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1. Requests must satisfy /h/ and global rules.
2. To conserve posts, do not bump, re-request or second requests.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art, go to >>>/ic/.
4. Be patient. Deliveries take time to draw.
5. Edit requests (inks, colors, de-censors, etc.) belong in the edit thread.

1. Post deliveries for requested art only. Unprompted art belongs on /i/ and /ic/.
2. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying "working on this".
3. When asking for prompts, please post an example of your art so we know you aren't a troll.
4. No AI deliveries or discussion. Go to the appropriate threads.

1. Do not waste posts on meta discussion till after the bump limit. The drawthread is not a chat room or your personal blog.
2. Ignore, filter or report off-topic posts, drama and trolling.
3. Wait for page 10 at the bump limit before making a new thread.

Previous Thread: >>8387989
Edit Thread: >>8410806 →
NTR Drawt/h/read: >>8167794 →
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Requesting Kurumi Ebisuzawa reluctantly giving a handjob with her tits out
File: NaruHina married life.jpg (1.24 MB, 2630x965)
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Requesting Hinata Uzumaki in a naked apron trying to cook dinner while getting creampied by her husband.
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>>8422116 (OP)
Requesting Penthesilia from the Fate series as a sex slave to a goblin tribe.
File: Lina gets enslaved.jpg (1.71 MB, 3568x2892)
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Requesting a continuation of the picture in the top center that depicts Lina Inverse from Slayers as the orc's sex slave with her reclined in between his legs while wearing a slave girl outfit and having his cock resting against her face (much like the picture on the picture on the top left). You can make his penis smaller if you feel like its too big.
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Requesting a POV picture of Akira Hiiragi from Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid getting raped (and possibly deflowered) by the viewer while he strips her clothes off revealing her gorgeous breasts.
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Requesting Chihaya Mifune from Persona 5 casually sitting at her booth in Shibuya after she received an anal creampie under her hiked up skirt
Requesting Arusu Marina from Date a Live as a cheerleader pushed against a wall and getting fucked from behind all in a public area.
She doesn't have many references and not much porn so I hope this will allow her to get more porn.
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Requesting the 3 Moonlight/Lunalights, 1-Leo Dancer, 2-Phanter Dancer and 3-White Rabbit, from Yugioh Arcv, like in the referenced pic, with the same amount of cum or more. The numbers are for where I want them to be placed. Please mantain Leo Dancer's thighs.
File: Elise_imminent_pen.jpg (658 KB, 2125x2836)
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Requesting imminent_penetration with Elise Schwarzer from Trails of Cold Steel as she's lifted up while dressed down to her pantyhose.

Perhaps she's nopan with a nice cameltoe through her nylon tights, but a torn crotch like in the sample is fine too.
File: Sakura.jpg (1.29 MB, 2733x2007)
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Requesting Sakura from Fire Emblem: Fates in a rape situation where she's bound and gagged.

The situation could be that she was captured by Nohrians, or perhaps kidnapped by local bandits and held for ransom.
Please draw the Fortune Teller from "Ys III: Wanderers from Ys" giving a clothed tit-fuck.

Preferably on her back with her hair spread out like in the 3rd screenshot.
File: Gae.jpg (292 KB, 1772x1080)
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Requesting Gye Baeksun (unemployed Gye Baeksun) getting held up and creampied, clinging to the anon and repeatedly thanking him.
Requesting Paz from Peace Walker:
-She's fully nude
-From the guy point of view
-Fucked in missionary position and holding her legs to show her feet (the pose would be kinda like https://files.catbox.moe/xwhbxz.jpg )
-She's smiling to the viewer while doing the peace sign
File: Onmyouji Youen Emaki.png (2.2 MB, 2304x1728)
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Requesting an alternate ending of this scene from Onmyouji Youen Emaki Episode 2 where the girls reached orgasm from scissoring instead of tentacle rape (https://files.catbox.moe/lnyrz2.mp4).
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Requesting Guild Sweetheart from Monster Hunter Tri/3U in the witch outfit but with larger breasts giving a light skinned hunter paizuri, also if you could to have her with the string bra like the witch in the reference has
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Requesting fem Morgan having wholesome with a faceless guy or Robin with them hugging and kissing.
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Requesting an 'omemeo' scene with Misora and Akira from Booty Royale.
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Requesting Talim emerging from a body of water with her dark skin all wet and glistening, maybe as she pushes her hair out of her face.
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Requesting Akane Tsunemori getting fucked by one or multiple muscular criminals who bound her with her own handcuffs (after failing to use her dominator on them)
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Requesting Carrie Fernandez getting fucked similar to the bottom reference please.
File: Bernie.jpg (1.01 MB, 4612x1180)
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Requesting Bernadetta from Fire Emblem: Three Houses getting fucked on a table.
File: We Call To Each Other.jpg (1.54 MB, 1655x1138)
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I'd love to see the panel on the right redone with Haman Karn and Judau Ashta from Mobile Suit Gundam.
requesting thicc as fuck Assuka kissing big ass fuck Ranma's cheeks and giving him a reach around of all reach arounds
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Requesting this black Miku sucking a caucasian guy's cock while he uses her twin tails as handlebars.
File: Queen of rape.png (3.09 MB, 2404x2752)
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Requesting the Queen of Hatred from Lobotomy Corporation gleefully raping the male employee at the top left with her ass in the cowgirl position as part of an Instinct work.
Requesting March 7th (HSR) having a cock resting on her tits
In reference is the general idea - Preferably without the drool/cum on her mouth and with her choker on (the straps connected to it can be ignored)
File: Kiara black bodysuit.jpg (1.11 MB, 4216x1832)
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Requesting Takanashi Kiara from Hololive getting gangbanged while wearing the black bodysuit from her Fever Night music video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF4rteXN57w). [Embed]
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Requesting a messy bukkake pic of Mela from Pokémon with runny makeup and she's scowling through it all
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Requesting Pitou in the dangerous beast outfit getting fucked in the piledriver position by a human.
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Requesting Naga the Serpent from Slayers getting fucked while her tits get fondled. Have her guiding the hands with a seductive face.
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Requesting any vanilla with Natsu Yutori from Blue Archive while wearing lewd bridal lingerie
Some outfit examples:
Or something sweet Valentine's Day themed
File: Ref.jpg (3.56 MB, 4674x2544)
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Requesting Nero's Sister from Drakengard 3 - Shi ni Itaru Aka getting fucked like the reference on the side, replacing her desire for destruction for a desire to get a good dicking. If you don't want to draw her tattoo, that's fine with me.
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/r/ Team Rocket Sabrina getting fucked in the anal full nelson position.
File: AsgardGirls.jpg (680 KB, 1280x1280)
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Requesting Baldr and Hödr from Fire Emblem Heroes giving a double paizuri to some guy, similar to the reference: https://files.catbox.moe/xw2b4v.png. For this request, I'm asking for two versions:

