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Dat Ass edition

Previous: >>8382677

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Best girl
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Why is the security guard so popular?
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I rabu Sia
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Oops, wrong picture
Jesus Christ man this pink girl is the most annoying character i've ever read
I kinda liked her in the beginning but she got way too annoying since she found out about the gf
It is the author trying so hard to make us think her as a super cutie uwu girl and feel bad for her at the same time but forgetting to give her any charisma at all
Is this Soeun?
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Is this unironically AI art?
Yes, first ai pornhwa? Read more
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So they do this "drink with people you don't like to climb the social ladder" in Korea as well?
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Is this gonna get translated yet? I quite like how the art looks and the prospective that is going to turn into a full blown adult series.
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Chapter 64 is apparently the best Benefactor’s Daughters chapter yet.
Neat because I was getting a tad worried for this story. But this chapter at least, was peak.
Yup the milf was great
>we want trad gf
Speak for yourself faggot
Does this have ntr too?
Btw is there any webtoon/mhw where the ntr is not the main plot?Like landlord's daughter
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>>8422175 (OP)
Love the boss
I always remember how she acted in the first chapter, that however cute she may be now, she will return to acting like that after her affection fades as time goes by.
She was on PMS in the first chapter, she never acted like that afterwards
office alert
>>8422175 (OP)
After work love affairs
Best girl
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Siabros and Yoonabros dont fight
We are back
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Dude I can't decide between them, they were all hot as fuck. Why couldn't that beta ass MC man up and give us a harem ending.
But we got a harem ending too
I like how Yoona, the all-pure innocent girl, becomes a turbo slut but just for the MC and doesn't date anyone else.
Yeah that was good shit
Thats not how a ranking work
I like how the artist has a clear bias towards the best sex position.
I forgot this existed
>two shit soeun chapters in a row because this faggot is doing another shitty swap story but this time with her sister

it's all so tiresome, this was supposed to be just soeun...
although I almost wanna say 1=4>2>>>3 after the last arc pretty much ruined the entire series
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For me it's reverse cowgirl
Damn look at that far right girl she is absolutely feeling it
please post small manhwa tits
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I know one. picrel source is titled 'whats wrong with this family' the fucking of the small tits starts at chapter 19. she gets like 5 whole chapters of fucking

Good luck.
Boss give me your daughter
3 > 1 > 4 > 2
It should be noted that the gap between 3 and 2 is razor thin.
I forget this series existed because the old artist had serious medical issues.
for the love of god more please!!
It's weird that in Manhwa industry they can change artist but not the author, even though art change stands out more than when the writing does.
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trust me the writers change
the pen name doesnt
Artists usually change only because they have health issues, which writers wouldn't have since they don't have the same workload.
>>8422175 (OP)
Hello Frens. I just beat my dick and nutted to the latest chapter of "Someone Stop Her!"

(What the fuck is that name even supposed to mean?)

I'm pretty sure Momobird it's behind these too:

I have nothing substantial to add, I'm just bored and want people to talk to :/
Pardon my question but are you retarded?
Secret Class has been peak since Panty Note ended. I don't know why nobody is talking about it.
>they don't have the same workload
Doesn't stop some series from going indefinite hiatus or rushed ending because the authors got conscripted.
Just started "Living with a Succubus"
Artstyle is shit but I like the Succubusfu
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I assure you every series with a tomboy main girl has its author changed
the mc and gf's personalities takes a 180 and the story becomes about coming out of her boyish shell to become marriable
some editor or manager changes the writers out of cope
every damn time
>Someone Stop Her
can we go back to stop smoking? its a better name
it ended?!?! how is that even possible? guess even kang-cheol wasnt thick skinned enough to milk it out more
>feminist tries destroying powerful artifact that can be used to manipulate the world cause she wasnt desirable enough to be in the harem
>next chapter it appears in front of some random dude anyway
once again korean writers trying to appease feminists in one chapter and feminist haters in the next chapter or vice versa
many such cases
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this is a man ass
andrew rushed this one
aint no way its his best
Fuck, you're right. I stopped reading too soon lol
Sia got the shittiest one
Only ending where the MC choose a girl for love and not for pity
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Will she ever return?
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>check those dubs
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Can someone please give me sauce for this?
Tomorow i will update the chart and put the names in it
Please anon, I'm gooning NOW
Anyone reading Circles? We are on the Blondie ending now
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Forgot pic
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Calling it now, MC gonna ally with the Demon King and fuck the Goddess that sent him back in time in the first place
College Life Starts With Clubs/An Outsider's Way In
Have you ever succeeded in doing this?
>with my brother's friends
>starts off great, lots of great scenes
>last scene with her and her friend was GOATed
>now slowly starting to inject soppy relationship drama into the story
noooooo it was going so well...
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An here it is with names now, still need 6 more series
I'm nominating No Goddess, No!
It's not a man ass. It's just deflated because she is a hag. It's a hag's ass.
Better than the daughter
Dunno man, that looks good
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Bossbros our time is now
How do we feel about Engineering Beauties? I just started it and it seems like it has potential.
Actually peak, no drama, just pure harem.
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Came for brown, stayed for gray, never cared for the others
Holy shit taste
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For me it's the titty monster.
Anybody still reading Perfect Half? I feel like it's overstayed its welcome so hard, every new chapter that comes out is so fucking boring and I don't even care about what's going on anymore. It used to be pretty cool but man has it fallen off...
So what you're saying is, the title of the series is accurate
I dropped it very long ago
It overstayed its welcome years ago
Anyone reading this?
I'm sure the artist has met lots of Black people.
why do koreans refuse to learn comic paneling?
how many mouse wheels have they broken?
Anon, I...
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Bro, is anyone aware of Cleaning Service?? The translation is trash but the art is fucking fantastic, and I don't see anyone talking about it.

