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Post HMVs.
Discuss HMVs.
Don't be a dick.


>What are HMVs?
They're Hentai Music Videos. Try fapping to the beat.

>Where may I find these?
Folders and new releases are typically posted in this thread.

There is also a torrent. Some users have problems downloading with utorrent ruTorrent/rtorrent, try alternatives such as qbittorrent.
Current version: "The Compendium"
NEW: Usenet mirror: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/v05sx0vx.nzb (Have not verified myself if it works)

>How do you make these? What tools do I need?
Video editing software such as Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve.

>Where do I find source content to make HMVs?

HMV Helpline/Chat. This is the place to go for sauce requests as well as off topic and long 1 on 1 conversations, etc.

>Sauce plz
Again, the Chatzy room is best for this. Also, read the thread or at least ctrl+f for some key words.

Here is a sourcing guide:

Music suggestions, source material suggestions and editing questions are welcome.

You know, for ease of browsing and such.
Old thread
Could anyone share HMV_Gemini's Kuroinu HMV? https://files.catbox.moe/26lx0p.mp4 preview
>>8421247 (OP)
>double right feet
Any loli hmvs?
Fuck you
No u
It worries me how blind I am to obvious things like this and how easily AI gets past me
Would you prefer I let you do it in future? I've only been making a barebones thread since the person who had made these for the longest time announced they'd stop doing them, all of the hard work was done in a summary post by someone else
dont worry, this thread is probably actually more dead then it is now in a couple of weeks.
that's not an AI-exclusive mistake, that one artist was famous for nearly always putting feet on the wrong side, even after years and years
Where is google docs with links to HMV megas?
someone got gigabutthurt
What worries me is retards like you not understanding that humans make mistakes too.
The summaries done each thread wasn't be someone else, it was all me lmao. I made the threads, the summaries, the av1, the hmv remakes with the script, the spreadsheet, most of the leaks, the upscales, the wip source+song database, the tool guide and a vp9 encoder for 4chan.
I've done quite a lot of different things.
I just meant "someone else" as in not me as the person making the thread, I just didn't know how to refer to you other than maybe upscale anon
Oh I had no idea, that's pretty funny actually and something I too easily attributed to AI as it seemed like quite a fundamental thing once it was pointed out. I tend to try and look for mistakes in patterns and at hands specifically as AI seems to have a lot of trouble with that
It doesn't matter who makes the thread as long as it gets made.
or you could just accept to not make it.
pretty sure this was the nail in the coffin
I might go to previous threads and search any link to HMV makers stuff. and try to slowly rebuild. And ensure no idiot can private it
i mean if you are deep into this i assume you have most downloaded? especially the higher tier ones.
you could just upload your archive onto the torrent
Most of this links i assume come via kemono leaks or whoever uploaded them to pixeldrain. Also having them on GoogleDocs was bad idea. And no, i don't have such big archive.
i have not been here but at the very least i would download the ones i liked, nothing stays forever, and porn especially is often deleted
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Once again requesting agressive / Bounce & Bass tracks. Enough high speed
Example Dj Genki - Avalon System / Yellow Claw - Kawaii 808 / Getty - Blackout
Pixeldrain looks like good place to archive all of them. Same with Mega. But we need something like The Compendium that gets updated with new stuff
torrents are the best way to archive
I agree, only problem is torrent file can't be updated. So monthly someone have to create new torrent manually with new stuff.
F95 (and etc) dudes have torrents to as alternative for download. Beside mega / pixeldrain links
you could have done it yearly. when was the last time this was updated
The author has locked the spreadsheet.
Having them on google docs isn't a bad idea. Unless you're just storing the links and not download the content, in which case any place is a bad idea to store the links.
>Pixeldrain looks like good place to archive all of them
It's literally the worst after they started banning ALL porn. Mega is shit because it'll just remove entire account. Gofile is better.
But the best is torrent, second to that is Resilio Sync/Syncthing or Telegram.
Doesn't have to be monthly, there's not that much new stuff. The original torrent hasn't been updated for ages.
Depending on how you structure it, you could create an "update" torrent each month with only the new stuff, and then once a year merge with main torrent.
Resilio Sync/Syncthing would be better though for keeping things up to date.
Telegram if you don't want to worry about someone seeding something. But ideally a mix of torrent/sync and telegram.
>Having them on google docs isn't a bad idea
Yeah, but without proper backup it could nuke your account and that
>It's literally the worst after they started banning ALL porn.
Since when?
>Yeah, but without proper backup it could nuke your account and that
We're talking about links though? It's very unlikely they'll nuke that. But you can just store as a text file on your PC, would take at most a few megabytes.
>Since when?
I don't quite remember, but maybe a year or so ago. You can see if you try to report something there that you can report for the reason "porn".
if you don't control the links, you can assume that you'll lose access, the only question is how long (and usually the answer is "not very")
Of course, but that literally can not be saved in any way other than if you actually archive all the content yourself, which then makes any online host useless anyways as you should be making a torrent for it.
But that wasn't really the subject was it? The subject was storing links for stuff found here and there, or throughout these threads?
With torrent we won't have to worry about dead links, only problem would be seeding. So thumbs up for torrent idea
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Just passing by to say that I have it and I'm not going to share it [SPOILA]because it's not as good as I thought it was...[/SPOING]
>because it's not as good as I thought it was...
That's why I won't release at least a half-dozen HMVs.
To be fair none of what you made has ever been good, people just like the idea that a "female" has made HMVs
Shame you are and always have been FapSquared, a very fat mexican man
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Your post made me laugh, thank you.
>none of what you made has ever been good
I bet you like RawShit and phonk garbage.
HappyWater has made some amazing HMVs, like Viper - RSR.
Damn, back to the old avatarfagging.
Post hand FapWater
HappyWater is basically fine. I'm super picky (especially when it comes to music), and even I liked a few of their things enough to hang onto them.
Let's play a game, /hmv/.

