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Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a general thread for people who translate stuff and people who want stuff translated to come together?
Here you can:
-make translation requests
-ask for advice
-share what you're working on.
check the catalog
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I did check the catalog, the problem is that that guy made a thread about himself with the intended purpose that people should make requests directed at him.
This thread isn't about me, it's by and for everyone to share tips, discuss and make requests. Not to mention he doesn't do typesetting, gimp/photoshop or other things like that which this thread should contain.

I'm working on a few doujins right now, so I want a thread like this to ask for advice and maybe take on some requests.
True, but I've actually been the one translating that entire thread. OP vanished after their initial 3 posts, just like the Avatar did when the world needed him most. I'd actually like to see a more broad thread like this one.

That thread is about to hit the bump limit anyway, so I can shift over here. I certainly welcome any discussion on the topic, and I always appreciate people typesetting my translations. I've even got a number of doujins that I've translated for practice that haven't been typeset, although many fall under /d/ or beyond.

Also, friendly reminder to keep everything /h/ in here! Don't want to get the thread nuked. I'm only specifying because I have historically seen a lot of requests that don't belong on /h/, especially back when I ran the translation free-for-all threads.

So if we have translation requests from you, we should reply to this post with our request if the bump limit is about to be reached in the original thread?
Yeah, there's only 5 bumps left in that thread, which might not be enough to cover a request. I'll be checking in on this thread.
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If I wanted to replace the Japanese text on this cover with English text, what could be a good idea for a font?
I've tried zenzai itacha but I'm not sure how I like it.
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Here's my initial attempt, but I think it looks like shit.
Should I maybe try and place a smaller English title at the bottom instead of replacing the Japanese or should I just find a better font?
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Specifically if one of you mfers happen to know a good font I can put in vertical like this.
At a glance, I probably wouldn't have realized that was English, due to the blocky font placed sideways. I would say just go with something readable over what matches the closest.

Also, just my personal opinion, but if the "one" is meant as お姉 (as in big sister or young lady), then I think it would be better romanized as Onee-Shota to avoid confusion with the number 1. Although I do understand that a bunch of works already have it as "oneshota" so it's probably more consistent to stay with that. And yeah, I get that the katakana reads as just "one" and not "onee," but sometimes it's better to sacrifice accuracy for clarity. I've been getting less literal and more fun with my translations, because when I actually see them typeset, the overly-literal translations feel silly and unnatural and I feel like I did a bad job.

At this point, Impact would be an improvement.
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In which case, I think I'd like to be the first one to make a request on this new thread.

The girl's name is Noa, and I think there was a mention of "Valkyrie" somewhere - that's the name of the local police organization, so feel free to just have it as-is or replace it with "the fuzz" or whatever.

If there's anything else that confuses you, just let me know.
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Whew, I came so much.
This bitch felt real good, haha!
Oh man, I can't believe how you managed to trick her so easily with that acting of yours!
It's all thanks to my acting that you got to fuck her, so be grateful.
Ah, fat-man, you're still here. Thanks for keeping watch. As thanks, you can go ahead and fuck her.

Eh? R-really!? H-hurray! Thank you!

I'm parched, let's grab a drink somewhere.
Sounds good. This bitch had a lot of cash in her purse, haha!

Ehee, eheehee... I get to... I get to have sex for the first time! B-bareback sex...!!

N-no, don't! I beg you! Stop! You can't! Any more of this, and...

30 minutes later

Whoa! This dude's still fuckin' her!

Seriously, how many times did he fuck that pig, haha!

Yo, fat-man, if you don't skedaddle soon, the Valkyries are gonna come.

Leave him be, that chump can take the fall for us.

I may not even know your name, but I love you, miss! M-marry me! I love you! I love you! I love you!

Many thanks, DigBingus! Your work speed is truly admirable.
Ah, I just happened to be on. And my translation speed is pretty poor, but I'm steadily improving! Actually, I wouldn't mind if people wanted to share some Japanese learning tips with me!
> I would say just go with something readable over what matches the closest.
You're right, but I just can't help myself. Maybe I should just try impact like you said.
>then I think it would be better romanized as Onee-Shota
I agree and i think I'm gonna incorporate that change.
>I've been getting less literal and more fun with my translations, because when I actually see them typeset, the overly-literal translations feel silly and unnatural and I feel like I did a bad job.
I can feel this happening with me too and I think it stems from the confidence attained from publishing multiple works. It's very clear that when comments on exhentai praise a TL they're almost never praising it for it's accuracy, but just for how well it reads and how good it looks. 4chan shitting on 'localizations' definitely makes me much more careful with this stuff.
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Is this something I should be wary of when using certain fonts on doujins I plan to publish?
Since the doujin is uploaded for free on ex- that means I have nothing to worry about, right?
At the end of the day, I'm doing this to help people out while also learning the language, so I don't worry too much about that stuff. If I'm taking on a bounty on e-h or something (I don't do paid commissions or anything), I usually ask the requestor if they have a preference towards more literal or more localized/"fun." The only thing people seem to have cared about so far is how the characters are referred to; for example, onii-chan vs big brother, ojisan vs uncle/mister, also also whether to keep the honorifics attached to names.