1. The first and normal version, with both looking and smiling at the viewer on their own ways. Baldr would have a confident look on her face, while Hödr would have a more shy and nervous one.

2. The second version would have the dude cumming from the paizuri, this time Baldr's face would change to be more akin to this: https://files.catbox.moe/7cfr1i.jpg , and Hödr would have a surprised expression, while also being a blushing mess of course.

Here's some higher quality references for them both if needed:
File: Asuka in Brazil.jpg (544 KB, 2262x1080)
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Requesting a picture of Asuka from NGE wearing the outfit she's wearing in the picture on the left (including her tan) while getting fucked by the guy behind her.
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Requesting Dawn in this outfit fucking a male trainer in an alleyway after beating him in a battle since he only had his body to pay with.
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Requesting Shiki in this bunnysuit riding a guy's cock reverse cowgirl style.
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Can I get a CFNM pic of Asuka wearing the 2014 World Cup German soccer uniform and grinding her small, firm ass on a dick.
Well apparently someone is working on this
However right now I don't know if they'll actually finish it so this is still open for now
File: YH Orc Slave.jpg (1.45 MB, 6200x3000)
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Requesting Yellow Heart from Hyperdimension Neptunia being used as a sex slave by an orc.
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Requesting Mila from Fire Emblem giving a handjob or a footjob (or both simultaneously) like Nezuko in the reference. You can also wrap her tail around a man's torso. Don't forget to draw her nails and toenails long and sharp.
If it's not too much trouble, make the background a flower field.
Sorry for the very late reply, but I definitely don't mind a footjob instead of a handjob, especially if her sharp toenails touch the penis head (something like this https://files.catbox.moe/utxttx.png or https://files.catbox.moe/pw76mo.png).
Requesting a picture of Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 getting fucked by one of the Okinawans from Persona 5 Strikers (not necessarily the man in the reference) in a 'bad end' scenario.
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Requesting Ryu Hayabusa received multiple fellatios from Kasumi, Ayane, Momiji and Rachel
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Requesting Mia Karnstein squirting with her head thrown back and her tongue out.
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>>8422116 (OP)
Anchoring my long LONG awaited OliviaxUgly Bastard request WIP. Hoping the drawfriend's doing okay as I admit that a part of me is afraid my WIP might be in limbo. Still, thanks for working on it and waiting the final glorious delivery.

I wanna see the ugly bastard breeding and impregnating his trophy wife Olivia soon.
File: City Connection.png (2 MB, 1568x1988)
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Requesting Clarice from City Connection having sex with the male protagonist of the american NES port of the game.
Since her goal in the game is to find a boyfriend, this should be portrayed as a good ending (no rape)
File: Cosmos Holding Request.jpg (78 KB, 1024x506)
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Requesting Cosmos from Fairy Tail like in the reference on the right, but she has her hands tied with a ribbon, still happy, and when she gets cummed inside (if you want to make a x-ray alternate, go for it) instead of defloration.
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Requesting Yuuko Sagiri getting gangbanged in her taimanin outfit
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Requesting Kimberly from Street Fighter 6 getting fucked while bananas are on her body and in her mouth after losing a match.
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Requesting Jasminka Antonenko from Little Witch Academia eating donuts while having her ass eaten.
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Requesting Samus Aran from the Metroid series wearing the outfit on the left while having sex with a gross, older, misogynistic man in a wife-beater.
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Requesting Gina Benvesta from Kuutei Senki facesitting some lucky guy.
Requesting Dolce from Rune Factory 4, bent over like the ref either naked or in lingerie, giving a gloved handjob.
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Requesting Rin masturbating with drool seeping through her mask
The OP is AI so I wonder why one of the rules is no AI
Do you just have a problem with what you were delivered? Only you are whining that it's AI, when nothing elsensays that it is
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Requesting Fiore Yggdmillenia from Fate/Apocrypha stuck in the position on the right as a result of her mechanical limbs malfunctioning and helpless while a guy fucks her hard from behind.
Doesn't seem like AI to me, what makes you think that?
File: Shiho, but wholesome.jpg (1.02 MB, 3312x1828)
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Requesting a picture of Shiho Suzui having wholesome and consensual sex with a guy. No Kamoshida, no rape; just happy vanilla sex.
File: GhwajmyWYAAjTQQ.jpg (221 KB, 2048x1488)
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I request that someone draws this vtuber like in this pic:
Requesting Bremerton from Azur Lane in her “pillowed counseling” leopard-print dress but without the sunglasses. Have the dress tops pulled to the sides so her nipples are showing (left side pics). Have her also wearing fishnet leggings, high-heels, and cutoff jean shorts (middle pics).

Have her leaning against a wall in a back alley, smoking a cigarette with her shorts fly unzipped, cum dripping down her breasts and thighs with a guy or two opposite her, dicks out (right side pics).
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Requesting Kuroiwa Medaka (boy) and Kawai Mona (girl) from Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsuujinai.