>Get your playlist. The one that's your main rotation.
>Hit shuffle.
>Post the first 5 videos that come up
>If you want to, mention stuff you especially like about them
And remember, since some people tend to get prideful and forget this really obvious thing, this is an anonymous image board. You have fucking nothing to prove by trying to curate your answers. Just show us a taste of what you like, and maybe someone else will pick up what you're putting down.
Yeah, why not?

>Boy Like You [Samobal]
Foreplay during the verses means good build-up to the fucking when the chorus drops.
>Liyue Love [pMv3D]
I used to be really into Genshin stuff, and it's still in my collection. The build-up to the pre-chorus is good in this one though.
>Take It Off [Revylove]
This one's really fucking old by HMV standards, but what can I say? The music's good, and Pollinic Girls is a classic.
>Dark Alien Love [Cazual]
Again with the old classics being great, because Dark Love is hot as fuck.
>How's This! [MSIHard]
The editing transitions are smooth as hell, and I love the on-screen dialogue. I kinda wish we had more stuff like this.
>fur for all
Deranged troon can't even come up with anything original lmao
I just fapped to my first phonk aislop slideshow "hmv"...
How anticlimactic was your knut?
It was blacked stuff, so it was okayish.
https://youtu.be/P_YXR56F1F0 [Embed]
>REloGAYtionFX set up a new patreon
>5 people are actually paying him despite having 0 posts
The streetshitter is trying really hard
Amazing, any more?
>>8421247 (OP)
A bit late for any Christmas, but just in time for Chinese new year.


Standard Download

No Subtitles

And a link to the folder until the issue gets sorted out
Put your name back on...
ride wadada
m mashalah
No one asked, but here are some of the good ones I've seen recently:
Anoan : Brawler Bitches 2
Anoan : Spooky Scary Succubus 4
Anoan : Thick Tendencies
Hypn0tize : Neat Work
Hypn0tize : Simply Genshin
Kaidex : No Twerk
Ivarorryd: HMV - Unpredictable
dreadnys : broken blondies
dreadnys : back to back gangbangs
dreadnys : led spirals
DearestOnani : FH-HOMAGE-Round-Seven
crav_on SLUT BOMB HMV [いまりあ]
crav_on STEAMY RUSSKI HMV [むっつりドスケベ]
LordFappington : Work It
Neluor : Bounce Your Head
Neluor : Asagi Kangoku Blowout
NeoTheorism : Nishikawa #1 - Panic
NeoTheorism : Nishikawa #2 - Madness
NeoTheorism : Pulsations
Fuck off AMVStoca, nobody likes you
Cry more fag, he's posting HMVs
He's posting literal garbage nobody cares about
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Can you help me to find hmv please?

Solely 2D
remix of "Brand new bitch"
Have some text and filters in it.

