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/h/ - Hentai

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Love this kinda setting usually a bit of a sub-type of prostitution doujins
>Women (sometimes members of a commite or just in general), are to be used as convenient cumdumps for the sexual relief of males, either in a work or academic environment
Technically it would also count when girls are slaves, war prisoners, etc, left to be fucked/raped by any guy that wish so, but I prefer a lot the more SoL setting mentioned before, with the way it normalizes such a degenerate thing
>>8423590 (OP)
This is a very hot example
>>8423590 (OP)
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>>8423590 (OP)
This one was very, good just pay a bit and have anal sex with a cute girl right then and there.
>>8423590 (OP)
The academy setting where girls can be used as cumdumps is always very good
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This is probably my favourite tag/genre in hentai, glad to see someone else with the same taste
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Damn, that's so hot.
Those weird outfits. That's from Kimetsu, right?
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Yep, never read the manga but I think those women are supposed to be some kind of helpers/servants to the slayers

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