Kuroiwa stands there while Kawai kneels in front of him naked and turned into a catgirl.
She frustratedly gnaws on his cock for attention and he grits his teeth and tries to ignore her.
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Requesting Headhunter Rabbit from Overlord as a female (originally a trap) with huge breasts, completely nude (the maid headdress with bow stays) getting fucked like in the bottom pic. calloused hands (see top right pic) is optional.
Requesting Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats getting fucked while strapped down in a gynecologist chair. This would look like the picture on the top left, but it would be real art instead of AI and it would feature actual sex. I would also prefer for her eyes to be open.
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Requesting the image on the right with Arch Mage from Goblin Slayer.
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>>8422116 (OP)
Requesting a MFM non-penetrating "foreplay threesome" between this upper class rich lady and these two background characters from some boyband idol anime I sorta forgot the name of but had their images saved in a folder.

The lighter colored haired boy and Lady would be kissing passionately with his pants down and dick erect as it's being stroked by the Lady. While the darker haired boy his sucking or licking the on Lady's right boob/nipple, he's also pants down and dick erect which is also being jerked off by the Lady.

The Lady herself probably still has her hat on and is still in her dress with only her right breast exposed due to being sucked by the dark hair boy. She'd be looking mischeviously at the camera with one eye as she's kissing the lighter colored hair boy and maybe she does not have her gloves on so the handjobs she's giving would feel comfortable. Plus have the boy's faces visible, maybe they're teary eyed while looking up to the woman they're loving.
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Requesting Driselle from Tales of Xilia jerking a cock off into her teacup and then drinking it
Requesting a happy gangbang with any version of Rozalin
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requesting kaguya shinomiya and her friends wearing their swimsuits on a gangbang/orgy
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Requesting a paizuri and buttjob combo on one dick by Chun-Li (buttjob) and Mai Shiranui (paizuri)
File: Hu Tao's Funeral Services.png (3.38 MB, 1805x2296)
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Requesting Hu Tao from Genshin riding a man inside a coffin. If possible make it look like she's enjoying it while the man is writhing in pain or pleasure due to how tight she is.
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Requesting Yamuraiha from Magi titfucking a monster-sized huge cock
Not my request I'm just stating facts. It's obvious and many people ignored it for a reason
>I'm just stating facts
Only if you can prove it, otherwise it's just your delusion.
File: catcat.gif (1.79 MB, 964x1346)
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Requesting Maomao from Apothecary Diaries delighted to be surrounded by all sorts of rough looking dicks, and if possible have her showered by their huge load of cum and jizz

She's obsessed with poison, so in this case she's assuming semen = new type of poison, and she's very interested in tasting it
File: B00bjob duel.jpg (1.58 MB, 2269x3592)
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Requesting Erza and Ikaruga double titfucking Sho, or just a tanned cock in general. Reference to their fight on episode 38 of Fairy Tail.
File: Bunnyca-stuffed.png (3.6 MB, 2709x2036)
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Requesting Bunnysuit Celica getting stuffed by a well-endowed client.
File: Kiruko titfuck.jpg (1.41 MB, 3806x1950)
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Requesting Kiruko from Heavenly Delusion getting titfucked while bound and perhaps even blindfolded.
Alternatively; getting prone boned while she's like in the picture on the left.
>Thread in such a dire state that a genuinely good delivery is dismissed as AI
I do local AI generation and have no idea what the fuck that guy is complaining about

Then again, maybe it's just that one autist that complains about every delivery he gets.
File: Beach Colette.jpg (1.5 MB, 3561x1956)
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Requesting the sweet girl Colette Brunel from Tales of Symphonia getting approached and flirted with by a muscular dark-skinned male or two at the beach while she's too nice and dense to realize she's being hit on.

How you choose to depict the scenario is up to you, but I like to think of a "before and after" of her being approached and maybe touched a little before she's bent over against a rock or the wall of a beach house and getting fucked in the second panel, or perhaps she's on her knees giving oral or a handjob looking flustered and like she's lost control of the situation.
Requesting a sex battle (or just a titfuck standoff) with Eve and Aphrodite from "Record of Ragnarok" involving multiple anons
File: Frolaytia_Capistrano.jpg (1.26 MB, 2999x1615)
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Requesting Frolaytia Capistrano getting fucked prone bone
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Requesting an aged-up Jacqli from Ar Tonelico riding an anon.

Why are you reposting this when it got nuked in the previous thread?
File: haqua.jpg (155 KB, 1051x860)
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Requesting Haqua from Kaminomi: DP or Spit Roast
>someone requesting Jacqli
wow that's aweso-
>aged up
Your call if you want to draw her as-is.
Requesting Twilight Princess's version of Princess Zelda in a public use scenario. Please have the public use booth/station run by Malo Mart.
Requesting El from Girls und Panzer showing off how much cum is on/between her breasts after paizuri
>Why are you reposting this
because when a lie is repeated often enough, each time fewer people recognize it as such
So are we going to see any requests get delivered or what? What happened to the artists?
File: dref.png (2.76 MB, 2000x1482)
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Requesting an instant-loss 2koma of Taiga Fujimura from Fate/Stay Night drunkenly flashing and showing that she's not wearing underwear followed by reverse suspended congress sex.
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Requesting Mia and Jenna from Golden Sun both licking up the sides of the viewer's cock
Requesting an emotionless female Galactic Grunt from Pokémon DPPt on her side as someone has their way with her

need more rocket sabrina art in general
>need more rocket sabrina art in general
No we don't, especially in these threads. Rocket Sabrina is not only the most frequently repeated requests here but also the one that always gets deliveries, let the other characters get some deliveries for once especially the lesser popular ones.
File: Momotaro's Setsubun.jpg (1.38 MB, 2256x1105)
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Requesting Himika from Monster Girl Dreams getting overpowered and creampied during Setsubun by a buffed Momotaro while he's shouting: "鬼は外! 福は内!" ("Oni out! Fortune in!").
Requesting Keine-sensei from 2hu doing her best to calm down a very angry parent by letting him fuck the sh*t out of her pussy.