If i remember correctly - it had a title of the maker in the left-bottom corner, but might be wrong
the whiney bitch baby anon detected

can't you take your meds and fuck off already?

face it, you are a joke and trash
thanks man, worked for me.

nevermind the absolute dumbass who shits on every HMV creator who isn't in his personal taste
where you get the top 2 ?
can only find thick tendencies
>anon can't pay attention
Wake up coomer
what is this shit?
Two threads ago my dude
Please restore Google document / sheet, Anon. If you are still around
he's probably still in the hospital getting that butthurt treated
>rent free
Oof. Guess I should have saved links when I had the chance. I would basically go down the list and check out creators I hadn't heard of or source the og quality from ones I had seen elsewhere, was useful.
I do feel kinda sad for thr spreadsheet but in the end there were several artists missing, dead links and archives not updated
nvm, found it myself. very thanks for the help guys
You're welcome
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Any music with increasing rhythm/speed/bpm?
>shitmania hypercompress garbage
Enjoy your garbage lmao
Are there any tools for converting vegas shit to premiere pro vegas allows for easy custom fps setup musical time bases and much faster video pace editing
I remember watching the 2 hentai AMV Hells back in the day. Too bad they don't have them in their main torrent anymore. I look for them every now and again, but I've had no luck so far.
Probably cause everyone decided to butt-rape for providing substance to these barren ass threads
BEHOLD a cringe first attempt at an HMV.
Roast me oh chosen elders!

>Plain Jane lyrics
>Roast me oh chosen elders!
You don't have to ask. You made it too easy.
Why the fuck did you make me sit through almost a 2 minute intro?
Also the video is way too low quality, increase the bitrate. 472MB for a nearly 6 min 1080p60 video is not nearly enough. Make it at least 3-4x bigger.
And ditch the extra shit quality clips like the ones at 2:25, 3:00 and 3:05
Song choice is also quite shit.
The most used song in blacked hmvs?
what happened to the editor list?
autist had a melty
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>premiere pro is better than vegas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfAFurGFQhE [Embed]
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>>8421247 (OP)

Marin Forever HMV (NEUROTOMO)

Iwara: https://www.iwara.tv/video/rTls3NkHxuRrh2/marin-forever-hmv-neurotomo

Mega: https://mega.nz/file/nwsmRZrA#TAmsD6BF9D-z7YfZFwWmHJycfz2wtLqJBhwI-kN_O9U
i don't understand...
>> 8412596
> pixeldrain com/u/YkzpWrWD 100H by Such_MV 60fps, full bitrate, ~1.7 gigs
Great editing and sources, but man is that music shit...
Here is an HMV Hell folder, donno if this is what you are looking for...
Hey Anoan, love your work bro, but... do you have a mega with all ur shit?
>1:30 min intro
straight to LosslessCut
>Gay StarGate Warp
love it
love it
>2D/3D splits + slides
cool, could be done better though
tolerable, but go for something more fappable next time

overall 6/10
on vegas you can just timeframe at any time
on premiere pro you have to do some ghetto clip duping for a layer and you'd also have to create a custom framerate so it doesn't offset
[spoiler]or you could use the beat plugin and just create a marker for every beat[/spoiler]
>retards still trying to use spoiler which isn't even a thing
Sure maybe Vegas is better for that one specific feature, but Vegas is a stone age tool and shit in every other aspect.
it's also much faster at beat matching clips
you can also set any fps without having to first create a custom fps video and then import it which helps with perfect beat pacing
I actually found it not long after posting. I had never even considered looking on Sukebei for some reason. But thank you.

Also, I wouldn't mind a recommendations of creators to check out first. I was going to grab the whole torrent, but I just don't have the space to download that much right now.
love this please keep making more anon
Anyone got HMV_Gemini's Kuroinu video? \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Could you share it, please? (⌒ω⌒)
thank you for sharing, i can nut to this, especially the classic S3RL with MTC and Whirlwind like the HMVs of old

rare HMV in this HMV thread, absolute cinema
Just get rid of the intro and the transitions, I don't need a story explanation for your assortment of porn clips.
Is there HMV's that are focused, or at least have, catgirls?
ty good sir
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New HMV - Theme for Hex Girls

Made this a while ago but never posted it. In retrospect mixing western stuff with hentai may not work but I had fun editing it at the time.
>Made this a while ago but never posted it
What do you use, Anon? Davinci?
Premiere. Is Davinci any good now? I tried several years ago to use it instead, but got frustrated with how laggy it would get and just went back to premiere.lh0x2
It is good. But you might have slightly bumpy road from Primere to Davinci UI
Maybe make a version without the scooby cuts
Bro you didn't even read the thread.
Anyway, forget about it, it's really not as good as it seems. If I post it everyone will be disappointed like I did...
Good music choice, nice editing, everything is in sync with the music. Very nice.
Honestly, you could have totally cut out the clips of the Hex Girls themselves. Doing that kind of thing doesn't usually work all that well unless it's going to feature animations of those characters during the H parts.

