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Janky ass hitbox Edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX 21
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R11
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega

>Theme Stuff

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive

>Previous Thread
And a slight dumping of random scenes to make sure it doesnt get taken down
I dont know what has taken over me to make this random ass pic.
I was using isekaiexpress to download patreon / pixiv scenes in bulk, but the site is down now. Anyone know of alternatives?
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Bad news nerds I'm back at it with the penis girls
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Not sure how thats bad news.
I can see how this is bad news
I can't see, somebody call for help
Man I should've made sex with her. Now her creator is dead
If it doesn't exist then why did you veto inviting Ahanubis?
I hate AhaNubis. But I guess most people didn't agree with that, since I was the first to get booted when conflict broke out.
The lesson here is, hate doesn't work out when you're not anonymous.
>hate doesn't work out when you're not anonymous.
I will pose a scene tomorrow
Prithee, I beg thee to grant me an idea
Is VR worth the price
Fully animated 900+ card battlefield with cards wielding swords, spears and bows in intricate detail 500 seconds long.
Someone being in the cuck chair
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>>8419656 (OP)
is there anywhere where I can download more scene data with timeline?
I usually check on BepisDB and #シーン配布(コイカツ!) on Pixiv, I wanted to know if there is somewhere new/different where I could try new stuff
When did I say anything about the discord existing or anubis?
Take your meds.
Does anyone know what happened with drcharlie?
whose momo is it?
Allithean, got it on Bepis
>there was a website with tons of patreon scenes
>it's dead now
>there was an f95 thread with patreon scenes
>it's dead too
>kemono's lagging behind and beholden to the mercy of someone actually bothering to update it
did i choose the worst time to get back into koi?
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does anyone know what causes the plugin/mod settings to show nothing?
I missed her so much

you have a plugin that isnt for your version of koikatsu, it could be a sunshine plugin on regular koikatsu, go to your plugins folder and search for it
yeah that was it. thanks a lot, anon

Isekai is dead so... yeah
this is your hottest girl yet. give her a cute anus
I'll try, never really put much thought into buttholes though
Thanks :))
how do I get my koikatsu to look this good?
The word you're looking for is men.
Pretty sure that's just deep, smooth shadows with a character lighting lowered. There doesn't seem to be anything fancy there.
>Make character
>Don't have any other characters to pose them with
>Blank on ideas
>Don't make any scenes
Just use Nara. Free space
Just do a pin up or something
that's what 7-ish years of theme card collection links in the OP are for
Take your own advice, and you'll never see him ever again!
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To anyone who uses breastphysicscontroller, what are the settings that you'd mess with to get some exaggerated/dramatic bouncing, but not so dramatic that the boobs clip everywhere and look like they'd be making the gmod collision sound? And to what degree/direction would you mess with those settings? I am using the preset animations, kouhai's jumping jacks specifically atm, instead of making my own, but I want to know what would be the best general solution for some over the top (but not too over the top) booby bouncing. Or is this one of those things that doesn't come with a one size fits all solution, like I have to change stuff around depending on the animation and the card.

In any case, I've noticed that animation speed makes the bouncing more severe the higher it is, but adjusting breast softness and weight doesn't seem to do much if you enable the breastphysicscontroller.

Actually, maybe the better question is just "What exactly does messing with each setting (each slidebar) even do?"
that default koikatsu uniform is glowing, she must be infected by anon11 and the glowniggers below him currently in charge of genetically modifying dna to make animal girls real.
>against /pw/
Ah shit, who the fuck do I root for.
chikarin is so cute but people who base their cards of her without changing anything except hair, eyes and shit looks disgusting and bulbheaded, why is that?
the mona lisa would look uncanny if you changed her hair and eyes
Still surprised she became the mvp when we just went "meh put her in she is the default"
I don't mind edits of Chikarin, but "sexy" characters really don't work with her as a base. Those narrowed eyes really don't work with that head shape.
What is a P-Modlight? A D-Modlight? Why do I get a warning for trying to use more than 2? How do I use them properly to get decent lighting?
kek what the fuck is this song
chikarin will save us
Chika better not fucking job.
Sad Panda is fucking jobbing
/h/ is kill...
This match is a fuckin wash
Damnit she whiffed!
fucking blowout
Brutal assfucking. Rance was the only one to score a fuckin goal
Go team go!
Chikarin I believe!
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Remember, NEVER! You're not even close. Give up.
Not super sure myself. D seems to light up the whole fucking scene. S's "show target" makes it look like a spotlight. P should be pointlight, though I dunno how that differs from a spotlight.
Directional, works like the character light where only rotation matters. It's like the sun where it always comes from out of frame and illuminates everything.
Spot. I don't think these work as advertised and I've never seen them used.
Point. Illuminates inside of a sphere. These are my favorites and are quite versatile. You can use a high-strength and low-intensity point light to do rim lights and a low-strength point light to do fill lights.
I can't really claim to be brilliant at lighting but picrel is an example of what I like to do, strong light from one side and then a low-strength colored pointlight for fill on the other side. It's basically just photography and you can steal their lighting theory