Tags: school teacher, clothed female, nude male, angry sex
File: Katsuragi.jpg (1.18 MB, 5000x2900)
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Requesting Katsuragi from Senran Kagura getting fucked with her hands restrained above her head. Also, she is a total pervert, so she should have a horny expression on her face.
Requesting a picture of Risa from To Love Ru having sex with the principal, the only man who can match her perversion.
Requesting Virginia(girl in the middle) ridding Alain(guy to the right) cowgirl in a similar position to the left hand on Alain’s face etc also have the image pan up showing Virginia’s face in pleasure if possible also have it flash to Ilenia’s face(girl on the left) after this. have it be from Alain’s POV the characters are from unicorn overlord
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Requesting the indie vtuber Miss Lacuna trying and failing to stuff her overflowing tits into her top, complaining about how they've grown again.
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Requesting Eiko Hozuki from Dark Gathering, fucked full nelson by a large man. This, while showing her creepy smile.
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Requesting Alya and her sister gangbang-ed at the beach
Requesting Marie Rose from Dead or Alive receiving a full-nelson from a trucker that she hitched a ride from while wearing the black leather dress in the reference (but keep her proportions more petite than loli).
File: eve lily sexo.jpg (1.49 MB, 2564x2104)
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Requesting Eve and Lily from Stellar Blade making out while Eve is getting fucked by the viewer.
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Requesting Haru Glory and Julia Dragoon from Rave Master on a blowjob or sex scene, and Julia's the one being assertive and dominating
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Requesting Astolfo fucking your favorite waifu! (straight sex)
You got this last thread you ungrateful faggot
Make better requests
>better requests
(*ask for popular characters)
Original poster here, that's not me. Someone just reposted my request, but you don't have to believe me though.
requesting kaori miyazono from your lie in april fucking the doctors and nurses that takes care of her
Requesting a picture of (post-timeskip) Annette and Lysithea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses being forced to share a dildo in an 'ass-to-ass' manner to entertain a crowd of Adrestian soldiers.
Requesting Oriana Thompson getting suddenly fucked from behind while she's bent over picking something up
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Requesting Toki from blue archive in her snowsuit having sex either outdoors at night under the northern lights or inside an igloo/cabin
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Makina getting creampied and cumming from the sheer pleasure
>>8422116 (OP)
Requesting this scarred alien woman from Dandadan captured and gangbanged by a group of dudes.
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Requesting Fuuka and Natsuki giving the P3 MC double paizuri.
File: Triple Puyo Threat.png (1.32 MB, 1419x1869)
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Requesting a recreation of a particular scene from a porn vid I like with the Puyo protagonist trio of Arle Nadja, Amitie and Ringo Andou. And keep the faceless males' skins the same as the source.

Make the girls more buxom, too.
Proportion ref pic

>Tags: Group sex, oral sex, interracial, dark-skinned male (BLACKED, to be exact), huge cock, 3 girls, 3 guys.

>Source of the video screenshot:
I believe you, I've been actively sabotaged before
File: Misato did (not) consent.jpg (1.2 MB, 3072x2880)
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Requesting Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion getting gang-raped by a group of dirty old men after getting drunk at a bar.
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Requesting Trip from Pokemon having rough anal sex with Georgia while she's propped up against a glass window.
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1. Requesting Bulma breastfeeding and stroking Jaco's cock
2. Requesting Pan and Bra giving Jaco a double blowjob
3. Requesting Fayra shocked by Goten huge cock laying on her pussy
Tags: Big breasts, big ass, thicc thighs, wide hips, big cock, cock worship, cum, aheago, wet pussy
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Requesting an instant loss pic of Noel from Tsukihime doing her pasta breaking taunt from Melty Blood with a smug expression and then getting gangbanged by a bunch of Italians while begging for mercy
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Requesting Marcia from Custom Robo giving the viewer paizuri
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1.42 MB PNG
Anchoring for my Motoko request.
File: BiscaxDoublePenetration.jpg (1.48 MB, 4344x2233)
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Requesting: Bisca Connell (Fairy Tail) double penetrated with a "seductive" and "sexy" impression like on the right image.
working on it
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Requesting a goblin forcing this woman to give them a thighjob.
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Requesting Rikka in this outfit getting fucked on her side and the guy holding on to her lifted leg like in the reference.
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Requesting Ash from Pokemon in light bondage (just some rope and a cloth gag) and Hilda riding him reverse-cowgirl style.
Requesting Sucy from Little Witch Academia getting fucked while wearing the outfit on the left.
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requesting a pic of tatsumaki and fubuki impregnated like this
(warning : furry)

theres the size difference for both and that bashful expression is just SO typically tatsumaki
also, requesting that theres a little side-panel with saitama smiling, implying it was him that impregnated both
File: Chie.png (912 KB, 1658x1072)
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Requesting Chie Satonaka from Persona getting fucked in missionary position, not being too confident about herself, but as soon as she gets some compliments and sweet nothings whispered to her, she leg-locks her partner for a forced creampie
Just the most lovey-dovey sex with Chie ever, preferably with her chest being a bit bigge
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840 KB GIF
Requesting Baiken getting her tits fucked while she's passed out drunk
File: KurumiEbisuzawa.png (1.01 MB, 684x1065)
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1.01 MB PNG
this manga is so good
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Requesting the pic on the right with Link and Ruto.
Requesting this version of oriental Twilight Princess Zelda having sex cowgirl style (top right) with her kimono pulled down so her breasts are visible and smoking her pipe (bottom right).
Requesting Minerva Victor from Valkyria Chronicles 4 getting fucked by an imperial soldier after having been captured.
File: sad_2025_01_29.gif (1.07 MB, 560x560)
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1.07 MB GIF
I got bored, so I decided to try my hands at this. the drawings a bit rough, but its animated. have a great day.
File: miki naoki.jpg (60 KB, 206x373)
60 KB
Not OR but very nice.