Fun concept though. It probably would have been better using the original cut of the song than this remix, IMO.
Post something new and interesting instead of something with dogshit murakami hentai you made half a year ago
Fuck the naysayers, thats a fun theme and I think you executed it well - good work anon
This Hex Girls thing is pure cringe.
You made a decent hmv and then ruined it with this Nickelodeon shit
another hmv i can nut to!
thank you for your work

maybe the HMV thread is being revived, one can only hope
He posted something he made 6 months ago lmao
I like this. It's a little weird, but I definitely like it. Well done.
oh i didnt read that part lol
doesnt really count if they didnt ever post it
but anyway, still love the HMV activity <3
will always take it compared to the pointless arguing that happens 95% of the thread every single month
>doesnt really count if they didnt ever post it
Why does it matter if it was mentioned in the thread or not? If you're that desperate for HMVs, you should have seen it back when he uploaded it.
Could that anon restore that google docs with HMVs, please?
no one copied
How come people barely post URLs to like MEGA or URLs in general here anymore? I never knew HMV "meta" lol
Not feeding you free content just so you can butcher the quality and reupload to your shitty site smegma.
because everyone who posts just ends up spammed by upscalefag and no one wants to bother with him anymore
>it's happywater
>it's alphasmegma
>it's upscaleanon
When will it end? lmao
The thing these people have in common is that they are all schizos who have alt accounts they talk to each other with
AlphaSmegma has Andrew which he uses to talk positively about himself and it wouldn't surprise me if half the times he's mentioned here is by himself
Happywater has FapSquared which he used to add credence to the lie that he's female by saying they know each other IRL (Happy is a fat mexican man)
Upscaleanon has me
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What causes this to happen? Specifically videos only playing audio on Chrome, and for Firefox saying "No video with supported format and MIME type found." They don't work in Edge either.
For context, every now and then I check the HMV/hentai_music_video tag on sankaku and I've noticed some videos (seemingly only MP4s, but only some of them) will only load audio. I've googled around and there's like a billion different answers ("do this, get this codec, change this browser setting", etc.) and several of which I've tried don't work, regardless of being on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc. Most other MP4s seemingly load and play perfectly fine.
I've even seen some people recommend paying a dollar for some HEVC extension support from Microsoft, but then in the reviews I see some people say it's iffy for working in browsers, so I'm even less inclined to try that.
yeah probably the video is in h.265/HEVC, it's a patented codec and browsers will not support it on their own because they'd have to pay a fee per installation (i.e. no more free brewser downloads), the extension supposedly lets the browser ask the OS to play it instead or something
Yeah I ended up finding a way to get it for free. Unfortunately/fortunately(?) turns out I already had it installed for God knows how long and it STILL wasn't working for some reason, so reinstalled it and then closed/reopened Firefox and now it's loading and playing properly... Gotta love it.


There's a link to what it was anyway.
Also a link to what I followed that seemingly worked in case someone stumbles upon this shit or is in the same boat as me.

Just don't use a shitty browser lmao.
I haven't installed anything in order to play it and it just works in my browser flawlessly.
HEVC extension is a joke, don't waste money on that. You should not have to install a fucking codec pack in 2025
I'd love to but, other browsers don't have the extensions I use on chrome on the regular for scraping/downloading and a good few other things, so I'm stuck with chrome for now. At least the videos play in Firefox now (chrome still shitting the bed), so I can just swap over to that every now and then if an issue arises with playback.
>You should not have to install a fucking codec pack in 2025
Well yeah, but you forget most of our software/tech infrastructure in general is "maintained" AKA outsourced to third worlders, sooo... Things break, and often, until every 5 years or so when the one or two old white dudes who developed the original service have to come in and fix it.
what browser
What's the point in PMV unless there's funscripts alongside them?