I believe D means Directional
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The bunny observer...
Just updated for the first time since 2022 and my studio "load scene" menu has become super narrow, unusable with more than 2 nested folders. How might I scale it out horizontally? KKUS doesn't seem to affect it. Thanks if you know and choose to help. May you suffer a thousand wounds and a thousand more if you do not
is there a way to add more outfit slots in the base game?
There should be a mod for it in the repack or something.
How long until Illusion grants us Ai powered girls?
Like in AI2U but less deadly.
illusion is dead and their rebrandi- uhhh successor is dying...
thanks anon
Pure virgin knights are the best
To whoever asked for non gay shit last thread: you better enjoy this cuz it's all you'll get
Not for long
4th "Non-gay" post you ever posted
They should be squires to lewd hag knights that wish to claim their purity.
ok newfag
I wish I wouldn't be garbage
KK_StudioWindowResize seems to be the closest thing to what you're looking for, but it only expands vertically. Try resizing the window through the launcher or settings and see if that helps.
1st of this year too. Cry.
I wonder if vhix can adapt or keep up with us once he gets his pc fixed.
We'll be miles ahead with keyframing for sure and we do animations faster.
I do feel were faster as well when he disappeared.

Though I'm curious if he will come up with a new art style by being absent and clueless about what we are using.
He likes making his own world and that's the exciting part that I'm waiting for.
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I'm so much better than all of you. give up. PYW.
I made every card of school theme 2022. Get fucked.

No luck. I can't be 100% sure it wasn't like this before, but it would be nice to be able to drag the scene browser out. Thanks.

One more problem I've run into: the monocolor option has disappeared for females only. Is this governed by a plugin?
Hate to begfag but anyone got the newest h-map pack from DS27? Kemono hasn't updated yet so I figured I might as well ask here.
I dunno. I haven't used this all that long, but I don't remember females having a monocolor option. You could always load a male character, and then swap him with a female one to get the monocolor option, though that wouldn't really work if you're trying to do it for an animated scene.
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brainlet here, how do I change the color of the penis but not the rest of the body without using an accessory?
I don't know if you can in charastudio without an accessory like MagicJohnson. You might be able to in the card editor
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Another year done.
How many more are left I wonder.
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Happy birthday lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGPSeHvILRo [Embed]
Happy birthday!
There's probably an easier way to do this

1. Paint your character with the color you want the dick to be
2. Open the material editor, erase "body" from the search bar
3. Click on ">" then select "o_dankon"
4. Locate "Main tex" and click on "Export texture"
5. Paint your character with the color you want
6. On "Main tex" import the texture you previously exported

For the balls, do the same, but for "o_dan_f"
Thanks anon
Damn you're old
CAM ON /h/
godkarin will make up for the other day's "performance"
Well played Chikarin, made me watch my first football match ever
Pretty good match. Dunno much about divegrass, but should the game not have gone into overtime or something since the score was tied?
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Does anyone remember who made it or the art style?
>>8419656 (OP)
gameplay wise, is sunshine any better than old KK? it was so shallow i got bored of it quickly
Does anyone remember a scene, monochrome, one girl sitting on a chair in profile and wearing a leotard(?) ?
I was enamoured with it a long time ago, and now that I'm rebuilding my KK card folder, I'd like to find it.
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Happy Birthday, you absolute sex-pet fiend you.
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Thank you!
would you share which model that is, anon?
Congrats on surviving another year
Not too sure if this is good or if I can add some more details?
Bird shimaidon seggs~
If a half-borisin asks you to come over for "training", DON'T.
I played AA2 and Koikatsu on their release but never really got into the animation creator. Would I be better off porting to blender and making use of better shaders there, or are there good mods for that in-house now? There's a stark contrast in the shit posted on Pixiv, so I can't tell how hard it is to get set up to look decent.
Looks good to me
completely unrelated to anything you guys are discussing but I just wanted to let you know that I only half-glanced at this and saw bilbo baggins, I am unsure why, and the why boner is strong now that I look at her.
looks fine, hoss
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I'm trying to adjust FK nodes to mirror a body part's direction. Specifically, I'm trying mirror the right boob's position towards the direction of the arrow. Is it possible to simply adjust the rotation values to get that result, or do I need to adjust the nodes the hard way?
playing with a downloaded scene and the head has been inflated with KKPE (deflates when disabled) but i can't find the culprit bone. mysterious.
Peak smug.
Big mf shoe lmfao
Anyone know why when I uncheck some things in Material Editor, it re-enables them when I save and reload the card? Clothes and accessories seem to save but if I disable the body, eyebrows, iris, etc they will be re-enabled.
>*muffled Linkin Park playing in distance*
this might be MF Shoe
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cute girl
the lighting and shading looks great. is there a card for her?
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Made a new OC
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anyone know what mods these are? the riritz one is unfindable, and i downloaded 2 matcap zipmods and it still doesnt work
Try uploading the card here and see if it gives you a different mod name
its a scene
It's there a way to look for mods?, few of the cards I got require Evaan's stuff but apparently the repack doesn't have it
Export the character.
Can you not just select the right breast node, the one closest to the center, and rotate that?
erm... can we see the gay shit?
She found out you dodged the Sneedshine conscription.