Hard to say. Technically, a website makes money through ads, so it may be considered "commercial." But on the other hand, if someone just used it in their personal art and uploaded it to social media, would that violate the terms at all? It's user-generated content, and not directly the website's. I wish I could give a more informed opinion.
krita has this really nice feature where you can select a layer by hovering over it when you hold down either 'r' or ctrl + 'r'.
Is there anything similar in gimp?
I just wanna say thank you to DigBingus for the very generous help in the last thread.
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I'd like a translation of this, please. No SFX needed.
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What would the equivalent orgasmic sound of クッ! be?
My repertoire of porn sounds in English is sadly lacking.
NTA just casually want to say thanks for taking the time to translate the things you did over there.
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How would you translate this?
I could do a localization and change it to "yeah yeah, I'm just here to care of your sexual needs afterall"
But that's kinda boring.
Glad to help! Best way to help me in return is to keep the requests coming (without going too overboard)

What's the matter?
Didn't I tell you to wait patiently on the bed?
Maybe you just couldn't control yourself any longer?

Your rashness is second only to mine.
But... I don't hate it.
Fine, then. I'm all ready for you, so...

It's going in...!

I won't be satisfied by that half-assed thrusting...
...catch my drift?
Aaahh! There! That's what I wanted!
Hahh! Hurry! Hurry up and shoot it in me!


Hahh... hahh...
We can squeeze in two more rounds before I have to go.
No point in wasting time.
Why don't we... get right back to it?

Yeah, I usually go with alternate options when it's something that would be totally unnatural in English. I've been leaning more towards "make it something the viewer can relate to" versus being too literal. In this case, depending how I felt the action of the scene was, I would probably go with something like "Guh..." or "Urgh..." or maybe "Kkhhh..." (with the latter meant as a raspy hiss-like utterance).

This is something where you can just flavor it as you like, since a too-literal translation would sound pretty awful. I would probably adjust it based on her attitude in the rest of the work. In isolation, maybe something like "Yessir, your sex-relief wife, that's me" or "Yessir, a wife that sates your lust, that's who I am." (Assuming they are using yome in the 'wife' sense). Or you can go more off-track and have fun with it, like "Yes, right, as your wife, it's my duty to take care of those pesky 'urges'." Of course, I often regret the way I translate things and later think of a way I would have preferred, but... Can't spend forever agonizing over perfecting a single line. Worst case, if someone has to correct me, then I learned something.

Thank you as always, DigBingus!
Woah, what's the source on this?
I've been trying to translate a H-Novel on Pixiv by ドミソ侍 labeled 3人だけの楽園 and have some success. At first, I tried using Google Translate and deepl, but they sucked. Then I used deepseek and got through 4 almost pages of the stuff. Translation seems decent, but Deepseek is down at the moment. Wished I knew I how to use an offline model.

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If it isn't too much of a bother I'd like to request a translation
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What would sound hot in place of 悶絶?
I really like the use of it here, but the translation term would suck in English.
Hello? C'mon over to the [redacted] Hotel in a bit.
I hooked 3 real hotties.

Sempai, I'm sorry... Could you let me take a break from tomorrow's practice?

Big sis prepared dinner in advance, so just heat it up. I'll be back tomorrow around dinnertime...

Ahh... Um... Sorry, I know we had plans to go out shopping tomorrow, but could we cancel that...?

Phone text: Bad friend (or bad influence, partners in crime)
I'm cumming! I'm cumming!

C'mon!! You'll have time to rest later, so keep those hips moving!
I'll fuck you two again after this chick, so just hold on.

(Not totally confident on the へばってる暇あったら part. At first glance, it looks like "if you have time to be exhausted," but that doesn't really make sense. So I think it's more like "You'll have time to be exhausted later" maybe?)

It is a little odd, since the word means to pass out specifically in pain/agony, but then the off-screen character is asking (rhetorically) if it feels good. I think it could be spun as "overwhelming pleasure" or "overstimulation" while keeping the general meaning.
Literally, the sentence is like "My cock, so it feels so good that you keep passing out in agony while making interesting/amusing/funny faces?"
To make it read a little better, maybe something like "You keep passing out with those silly, pained expressions, cuz you can't handle just how great my cock feels?"

Those are my thoughts, but ultimately, just season to taste.
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Can I have a translation of pages 1-7? Please translate sound effects in speech bubbles, but not any that are floating somewhere else on the page.