anyone have this guys vids? he keeps uploading new ones but wont accept any friend requests
>it just works in my browser flawlessly
>doesn't say which browser it is
I call bullshit
Opera, and not the meme GX version
>inb4 muh chinese spyware
Just use Gallery-DL to scrape stuff. I scraped all 554GB of HMVs on Sankaku in a matter of only half a day-ish (14 hours 37 minutes) lmao.
Codec packs have been useless since 15+ years ago, you should not need it now either. A good browser should play anything by default and a good video player like MPC-HC or MPV plays anything you throw at it.
As for other extensions, you can use almost all Chrome extensions in Opera.
just attention seeking behaviour
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Special Taimanin training

yea... but when they first was on iwara there vids were public
nice, good job
What songs do you consider to be "classic" HMV songs? Like one's that are staple choices, or maybe even overused ones. 2 that come to mind for me are Bass Slut and Perfect (Exceeder)
Playing in background.
Recommend me some other websites to watch/find HMVs
I know already:
Anything else? Preferably with VAM and Blender, not so into 2D HMVs
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He made them public now, but be quick about downloading them as he plans to remove them.
But I'm curious where his older videos went, because I know for a fact he has 38 more that was on the same account, see picrel from 14 may 2023.
I have those, but makes me wonder what I've potentially missed after that time.
Mmdfans has 34 out of 38 of those videos, missing the last 4 in top row in picrel.
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Whaaaaaaa? I can't use the iwara's servers as free private storage???
What did this retarded nigger expect?

You missed a lot.
someone report this fucker too
Damn I'm late to the game. Could you please upload the hakueee videos you have somewhere so the rest of us can get them?
I sure wish the penalty wasn't removal, but forced-unprivating
Benny Benassi, Satisfaction is probably one of the real classics.
Solid song choice and fantastic source material. Cant say I am the biggest fan of the clips of scooby doo although I will give credit to originality. Keep it up!
Yeah no worries, I got them all + more from a friend now.
No :)
based smegma denier
anyone got any kanojo x3 HMV recommendations?


Old, not really good, but well, it's something.
Can someone reup Nightoil - Pocket Pussy
Can you bring back google doc of HMV, Anon?
yeah lets just suck the dick of the fag who single handedly ruined these threads
it's been a while but I have a new hmv. wanted to get back into the habit now that rakuen shinshoku episode 2 is coming out for real this time for sure




it looks like pmvhaven changed their rating system since the last time i checked. if you like my stuff i'd appreciate some positive ratings because frankly, most of the top rated hmvs over there are garbage
how so? i pretty much ignore most posts unless it has a link. What happened? autistic discussion about codecs or male lyrics?
He thinks I ruined the threads because I removed something I made myself lmao.
that reminds me i ask you this pretty much every year but you still have the yey1137 and Theoo7 back ups?
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My first creation, gay warning though
Post mega link if you're gonna post here, or stay on your hyper compressed platform
oh yeah its definitely that and not you spamming toxic replies to everything that gets posted that doesn't reach your retarded standards for porn edits for the past 5+ years
I'm sorry that I have a standard and you don't. Now go back to shitbang retard
maybe we should start leaving kind replies to everyone :D

im not into tentacles, but its a decent edit, simple

keep it up my man <3
Glad to have you back. I took your advice and skipped CS 1 and 2, 3's been fun although a little too long.

Alternative: fuck off forever. You already took away your only positive contribution, might as well go all the way and bless us with your absence.
It's three days late but if you still check this thread, here you go: https://gofile.io/d/T5XFwn
keep posting here, I don't care that its not 4k
5 star'd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvg2U0s-dmU [Embed]
>delete everything
>private all your videos
>delete everything again
>start uploading multiple videos again everyday
for what fucking purpose...
At least I have something positive, unlike you who just shitposts
Resolution doesn't matter, what matters is that it's dogshit fucking quality because it's bitrate starved tube shit
>At least I have something positive
Had. Now you're just an festering tumor of negativity. You contribute nothing anymore, so just fuck off already.
Where is your contribution? Nowhere to be seen. Now fuck off retard