I really like this manga too, do you mind if I suggest you something with Miki Naoki?

Would love to see her fully nude (or at least her breasts exposed) and giving a footjob with an embarrassed expression like https://files.catbox.moe/w7gi8b.jpg or https://files.catbox.moe/iqzofl.jpg please
File: loid yor volleyball.jpg (415 KB, 1387x674)
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Requesting Loid Forger fucking Yor Briar in her volleyball outfit
Thanks for taking my request, that looks amazing! It's a shame the series is pretty much fully wrapped up with no chance of any extra content coming out anymore outside of the yearly birthday art that the artist releases
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Requesting brainwashed Rin and Luvia from Prisma Illya robotically servicing the viewer, with Luvia titfucking the cock while Rin sucks it
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Requesting Rocket Hex fucking a male trainer with her on top pinning him down smothering his face with her breasts.
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Requesting this Aussie girl getting lifted off the ground and fucked with her tits bouncing vigorously
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Requesting Ayane double anal rape
Sorry.. not interested in feet requests
Glad you liked it!
>artist releases yearly birthday art
very based
Requesting falis from murder princess in her original body, falis herself have sex in cowgirl position and doing a handjob with her gloves on as she herself enjoying it with half nude clothes on
File: hisuigijinkaref.jpg (1.54 MB, 4002x4995)
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Requesting female POV art of humanized hisuian typhlosion having missionary sex with a woman, either consensually or non consensually
the woman can have whatever skin tone you want
tags: pokemon, gijinka, female POV, hetero, rape, dubcon, consensual, yumejoshi, missionary position
File: Yukiko's red bikini.jpg (2.91 MB, 3999x3048)
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Requesting Yukiko Amagi from Persona 4 getting fucked while wearing this red bikini. Ideally, this would take place inside of a hot spring.
Oh well, if you're not into feet, feel free to do anything you like with her, she doesn't have a lot of pictures, you can do a handjob too, I could suggest a naizuri, but it's up to you. Thanks for your answer btw.
File: jessie bikini fuck.jpg (2.4 MB, 1400x2825)
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Requesting Jessie (wearing the same white bikini) getting ass fucked. It would be cool if you can have her nipples break the fabric but do whatever works.
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Requesting Maika Kamimura instant loss face-fucking
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WIP for >>8405776
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Requesting Miu Miu from Jojo, naked with ass against the bars
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Requesting Kaori from Variable Geo getting her legs bent behind her head and getting cummed in hard.
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Not OR but very nice
>Not too bad
why are you kissing his ass this is terrible >>8429638
You have the right to re-request, you simpleton.
Why even try?!
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Requesting Milly Ashford from Code Geass giving a pov titfuck (with cum) in this outfit please
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>>8422116 (OP)
Requesting this "Filipina"/non-white Natsumi Suga (from Weathering with You) being fucked by a young white guy as his "17th or 18th birthday gift." Up to you how you draw the young white guy with or without a face, whether or not he has a face make the guy have that wide opened mouth expression. Just make them fuck in missionary in bed or a heart-shaped mattress, have Natsumi's hands/arms bound or restrained with either bondage cuffs or a gift ribbon restraining her arms over her head since she's a "gift" to the young man.

Bonus if you include a few wrapped birthday presents and birthday cake slices on a table in the background.
Requesting a Tori Himemiya from Ensemble Stars having sex with a lucky fan girl, maybe as 2koma if you do so please. Starts off as bottom left of pic related showing a female fan holding up a "1 whole week All Expenses Paid vacation trip with Tori Himemeya of the fine Idol Group" documentation or folder. And having a photo op with Tori. And then second koma is just like bottom right of pic related, except instead of Doggy Style, its Tori fucking the female fan in Missionary inside the hotel room they're staying in for their trip. With him looking down on her with a cheeky little smile and panting breath.

Tori is the pink haired boy if you can't tell. And girl being fucked can just be an eyeless young adult woman.
This is Elise. I request clothed sex. That is all.
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1.56 MB JPG
working on this. heres a WIP
File: TT Body Jewelry Request.jpg (3.52 MB, 5768x3856)
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Requesting Tessou Tsuzuri from Toaru kagaku no railgun (she have loose fluffy messy hair, green painted nails, inverted nipples and dark green excessive pubic hair) with body jewelry just like in the picture related together with a light brown skin color male and his cock being uncut.
File: Elastic star.png (3.12 MB, 2450x2529)
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Requesting one of these gals from DJMAX giving paizuri through her boob window.
If you don't like their design, feel free to draw any character of your choosing, wearing these same clothes ofc
>where are the artists? where is my free art?
>also you suck
This place
OR here. Awesome work, drawfren! Her titfuck is really nice, and she looks very naughty. Thank you so much!
File: Goldmary impregnated.jpg (425 KB, 2996x1204)
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Requesting Goldmary from Fire Emblem: Engage getting impregnated by an ugly bastard.
>>8422116 (OP)
how would i find an artist to draw a doujin based on a text story I have? do i just look on twitter or something? or is there a website of artists looking for long term work somewhere?
I could use a delivery too since last year but unfortunately nothing.
Join the club.
which one?
This is not the right place to ask, but I know some guys. Give me a throw-away email account I can reach out to.
I am already in the club
>tfw scared on falling for a possible bait
...it's between the first 10 posts on this thread
>I am already in the club
I mean you aren't the only one waiting.
how is a draw thread not the right place to ask? are you one of those leeching bitches that think that artists shouldnt be paid for their work?
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hotfix for her left arm
File: Lucia - held up anal.jpg (612 KB, 2085x2074)
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Requesting Lucia (The Elf from the DnD Beat em' Up) getting her tight butthole stretched & filled by huge beastman dick (orc, gnoll, troglodyte etc. https://www.arcadequartermaster.com/capcom/ddsom_enemies.html ) while in a held-up position like these.