She seems to be speaking archaically, so I tried to go with that.

Will this manner suffice...?
If thou desire, I shall provide mine service... slightly embarrassing though it may be.

Indeed... It seethes with such warmth...
Did seeing mine attire affect thee so...?
Mmm... If such be the case, then alleviating it is mine duty.



Such intensity...


I have shown mineself... in such a disheveled state...
Upon relishing in such delights, how are we to forget the taste...
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Yes, Shinano here speaks very archaically as her recruitment line here provides one small example, so thank you so much for reflecting that in your translation!
I'd like a translation of pages 2-12. Translation of SFX is only needed in speech bubbles.

Damn, another tragic story of a pair of perfectly good pantyhose being destroyed... Oh well, here goes!

Having Miyabi-san seduce me looking all sexy surprised me in the best way.
This sort of appearance is only natural for a woman attending a man at night, or so I thought... Was I mistaken?
You're not wrong at all. I'm glad I can be with you, no matter how you look.

W-wait... Are you really going to put something so huge in my... in my vagina?
Don't worry, it'll be fine. If you just relax and take it, it'll go in real smooth. And it'll even start feeling good in no time.
Is that so... I suppose it certainly would be better if I weren't tensed up.
That's it... Leave the rest to me. Miyabi-san, you just need to stay like that and keep calm.
I understand. If you say so, I'll leave it to you. Do as you like.



Mmh! x2
Ah! x2

Mmm! x2
Miyabi-san... You've started thrusting on your own, and you're gradually getting tighter and tighter!
It's... not voluntarily... It feels... so good... my body... is moving itself...
Ah! x4

Yah...! So deep...!
Mmh! x2
Ah! x3



Hahh... hahh...

I was so worried at first, but... I was right to leave it in your hands.
Making me feel so good... I will have you take on that duty, now and forever.
...That makes me happy, but "forever" might be a little much.
Nope, forever... it is.
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Tearing pantyhose to get at a girl's goods is probably peak hedonism in my opinion. It's fun in the moment but there's long-term loss from doing that. So something something a joke about it being a lot like sex done for fun?

Thanks as always, DigBingus!
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I’d like to make a translation request on pages 1-8 in this artist CG set, with only sound effects in dialogue bubbles translated.

Her name is Shiroko (Terror if the epithet becomes relevant), the man she’s with is “Sensei”, and she has a verbal tic of saying “Nn,” a lot as an expression.

Okay, I'll translate it as "nn" as you say

Nn... Sensei, how is it...
As this version of myself... I can do it for you the same way Nonomi does...
I-I said no, Shiroko...
Back in my world, whenever I was on duty, Sensei would let me come at him after work was finished...
(I-is that why she was so desperate to help me with my work...!?)

[I did some research to understand this part. This Shiroko is from an alternate dimension, this version of her has larger breasts, and this author seems to have drawn Nonomi giving Sensei titjobs on multiple occasions]

Nn... It got big...
Does it feel good? Sensei...?
T-this... feels too good... I'm gonna cum before long...
I'm so glad... Since the number of students that would do naughty stuff with Sensei kept growing... I practiced a whole lot...
(W-what the heck... That other version of me has been doing such enviable things...!?)

Nn... The taste of Sensei's dick... How I've missed it...
D-don't just start sucking...!
Nn! x2
You're twitching like crazy... I can't believe how much pre-cum is leaking out...
Sensei, could it be... that you've gotten backed up?
I-I've been busy lately...
Well then, I'll squeeze it all out for you... I'm so happy...

S-Shiroko, I'm already about to...
Nn... Not yet.
Wait... Shiroko...!?
Sense's semen... I don't want it in my mouth or whatever... I want you to shoot it right inside me...
How about it...? Sensei...
I-I get it, so... stop gripping it so tightly... You're gonna tear it off...
Then shall we make our way to the break room... Sensei...
Part 2

I can't believe I get to have sex with Sensei in his nap room like this again...
I'm so glad...
Sensei, please... Be as rough as you want...
Sensei's dick... I want to feel it even deeper inside me!

>6 (the order of dialogue starts getting unclear here)
Sensei's cock... is incredible...
It's so big and hard... My insides... are being filled up... by Sensei's dick!
Sensei's dick is churning up my insides!
Shiroko, your pussy... is amazing too...
It's so slick... and clinging to my cock...
I'm being drawn in... all the way to the back of Shiroko's pussy...

Sensei, I can't...
I'm about to cum too!
I'm cumming!
Shiroko, your insides tightened up all of a sudden...
Because I'm cumminggg!
Stop! I can't! I'm already cumming! I'm cumming, so...
Sorry, Shiroko! I'm about to cum over here too...!