Ai Deranged Syndrom
You continue to do nothing but spew bile. Do you not understand that you are not welcome? That nobody cares about your opinion? That it doesn't matter what others do, but that you are being judged for what YOU provide, which is nothing but fecal posts?
Please just leave.
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>nobody cares about your opinion
Funny you write that just a few minutes after someone gave a mega link after I told them to.
Now go shit up some other thread faggot. YOU are the one that's not welcome here. Go to shitbang if you want garbage videos.
>judged for what YOU provide
You've contributed literally nothing else than shitposting, if anyone should be judged, it's you.
Good, now stop using shitty interpolation lmao. Interpolation is always shit, but you're using it in a really shitty way, see picrel.
>>8421247 (OP)
i thought kemono died long time ago?
it did, but it was able to come back as a soviet zombie
just curious since i wanna make my own, how do editors find their clips? the obvious answer is "just look lol" but is there a certain formula you guys use?
Does anyone have this month's mega Meliodas Secret Creamy Stash?
Find an artist you like, browse Kemono for their stuff or F95Zone, worst case resort to Sankaku.
This is not how most editors find their shit, they just browse booru sites or rule34video with hyper compression and use that since it takes much less time if you want a specific theme rather than some artists.
But if it's just a few artists, do the method above, your HMV will be much higher quality.
Even Sankaku would be better than just pulling shit from rule34video.
Make sure you export your HMV properly though, don't bitrate starve it. Aim for 40/80/120mbps for 1080p, 1440p and 4k respectively, unless you compress properly and not with an editor.
You can make do with 40/60/80 too, but higher is better.
> quality
> hmv
Who cares? I guess only creators so they could write "4k is available on my patreon for ultra vip members".
true, bad for a few frames with lots of sudden movement, but i only see them if i seek frame by frame and the enjoyment i gain from smoother ass jiggle motion far outweighs those almost invisible frames.
un-interpolated version is up in my fanbox for people who find it annoying, pay me bitch /s
Might be almost invisible for you, but people with half decent eyes can spot them. If you can't spot something that bad happening in sub 60 fps, your eyesight is shit.
Just make a normal version and then let people decide if they want to interpolate or not themselves instead of forcing it down on people.
Or simply make 2 versions. Storage is dirt cheap and you're a new creator with only 1 HMV, you can afford storing both versions.
Interpolation was a fucking mistake and it looks dogshit.
You want higher fps? Use a faster song and speed up the clips to match, boom, easy 60 fps without dogshit AI.
>bad for a few frames with lots of sudden movement
It's bad for almost everything, not just lots of sudden movement. Especially so when you're using a significantly outdated shit version.
It's not meant for shit like 30 fps or below 2D shit where there is a moderate distance between things, it's much better suited towards 3D animations or IRL videos.
If you absolutely are going to interpolate, use the most up to date version of FlowFrames: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/19695417/post/119045872
And set the sensitivity correctly. Even if not for us, at least do it for yourself, it's literally free quality upgrade over what you're currently using.
But seriously, just upload 2 versions, or even just the non-interpolated version and keep the interpolated one for yourself.
Just because you don't care doesn't mean nobody else does. Go back to shitbang and rule34video if you don't care about quality. Why are you even in these threads?
These threads have always had standards. Like I've said a million times, it's not about it being 4k lmao. 1080p is good enough, just don't use shit sources or bitrate starve it so it looks like dogshit.