Cute pussy preferably in full view while anus visibly stretched to accomodate the dick. Thighs plump and shiny, her skirt raised and her top frayed with her breasts bursting out. Boots off or in view preferred but not necessary.
File: Yunaka in a bind.jpg (1.02 MB, 3011x2612)
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Requesting Yunaka from Fire Emblem: Engage finding herself in "quite the bind" as she's caught by guards or soldiers and they now demand that she satisfy all of them, with her somewhat nervously playing along in her goofy persona so she can get herself out of the sticky situation. I was picturing it as her giving a titfuck to someone while at least two other guys or more are waiting their turn on the side jerking themselves off, maybe already adorning her hair with some premature cumshots.
File: Shinobu_Handjob_request.jpg (1.37 MB, 2488x3384)
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Requesting Shinobu Kochou giving a standing handjob to a handsome guy like this while she has her signature teasing smile.
I think it would also be hot if she was half clothed (but still sexy & exposed) while the guy was completely naked for a bit of a gentle femdom vibe.
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Requesting Nobara from JJK having sex like the girl on the right while wearing this blue dress.
Requesting Kyouko Takizawa from Bijin Onna Joushi Takizawa-san giving someone a paizuri fellatio under the table in POV
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Requesting Kieran and Carmine from the Pokémon Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC having intense and loving babymaking sex
socials plz
Man, thats a nice surprise to see, really nice expression she has. thank you so much anon.
File: paizurirupprecht.jpg (2.28 MB, 4440x2716)
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Requesting Azur Lane's prinz Rupprecht giving a paizuri with her big breasts as she is wearing her bikini.
File: Hinata Uzumaki.jpg (1.03 MB, 1250x1500)
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1.03 MB JPG
I'm off to bed, I'll finish it up when I get the time.
OR here and I'm pleasantly amazed. Take your time, in the meantime I'll try to find where I dropped my jaw.
Requesting Veronica (FE:H) getting fucked like this: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5658690
File: Motoko Elf 3 [Bite Size].png (902 KB, 1000x1385)
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This is the first page I have finished. If there's any changes or alt versions you would like, let me know.

I'm planning on doing an alternate version with cum. I'll share the alt's as well when they're done.
Because low quality posts are considered a reportable offense
Requesting these three in a happy threesome.
Silence ingrate
Do you have any socials or take commissions?
OR here. I'm sorry if you were expecting some criticism because I have none to give you. I love this and I can't wait to see more. Given the scope of the project, I wasn't even expecting colors in the first place. Thank you.
File: IMG_7861.jpg (2.3 MB, 2480x1748)
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Requesting SwordSoul of mo ye and the Iris SwordSoul, both are summoned just like the yuki-onna image and both are summoned side by side next to each other, later their attack points goes down to 100 by a spell card (mo ye 1700 and iris 2500) making them to weak fight back and they get rape immediately just like the right image.
Any dick size is fine and pls make it where they both hate it and angry that they are being raped.
make two versions for mo ye with and without the mouth mask and do the same as iris hat to (optional)
File: IMG_7862.png (2.59 MB, 2085x1476)
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Requesting Hudiemon From Digimon Cyber Sleuth getting fuck and gangbanged by a huge group of Human ( or digimon ) and is force giving a double handjob while groping her breasts
Pls add two ver with helmet on and no helmet showing her face
File: Hinata Uzumaki 75.png (2.73 MB, 1875x2250)
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2.73 MB PNG
Done. Sorry for the rush job, I'm busy with work.
No plans for commissions yet, I'll pop up in and out and do some request when I have the time.
Thank you very much, I love it.
File: She lost her way.jpg (1.4 MB, 3948x2508)
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Requesting a stepfordized Ryuko Matoi having sex with her husband.
Hot as fuck, gj
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Requesting Momiji from Ninja Gaiden as a captive of the spider clan & getting raped in their dungeon, trying to keep a fiercely resistant expression while struggling to hold back the tears.
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Requesting Mio in her swimsuit getting fucked at the beach in a carried position
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requesting Atago from Sousei no Onmyouji opening her ass and pussy like the bottom right reference
Requesting some Game Over rape with Sasha from Moon Rhapsody.
Requesting a male-POV image of Sana from Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro getting fucked while wearing her bike suit.
I'm not even a requester. I'm just a lurker that rarely says anything. Like, fuuuuck me. Can't you at least acknowledge a turd when ya see it?
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Requesting Maki Genryuusai from Final Fight being gangbanged while trying unsuccessfuly to fight off the guys doing it
socials PLZ
File: march 7.png (354 KB, 685x821)
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Not OR but pretty amazing work
File: drawt-h-read001.jpg (113 KB, 764x378)
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working on a furry comic so did a little doodle
OR here. Great work, man! I love the pulled aside panties and x-ray view of his tongue thrashing in her ass. Thank you very much!
File: dawg.jpg (568 KB, 1753x2410)
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Requesting Sina from pokemon getting fucked doggystyle, pov, finger in mouth, like the pose ref at the bottom here.
Impressive work dude! Do you have a blog?
File: Wild Wet Request.jpg (1.9 MB, 2576x2616)
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Requesting Farah, the protagonist of Masamune Shirow's art book Pieces 3: Wild Wet Quest getting gangraped by the African soldiers that attack her in the abandoned UN facility.
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requesting a human muffy squirting cum while telling you to take responsibility + an x-ray of her ovum
Requesting Chain Sumeragi from blood blockade battlefront, from the male POV, she's nude in cowgirl position, they're holding hands, and she glare a the guy with a pissed expression, the global idea would be something like this https://files.catbox.moe/30f97k.jpg (but without the breasts grab)

and even if it's from the guy POV, I would like we can recognize the guy is Zapp Renfro ( https://files.catbox.moe/fcosab.jpg )
File: march 7th.png (2.62 MB, 1875x2250)
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2.62 MB PNG
I only post these here, maybe later I'll make one.
File: march 7th 2.png (2.61 MB, 1875x2250)
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2.61 MB PNG
Fixed some minor stuff.
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Requesting Fran from Tensei shitara ken deshita with enormous breasts.
Cum is overflowing from her mouth and all over her face. She's crying in this.