I-it's coming out... Sensei's semen...
It's pouring into my womb...
S-Shiroko...I'm filling you up... with the semen you wanted so badly...
It feels so good, I still... can't stop cumming...
I'm so happy!
The other Sensei always used a condom, so... this makes me really happy...
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What is the best way to start translating from japanese?

There are plenty of doujins over the years that i've waited to get translated with no luck so far, so i wanna start doing them myself, also it could be a good way to practice my japanese.

But i feel like there has to be a better way to do it than just use my raw knowledge in japanese and photoshop, are there any tutorials or guidelines for this type of stuff?
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Whew, that's really comprehensive, especially with the research you did. Thanks for the translation and for going that extra mile!

Yes, Nonomi is a fellow student at the same school as Shiroko, and popular material for titjobs given her notable bust size. This alt universe Shiroko having a bigger bust is a point she likes to poke at her "younger" self.

Just a disclaimer - I’m not a scanlater myself, but I’ve worked with them before, and I dug around the internet for advice from those that are because I want to help.

When you say you have “plenty of doujins”, do you have access to cleaned/digital raws, and can just download those to work on? In which case, a tutorial on cleaning/redrawing scans is probably unnecessary to share, but let me know if you do or plan to scan physical copies of doujins.

Second, I saw a lot of recommendations for Adobe Reader – download the raws as a PDF, and since you say you know how to translate, use the comment function to write text boxes of translations on top of the word bubbles.

Then you can get started on typesetting with Photoshop. Here’s a guide I found for doing that.

Most importantly though, you should decide whether you’ll be creating your own group (and working either by yourself or with other people to do certain tasks like a proofreader or cleaner/redrawer), or if you’ll be joining an existing group - translators tend to be in fairly good demand across various forums, so maybe look around the e-hentai forums or various Discord servers to see if any groups are recruiting.

Best of luck, Anon. Hope you enjoy translating those doujins and get good practice on your Japanese.

Okay, same anon here, I just noticed the test page you put up with your post - to my inexperienced eye, I think it looks great as a starting point, so most of what I can offer would be the guide I linked in the post.
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>do you have access to cleaned/digital raws, and can just download those to work on?

In this case, the artist released a raw version with no text, so it was easy for me to just insert the translation onto it, and for now i think i'll just stick to doujins where i can get the raws.

>In which case, a tutorial on cleaning/redrawing scans is probably unnecessary to share, but let me know if you do or plan to scan physical copies of doujins

That is an aspect where i think i will hit a roadblock, since i dont have any artistic capability whatsoever, so redrawing scenes might be too taxing for me. But if there are some workarounds to make it easier i would love to hear them.

>Then you can get started on typesetting with Photoshop. Here’s a guide I found for doing that.

Wow that is an insanely useful resource, it is exactly what i was looking for, thank you very much for sharing it. And the page also has some other tutorials, so i'll check them out as well

>you should decide whether you’ll be creating your own group

I'll probably work on my own unless i really get into it, besides im still learning japanese so it would be painfully slow for a group lol.

thanks anon for all the tips, i'll send you a kiss on the ass for being so helpfull

> For now i think i'll just stick to doujins where i can get the raws.

Yeah, artist CG sets will probably be easier since those tend to release with a textless version you can just paste text onto.

That said, depending on the doujin, just whiting out the speech bubbles and filling in your own text might be adequate, since scanlaters don't replace every single SFX anyway (especially since the vast majority of them are in wonky angles or shapes that'll take forever to edit). Maybe a few dialogue will have to be different or fancier fonts, but most can just be text pasted onto white (in my experience, at least).

What site(s) do you use to find or read stuff you want to translate, Anon?

> I'll probably work on my own unless i really get into it

Then hope you have fun! Glad I was able to help, and good luck with your work. If you're ever interested in potentially uploading your work, then I could offer to help as a proofreader, but that's probably a discussion for the future.

>What site(s) do you use to find or read stuff you want to translate, Anon?

Whatever im in the mood to read at the time lmao, i often search in nhentai or e-hentai whenever im horny, then if i find a goated artist i tend to look at what else they did, and often times they have some untranslated stuff that i cant find anywhere for a translation, its specially frustrating if the work is 3+ years old cause i know it will not get translated and kinda makes me wanna do it.

> If you're ever interested in potentially uploading your work, then I could offer to help as a proofreader

hell yeah i would gladly accept that, idk how you're gonna contact me but once i get this one done i would love feedback on the results and how to share it

Well, be the change you want to see in the world, you know? It's a good attitude for life, especially if it's motivated by just that little bit of spite because nobody else is doing it kekw

> idk how you're gonna contact me
I'm most active on Discord, so feel free to leave your handle if you have one and I'll send you a friend request.