You don't need high quality for patreon retards, just export 1080p shit as 4k and make money. Just look at Relocationfx lmao.
Are we so desperate that we are discussing about faggot hmvs?
no hmv should be over 100mb yall are retarded
>zip 100 drive for storage
Okay you're granted 100MB filesize for your HMVs, but unless it's properly encoded, it's exported at 40mbps and your HMV will be limited to 20 seconds duration. Add in audio and it'll be maybe 19.8 seconds or something.
And that's just 1080p, you can forget 1440p and 4k lmao
you don't know how to encode then... 1080p at 5mins long is only 120-130mb AT MOST 200. things really shouldn't be 2 mins long 3gb big
I do infact know how to encode, but vast majority don't, and neither do you clearly. 1080p at 5 minutes should not be a mere 200MB, that equates to 5.33mbps, which is not nearly enough for actual good quality video, especially not so with H264 which most people use.
At 130MB that would be only 3.46mbps bitrate.
If it's something that's like 24 fps and with VERY clean sources to begin with and with very little movement, 200MB might be enough, but for the vast majority of HMVs, it's just not.
Stop being a poorfag and just buy a decent fucking SSD or HDD.
Or compress it for yourself, it's not that hard. If you want dogshit quality, just ruin it on your end, don't make everyone else suffer just because you're a poorfag who can't afford anything good in life.
Nobody is forcing you to download every HMV either, you're not an archivist obviously, so even if all HMVs were 1-3GB each, just store the ones you like which is probably only about 100 or less HMVs. You can spare 100-300GB of storage, if you really don't want to compress it yourself.
Hell, since you don't give a shit about quality, you might aswell downscale to 480p, save yourself a lot more storage.
Either you get shit quality, or you get moderately sized HMVs. I know which one I prefer.
You want something else? Compress yourself or teach people to export in prores then compress properly using ffmpeg at CRF 15 with preset veryslow etc etc.
Better yet teach people how to normalize audio and integrate intro and outro.
Just use a decent player that can normalize audio itself lmao. Never had audio issues for as long as I can remember.
Audio is rarely an issue, hypercompression however is everywhere.
No player can normalize in two passes or adjust volume correctly for cuts from different sources.
I have no idea what the fuck you mean with passes. I'm having 0 audio issues when MPC-HC normalizes audio for me. Skill issue on your part I guess.
1. It is necessary to know peaks volume across the audio track first (1st pass) for proper normalization, otherwise the audio track will be normalized in segments on the fly, which results in noticeable changes in volume of music/effects (quieter percussion or singing in the beginning will become louder first, but then will become quieter when something loud like bass line appear later, for example).
2. When HMV has two cuts from Hentai1.mp4 and Hentai2.mp4 with different volume, the result cuts music/effect volume will still differ after end normalization and it is impossible to do anything with it, because it is just one audio track.
Sounds to me that the bigger issue is you're watching garbage HMVs that leave the original audio in rather than discarding it. Either way, good software can normalize it good enough. It's a non issue.
Write up an actual tutorial and show 2 samples with the difference it makes if you want it "fixed".
I watch Blender HMVs/SFMs and it is the opposite situation there: only garbage authors discard original audio.
You just proved right there that your taste is shit lmao.
Anyways, there's only a tiny handful of people capable of leaving audio in while making it sound good. Rondoudou is the only one that comes to mind in this regard. So it's better that they discard it to avoid making it sound dogshit
> You just proved right there that your taste is shit
Lol, it is funny yet expected to hear that from you (and here).