They're both pretty shallow. Sunshine has some a few extra ways to increase affinity, but besides that it's pretty much the same thing.
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how's about acomic I dragged ass on making since like september
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There's no general repository, if that's what you're asking. Most of those more accurate-to-source-material cards are dependent on mods, and will usually be paywalled, so you'd have a hard time finding a site that collects that shit and hands it out for free.
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Sorry for the intrusion in the thread, but I guess I could ask in this one, I'm looking foir the summer vacation! scramble thread, but can't seem to find it.

did it die?
the character is a standard chika.
it has to be something in the scene itself
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Sorry this took a while i havent posted a card in ages.
time to turn her into a fleshlight
Yes. illsoft went full anti-modding this time around and actively update it to kill any mod loading that get implemented. Some people are waiting until illsoft is done with updates; but they'll probably just forget about it and move on to something else by the time that happens.
Please post results.
Game was DOA sorry broski
What a smart way to prevent your game to take traction....
she needs to kill herself for being so flat
Which personality has the cutest moans?
Do you prefer fat sluts?

Excellent work, share scene pls
Can someone help me?
I have this bug with Sunshine
>enter room with at least 2 girls with max H level and both like girls
>start H with one of them
>"I can feel someone staring" message pops up and so the pink button but then this button disappears
>start 3P
>FPS drop like rock
>a copy of the second girl appears
>settings -> title and do not save
>FPS issues remains
>load any savefile
>go to the place where I started 3P
>theres a frozen copy of everyone but the first girl I initiated H with
Why is this happening
It doesnt happen when I join lesbian into 3P
no I prefer flatties, but flatties should be sad, embarrassed and possibly suicidal about being so fucking flat
Rice is pretty high tier but I'd enjoy squeezing them out of Relvel. Maybe Red-Chan too
yes post the card
Bow wow.
your girls are like just 2 steps away from being way cuter.
How so?
I think he wants you to do the dreaded debulbing ritual which decreases the IQ points of your cards by 20
But the bulb is the most erotic part.
>debulbing ritual
Should I even ask what that is?
But aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded?
Look a cow!
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Hey thicctac, you ever release these two? I was looking forward to them
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What does this even do for hair accessories and what is it used for?
One use I can think of right now: In Studio, when you load coords you have the option to not delete hair pieces of the current outfit. The hair pieces are, of course, the one that have that checkbox active.
I assume there are other similar situations, I just can't think of any right now.
I think KKPRim Controller also considers them to be hair if you check it, so you can apply changes to only those parts, separate from other accessories.
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Call me a necromancer, because I'm resurrecting a dead th-
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I lost all the cards i didnt upload because my hard drive failed and i dont backup my shit, my bad man. I wish i still had them as well.
Is there something equivalent to colored shadows but for darker colors like grey and black? Something I can adjust the alpha on and stuff.
Subtraction shadow. The color you want is going to be offset by 180 degrees hue, though.
You could also use a multiply projector. The xukmi item is broken, select either add or alpha and use matedit to change the shader to projectormultiply. These work different from a shadow but fill the same role.
noooo, i was so excited for you to finally release them. Im so sorry fren :(
Cheers. Gotta remember these for the future.
Cute. I like how (unexpectedly) wholesome Leslie and Brooke's folks are

Thanks doc
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any of you anons might know of a clothing coordinate card similar to this?
We get it. You're in a discord server.
anyone have a coordinate for one of those surgical mask bikinis?
Are you guys making money with your cards or scenes?
Nobody cares about mine.
I wanna pat that cow
I wanna pat that girl.
I've rarely seen character cards for sale, but I have seen many scenes for sale.
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I can never be Anna.
anyone got some good Blue Archive cards they'd be willing to share besides the one you can easily find on bepis?
Be more specific and name some characters
any one of em but preferably ones with big booba
I don't have anything worth selling, let alone worth sharing.
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does anybody have the tutorial from pixiv that explained how to transplant a different image into a scene. basically a scene within a scene, not just image plate. there was a guide posted a while back but im retarded and lost it before i felt like actually trying it
I jerk off to my own works
I've made money before but its way too much effort for very little pay.
Thanks, i might try recreating those cards at some point, most of my stuff ends up looking pretty samey even when im starting from scratch.
Actual answer is that everyone interested moved to Discord since most things happened there, while the threads were full of worthless doomposting. Nobody wanted to hear about how you totally can't modde the game for the 4472th time or deal with both KK and AA2 autists.
Before Greed
That's probably the case for everyone here. You make a character that fits into some mold, like "animu girl", "rough guy", or shit like that, and each character that fits into the same category is gonna look pretty much the same barring accessories and color.
How the heck does studioextract work? I downloaded it and went to run it, but there's no executable. Does it integrate into the game somehow?
im pretty sure i could make decent money now if i turned on requests and fanbox. i like having the freedom to make whatever i feel like too much though. still pretty new to the game but i have a niche i like making stuff for and its a lot more popular than i thought itd be. if i was focused solely on money id probably choose one property like azur lane/genshin/blue archive or some other popular pixiv tag to make content for
Anyone have an animated "dab" scene?
Only the deepest finest dabs.
what is the best looking card EVER?
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So when is isekai cards coming back? I need to download all of nyanify's shit since he got permanently btfo
Why do I keep getting an error that I'm missing kpluganim? I already have it under mods/Sideloader Modpack - Animations. Reloading the scene usually gives me a different error afterwards, something about incorrect IDs.
After an unnecessarily long bout of retardation, I've finally gotten a brief looping animation to run as a timeline, but I'm not sure how to extract that into a usable video/gif and no guide has been any help. Anyone know how?
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VideoExport, I think it was called. That or record your screen using a separate program.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU2nFGNBaq0 [Embed]
Make that onyo thicker. A good onyo is a heavy onyo.
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VideoExport or OBS.
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I swear my kids had this same argument just last night.