I hope it gets an official English translation. I'd rather pay for quality dialogue than deal with these scumbag scanlators.
Yeah, I'm already following it, it's by the artist that made All About My Best Friend.
Oh sweet. I'll have to check that one out too then.
All About My Best Friend was written by Tharchog, if you're new to pornhwa he's an infamous author who wrote crazy plot just to gain readership through bad publicity. Still a fun read if you don't take it seriously because the art carries it.
Oh shit, yeah you called it. Just started getting into pornhwa. Thanks for the heads up.

What kinda crazy we talkin about? The tags don't make it seem like it gets REALLY nuts.
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MC stole every woman close to his best friend, including his mom.
Oh I'm down with that. Explains why they're all hot, I just figured he was incapable of drawing an unattractive woman.
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Anything like Born with a surprise/Reborn With a Big Dick? I like the concept but my God is the art painful at times.
What, do you want pornhwa with big dick MC? There are tons of those.
>There are tons of those
More like, are there any without a big dick MC?
Foxy time
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>still no after work love affairs raws
What gives?
>Moby Dick 3 week hiatus
>After work love affairs raws nowhere in sight
Just give me something for the pain and let me die
Only have this
Their sex battles for dominance are so cute and hot
How long until he starts copy-pasting THAT expression?
Spic site got taken down
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How it started
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How it's going
ok but where's the sex?
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And here it is
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Kinda milking the scene
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(And the MC too)
Full pic
I noticed Bunk beds just ended, at least on Mdex, anyone here was reading it?
Never could get past that shitty art
>he read pornhwa on mangadex
I usually don't because they don't keep them up to date, but I tend to always look at anything that says END.
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>finally time for fox's sidestory
>series suddenly turns into a Joseon historical drama
What in the fuck is this bullshit
That fox story already ended in the main story and she was never a serious contender, since she pretty much always forced the MC into sex.
The dragon got a normal ass sidestory and she never had a story to begin with, nor was she ever a serious contender
Also, getting pregnant and then disappearing into thin air was not a proper end to her story anyway
Anyone here following this pornhwa? It has great art
No but that girl looks cute
she is a tomboy in the process of being corrected
She's feeling it
here comes the corrected spoiled women competing for the MC bowl
Yeah, but the English release is so behind the raws and being officially translated means it’ll never catch up (that and westernized names for some reason)
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Anon you jeet, none of those characters are for sex, they are for the heart
but why are you posting them in the pornhwa thread on the hentai board?
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>Korean Webtoons/Manhwa/Pornhwa
>/h/ - Hentai
>English release is so behind the raws
>westernized names for some reason
That's how Toomics runs things unfortunately
Best pornwha
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For sure and the best girl of all time
Yeah, Yoona definitely the best girl
Worse than Harin
Hey remember that Yunji arc in That's Not How It's Done and how they made a big deal about her wanting to get impregnated and it was a dangerous day and they did it all night long and he came inside her like 20 times and all that? Yeah me neither. Guess I must have imagined it.
To be even worse he will do the same thing with Hyuna in the last chapter so the author can end the series in those retarded everyone is pregnant type ending
Remember when the MC would even refuse sex with the girls when it was a bad reasons? Me neither
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Never forget what they took from you
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Bossbros only 12 hours left
More when the raws drop
you know if a licensed release of something I like would take out all those stupid giant white spaces and format it like a Manga...I'd probably buy it.
They actually did that for japanese volume, but pornhwa isn't popular enough to get that.
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They absolutely do, at least for popular ones.
Didn't know that
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Author really taking its time like the guy put it in like twice