> So it's better that they discard it to avoid making it sound dogshit
But it is much better to have good effects than having just plain music at the same time,

> >authors
> Lmao
They put effort and time, vision, so yes.
>But it is much better to have good effects than having just plain music at the same time
Except like I said, hardly anyone is capable of this, so it's better to just discard original audio.
>They put effort and time, vision, so yes.
You mean editors? That's what everyone calls them, not authors lmao.
>it is funny yet expected to hear that from you
How so? You're literally watching SFM dogshit, you should feel ashamed for admitting this.
> You mean editors? That's what everyone calls them, not authors lmao.
I do call. HMVs is art.

> How so?
Because this is /h/ and more than that, hmv thread.
File: file.png (11 KB, 299x346)
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60 fps , 1080p at a 98.9MB total in mp4 format. I got a 2tb ssd and I don't want ONE video taking up 3-5GB of space just for the video to piss poor editing/dogshit music (but the example is a gay hmv... AND!?)
Nooo 5mbps is not enough
Google docs things still privated
Kuroinu HMV thing still not leaked. Fucking hell...
>open 30 news hmvs in the last week
>phonk slop/i'm a brand new bitch/real bad bunny
>close videos.
not enough for what? your jerking off to the video you don't need it to be "better" unless you wanna see ai enhanced hentai in 4k for what ever reason.
I like 9mm.
ok smegma
You're retarded lmao
Your point being? It may be 98.9MB, but it looks like shit lmao. Your HMV is an exception as the source material used is quite basic and has very little detail to begin with.
Either way look how shit it is compared to the source material: https://slow.pics/c/f6jMdJbl
And this is 98.9MB at 3 minutes, originally you said it should be 120-130MB at 5 minutes, which would starve it of even more bitrate.
Sure it doesn't need to be 3-5GB, but it needs to be compressed properly if you want a max of 200MB.
>in mp4 format
This proves just how retarded you are lmao. mp4 is just a container and doesn't dictate quality in any way. You can put H264, H265, VP9, AV1 and many more codecs inside mp4 container.
>just for the video to piss poor editing/dogshit music
Okay so you don't like the HMV, then don't download it? It's that simple lmao.
NOBODY is forcing you to download HMVs retard.
>I got a 2tb ssd
So you are infact a poorfag like I suspected, and want everyone else dragged down with you to the shithole you live in.
Go back to shitbang retard, see the link above, quality does matter. And this is a best case scenario, most other HMVs look like dogshit.
Here's a sample of a 720p HMV from shitbang, vs what it SHOULD look like: https://slow.pics/c/sNv3MPly
It is literally night and day difference. And my remake isn't even that much bigger as it's properly encoded.
It could be encoded to be same size as original and still be 100x better quality, but bitrate is very important, especially for the average retard who doesn't want to spend time or care to learn how to encode properly.
The remake is at a mere 3.6mbps yet it looks good.
Now fuck off advocating for hyper improper compression. You want to compress to low filesizes? Do it right. If not, export at high bitrates and don't give a shit about poorfags and their inexistant storage.
anon your jerking to anime tits why do you need to be the best quality? just download it and go for it
>2tb ssd is poor
you dont need a 10+ tb ssd for jerk off material...
Because I want to be able to see shit. Why are you here if you're fine with shitbang? Go back there faggot.
>you dont need a 10+ tb ssd for jerk off material
Speak for yourself, I have 5.38TB dedicated just to HMVs, but also 5.74TB to pixiv, 1.11TB to Sankaku, 7.54TB to E621, 5.25TB to hentai, and probably a few more terrabytes to random shit.
Maybe you don't because you're fine with dogshit quality videos, but I and many others are not. Don't force hyper compression onto everyone else faggot.
Compress it yourself if it really is a problem, it's not that hard and doesn't take much time either.
Also I never said you needed a 10TB SSD. SSDs above 4TB is a joke, use HDD instead. But only having a 2TB SSD is indeed something a poorfag would have.
And like I've said a million times but you're too much of a braindead cretin to get it through your thick skull, you do not need to download every single HMV, you're obviously not an archivist.
Just download the 10 HMVs or so that you like, boom, now your 2TB SSD is more than good enough. Even if you went with 100 HMVs it would be enough.
You want to store tens of thousands of HMVs on a 2TB SSD? Compress it yourself to dogshit quality. Otherwise fuck off telling everyone else to sacrifice quality for something that does not even affect you.
Unlike the rest of you losers, I have terabytes of absolute dogshit quality collected and updated over the last thirty years, and every bit is still enjoyable.
Lol, the boy who seethed, if this is important to you, why not contacting "editors" and commissioning high quality uploads? No, it is other people must spend extra resources for free just for one guy.
>just for one guy
Several people care about quality, only a few retards like yourself don't care about it, so go back to shitbang where you belong, retard.
Why would I comission editors? I shouldn't have to pay someone just to not bitrate starve the shit out of everything lmao.
>other people must spend extra resources
Literally just change the bitrate, each HMV editor has more than enough storage for this increased bitrate unless you're Hantres who shits out literally hundreds of garbage HMVs.
Vast majority of editors have less than 100 HMVs. If they were 1-3GB each, it would mean worst case 100-300GB size allocated, and that's unlikely it'll end up being that much. Either way, if they don't have the storage for that, they are poorfags like you.
>if this is important to you, why not contacting "editors"
If you don't care about it, why do you keep responding? That's right, because you're a shitposting faggot who just wants this thread to stay as a dead shithole.
I have contacted several editors btw, and some of them are in here too. Fix your eyes faggot.
>last thirty years
Yeah right newfag
>terabytes of absolute dogshit quality
>every bit is still enjoyable
Good for you, but you're coping if you think you wouldn't enjoy it more by being able to actually see what the fuck is on your screen.
You could have dedicated the exact same size but 10x higher quality.
Heck, what you poorfags don't get is that since you're fine with dogshit quality and don't have the storage to store a lot, is that you could have your HMVs be 1/10th the filesize while being equally dogshit quality, if it was encoded properly to begin with.
Forget 100MB HMVs, you could have 10MB HMVs that look identical to the shitty 100MB one.
I'm not the only one who would benefit from properly encoded HMVs, you poorfags would benefit from it too, just encode it yourself to shit quality, make the filesize significantly smaller. Embrace the fact that you're AlphaSmegma
It was not me starting complaining how rule34video is bad, wrong bitrate, wrong interpolation.

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