Happy translating, Anon!
Based on this, I would recommend experimenting with different fonts to match the feel of the work. It doesn't sound like much, but it can really help set the mood.

Also, if possible, try to keep the English a little more "proper" with appropriate capitalization and punctuation.

Of course, these tips are just to make your work look more professional, so if that's not your goal, you can safely ignore it.

Now, since you said you wait for works to be translated, I assume you're maybe not quite fluent in Japanese. In which case, I will share some of my workflow for translating, under the presumption that you're in a similar situation to me where you have some baseline knowledge but still need to look some things up. My workflow goes something like this:

1. Try to do as much as I can with what I already know

2. Look up words I don't know in a dictionary. If I don't recognize the kanji, I use a kanji lookup tool, although OCR would be faster.

3. Look up grammar or suspected idioms, via dictionary, google search, or by plugging into DeepL (DeepL can be useful for more colloquial/informal stuff that doesn't appear in dictionaries)

4. Look up unknown SFX. I use UserUnknownFactor's guide for the most part. Try adjusting SFX to something that makes sense in English (for example, blowjobs often use chupo/jupo as an SFX, but something like "glorp" would be more recognizable to an English audience)

There can be more to it, like with the last translation I did in here, I had to look up information about the character to gain the context needed to understand what she was saying. Sometimes, I try to match a character's unusual speech pattern if I can, like the earlier one I did with archaic speech. If a character is using more polite/humble speech, I'll avoid using contractions to make it sound more formal. If a character is using more abbreviations and informal speech, I'll throw in some slang to match.
> I assume you're maybe not quite fluent in Japanese

dingdingding, i would say im at the end of N3 scratching N2, so i have some trouble reading more complex words, but if i can use a translator i can tell if the phrase sounds right or if the translator is way off lmao.

>I use a kanji lookup tool, although OCR would be faster.

What tools do you recommend for OCR? i haven't looked too much into them but they seem pretty useful, tho idk if there is any that is free of charge and also not awkward af to use

thanks for the rest of the tips, i will keep them in mind when making my own, although what do you think about translating the sound effects? imo i prefer them to be there if they are not part of the dialogue, but if they are within a speech bubble then i obviously would have to translate it to the equivalent

yeah sure, you can search me as lyndis_sacae
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Thoughts on this? How would you make it sexier?

Please translate this! Image to text sites don't seem too accurate.

Here's an OCR I've used a lot in recent months. I find that it's remarkably accurate in almost all cases. At most a character or two can be misidentified, but it's always complex kanji in distorted text and only very rarely. I heartily recommend it.

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Can I have a translation of this? The girl's name is Rabbit Serena, and the original Twitter post (linked below) said she lost a fight to a weak fighter because of being weakened by a new moon.


Only the SFX in the dialogue bubbles are a part of the request.
I haven't tried OCR yet myself, but I would probably give this a shot first: https://github.com/kha-white/mokuro

SFX are a pain, and background SFX aren't worth it if you don't have cleans to work with. To be honest, I think you could almost always figure out SFX based purely on context of the image.

I would say maybe condense "facial expressions" to "faces" to make it sound more natural.

My boobs are going "boing, boing." (SFX is hopping, like a bunny)
C'mon, c'mon, shoot it out right between Asuna's titties. (She says "boob-pussy" and I simply refuse to translate it that way)
C-cumming! Uwaaaah!!
You came so much!
Asuna's tits... so big... so squishy...
Great, aren't they? ...My tits are for you only, Master. Use them as much as you like, whenever you like.
But I want to be even closer to you, Master.
I'm not about to let you rest.

>>8439112 (dialogue is a little hard to order here)
Guh... Even though this weakling isn't usually fit to be my opponent...
Seems like you're in bad shape, Rabbit Selena!!
Shut up... I'm about to take you down...
Hey, you wimpy bunny!! You're cumming from having your ass spanked, aren't you!!
There's no way I'd cu- eeek!?
Stop! I'm cu-
Your pussy's tightening up just from being spanked!
I'm gonna rape the shit out of you for always making a fool of me!!
>My boobs are going boing boing

The frustrating part is I know it's supposed to be "pyon pyon pyon" because she's wearing a bunny suit and that's the japanese rabbit hopping sfx. But machine translators can never get the pyon pyon along with the rest correctly.
Lines like that are a little rough because it's just not how English speakers say things. The first two lines would translate literally as:
"Chest pyon pyooon"
"C'mon, c'mon, go byuu byuu in Asuna's boob-pussy"

So it takes a little adjusting to make it not sound ridiculous. Even then, if I'm trying not to change the line completely, it can still sound weird. Sometimes I just have to remove the onomatopoeia and substitute something else in. So in this case, the first line could have been translated as "My tits are hopping like a bunny" or "My boobs are doing bunny-hops" or something. Or maybe as a middle ground, "My boobs are going 'hop, hop' like a bunny." Of course, the bunny part is entirely absent from the original line, but it makes sense contextually with the bunny outfit + the SFX often being used to describe bunnies hopping. And even with all that, if you try to add in too much context to make it sound more natural, it can get way too long to fit within the text bubble. Of course, that's only a concern if you plan on typesetting, but I usually try to bear that in mind.