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Looks AI generated
A little but most for the coloring, the artist is the old colorist from SW so sometimes it gets weird
Anyone has a list of good uncensored manwhas with no light/white pussies?
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Anyone else read this?
Yes, i've finished it. It's not as fun after the art change.
I Made an Idol Harem is the better idol pornhwa, great ending too.
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What are some good Isekai you guys read or are reading?
pic is from
>Absolute Hypnosis in Another World
I picked a random chapter, not really feeling this one, but I like the idea of a pornwha with a cat girl.
nice tit art
looks well oiled
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>only two chapters of sister harem
>it ends and now we're right into the alternate storylines
damn what the fuck. would've been nice to get a bit more like the tutoring series
The black hair one was too extra
yea she got a ton of focus for no real reason. the last like 10-15 chapters were only about her and then we immediately jump into the group stuff and that was it. felt very strange. expected a lot more out of this, it's just a shame because i like the artist a lot
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PinkSia turn
Are the pages and panels more sensible?
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What do you think?
Certainly less obnoxious than *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll* *scroll*
soulless paneling
Now that I’m thinking about it again, the webtoon format isn’t so bad after all.
but how am I supposed to read this on my PHONE???
This should be called a terroris act. I won't forgive the japanese.
Thanks i hate it
What are you using a phone from 2009? The same way you read doujins.
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Here you go.
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This is the original and it is not bad
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interesting, could be worse I suppose, but still looks unneccesary, having to continuosly scroll because you are drip-fed the story ruins the flow, you can't stop and look at the page as a whole, can't have a double spread either, I don't understand why is this felt as necessary, if I just tap-tap through the story my hand has to move less too, less overhead/distraction.
I agree that manga and comics is a better format but some people go around that pornhwa is unreadeable and it is all white is dumb that's a different format and there are people who know how to work on it
Like for me the outsiders way in artist is the best at that "paneling" where she crentes a main panel and use a sequence of small ones to make the scene more intimate with big panels dedicated to reactions or the sex that is happening which imo makes scenes way better
Why are boomers so lazy to scroll?
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Not unreadable but annoying and a lot of artists "plop their boxes" without much rhyme of reason, not really making use of the space, the Djinn (a manhua) is one of the few works where I am fine with the format because the artist uses the whole space.
I like your example.
You know how in Golden gangster there is a fake NTR where the guy roleplays with the girls? Is there something like that with wrestling or fighting, with someone fighting girls but without it turning into Ryona?
Sports Girl
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Thanks, seems a bit short and without much of a setup though, reading it now, I searched using korean and martial arts as a tag and found these.

Anyone familiar with them?
What do we think of sex study artist new work?
Never heard of it
mangaupdates.com has better tagging system than Mangadex.
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Thanks, tried doing that, can't believe this is all I found.
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>>8422175 (OP)
Alt Account Trap just released it’s final raw
Pretty decent ending but sad for how short it was
I’m glad we atleast got a sex scene for the last chapter but wish that and the overall pornwha was longer
Overall a 8/10 series and can’t wait to see what the artist has next
You've never heard of sex study? Damn, has it really been that long
Yes i mean the new work
Really? It has been a heated discussion for a while because the main characters are not-Daeho and not-Gobong. Also, while Secret Class was initially planned to be shota story but changed the MC design to adult-like to avoid problems, this one is bold enough to make them actually look like child which make some people seething calling it pedophilia.
MILF Exchange Plan
axed? or no more content to adapt?
I am reading through "Elf Who Likes to Be Humiliated" right now