Amazing stuff, way better than what I would've expected. Thanks for taking on my request

BTW are you the one who asked in the previous thread about details?
My turn now, right?
[spoiler]Excellent work.[/spoiler]
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Requesting Alexa getting her sling bikini tugged on by a cock
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Requesting an angry Litchi from Blazblue being pinned to the ground and having her tits fucked
OR here. Actual night ruiner.
Probably not even OR. At least I hope not because >>8440063 is pretty damn good.
Always good to see Elise getting fucked, great job anon.
File: Illustration.png (2.6 MB, 2064x1000)
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Requesting Sento Isuzu from Amagi Brilliant park having her legs spread and her mind go blank with pleasure as she takes an absolutely massive cock that’s much bigger than she’s able to handle. Preferably with Sento being nude with huge tits.
Can I say something funny that I learned about japanese artists?
Apparently making the guy obscure doesn't mean it's blacked, it's because they want the viewer to focus on the girl rather than the man, hence why they are more obscure like the background and the details are on the girls. Not sure how real is this but is funny that some japanese think this
Anyway good work, anon.
Requesting a picture of Lotte from Little Witch Academia wearing the bikini and boots she's wearing in the reference while being fucked in one of the two poses on the right.
Fuck off schizo
It's actually the truth. I don't know why they do believe that, the male is always there. But well, jpeople don't think like us generally speaking.
Fetishes usually don't need a logic explanation. It just turn you on, period.
People like to rationalize their behaviour because they don't like the idea that they're not in control of their choices.
>It's actually the truth. I don't know why they do believe that, the male is always there. But well, jpeople don't think like us generally speaking
Once again:
>Why do you people always come up with these lame excuses for your blacked fetish?
File: pitonisa.jpg (759 KB, 2150x1512)
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Tried my best
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requesting scheherazade from fate looking back while most of her face is hidden behind by her massive tits
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Requesting a thick bottomless Kiriko (Overwatch) casually standing in a public train as a huge creampie oozes all the way down from her asshole to the floor
Requesting Nino and Elaina from Wandering Witch Journey of Elaina sucking off the village chief from episode 3. If you don't like drawing men, you could do a PoV shot and just keep the male anonymous.
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Tried my best with one of the poses, attempted to do some lighting but my coloring sucks so i kept it simple.
File: Nene_Amano_4th_outfit.png (3.2 MB, 2892x4096)
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would anyone draw Nene paizuri and cowgirl sex thanks
File: Yumemi request.png (2.98 MB, 3072x2596)
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Requesting Yumemi Okazaki having sex with a leg raised up
I would kill to see you do Myrrh
This is great, thanks!
File: marin chocolate dick.jpg (625 KB, 760x1053)
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Requesting Marin Kitagawa pouring chocolate on Wakana Gojo's dick then licking it as her valentine's treat
OR here. Thank you for your delivery. I'll admit it's not the best art in the world, but it shows that you have a respectable degree of competence when it comes to anatomy and a desire to produce a good final product. Correct me if I'm reading too much into this, but I feel like you tried to capture the overall mood/'vibe' of the reference picture that drew me to it in the first place, which is why added a background and tried your hand at shading. It's not perfect, but it's still pretty good and shows that you have a desire to do more than just make slop. Thank you. Please keep working, because you clearly have the potential to get really good at this.
File: may the breeder.jpg (1.88 MB, 2671x2161)
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requesting a may with a gapping pussy after laying a bunch of eggs
To go along with Clarice, I always imagined the guy's name being somethin' like Clancy
Thank you so much for your thoughts! Glad you found some enjoyment from the request, as I only started to find problems with it once posted.

The background was added because the drawing was hollow without it. Since its a request I felt a need to put more effort into my work despite current skill.

Its usually not like this, most of my work is very mediocre and the stuff I make for myself never leaves sketch. But porn and requests need more effort, so I try my best. (it also depends on mood I was beyond bored at the time I made it)

Once again thanks for your thoughts, will continue drawing.
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86 KB
I Don't Know If This Counts But Requesting Topless Rin Toshaka (Wearing The Same Bikini Bottom) Kissing Archer (Wearing Swimwear) Like In Third Picture Colored Please
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requesting cathyl from monster musume with massive thighs and tits, touching her anus and clit like the ref
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1.5 MB PNG
Here I didn't post WIP, just accept it.
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Requesting spearwoman from Goblin Slayer being raped by these jacked goblins from the same series.
File: Mitsuru Lewd Race Queen.jpg (1.1 MB, 3608x1784)
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Requesting Mitsuru from Persona 3 getting fucked while wearing her race queen outfit from the Persona 3 dancing game.
looks fuckable, i want to see this
File: IMG_blowjb.png (1.81 MB, 1684x1659)
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1.81 MB PNG
Here I tried it
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Requesting Melty from Shield Hero giving a steamy, passionate blowjob.
Got any socials?
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requesting kalli belladonna opening and presuming her pussy showing up to her cervix
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Requesting Severa in her bikini attire daring an anon or another male character from fire emblem awakening to a competition of strength, thinking and calling the other guy "an easy victory" or something of the sort. Ending in a instant loss with her in a mating press pose with the guys large dick besides her face either before or after being fucked by him(If after, then spread cum all over her body).
Requesting Moira Burton and Evgeny Rebic from Resident Evil: Revelations 2 having sex.
File: unnamed.jpg (1.07 MB, 3224x2288)
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Requesting "Beautiful Woman with Weird Hat" from Dragon Ball Daima, lifting her skirt and displaying a jewel butt plug to the viewer
Awesome work
File: IMG_Sucy.png (1.84 MB, 1182x2048)
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Oh that's very good
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>>8422116 (OP)
Requesting Edda sucking off a stranger in an alleyway.
Example: https://files.catbox.moe/e6nvql.png
requesting nine the phantom sucking up a cock while presenting her pussy and anally riding another cock
Thank you so much for this delivery. I love how you handled this request. In particular, I think you did a great job with her eye and getting the material of the outfit correct. Please feel free to share your socials if you have any.
Damn good BRMiku
Requesting the fire spirit from the "The Magus Bride" .