But yes, I think the huge differences in how certain things are conveyed in each language are part of why machine translators can't always get things quite right. Especially when things are heavily context-driven, even more so when the context is presented via images. One very common telltale sign of machine translation is when it gets the characters and pronouns wrong. Since the speaker of a line, or even the person being referred to in a line, is often not mentioned directly in the line or else referred to with a genderless pronoun. The Japanese language generally leaves out context that is already known in the conversation or that should be obvious with given information, and while this can make things difficult for human translators, it's even worse for machines that don't grasp context.

If you're interested in SFX, you could learn katakana (and hiragana). SFX don't use kanji.
>you could learn katakana and hiragana

Apparently there's a site called nihongoresources that had a big old database of all SFX used in doujins. But the site is kill. And it's not on the wayback machine either. Fuck.
My favorite, though it only uses romaji and no kana: https://gist.github.com/UserUnknownFactor/093a2296c5a4d9ef7b404728ebde94a3

There are other resources out there, but usually formatted quite poorly. This also isn't fully comprehensive, but seems to suit my needs 95% of the time.
Funny that I run into a translation request for the character I wanted to ask for and another request for the same artist I wanted to ask for in this thread.

Can I have a translation of this on pages 1-8? Sound effects are not needed. Thanks in advance.

I'm working on a translation but some of the more difficult grammar are tripping me up. However, it's /d/ material, so I'm not sure if I can post it here. Should I start a thread over there?
You could give it a shot over there. I don't know how much demand there is on that board, but I would frequent the thread, although I would likely be more picky about what I translate.

Sensei, you've been quite interested in my breasts all day today.
Heheh, even someone not as attentive as myself would have noticed being stared at like that...
Once again, I shall commit to memory everything up until you cum.

Heheh, do my boobs feel good?
Your pre-cum is already leaking out... 23 seconds sooner than last time.
At this rate, you'll cum in no time.

It's so cute how you're trying as hard as you can not to cum.
Here... I'll press it between my boobs like this, so...
Please just focus on thrusting your hips, Sensei.

Your dick is twitching.
Please, go ahead and cum whenever you like...

Heheh, you did great.
You came around 4 milliliters... More than average.
And your time to cum is...

Geez... I was still documenting things.
You must really love my boobs.
Heheh, I'm happy that I get to see another side of you.

Please cum as much as you like.

Heheh... You came a whole lot.
1 minute, 52 seconds for the first orgasm, 3 minutes, 38 seconds for the second... More training is in order.
Please continue allowing me to document all sorts of things about you, Sensei.
What font is preferred these days for standard text?
I used cc wild words like 7-8 years ago.
Wanted to work on something again, not sure if times have changed.
I use anime ace and typically the bold version.
Try it and report back.
Unless you already did, in which case, link it here for reference and science.
But only if you're a based linux user
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Should we make a repertoire of hentai moans and sfx in JP with the corresponding expressions in English kind of like in this git thingy here?
I simply don't know what to do most of the time when I encounter something like フンフンフンフン and while I could make up my own moan sond to replace it, it doesn't match her facial expressions here at all and I want to capture those.
I particularly like her moans a lot here, because a lot of them are subdued and some of them are more like grunts.
It really sells the idea that taking cock like this is a major struggle for her and not something she is used to and they feel closer to reality than the usual hentai moans.
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And what the fuck is this?

>Fuuuh! Fuuuuh! Fuuuuh!
How do I translate that?
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Please give some feedback here. I think it looks terrible.
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This is the 1st part
It's never gonna be 100% accurate, but what's the best OCR program/site?

Our resident translator DigBingus recmmended this program: https://github.com/kha-white/mokuro

But since they haven't tried OCR themselves, I'll also add a recommendation myself. I don't know if it's "the most" accurate, but it's been extremely consistent in my personal use: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Detomo/Japanese_OCR

Hope either of these help.
I've been using google's own OCR function myself. It's not obvious that Google has OCR, but if you upload an image to your google drive, and open the image from the drive in google docs, it will create a new file where it will be a text document with the original image on the first page, but the OCR output below. Now for manga it's probably going to be a bit of a mess and require some clean-up(putting lines in proper order, deleting OCR hallucinations), but the results are mostly good.
Google's tech has progressed a lot in a few years. I remember trying the same thing said few years back and the OCR was far more finicky and inaccurate. I tried some images that I had trouble with back then and it OCR'ed them with no problem recently.
I'd interpret those as ふっ, which is just 'fu' with a glottal stop, which is basically the sound suddenly cutting out. As for fu itself, I consider it like huffing or panting, but often just translate it as "hah" because that seems more natural in English. Also, the f is really soft, mixed with an h kind of sound (it is in the h consonant row after all), so I'll sometimes go with "hoo" or "hooooh" for drawn-out ones. It can be quite difficult to convey an "oo" vs "oh" sound though.