Am I crazy or was there an earlier chapter that discusses why the elf is so obsessed with Theorad? I can't find it
No, that will be revealed much later in the series.
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Pornwha ridicolous dress code makes me laugh sometimes.
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Wasn’t expecting to see a furry get tortured into being normal in a Manhwa
Hope this ends soon, the artist is really good and should make something more interesting.
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Anyone read this? 85 chapters, finished.
It was pretty popular and even had a oyakadon scene but i never could past the asshole MC
>the asshole MC
Yeah I was wondering about that.
The mother and daughter were great, then it started focusing on meh characters (the cat, the ice wizard and the redhead) and by the time another interesting character came along (the cow) it was too late and it got the axe
The oyakodon and the cow still make it worth reading though
I dropped it early because it focused too much on one character and stay in one point.
Just finished Elf Who Likes to Be Humiliated and holy fuck the story is actually pretty good

somewhat non-retarded MC, decent progression in the story with interesting plot developments, etc
I don't mind that if the character is interesting enough, the guy who did Golden Facade before that did one where the guy gets with 2 girls but stays with just one of them for most of the story and I thought it was cute enough.
hope it doesn't feel rushed, 84 chapters should be plenty, of course it depends, one I read about an hentai academy isekai, half the chapters are basically sex, it was funny seeing it getting an axe and the author wrapping up the story right away (but I thought it felt more of a funny twist than an a rushed ending) just to have the remainder of the chapters about sex, however I wish we had more story than sex oddly enough, also because the guy has a bad case of making women bodies look too similar to one another.
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Really? I would have not expected it from the premise, might read it after I am done with this one then, Got a Room, I did want to read something Fantasy.
Best Girl?
See, it would be better to include the name in >>8441720

I like it. Doesn't hide the fact that it is porn.

>it was too late and it got the axe
Probably better to axe since I heard further down the novel, MC shares/whores some girls(dunno who) to other men.

>hope it doesn't feel rushed, 84 chapters should be plenty,
Pacing is slow as fuck, iirc, first girl which is a milf took probably around 20 10 chapters or more for MC to finally move to another girl, the daughter. They really took their sweet time whereas in hentai, such plot gets wrapped in 1 or 2 chapters before moving to new girls.
>Pacing is slow as fuck
Yup, that's why I dropped it. The art and setting also weren't interesting enough for me to continue.
The setting would be better if they actually pick up the pace. The whole hypno NTR plotline at the beginning dragged out way too much and the snail pacing really doesn't help it. And I fucking love saimin NTR stuff.

So finally read MILF exchange plan. Too early to tell for me. I do hope there is more addition to small chested characters instead of usual big boobs but I can always dream.
>The setting would be better if they actually pick up the pace
Exactly, you made them get isekai'd but only stayed in one house in the middle of nowhere
Is funny, I have been thinking since yesterday about this, but I am not sure even if I am halfway through, probably the lady in the picture because she wasn't something that happened straight away, but they are all nice in their way and pretty to look at.
>I like it. Doesn't hide the fact that it is porn.
It does look like a type of world that operate on its own rules, even if sometimes I dislike how some works don't give women underwear, it feels lazy and when it happens that easily, it devalues the hotness.
>Pacing is slow as fuck, iirc, first girl which is a milf took probably around 20 10 chapters or more for MC to finally move to another girl
Well I prefer these to hentai because I care about the narrative even if won't deny how thin and ridicolous it can be, but hell, just about the same level of a lot of Ecchi manga, but at least shit actually happens here.
Of course it can still be boring if the author just wastes his time, even too much sex can be boring if it just goes on and on like those 4 hours JAVs, poorly paced and edited.
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For me it's Subin
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I like the degree of thickness that this artist employs, they are not fat, they are not super thin either, and the guy doesn't look like a stereotypical six super tight packs kind of guy, is an idealized version but it feels more "lived in", I find it more credible you know? I think the guy's design can be important too.
Is there an empty room was too shiny, they went overboard with the lighting
I got a better image for her.
>Make a big deal about the cow cosplay
>Sex starts
>She takes it off
What gives?
I think the forced censorship is an advantage, forces the writers to make the clothes lewder than nudity, I like how ridicolous it gets.
Really? For me is the colorist trying to make a beauty shot out of every shot, I quite like what they did, a poor color job for me makes you regret that is not black and white and can make the drawing look more flat.
What's another one that you think did a better job with the colours?
>forced censorship is an advantage
The fact that they can't show genitals directly, so they have egregious camel toes and I don't need to see a dick all too often.
I dont see what this has to do with her taking her cow cosplay before sex
Well I was just thinking about that with the crease of the panties she was wearing there, but yeah I do agree, sometimes nudity can be less fun than partial clothing.
why are the koreans so much better at making hentai than the japanese?
Focus on the girls and giving them actual personalities, good sinergy with the MC and not making them only fuckmeat which makes you look forward to their scenes also coloring
that's just trying to start a flamewar anon, most hentai are meant to be a one and done wank getting there as soon as it can.
We are reading storylines that are worked by multiple people and are allowed the room to breath, hell even when they get axed they might be given the time to wrap things up.
oh no, her IUD alarm is going off
unironically because their hentai art design is westernized, girls have lankier sharp bodies with big tits and big ass, and the mc is typically muscular, there's less chibi
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Last time you went like this?
Elf Who Likes to Be Humiliated
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better not be a fakeout next chapter
Basicaly every pornhwa, want say that the story is very good but i cant read pornhwa that is just sex
>only the first 3 volume were uploaded on exh
Why do you care? You can just read the webtoon, the intended and ultimate experience.
Google? Use it
Well I don't know about what you are reading, but I feel like that, infact sometimes I find myself thinking that something has too much sex, like "trapped in the eroge academy", I like it for various reasons, but I wish the life after school had been explored more.
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12 hours for the Queen
NTA but Google is not producing any results. Neither is Yandex.
next dish is also not a good clue
I miss when the character database was actively filled so even obscure oneshot hentais could be found through it
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Alright I finished it, I liked it, but the ending left me a bit disappointed, is not outright bad, but it leaves too much open, it needed at least....maybe 3 chapters? Because it seems that he still going with all of them in secret or at least unbenknownst to Bit-na, that's a major problem for me.