I would like her to sit on a dick and rubing her feet on it like she's giving a footjob, like this https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3877757 or https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5545893 , I would like the fur on her breasts and her shoulders to be removed to expose her breasts.
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Would like to request Elbia Hanaiman from Outbreak Company getting her breasts groped
I second this request
Fuck off.
How about you Fuck... me?
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Didn't think someone else was doing it. Nicely done
This is amazing ! What's your socials?
Not OR btw
OR here. I just woke up and hot damn, I didn't expect to get two amazing cakes! I absolutely love both of them. I'm blown away by the quality of these deliveries. Thank you so much drawfriends!
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tried my best, sorry I think i did some of the lines too thick, and the hair could have turned out better. feel free to leave feedback. Im also not sure which version I like better, but I did one where the shading for the skin is a lot simpler/flatter, let me know which you think looks better.
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Here's the other version. ended up doing another 2 mouths
Are you still taking requests?
Love seeing orcs being delivered in here.
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requesting a pic of tatsumaki and fubuki impregnated like this
(warning : furry)

theres the size difference for both and that bashful expression is just SO typically tatsumaki
also, requesting that theres a little side-panel with saitama smiling, implying it was him that impregnated both
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requesting Anka from Natural Doctrine getting gobbed.
Orcs being ok but milf and shota no has to be one of the most biased and bullshit rules here. Let orc request stay in their own containment thread.
That's not a request thread. Also, shota is children.
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Watashi no delivery doko
which one
Same here. I don't know how some anons wait for almost a year for nothing.
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Requesting a pic of Jinhsi sucking on a cock like this.
Yes the picture has two girls - I feel like both poses would fit her, or you can just follow the idea and make your own pose as long as it's this angle
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requesting lana's mom in a public toilet as an used cum dumpster with markings, a pregnant belly, leaking milk and mindbroken
Not OR but very nice work. Also that tummy is pretty yummy
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Requesting a picture of Kaguya Ootsutsuki giving a handjob to Naruto in a pose similar to the reference. Draw her skin porcelain white and her toenails black and sharp, identical to her fingernails. She displays a smug and slightly condescending expression on her face. It would be great if you could also depict the Infinity Tsukuyomi moon and starry sky in the background (like in the reference).
This is a request I made in the Goblin/Orc Thread, but I'm putting it here too.

Requesting Tingyun from HSR being carried and impaled on the oversized dick of a goblin champion from the Goblin Burrow series, as shown in the first CG example (I’d like an exact duplication of the pose if possible).

Two notes on top of that:
> If you could make a variation with an internal X-ray shot creampie like the fifth image, a semen stomach bulge and a crying-out facial expression akin to the second CG example, that would be fantastic, but just the base image is fine because I recognize that’s still a fair lot to ask for.
> I understand that Tingyun’s clothes can be pretty complex, so I’d like to request clothing damage akin to the CG examples. I’d like the outfit to at least be recognizable from someone who knows Tingyun’s default outfit, and her breasts to be exposed but bits of clothing surrounding it in some fashion (like in the CG example) but I’ll leave the exact damage amount to your discretion.

Thanks in advance!
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Finished it, sorry it took me awhile.
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Chaos Gene giving the tittyfucking of a lifetime, as if she's already got a load or two on her face and tits and is getting one last one (Think Renetan)
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Requesting Sophia F Shirring riding a guy in cowgirl OR as the fuckpet/"wife" of a Minotaur
We can make requests in the Goblin/Orc Thread?
Just this time. An artist was taking them in there. They're done now.
Honestly those requests should be in that thread, not everyone stomach those deliveries well.
Well, the artists don't go to those threads 99% of the time. They go to drawthreads. So people try their luck here.
If someone gets triggered by something as basic as orcs in hentai then that's entirely on them.
I rather have the guy fucking the girl to be a orc than your usual pretty boy, i want the girl to be the protagonist of the picture not the "pretty boy".
To hell with this new era of self inserting shit.
>t. homosexual that loves to get railed by black dudes of 2 meters
You are cringe, that's it
Why pretty boy? Pov and male with no details exist, anon. You sound annoyed.
Are you by chance, upset?
This is all the same guy.
>everyone that disagrees with me is the same anon!
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This is for the /a/ Orb thread.

Credit where it is due: I paid $10 for a base, but did draw this myself over it.
I'm confident this is the first time anyone in the world has drawn Jolenta's vagina
I should add it to my CV.
>gave her a bush
Incredibly based. Am also from the /a/ thread and even if you used a base this is still really really good. I hope you keep drawing anon doesn't even have to be lewd stuff.
Context??? Who're these characters?
Thank you, Anon. I love you.

Oczy at the ack, Jolenta in the middle, Badeni at the front. Characters from part 2 of 'Orb. On the Movement of Earth'. Utterly sexless in canon, all 3 of them. But I wanted to see them fuck, and the anons in our weekly episode thread inspired me to make my dreams come true.
I didn't want to start an off-topic argument before the thread hit the bump-limit, but now that we've hit the bump-limit I would like to ask how you reached the conclusion that I think artists shouldn't be paid for their work. I was offering to connect that guy with artists that would be willing to draw comic/doujin pages. How is that being a leeching bitch? And yes, this isn't the right place to try to get a commission done. We have the Skeb thread for that and we used to have a thread on /aco/ (they were forced to move to Discord). This thread is for making requests, fulfilling requests, and thanking artists for fulfilling requests.
Where can I learn more about that Discord? I am not the fag you're talking to, but do wanna hire a drawfag for personal reasons.
>Page 10
New thread >>8457563 →
Sod off

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