>Mavis' cloak clasp
I always wondered where she found such a tiny bull.
how do I change the default maker girl? I don't want to see Chikarin anymore.
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Behold my shitty loop.
>60 bucks for base
>biggest sale was 10% off
>55 bucks for DLC
what the fuck
Unparalleled amount of faggotry.
>Make half of a pose
>Realize I need to either make scenery or put it in a map
>Find nothing fitting after looking through 15 maps, stop working on scene
>Get nothing done
>Rinse and repeat
Hey can someone help me find a scene? It was in one of the pastebins, I am either retarded and cant re find it or the place it was stored is deleted or removed. I cleared out scenes I had and can't find it again (I had more work to do)
Seems a bit small for a cow.
why are the usual places so active with sharing paywalled content recently? anything happen?

Wait you have kids? You're old?!?

Not skilled enough.

Outfit share?
>buying KK
dang, must be rough not to be able to torrent
"Illusion" is gone anyways, so the money skips the relevant people. Don't buy anything when it comes to Koikatsu.
How do I get it to run under Linux/Wine? I did the winhttp thing and patches window shows progress, but the game itself is a black window that's not responding even after waiting for a while.
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>patches window
If that's the plugin I'm thinking of, go to yourKKinstall/bepinex/patchers and see if there's a folder called bepinex.splashscreen. If there is, just cut and paste the whole folder somewhere else, outside the the bepinex directory of course.

I never had luck getting the game to boot with it. It doesn't actually patch anything, just shows the progress of plugins loading.
I knew she got bigger. Age really hitting her. Milf biki when?
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Attached a screenshot of the issue. I have done what you said and the app is still not responding, but the BepInEx Loading... window disappears. I'm using KKIRV2 R7.
Not sure what else I can help with. I'm assuming it's some newer plugin causing problems, but I haven't really bothered updating them for a while.

The launcher window is a little suspect, since I don't have anything like that. Are you starting the game from initsetting.exe or some other kind of launcher? If so, try just running koikatsu.exe directly. Wine can sometimes fumble handing off executables, but since the game is at least trying to startI don't think that could be your issue.
Yep, I'm running Koikatu.exe. Would you mind pointing me to where you got your version from? Maybe that would work for me.
Better Repack RX20.
OP has the torrent for 21.
I'm scared

Pat her where?
Because the animation is bad/uncanny valley, or because she has too much "suck your soul out through your dick" energy?
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>You're old?!?
Nah, not unless you consider mid 40's old.
newfag here. installed full repack rx 21 but no translation. was there something i was supposed to do? already ran through initSetting
I think that should've been enough. Just in case, go through this.
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eternal eighteen my dude!
was a linux problem. booted to win and it worked just fine. i believe it conflicted with BepInEx since it didn't show up at launch on linux and i've had problems before with getting it to work on linux. i'd really enjoy playing this on linux but i guess i'll suit myself with windows, unless there's a fix that is
I'm so god awful at studio, how the fuck do you make tits that bounce like Anna does.
Did you redo the winhttp thing again?
who you plan to remake on your style?
Both, but mostly the latter.
The loser gets plapped right?
Looking for a lost mod named yamadamod.accprim-merline.
Where do I find it. KK discord said it's a private DRM mod...
Additionally, anyone here has a paid mod collection they would like to share?
of course
got it running on linux. followed this guide and used proton-GE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzxMjBEazas [Embed]
Well, I'm glad I got that much right; imma work on smoother and livelier animation too, though. Also, for some reason the vids and gifs always seem to come out slower than the way they play in the studio, anyone know what the deal with that is?
bullshit that was a goal.
it's fucking over
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>>8419656 (OP)
Advice for how to make this sort of hair?
Layer lots of hair accessories. Some keywords can be stuff like hairpiece, even split, frizzy, feathered, and wavy.
Try the breast physics controller.
I love her
What happened to this place
Muh discord
sounds true and real to me
Also dumb post restrictions, and the 2 redacted ones.
It’s a combination of factors but that’s a big one. Another big one is this stupid 15 minute post timer.
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Looking for a lost mod named yamadamod.accprim-merline.
Where do I find it. KK discord said it's a private DRM mod...
Additionally, anyone here has a paid mod collection they would like to share?
so what happen with summer scramble, it seems it came and went, is koikatsu really that powerful?
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Very nice. Are the arms a single mod, or a mash up of small parts?
Multiple things.
The first is becoming circlejerky, if at least one regular dislikes you for any reason, you can expect to either get shitposted on, or more passive aggression. You could ignore it for a while, but once it derails an entire thread you will start to wonder if it's really worth it. They will blame a mystery autist whose only goal is apparently to stay up 24/7 only to troll the threads but we got enough mask off moments to prove this isn't an actual person. Has been going for years, that's not a recent thing.
Another was the decline of thread themes, it started as a way to encourage everyone to join in and make girls and scenes together, but slowly turned into a worse version of Discord contests, although I'd say the biggest issue was the lack of inspiration after we tried enough different settings. Somewhat of a natural death here, but they did attract many anons to the threads and produced work that otherwise wouldn't get posted, or even made at all.
The coup de grace was given by the recent drama about regulars supposedly setting up a private Discord server(other than the public one) and excluding certain names. I will say this one might be an elaborate ruse, but regardless it caused more creators to leave for good.