Second thing, why do they let more people come in the house? That seems it would make things awkward, the MC seemed to have made things clear that he wouldn't just go for more girls when he rejected the cute glasses professor.
it's called A Turning Point
Yeah the ending is really weird and nonsensical maybe the author wish to do a second season but give up so who knows
Also best girl?
I should say a bit more about it, honestly I wish there was more conversation going here so I should at least follow this mantra.

Pros, I liked the colors a lot, it was hardly ever a natural light, but I don't mind this sort of artificiality in a story for the benefit of making the characters shine. I liked how the guy handled things up until the end, should have come clean with all of them, he didn't force them, of course plot convenience always backed him up, when I think about it again, I wonder if he would have properly refused the glasses professor, who was retracted when her intution told her it wouldn't work out rather than his words.

>maybe the author wish to do a second season
Yeah it kinda feels that way, things are closed enough that it doesn't feel axed, but there is not any definitive closure, so it leaves the door open, wonder what he is doing now...

>best girl
Though choice, perhaps Bit-na because I fall easy prey to the allure of the "hardest girl", I wonder if there is a name for this trope, the one that will inevitably get caught but always for last, I found it funny how she would stumble between bumbly naivety and stern maturity, I was sure that she would connect the blood she lost in the sheets with what she saw earlier.

Also, no threesome? Really? You have 2 girls who know he is with both of them and never have them talk about it?
I haven't read many of these yet, but I feel that the bar should be higher, at least plot wise, graphic wise, is great all the way through, I love the details of the eyes, I hope the artist doing the coloring has a prosperous career, he needs to do as many series as he can.
The artist doing "milf hunting in another world" If you are interested, it is not my Cup of tea but the art is still great
Also If you alwanna discuss more try reading "after work love affairs" and "someone stop her" both are great ongoings and i need someone to talk about it
Also check "that's not how it is done" is basicaly a toomics version of there is an empty room
>someone stop her
I meant to read that, but I am trying to go through finished stuff first, that one doesn't have a lot of chapters available yet, I love the deisgn of the violet girl in the cover, Seyoung, however I wish the light wasn't always so static in the scenes, not a fan of the other pink girl, I rather see more of Seyoung but at least their design is very distinct from one another, can't remember much of the plot because I read it a while ago.

