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What is Teaching Feeling (Dorei to no Seikatsu)? An eroge where you take in a young "broken bird" slave who was abused by her former master, and heal her heart and soul. Fall in love with the endearing Sylvie as she learns to feel again, trust others, and fall in love (and lust).

Previous Thread >>8167653

v4.0 is out, with some translation and modding work on-going. AI Anons are doing god's work, generating new Sylvies.

>Ray-Kbys (creator)

>Buy 4.0.x
>PayPal can be used; just buy enough points and exchange them for the game

>Changelog / FAQ for oldfags

>TransFix Anon's MEGA
>3.0.22 English TL / Modpack
>4.0.6 English TL WIP
>Linux Ports
>Tyrano Player for Android (try JoiPlay if you encounter problems)

>3.0.22 Mods List
>Check \Teaching Feeling 3.0.22\modpack info.txt in link above

>Updating TF / Installing TL & Mods

----- Older versions -----
>Download 3.0.0:
>Download 2.5.2:
>2.5.2 English TL / Mods
>Buy 1.9.2
>1.9.2 English TL + Mods

>Story about the "official" 1.7.9 English release (download link at the end):

>Butterfly Affection English (another Ray game)

>Archive of Ray / Sylvie stuff
There's no way in hell she's gonna finish that bowl.
Have you seen how much a starving child can pack away? When I was 4 I got hospitalized for over a month with severe pneumonia, and ate an entire large pizza in one sitting during recovery.
And how much diarrhea did you produce afterwards?
None, I have been blessed with the digestive tract of a demigod. I rarely get diarrhea and have also never been constipated, even once in my entire life.
I'll then assume Sylvie is not a demigod.
Man, I just want to hug her. If she wants the D she can have it, but only if she lets me hug her for at least a few hours a day.
Disgusting. Next you're going to suggest holding hands with her. In public.
I've always thought she would like spicy noodles.
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Small translation patch update:
>translation progress (text & assets)
>"blueballs" cheat command
Official Teaching Feeling goodies are available on Ray's booth (with worldwide shipping through Buyee):
Ray's going to release yet another Cthulhu-girl dating sim soon:

From what I've read he was dissatisfied with how Fia from Determinable Unstable turned out and made this as a result.
Seems she's actually a Cthulhu this time - with magic and shit.
But yeah, it's going to be very much like Determinable Unstable.
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Messing around again with AI stuff. I think I'm getting a lot closer.
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I won't lie, I would rather an H extension to butterfly affection.
The cyclops eye and holes in places there should not be holes are just too much for me.
Also I think Ageha is especially cute.
As long as she doesn't have the eyes of Satan.
Evil Sylvie is pretty cute.
The newest green one he's been working on (for what feels like ages now) is too much monster and not enough girl if you ask me.
He has been off his rocker for a couple years now, and like any true schizo he doesn't listen to anyone. There's a reason why society used to beat the stuffings out of such people.
I know he was subsisting off onions for a long while back before he blocked everyone. It was still being claimed to be a viable meal substitute at the time.
Can't help but wonder sometimes if what pushed him past the brink was that he was chronically malnourished.
I'd say it requires a certain predisposition to start chugging down that stuff in the first place. No one I know personally ever did.
So what does 4.0 add?
Worse art, more outfits, more outfit colors, doggystyle scene slightly reworked.
Oh, and you can skip the opening and start with everything maxed.
Why do the japanese shit the bed as soon as they get even mildly popular and do the exact opposite of what people want?
Every single independant dev (Or creator of any kind for that matter) from japan manages to either get really into some kind of fetish or completely lose their marbles because some chink pirated their game and gatekeep everything to the point of killing any kind of community that would follow and support them.
Not that a filthy gaijin would understand.
Or worse yet. Patting her head.
She's so emotionally vulnerable that she would agree to all such depravity and more because otherwise she might fall into a spiral of prostitution and drug abuse to suppress her demons.
The one bright spot is that she loves it all.
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Uhh... why add an option if you're not going to implement it? (it's supposed to add a colored shadow to the text depending on who's speaking)
Did Ray just forget about it or what?
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Translation patch update:
>Removed the text shadow option that doesn't do shit. The system settings tab is now translated, sans the text in the upper right.
IIRC it's only for a couple lines here and there
That being said, Ray will never finish a game until his dying day, I will guarantee you. Not one.
The only bad thing about this game is that it gives the option to abuse her and you get the fastest ending from it. I prefer the game didn't give me the choice if has no content compared to rest of the game.

Also funny that the game is all about loving a slave girl and now I see the dev doing monstergirl abominations now. Feels like dissociation.
His severe ADHD doesn't allow him to go back to girls with scars. He has no problems rewriting games from scratch (which is hilarious because he has absolutely no business doing so - anyone still remember the old pleasure bar rendering function?), but Sylvie is an object of hate for him now because he just cannot sit down and continue work on her.
Another day, another futile hope Ray's autism and faggotry will eventually subside enough for him to give Sylvie proper attention.
>His severe ADHD doesn't allow him to go back to girls with scars
I probably should explain this.
Whereas normal people are able to motivate themselves with long-term goals (money and pleasure) to be able to battle through shit sandwiches people with ADHD base their decision-making in the here and now as they lack the ability to control their focus, and if something is not immediately and inherently rewarding to them - and that can be something as stupid as rewriting game scripts from scratch - they immediately lose all motivation to do it and procrastinate to an unreal degree. In that they're like children who require constant supervision, even if it's just someone they like who're willing to sit beside them as they do it, because that company is inherently rewarding enough; pluses if you feed their ego while doing it. If you ever heard a pretentious faggot mumble something about being hit by a muse - that's what I'm talking about.