You're just like a baby, how cute! Do my boobs really taste that yummy?

You could never let the Astral Express crew see you like this.

Mmh! Are you trying to make me feel good using my nipples?
So cute! You can suck harder, all right?
C'mon, do your best!

Are you not including me in this?
Naughty girls must be punished...


You, you play with your own butthole?
I can tell just by seeing it, you know?
I wonder how it feels to have both your butt and clit teased at the same time?

It looks like Stelle is feeling good... Maybe she likes butt-stuff? I wonder if she'd be pleased if I tongued it for her?

I'll make it so that she can't get off without me fingering her...

Oh? It looks like our little girl has wet herself.

Keep it up, let it all out!

There, there. Good job getting it all out!
Now how should I reward you?

Seriously... Firefly, you spoil the girl too much.

Saying such things... Kafka, you know you can't speak about others like that?
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Is he saying the demon lord is a slime creature or is he saying even the demon lord would be surprised at her slime vagina onahole?
You're right, but that doesn't match her facial expressions.
I'd like a translation of the first nine pages. Just the dialogue bubbles and text boxes. Thanks.


Do all of these translate into "Slurp"? Or are there specifics for each? Please help.
I see it as the latter
Do whatever works best. Translation doesn't have to be 1:1, though I often lean more literal since I use it as learning practice. I've been trying to move towards making things just sound better though.
There's a lot of "plunging in and out" and sorta 'squelchy' SFX, which can be hard to translate. For blowjobs, I often use 'glorp' or 'shlorp' or such.
Oh my, you're being rather assertive today, Sensei.
The look on your face is telling me that you won't be satisfied with just using my boobs like usual.
Eheheh, that's fine with me.
However, I can't help but find it adorable how desperate you look... sorry.
Sticking it into your student raw... how naughty, Sensei.
I will make sure to commit this to memory...
Heheh, does my pussy feel good?
I mean, it's written all over your face.
Feel free to shoot it inside me whenever.
Oh... You ended up finishing in just under a minute...
Sensei, you're so cute.
One more time, you say? Heheh, go ahead. Please, let it all out.
15 minutes later
Sensei, you've been thrusting so gently this whole time...
Is it because you're trying your best not to cum so quickly again?
I keep getting this tingle deep in my tummy... The feeling is somewhat new to me.
30 minutes later
I can't... keep this... up.
Ah! x2
I feel kinda funny... The tingling in my pussy is getting so strong...
My body shudders with each thrust...
If things keep going on this way, I...
1 hour later
Ah! x2
Hey! Don't! You're being so rough all of a sudden!
Ah! x3
My pussy... it feels strange...
I'm already cumming, so don't...
I can't!
Ah! Mmh!
I'm cumming again!
Ah! x2
Geez... That was really mean of you, so...
I don't know if I'll be able to document that...
Hahh... x2
But... I think I could get addicted to this. (Alternatively, "I think this could become a habit.")
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Second half if you're willing
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>1 (The first word appears to be Kafka's ability, a sort of hypnotic suggestion)
"Listen"...From here on, your ears are an erogenous zone.
You will be stimulated by each and every word, but...
You cannot cum until I say you can.


Stelle... I love you... You probably don't remember, but we have always loved each other.



This spot's good, right?
From inside your ear to the depths of your brain, I'll go all the way for you.


I want to cum!
I can't... take it anymore!

Oh? You can't bear it any longer?
In that case, I'll let you in on a little secret.
If you tell me that you love me, you'll have an orgasm that feels better than you've ever experienced.
Come on, try saying it?

I love you!
Kafka, I love you!

Well? Felt really good, right?

Felt so good...
Kafka, I love you!

Heheh, I love you, too.

Geez... The two of you are getting all flirty again... It's my turn next, okay?
the latter
I just want to typeset all the starraisins pics behind danbooru's paywall (Gold account).. I'm not gonna spend money just for that.
Last I heard, there was no way to even get a gold account. Did they finally fix that?

That being said, is it stuff that you can't get with gelbooru's "display all site content" option?

Exhentai seems to be up-to-date with Starraisin's works. You'll need some black magic-style finagling to be able to access the page (rudimentary guide linked below), but I just checked right now and the most recent Fantia post is there, having been uploaded a little over a week ago.