>after work love affairs
I'll try it
>Also check "that's not how it is done" is basicaly a toomics version of there is an empty room
is this it this?
It is easier to discuss ongoing séries
Yup you will so How much the girls look alike, i will even make a comparission later
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Cute and funny chapter today that deepens their relationship
Do any of these ever try to be more creative with the censor beyond light saber dick?
>pic related
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Wish she would choke me
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Do you want pornhwa with miniguy tag?
Thanks anon
Which character database are you referring to?
its long gone
it was a website where I could go to and search for an anime based on the physical descriptions of a character in it
it could be a minor character in an obscure hentai or vn
you could search by a combination of many things such as , hair color, hair length (there were over 10 options before reaching shoulder length alone) eye color, height range, hair style, type of ahoge, air vents, powers they use, eye shape, number of pupils and any other anime-esque appearance trait that may exist
it would take me 20 minutes to fill the form and then bam I found the hentai that had 2 seconds of it edited into some hmv back in 2000s when xnxx had just come out.
the sites gone but there should be a less useful clone somewhere
the site closed down cause the nromies that invaded the anime scene in 2010s never contributed anything to any of these databases
god bless the boomer autists still working on vndb (granted indie vns and american ones dont get included even if they used to up to 2017)
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I was thinking, there are a lot of chinese games with cool looking military girls, but I don't want to play a gacha, nor have something that is just teasing and I still want a story so no doujins, is there a manhwa in the style of something like this?
>pic related
Perfect Half
New PinkSia
Zzin but it's fucking trash. There's Human Scum but i only read the first chapter.
Thanks for the recommendations, alas, they look disappointing and nothing like what I am looking for.
You're the one who wanted a smut that could replicate the art of gachas that rake in millions every month
I thought a setting with operator girls looking cool with a male commander would have been an obvious plot to follow, there are various manhwas with
>guy joins/gets in contact with female sports team and fucks them
>either as coach or a player
Add to that how many famous f2p use the setting I want and how ever Korean is forced to be enlisted meaning that most of them should be familiar with a military setting, much more so than the average japanese.
Military life is a traumatic experience for them. They don’t want their escapism to remind them of that terrible time.
And here it is
>Johee=Hyuna: the shark tetheed cutesy blondie that is the first girl which the MC has the most screentime with
>Subin=Somin: E-thot streamer who gets horny for the things the MC make her do, also the biggest masochist
>Myeongji=Daon: The bi breasted pink haired noona who is a complete pervert with background with other man, light hearted that throws herself to the MC biggest pervert too
>Bin-na=Yeonji: The Leader of the house/club helps to take care of all the other girls and has her problems at home
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Is the artist of Born with a Surprise gay? Or do they normally do BL? Some of these angles seem like they're focusing more on the guys ass than the girl. It also feels like extra attention was given to drawing the guy.
based on the artist account, doesn't look like it
Not sure if they’re gay but the art has a homoerotic vibe. They seem to love drawing guys asses, they draw guys from behind often and everyone’s pants seem like they’re too tight so they show every curve of their ass. Artist also actually gives the protagonist an asshole instead of leaving it blank. Also a bunch of the guys openly have dick bulges, not just the protagonist. It was pretty obvious during the college trip since there was a bunch more guys around.

I’d argue the guys are drawn better than the girls too.
It's a pornhwa that's published by Lezhin, which is a publisher that primarily targets female audience (especially fujoshi). Even if they were publishing male oriented pornhwa, they'd make sure it's something that females could also enjoy. However, if done poorly, it could also be a turnoff for male readers when the art focused too much on male bodies.
Alright then what about something similar to Blue Archive, big KOREAN game?
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None because loli sex is illegal in Korea.
They don't have to be loli, I just find the idea interesting
>guy training and commanding an all girl commandos
I've read a couple of series with military girls and they've all been a snoozefest
If you're looking for a MC "training" (sexually) a bunch of girls, Relationship Reversal has been pretty fun so far, but every single girl is a mega titty monster
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I know some of you were following the Yogurt Ladies, so what do you think of the recent development?
I think the MC is being a bit too cocky right now and it doesn't seem like has a plan yet but still acting very confident, which given the blue haired crazy girl he is dealing with...it make sense but he needs to settle things. Gotta admit, her scenes are great, I really like her body, shame in these last chapters I thought we would see more of him dating the mom, doing things outside sex, I thought he would do more fooling around, but I don't mind if author manages the story relatively "soon" and just start focuses on MC and the bully family.
I think she is crazy so I am not sure if they should go for "Oyakodon" ending.