Ray never cared about the big bucks. What he cared about back then was drawing cute girls with scars. Now he doesn't anymore, and no amount of big bucks will change that. If you want him to continue work on Sylvie, then feed his ego by telling him she was his best work ever three times a day.
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When will he realise that what's great about Sylvie isn't the scars on her body, but the ones on her mind?
We never really wanted monster girls, we wanted to stop girls becoming monsters.
It's not that he doesn't realize; it's that he doesn't care. Drawing her is no longer inherently rewarding; if you want to make him work on her again you need to make it rewarding to him, and no, the promise of bucks doesn't cut it. He wants to feel fulfilled.
Ray's main things were always ryona and bizarre monster girls. The exceptions were Love at First Sight and Teaching Feeling.
TF seems to have evolved from his Lemonade project where the girls were more disfigured. I think he's only worked on it so much because it was so successful.
Doesn't change what I said.
If you want him to continue working on the scar girl you have to satisfy his ADHD-addled brain.
i really want to make something like this too but im a girl and have no idea what guys are looking to get out of these things. what do you like about it the most?
>women don't understand that men like to protect something innocent and pure
And if I don't want him to?
I suppose that's the end of your little fan project then.
See >>8400368
Sylvie is physically and emotionally attractive because she evokes a primitive male instinct to protect her and provide for her, while also not being entirely incapable of ever being a self-sustaining person.

Right now, during the game, she depends heavily upon you, and it seems like it's destined to be a wholly dependent relationship where she would literally die without you. But we see her making efforts to do things that, while under the pretense of helping you with work or easing your burdens at home, would benefit her if she were eventually able to live independently. She has mentioned wanting to learn how to bake, and I'm willing to bet if Ray had been assed, Sylvie would want to learn how to cook the way you do.

In essence, there's a daughter-wife vibe going on here. Our instinct to heal and protect this battered girl puts us into protector/father mode, and the lack of real relation to her, coupled with emotional investment in her, coupled with her (misguided and realistically unhealthy) attraction to you based solely on the fact that you're the only person in her life to ever show her kindness leads to a mutual attraction for players living this fantasy. The sex scenes are well done as well, as for someone who is likely underaged, she comes across as attractive perhaps because of her vulnerability and in spite of her scars.

tl;dr if you wanted to make something like this, you'd have to hit all these points and create an attractive waif that the player gives enough of a shit about and is conventionally physically attractive enough (scars notwithstanding) that this kind of passion you see in these threads can be awakened.
The basics building blocks for a similar game are just:
>Cute Girl
>Pure Love
TF in particular adds.
>Tragic backstory
>Melancholy atmosphere
As with most things, it helps if it always feels like there's more going on under the hood.
There's one important aspect you forgot to mention:
>it seems like it's destined to be a wholly dependent relationship where she would literally die without you
The doctor never uses this situation to manipulate Sylvie to do things she doesn't want to do. The scenario would be completely destroyed if the doctor had shown Sylvie what additional bills her housing accrued, and demanded that she started to pay him back in intimacy.
>inb4 but isn't that the reason why she starts offering herself in the first place
That's the pretense *after* the doctor nurses her back to health. If you notice her behavior changes substantially after that, going so far as to asking him to sleep in the same bed as him, potentially hoping that he would assault her during the night - and when nothing happens, not knowing if the doctor is merely not interested or is too good a person to do something to her, she gives it another push by "offering" herself as an outlet, telling him it's OK to do naughty things to her. In all of this Sylvie is the one who is actively seeking intimacy, and it's not being imposed on her, and that's what makes it so powerful since it's probably the first real decision she's ever made in her life up to this point.
why does a little girl insist on having sex with her caretaker, twice, and then rape him if he refuses to take that step?
I unironically got Sylvie to the reverse rape event without ever laying my hands on her and with the lust meter at normal once
Because little girls like sex.
It's true, ask any little girl.
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CauseCurse just got released
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Ray is only concerned with working on making new unfuckable girls now, it seems.
>Lovecraft: you can't even fathom my unfathomable horror
>Ray: hold my bear
I am become Sylvie the sucker of dicks
They legitimately make me want to puke. If it didn't have the hollow tentacles maybe it would bearable to look at.
>unfuckable girls
I don't know about that. I see plenty of holes.
If the eldritch thing has a vaguelly female shape I will stick my dick in it. Simple as.
It's "vaguely".
English is arbitrary bullshit with no rhyme or reason.
apologies for /d/ tendencies by I abolutely would lay this creature, if not for the excessive holes.
I don't understand why he went so far in the monster side for this one, even his previous most creepy works held back a bit so the cuteness could shine brighter than the horrors. I hope the plot/personality saves it but she is yandere aparently so a though one for sure.
>it's not the obvious lack of skeletal muscles and tissue that would snap her spine in half and render her ... """""arms""""" and """""legs""""" immobile
>not the lower body with the """""hole""""" that is surrounded by """""teeth"""""
>not the worm-like """""tongue""""" whose express purpose is to spit or suck, but not swallow or speak
>it's not even the holes or the liquid that is oozing out of them
>no, it's the amount of holes that make your dick limp

You know what? You are not alright. Seek help.
True, but it still is vaguely
trypophobia faggots

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