Now you are left with a zombie general that refuses to stay dead, but in actual practice it's a reanimated purtrid corpse. It has no future, the only reasons to even post here right now are either not knowing where to go, spending some time while waiting for other threads, or nostalgic feelings for what used to be a happy little corrner on this website.
on her knees sucking my dick fuck yes
thats so fucking good
titty fuck her please
mash-up of parts, took a pre-existing scene, chopped off some bits and am currently in the process of (slowly) altering and improving it to make it more unique.
Mostly true, but you are also forgetting two things: The pests that were Camo guy and V***, and also the post timer that 4chan added in the middle of last year. Talking with older posters elsewhere, almost all of them included at least one of these as reasons why they stopped posting. In fact, after the 2 pests went away, a few people started posting again.
camofag was shitposting in good spirit without hurting anyone and stopped posting once he realized he did more harm than good, I don't hate him.
I don't hate him as a person either, but I absolutely hated his work.
I wish someone would port some of these mech-y parts back to character creator so I could actually use them in cards
I like making robot girls
this is something I was working on for HS
I hear boss music whenever v*** appears.
I miss him...
Also to be added: A certain crybaby who managed to derail whole threads and places beyond multiple times now with his unnecessary meltdowns, like "the shit thread from a month ago."
When are we getting a new theme?
Let's go back to school theme.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2TWdbcJp8s [Embed]
Decided to try and get back into this after a break. Am trying to download the latest repack. But idk if it's me, but the torrent is moving really slow. More slow than usual. Anyone else having this issue?
I miss deskanon.
Same, anon, same.
I miss Ahanubis
I miss Anna
I do too, the videos he posted here were some of the only reasons I cam alongside everyone elses' webms and fun storytime images.
One of the users that liked majority of my works, and made a lot of comments that I had fun reading apparently deleted their account or got suspended for some reason, and now I'm sad.
I miss Becky
I miss the rains down in Africa
Vengeance Machine
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The only thing you should be missing is ME! and how much better than any of you i am.
Does anyone have Sunnyass' stuff from April 2024 onwards?

Wanted to ask on Shitaraba but it doesn't allow non-JP IPs
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Ancient shitpost
I denounce the clique.
dickgirl warning
Nice work Cool_V.
I miss A11.
I don't miss coolv
Gold-Sensei and I will double team all the hos. Yes, even Cubeman
If your character doesn't show up on lists like this you've failed and you're never going to make it.
can anyone here give me some tech help? I'm having trouble with accessories loading in to the wrong position. It's a hair accessory and it loads in at the characters feet. If I change the parent to something other than top of the head, it will jump there, then I can change it back to center of head and it'll be on their head like it's supposed to. I can also hit "reset to default parent" and it zooms up to their head as well. If I change outfits and change back, or reload the card, it's right back at their feet again. If I load the card in Free H or Studio it's at their feet too. The issue happens on both Party and Sunshine and they're freshly patched. Any ideas?
Side note, changes to the accessories position (position, rotation, scale) also have the same effect, it loads in at default and if I tweak the position it'll snap back to where it's supposed to be, and any refresh of the outfit leads to it being right back at default.
Is there a trick to make dynamic bone colliders not fuck acessories up on Studio? Most scenes have this issue but a select few don't, hence why I assume it can be fixed.

I had this problem too, the only fix I found was to manually adjust the acessory's position on the character editor.
sucks if there's no fix, it's a pain in the ass to rework everything any time I want to take a picture
I think you have to open up the Colliders in the advanced KKPE window and then disable every bone (including accessories) that you don't want the collider to affect. And at least for me, every bone gets enabled if I even change outfits, so I have to manually enable/disable everytime I switch outfits.
So you aren't on there, good to know
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is there a replacement for isekaiexpress? missing out on all the updated cards
Anna isn't on there though.
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What's next for the 3D anime posing scene? Is this it? No more innovations?
We should do a Valentine's day theme
I hate armors so much it's unreal.
Does anyone have SFB's FBK? https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/126751311
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I have decided I rather make my own koikatsu clone with my own 3D models for personal use I can legally use, instead of making a fucking character waifu from scratch.

In any case, I was thinking of uploading the tool to github and just allow the user to upload his own custom .tscn file.

But is anyone here interested in a FOSS clone of koikatsu?
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So, all I need to do to become a success is make scenes like that and put my characters in them; got it.
Wait, what if I make scenes like that and don't put my characters in them?
Does that say more about me or my characters?
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I miss HairAutist.
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>Let's go back to school theme.
...Back to school?
>But is anyone here interested in a FOSS clone of koikatsu?
very, but why not use koikatsu? who's gonna legally stop you?
didn't the source code of koikatsu get leaked somewhere? I know a11 has access to it.
I can't use koikatsu because of multiple reasons.

I can't legally use the models in my games.
And using koikatsu models will grant my games to look like asset flips.
Your highschool harem renpy game is going to be shit no matter what you use.
I'm not looking to make a VN in renpy.

