sahara wataru c105 doujin finally came I will be scanning it tonight
someone tell me how to upload my scan on any website(preferably imhentai)
Before you do that. Did you properly adjust the levels and crop the bad edged out the images?
not yet, imma do that probably tomorrow because im tired, also is there a way for me to post the whole on here? if not then tell me how to post on hitomi.la or imhentai and ill post a better version tomorrow
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You can use a Pixeldrain link. Just delete the period. If you need any advice on how to edit or clean images, I can give some advice. I don't care about Sahara's works, but I'm glad there are more people who want to scan. I just want to make sure their scan is done properly for scanlation purposes.

Pic related. I'm not sure if I uploaded this doujin yet.
here I posted my shitty scan on ehentai im probably gonna post a good one in a couple days imma have to cut out the pages from my doujin tho
Thanks for this
I'll translate the doujin after I come back from work
I would love for you to give me some advice on how to do a better scan. I probably can't do it for a couple days but when I can I will. Also I used a Canon canoscan Lide 220 is that a good enough scanner for scanning doujins?
I translated it, as promised
Thanks again for the scans
dope thanks bro, over the weekend ill try a better scan but I dont think there will be really good scans until someone with a better scanner does it. Also do you speak Japanese or did you just use ai?
At the very least, it's not ripped straight from an AI. First page with text mentions "orochimaru-tachi" which would essentially mean "orochimaru and company," but they translated it to specifically mention Kabuto by name. Likewise, saying they "were there" is less literal than what an AI would translate it as. I would probably phrase it like "Since he was unfortunately joined up with Orochimaru and Kabuto as well..." But that would sound a bit clunkier anyway. It might also be more like "Since we unfortunately ran into Orochimaru and Kabuto as well..."
(I'm just learning, go easy on me)
A summary I made from another thread. I use Vuescan as my scanning software. Though I buy subs, you can just pirate an older version. As usual, always scan for viruses.
VueScan Professional (x64) Portable (E) [DC 2025.01.04, Multi + RUS]
https://rutracker org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6624351

Scanning covers and scanning pages are done similarly but there are some things I look out for. I scan colored pages and covers at 800dpi and then downsize them by 50% using XNview. What program you use to do this is very important as some have better downscaling techniques than others. If you use windows, I recommend ImageMagick Display. If Linux, then XNview will work just fine. For the filter part while scanning, I use "light" for sharpen and "light" for grain reduction. On dark cover pages, you can turn the grain reduction to high. However be aware that this could delete certain text. Having the grain reduction on high can help a ton when removing dust from pages.

Depending on what I'm scanning my colors tab selections may differ. But by default I use this:

Color balance: Neutral
Black point: 6.5
White point: 2 (I put this up to 11 on colored pages that are 80% pure white like in that image)
Curve low: 0.3
Curve High: 0.7
Brightness: 1

The output of the file is TIFF format. This is lossless and is very compatible with Photoshop. The PNG conversion comes when we use XNview.

For batch conversion I use XnView MP. After you scan you'll be using this to alter your images. The goal here is to convert your images to PNG format, fix the levels (blacks and whites) or images, and cut down on filesize. You can even downsize images using this too. The order you do everything matters as well. The order I have in the image is for greyscale. For colored pages that I scanned at 800dpi (I scan regular pages at 400), here's the order I have.

>Convert to PNG: Compression Lv 9. No Interlace. (This is done in a output tab)
>Enhance detail
>Black/White points: W250 / B5
>Resize: 50% with the sample Lancozs2 or Bell (I always scan colored pages at double the resolution I want and then downscale to remove artifacts and noise)

Finally, you can lower the filesizes even more using Trimage. Just throw all the images you just converted into it and it'll possibly reduce the filesize. It usually cuts down the total filesize of it by 5-12%.

That's the whole process unless you need to edit your images. If you must edit your image due to glue residue from debinding, combining 2 pages, fixing torn/faded edges, dust, or other debri. You can use a pirated copy of Photoshop or Krita to edit it. The clone tool is your best friend here and you'll need it to remove these problems for a professional looking scan. It's especially important on any page with pitch black areas. I recommend image editing after the initial scan and not after the conversion. That's because image editing software handles TIF files better than PNG. Doing so after the conversion makes combining 2 pages or saving images take much longer than normal. Instead of taking seconds to save an image, it can take a minute. Now do that for 50+ pages and you can see why that'll be cumbersome.

You do all of these properly and you can scan covers, debind, scan pages, edit the covers and tears, convert/downsize, and compress for size optimization in less than an hour.
You guys are the fucking best
>dope thanks bro
Hey, anytime for Wataru's works
>over the weekend ill try a better scan but I dont think there will be really good scans until someone with a better scanner does it
Relax, the scan is perfectly serviceable, I really don't get the people crying about it in the comments. You've done a decent enough job.
>Also do you speak Japanese or did you just use ai?
I'm self-taught and don't use AI.
AI is generally bad for japanese since the language requires a lot of contextual clues.

The context wasn't really clear, but I managed to deduce what event Sakura is referring to primarily thanks to having watched the anime.

I'm just glad someone scanned the work. I remember the days when Wataru's works would get scanned day one, they seem like a distant memory now.

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