Ah so you did make that comparison in the end, still haven't read it, 113 chapters is quite a bit, you think is nearing the end yet?
Yeah If i had to guess it will end in 120 or something, it was pretty good until chapter 60 after that it turns to shit
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It might finally be her time next week
I've been looking forward to oyakodon since the first chapter and I welcome any scenario where the MC tamed both mother and daughter.
Where does one go to discuss normal manhwae?
gross nipples
Just like real milf nipples then
>"i like you a lot" finally comes back from long hiatus
>art gets significantly worse
>sudden wtf plot
>gets axed
What’s the point then? They revived it only to tarnish its reputation, but at least it’s better since it got an ending ig
Yeah that was so weird, hope it doesnt happen to Switch ON
It won't since it's not coming back at all
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They betrayed us, i thought it was supposed to be monokino.
I have to do it
Lmfao, switchonfag utterly laid to ruin
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Forever in our hearts
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Anon, this place frowns upon normal manhwas, owari da...
Maybe try to post good manhwa for once
I just did though.
Speaking of non-porn manhwas, anyone have any recommendations?

I've tried a few recently, but I keep giving up on them cause they have the same tropes. The MC is always some arrogant nerd asexual loser that gets some OP ability very early on and then smugly beats on people for 200 chapters. I'd like to read a manhwa that isn't a power fantasy for gay nerds.
Killer Peter
Here is one of the few Harem that I actually enjoyed, people have tried to recommend it along some unsatisfying trash but is nothing like them.
Is quite dense, every chapter has a lot going on, it feels planned, like the author doesn't just add girls out of boredom or even plot lines.
>Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim
My only complaint is that at the very end, narratively could have done more
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>Red: 5 chapters
>Brown and Gray: 4 chapters
>Yellow: at least 6 chapters
Green better get at least 4
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when is this getting an anime?
Reading Brave New World
Jung-Ah? Best girl
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I tried to find the source, but I ended up going in...Circles
That depends if the glasses stay on during sex.
It's funny how the side girls are better than the FeMC
Sweet Guy & Pervert's Daily Life are the ONLY good pornhwas from that list and they both ended half a decade ago. All the others are total shithwas. Why is this thread cursed with niggas with abominations for tastebuds?
do tell some good promising ones then, so we may discuss those. I just started "Elf who likes to be humiliated" is funny, I could easily see this being a Manga but the fact that is a pornhwa makes it more interesting for me to see how things will go.
Dont give him attention, this guy just comes here, tells everyone how shit their tastes are and leaves
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>resume ends up resolving all the cucking subplots
>the bull can finally go after his trained non-stolen girl
>suddenly does a harem asspull
I should have expected this from this edgy author
at least we gonna get some banger scenes from the ending
so far the author has delivered
That reminds me. I noticed a lot of office system pornhwas has ended.

Based choice. Are there any other harem manhwas out there worth reading?

Secret Lesson with Younger Sister, only because it feels unhinged like Your GF was Amazing. Still wondering if MC will fuck his stepmom too.
>any other harem manhwas out there worth reading
I wish I knew, one has to be very very picky with those. Too often you get recommended something like Maga-Tsuki, where the harem lacks harmony and still has a lot of in-fighting.
It seems the best case scenario is something erotic so isekai harems like The pole hero.
>Secret Lesson with Younger Sister, only because it feels unhinged like Your GF was Amazing
I am going to check it out because I like the latter, even if I am any chapters behind, but I don't understand the comparison, I mean that one for me the hook is someone going inside a tame visual novel and making it hardcore, while also having to fight the MC turned evil and the writer too.
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I am finally reading through it, I just slow myself down or I risk just wasting away all day to read this, but I am enjoying it a great deal. I was surprised to see how long the author waited for the MC to have sex, I don't mind it, I think the pacing has been handled very well, but it feels unusualy for these kind of stories.
I quite like her fiance, she is not dumb, she is resourceful, infact the story doesn't just rest on its jokes, I could see how this could have been an erotic Manga, but at the same time I can imagine how glacial the pacing would have been, like a 4Koma of silly humilations and the MC being ten times the scaredy cat while remaining a virgin until the end and only getting with the elf and while refusing the advances of the CF.
>Are there any other harem manhwas out there worth reading?
A Wonderful World / Brave New World until the lactating hag appears.
After that it just recycles the plot
shit tier mc. they really want to sell him as some cold and calculating but then spills spaghetti over the bitch that bullied him in school. awful read.
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academy extra guide if you like harem. MC also isn't OP that beats the shit out of ppl. first chapters feels sluggish though, but later on, the love interests are top tier. by top tier i mean is that, they are very capable and competent. you actually feel good about it, bcz they have valid reasons to fall for the MC.
Already read it, unfortunately knowing it has shit ending soured me from reading it again because it ain't worth it.