I need a tool that I can in 20 minutes generate a character for my games.
A tool that does what, just kk with custom models? Just make a plugin for blender that that imports scenes and characters like kk
I’ve moved back to Vrchat and Started a Roblox account to Digi Camo post the good word of Pixels.
A character creator like KK from my own models.
very based
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Damn Straight Skippy.
Check kk.now.cc which is similar to F95zone Koi Thread just with less restrictions on content.
Thanks reporting it now.
very helpful, thank you fren
Is there a way to rotate/move/scale accessories that are part of a character when you're in Studio?
Installed current repack. Game loads like shit even on a decent gaming rig. keep getting error "could not load shader: xukmi/effects/blur"

What can I do here?
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Trying to figure out VMDPlayer in KKS to import MMD dances. The MMD cameras don't seem to work well since they're not for KK. I only really know how to move camera based on timeline. How can I match up the timing with the dance? I can't put the player on the timeline right? Is doesn't seem like the frame data for the dance correlates to the frame of the timeline.

What's the workflow here?
whenever you run into "missing / could not load" make sure you have the plugin / mod. Google the exact terms and "download"

Run through this and see if you still get the error. The game loads poorly on mine too but once it's up it runs fine.
looks like most people are using VNGE / MMDD now, but the question still stands on integrating it with the timeline or how to setup cameras properly. Looking through documentation now
I see a guide on YouTube by CAP. It's got a vtuber avatar. Maybe it can help.
KKPE allows for it. Searching for slot on the bone list should lead you to the accessories.
on her way to fuck
I already had those files. Pretty sure I did this after googling the error.
But I redownloaded them and threw them into the zipmod folder. I can load them in charastudio, but when I go to load the game it says the same thing. Not sure if I was supposed to do much more from that pixiv guide since it's all in Japanese though.
Ur welcum.
too bad
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pretty sure I didn't change any settings, but opening up Sunshine and its like bloom is set to 1000% how do I fix this? Can't find anything that effects it in the settings
Perfect. Kind of wish they were at least listed in order, but I'll make do.
it's not sunshafts or bloom in F1 menu, both are off.
Maybe PostProcessingEffects? Search for that in the options and turn it off if active.
that was it. But I know I haven't changed it before. Does importing a scene card alter the postprocessing effects?
IDK if anyone's done this before, but I found a way to set up hairstyles on a per-outfit basis in a way that enables studio outfit switches. You can use the swim cap accessory as a bald cap and make use of hair accessories to basically create a wig while the swim cap holds the base hair in. Great for making your characters cosplay with minimal hassle.
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stop gatekeeping

after i finish my cowe series
I know mine turned on at some point and stays on by default now, and I don't remember how it happened. I just turn it off whenever it gets annoying, but it turns back on next studio session.
It's little tricks like that which slowly separate you from novice creators.
25 $1 Anons could easily beat $25 worth of Shiz.

Also that Anon pic looks like I made it but I don't recognize it.
What I really like about this setup is that I can then slap that cosplay outfit on ANY character, and it'll work with minor adjustments.
Terrible. Stop posting your garbage.
Can someone share the original koikatsu Assembly-CSharp dll from CharaStudio Data and Koikatsu Data?
I'm disappointed the clothing selection is so dogshit. Almost a decade of Koikatsu and my options are 10 base sets of school tops / skirts, maybe three jackets and then a bunch of gacha / JRPG bullshit clothes.
I feel this one. It doesn't help that a shitton of them are redundant, improperly sized, improperly labeled, or improperly categorized, and even base options sometimes result in inner layers clipping through outer ones, tits clipping through tops, or textures getting super stretched when titties are real big. I'd like a wider array of workong inner/outer top combos, and specifically more jeans for the casual clothes.
>textures getting super stretched when titties are real big
this is the real unforgivable bit, cowtit lovers should NOT be an oppressed class
we should be able to have boob tent and boob curtains on all clothes by now damnit
I remember Skyrim got some framework called uniboob or whatever so shirts could sit on top without warping and distorting to fit tight around huge tits. Wish Koikatsu had something similar.
Which hair + eye color combo is the best and why is it blonde + yellow eyes?
Black + red eyes also a close second.
Blonde and yellow eyes do work very well together
White hair with red eyes, blond hair with green or blue eyes, brown hair with green or brown eyes, red hair with blue or green eyes, black hair with red or grey eyes. Purple eyes can also work with black or white hair on select characters, but they need accessories to bring it out.
post green eyed girls before the thread dies
this is my last request before I die
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Blonde and yellow is good, it also goes alright with green eyes.
There's a surprising amount of green-eyes in the thread. It never really registered to me how many there were.
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Wow, no 15 minute timer for a change
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Next step is making my scenes actually look decent.

is pic related all post processing (within or outside of KK)? Or can you actually make a video export look like this?
idk im also lurking to see if there's any replacement for isekai. this community is so fucked up and divided i wont be surprised if the only answer is some sort of clique server/chat or payfag archive.
feel sorry for them. no one should suffer trannycord
You can make videos look like that. See Anna Anon.
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Some other styles I'm trying to recreate and learn from. If anyone has any suggestions or tips for any of them please let me know. The ones I have scene data for I'm taking notes on all the char lighting settings, scene effects settings, lighting objects, and material settings for clothes and body. Anything else that makes the scene? A scene card won't update KKS_PostProessingEffects plugin right?

this guy. Great lighting and colors. Downloaded some scenes. Animations broken (not compatible with KKS?) but was able to check out a bit of the techniques.

More Blackflame3 examples
Hard to describe what I like about this, very bright colors but not oversaturated or high contrast. Smooth. faces have that realistic look.



>Chiruchi ちるちー



And of course the obligatory anna anon, giddora, moonlight mask, hongcha. Bonus points for anything that could get as close as possible to AmatureThrowAway, but I know that's blender. I'm also interested in polling anyone else opinions on what their favorite styles are.

More asking for the settings or techniques, but thanks for the reference.
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Like for example
>>>8439258 (it was a different scene, but same style)
##scene effects
Vivid / Midday .27
AO grey .19
Shadow Type Minimalist (A)
Density 1
Outline Density .6
Outline Thickness .44

##body materials
customambient .6 .6 .6
kkprimcolor 2 .19 1.8 .04
outlineColor .5 .45 .4 1
overcolor1 1 .8 .76 .7
specularColor 2 1.9 1.7 1.2
DetailNormalMapScale .6
KKPRimIntensity 5
KKPRimSoft 3
LineWidthS .9
nip 0
nip_specular .8
nipsize .67
shadowextend .5
SpecularHeight 1
Specular Power ??
UseKKPRim 1

##Lighting, shadow, and obj
Projector Circle ALpha
Two tone fog
Colored Shadow S
Color Correction
Constrast Adaptive Sharpness

>Or for pic rel
## Giddora Komi reverse cow
Live Stage
Lut High Gamma .22
AO grey .1
Bloom .4 .6 .8
Deep, Smooth Shadows (A)
Density 1
OUtline Density 1
Outline Thick .3

## body materials
Specular Color 1 1 1 1
ShadowExtend .6
SpecularHeight .9
SpecularPower .07

##lighting, shadow, and obj
Color Correction
Colored Shadow Sunshafts & Glow
Round Shadow (Subtrated FK) (BG darken)
I have a lot of yellow and blue, but not much green. My characters typically share the same hair and eye color for some reason.
Thnaks. Probably not compatible with KKS
I am going insane having to deal with normal and detail maps.
>shitton of them are redundant, improperly sized, improperly labeled, or improperly categorized
Can't BetterRepack do something about that?
I already have BR and half the problem is shit that came with it. Quite possibly more than half, since I'm pretty sure more stuff is added by BR than was originally in the game. It's a very bloated modpack but the best we have.
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More info with a helpful guide for anyone else
Wouldn't it be easier to just pirate their scenes from wherever and just copy whatever they have in them and their ME settings?
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Cant find them all with isekaiexpress down. If you can find some let me know.
Ah, I assumed they'd be there, kemono or koinow and shitaraba or whatever it was called but I keep forgetting they go down a lot for whatever reason.
I will be their top!
i have plenty of cyan and light blue eyes, but surprisingly not a lot of greens
Fluffy ass bitch
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Elf shiz isn't real or canon anon, Please check the lore update
>>8419656 (OP)
So where did everybody go that aren't posting here? Is it discord, pixiv, or another game entirely?
uhh. Is this green?
More teal than green, but technically some cultures don't distinguish between blue and green so you're good.
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Now post the guide that will make charas look like anime (old 90s and new 2000s shading style), onegai.
I realised I never made a girl with green eyes...
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this one?
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That seems it be it. But do you have more? Also, the 80s anime style.
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Just downloaded KKS a couple months ago. The way people in this thread talk about the old threads is like it was the peak of civilization lol. That being said I also lurk the main discord. And some mmd threads on /h/ & /e/. And blender groups. If there's more places let me know
The Old Days just had way more activity, lots of new people and new characters and new scenes would come up every day. It was explosive with content, and I think that's what I miss.
I don't have one for 80s style, If you have a reference image I could maybe find something.

Some general tips and tricks

Haruka posts a bit about how to use them. Pretty sure he created them

To be honest, I'm not sure how much translates to xukmi shaders and that seems to be the much more robust and popular shader
>reference image
check the image in my original post.
Fucking hell, I think I'll just stick with v+ with kkprim.
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I rarely go here now because of /kkg/s current state. Just post a question every now and then. I don't even play anymore because I feel like I've done everything.

Early days: When koikatsu came out, people go here to experiment, trying to understand the engine. Creating chara, creating poses, creating animations even before "timeline". Everyone is learning.

The fall: I was there. Happened during covid I think. People started "cooperating" making low effort scenes, trying to make their charas "celebrities", keep mentioning their names.

And then the worst: It's clear that one or multiple discord group are being faggots, trying to claim this place as their territory.

Good people started to leave. New anons can't learn because the ones that stayed can only do basic poses while trying to convince other anons that they are celebrities. kkg is dead.