I'll keep that in the backlog.
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You were right, I just finished, I really really liked it, I could see this working as a 2 cour anime adaptation.
I only got 2 problems with it
1) No sex with her in the long black hair witch form. 2) No threesome
3) While I am sure things are going to be ok, I felt it was in poor taste that we weren't shown what Ashley will think of the concubine arrangement, for a character that has been given great agency, I wanted to see it, wonder if the novel has it.

Everything else, quite liked it, if the movie didn't exist, this story could have been called Inception.

I am surprised how tight the story was, it could have been much longer, I like how the political power play was resolved in the end rather quickly because all the seeds had been planted before.
The inner-mind trip was surprisingly short and didn't waste any time. I liked most characters, they didn't push the initial "joke" too far.

Is 363 posts nearing the bump limit or is 4chanx wrong?
>Extra's Academy Survival Guide
Finally, someone who has an actual sembance of taste in these threads. EASG is unironically top-tier for a manhwa and anything to the contrary is downright wrong on whatever grounds are claimed.
they cut out more scenes with the maid in this chapter. im guessing they want to get into the joint combat training arc, get over it and end the season

mannnn. It's just so downing, they also cut out Lucy and Ed interacting more in the first chapters
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12 hours bossbros
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Even so, it still manages to be PEAK.
>series that started with making fun of harem protag
>adds equal amount of male and female side characters with one female being interested in mc
>this arc is based around a female character
>since fans like we must make her a romantic conquest too
>now its just another harem crap
>everyone forgets the extremely horribleness that was the mc before the start of the story and doesnt question it for long that he changed
story is quite weak desu and the author sold out to harem money
on that note I got to read 3 other stories that were recommended with it
>knight returns with god
its just athiest stuff that shits on the whole religious aspect in key moments
>past life returner
stock market prologue was so successful that he made the rest of the story follow suit, the start was rough but it got good again. sadly when it comes to actual big shot non korean money figures, he shits on them in a way that seems to be way too overcompensating for their lack of self confidence, also lets not forget how everyone is surprised he is asian as if that factors into anything when your a genius
>monster road to evolution
its great, I love it, but its showing signs of preaching about violence bad, specially with that moe blob he keeps around
koreans are at their best when they are not trying to prove a point or preach a message or selling out for quick short term bucks
man that sucks
speakinf of the novel, I hate it
they will never release the last few chapters ever
>250 main story chapters translated
>43 chapters (ongoing) only 37 translated
misers paywalled and mass released the last 20 of these chapters expecting people to pay for 20 chapters en masse
this would have worked for 1 chapter or 2 but not 20 chapters at once, too expensive
so now that they saw no moeny, new owners/translators just abandoned it
we will never get to read the rest of the funny extra chapters
but they dont forget immediately though, just gradually. you forgot that he lives off inna woods meaning he doesn't have much interaction with ppl

i also somehow missed the part where they made fun of harem? what chapter was it
Who knows, ppl love action. maybe the upcoming arcs could promote it well.
hey OP, if you're reading this, please put a notice next thread to put the pornhwa name in filenames when posting so that these threads don't just get spammed with saucebegging every time. Especially since saucenao / google works poorly with webtoons too.
Glasses girl in stories with magic should keep them on and make them intangible so they don't get in the way.
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author clearly ignored best girl and dragged his feet with the lame student
his romance with his fuckbuddy, who's not sure if she should commit when they are both so far apart in status and she is also going into the no-bf-allowed idol business, was much more interesting, specially since he was so supportive of her talent and they also had such a hot dynamic in sex (which is missing from the other two girls and most pairs in manhwa in general)
>to not even be in the final photo
mogged hard
I am enjoying this more than I thought I would, but the Ajumma is such a great first girl I wonder how the author is gonna top things, I mean I thought it was gonna be a one and done, you know? Teacher sad that she is leaving, she takes his virgo card, he becomes more confident and gets with the blondie while the teacher leaves the story forever with a cameo at best".
Now after a great chapter, I got sad and then the author made it funny, makes me feel a bit guilty honestly, what a whirlwind.
Yeah the teacher is the best
New thread lets go
the milfs on this story mog the blonde gf so hard, you actually feel like doing chore in every scenes of her.

the slow build up. and corruption of the Ajumma honestly, was so freaking hot. no jap hentai have ever made me edge as much as this pornhwa did.
>>8462897 →
>2 new threads
Kill youselves, both of you.

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