But sometimes interesting posts like this happen, but it's very rare; or is this you?
It was schizophrenic and a lot of crabs in the bucket but at least it was active.
see here for crab >>8440332
All grown up Kazue?? The creator is still here?
That's a different anon
You can feel the fall happened when the activity suddenly spikes. kkg was becoming a slow thread, because real anons are now posting longer and longer, because their scene are becoming more and more complex. It was comfty.
Then that happened.
I'm still here, but /kkg/ died because of creators circlejerking with their characters and forcing a drive to 1000+ posts per thread instead of making quality posts.
I'm still here, making stuff. But I'm also having fun with other games (mainly factorio) and making stuff for myself that the vast majority of you wouldn't like. In other words, chilling
yeah, me
I mean in KK, I'm not sure what an 80s style would look like. This is all I've got
the coloring on this one gives 80s vibes
80s-90s = 5-tone shading
2000s and up = 3-tone shading
see pic>>8440267
Anyone knows what scene this is or who made it?
>Retro 80s style
I must be getting really up there in my years because I don't remember media looking anything like that.
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I assume you're referring to character models and not the general scenes itself without the added postprocessing effects. Are you trying to make it look like some sort of painted anime illustration or 3d render pseudo anime look with smooth shading? I think it all just came into simulating or immitating some skin reflections and shadow into the character and such. You can easily do it in KK with just the vanilla shaders and choosing the right shadow type I believe.
I'm trying to make the scenes I made with shitty lighting and shading look good for next time by understanding other's processes mostly. I haven't decided what sort of style I like best but trying to see how close I can make things look to a selection of my favorites. Post processing and all.
But they look so similar
Yeah, a different anon sexed her up and slapped some moles on her.
Probably an edited card
aren't new moles sign of skin cancer
Reminds me of mightmeat's work, but the lighting is completely different.
Checked it, that's the guy, thanks a bunch.
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you 4chinners are all so incredibly bad, it's so funny knowing you'll NEVER! make girls like mine.
PYW bitch!
All along... It was koi that was holding him back...
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Chinese girls do not come with green eyes.
I no longer need this place, I have found a better one. Fuck you all.
You got your samefag procedure all wrong.
Are all the white spheres I'm seeing on scenes because of some setting or a missing mod? I can just disable the spheres individually but I assume the maker put them there for some sort of effect that isn't working here.
If you loaded a scene and didnt notice the warning messages in the upper left corner, but noticed the default spheres, yes its probably missing mods.
It also could be OBJ/asset import plugin, and those spheres are obj files.
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A week until valentine's day.
Do your characters havea ny plans?
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Immediately made me think of the video of the asian dude in the water telling me to not give up.
I was off quite a bit with the words, but it was close enough.
Can you bind an accessory to the root bone?
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i am le artiste

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That's good shit
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>custom maid didn't work
>stuck with baby faces for the next decade
It's over.
This a new Shiz?
rivals? it's the same people in the main server who are setting alternate servers. one of them is even pirating content from other creators privately.
Don't forget to make a new thread
You might be able to do it here, but how the fuck would you pirate content from another user when usernames are attached in other sites?
why even bother
we actually saw an uptick in activity this thread and what did it consist of? the same bitching and moaning about le discords and the “good old days” and themes etc. etc.
give it up. it’s over.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usXhiWE2Uc0&pp=ygUNdGlsIGl0J3Mgb3Zlcg%3D%3D [Embed]
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Just being able to offer tech support to new users is a good enough reason, I'd think. Lets them also share their shit as they're practicing.
they have a big compilation of paywalled mods, cards and scenes on gofile. it's easily like half a terabyte worth of shit.
but to get into their server you need to be in the right clique of circlejerking cocksucking tranny niggers and pay respects to their alpha
last? for gf release ryouna and the teefy chikarin headmod, pls
She got a fat ass and nice perky tits, don't you think?
The discord and i have decided that the next theme is gonna be school theme after a long while. Anyone who doesnt want to do it is not obligated to, we run the thread and it's just the way things are.
I will put my face into that ass.

Im sorry but the discord actually decided on Magial Girl theme.
We're also gonna run a New Chara competition, winner get's 55$.
STFU, we're talkin about the REAL discord server, not the Becky one.
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The discord isn't even real it's just a myth.
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Someone help me decide on the eyes, I'm losing my mind.
I like the blue more
Agree with the other anon. Blue seems better.
P-please respond...
There's a plugin called A12 that lets you parent accessories to whatever bone you want, you would need to use that. It's available on the main koi discord.
Thanks. This was that one plugin that's supposed to be an alternative of madevil's accessory plugin, right? I hope my cards don't break.
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I went with green so she matches her sister. I'm still undecided so maybe I'll swap it to blue once I get some sleep.
Against the green background the green eyes look better. Cute girls
Imagine the handjobs.
Make a scene sheet and see if people are willing to engage with it if you want to make a theme, you also need someone to manage the mega/excel hosting links to all the cards and info from the people. No idea if there is enough people in the thread to get a theme going but if someone wants to try, go ahead.
Like putting a sausage in a hydraulic press...
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Sorry, the next theme is post-apocalypse. Make a character that fits. It takes place in a ruined, barren wasteland where most people are either dead, or have fled. It was great once, but is now nothing more than a shell of it's former self, inhabited by those reminiscing of a better time. So it's kinda like a fromsoft game, but it's actually just the threa-
The next theme is post-modernist, and your heart knows it to be true.
If we're not recreating Escher, miss me with that shit.
themes are dead because my card will never get used
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I miss him...
this but unironically. this thread's a circlejerk, why don't i get jerked back
Because you are not in the sikret discord
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Dont we all
File: 159266843635165984.png (374 KB, 811x1000)
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374 KB PNG
Oh hey, it's you again.
File: 4123941215817578216598462.png (1.21 MB, 1920x1080)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
It's your fault, your choice is a delightful book about the clique and a megapon with a sonic wall, bringing down the house. This dumpster fire is one of your choice.

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