If you don't want to do that, there's also kemono.su, which has a catalog of Starraisins from November 2018 to January 2023. So nothing recent, but a fair chunk of her catalog (or so I assume)

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Can I have a translation of pages 1-7? Thanks in advance.

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please translate
im new to here
i tried translating it and im done
i hope you like it

No wonder a man gets a boner in this situation, right?

Looks like my dick can reach up to here.
Just a bit below the belly button...
If I start thrusting, it might push your womb deep inside.

Are you getting turned on just from having my dick rest on your stomach?
*What are you so surprised about?
No wonder a man gets a boner in this situation, right?
Dunno but I guess you can now buy that again.
>is it stuff that you can't get with gelbooru's "display all site content" option?
Yes, Since starraisins is into shotas stuff.. those kind of pics.
Thank you but I already have an account.
The thing is: I don't know Jap but I am willing to typeset whatever I can find on Danbooru (sometimes on Gelbooru), using the site's translation.
I'm using Hooteroll as main font, since I got inspired by another anon who did the same thing years ago, he never did anything again.
(his stuff)
If you make a comparison between the same pic, you can see his style and way of typesetting is much better.
(mine) https://files.catbox.moe/xnojkd.png
(his) https://files.catbox.moe/f0h6x6.jpg
Plus I'm almost sure he knew a bit of japanese by himself.
I'll have to pass on this for now; it would take a fair few vocab lookups for what boils down to 7 pages of dick-sucking.

Looks like it's mostly them talking about how great his cock is and how much they want his cum, while he describes in great detail (and with relatively complex vocab for me) how exactly they are going about fellating him.
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Understandable! Apologies for putting up that difficult a request.

Then can I request a translation on this instead? This was the caption left on the post, translated via Google Translate.
> Yuina Usagi, who works part-time as a food delivery girl, ends up delivering food to a sex room and ends up getting eaten herself
"There we go..."
"...What are you getting all surprised for? Of course I'd get a boner from this."
"This is how far my dick would reach, it seems"
"Just slightly below your belly button, maybe? If I were to prod you with it, it might be enough to push up your womb."
"Does it make your heart race when I place my dick on your tummy?"
Not that anon, but I want to contribute a little to my own thread.
"I'm from Usa-eats, please take your ord..." - this is a pun on uber eats.
"He's naked———!?"
"Sorry about the 'getup'. You're super cute by the way, lucky me~!"
"And it's a yaribeya———!?" - Note for this at bottom.
"aren't you staring a little too much at my dick?"
"If you're interested you can join in."
"AH... No, I'm in a bit of a rush you see..."
"Come on now, I just wanna talk a little."
"You have enough time to go home alone anyway."
Yaribeya directly translates to sex-room, for which we don't have an equivalent term in English. It's basically when you rent a room just so you can have sex in it and often for rapey reasons too. There are rumors that certain celebrities have them in secret. If you have any suggestions of your own for what could go in it's place.
Oh yeah and the pink dialogue bubbles you see at the bottom are just moans.
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OP here, I'll take responsibility for my creation and help out.
"*smooch smooch lick*"
"so this is masters fully hard dick..."
"A young male dick"
"fufu... blowing this is worthwile..."

"Today, I, berserker, will be the one to swallow all the baby-batter stored up in masters testicles" - the actual word is 'seminal vesicle' but I'll just refer to the whole testicles instead.

"I had these two horny huntresses caressing my dick using their tongues. There is no way that I could put up resistance against two servants, so I decided to just let them have their way with me and enjoy it to the best of my ability."
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Page 2

"fufu, there's no need to act like that, I'm not going to bite it off or chew on it or anything like that."
"*lick liick* *smooch*
"this is such a valuable cock afterall. *smooch lick smooch*"
"*POP* it's a little salty"

"*lick lick lick*"
"Your dick became big once again. *smooch lick*"
"It's leaking precum too and covering your glans in a manly stench"

"Alter is busy licking the underside of my glans, while Atalanta carefully stimulates my shaft."
"The fact that there is a tale in which she once engaged in sexual intercourse in a forbidden area certainly shows itself in how incredible her sexual technique is."
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"*suck* mhhm *slurp slurp lick* - you get the point"
"does it feel good?"
"*Slurp* *POP* *lick* does my mouth pussy feel good?"

"after swallowing my head, alter began to bob hers up and down. Ruining her otherwise pretty face while making slutty noises."

"*smooch smooch*"
"The other me has gotten serious with trying to milk you now"
"in that case I'll have to help out so you can cum with pleasure"
*smooch* mhh *smooch smooch*

"Atalanta sucked her lips unto my testicles, then starting blowing my balls like they were a penis. While it doesn't hurt at all to have your balls and glans aggressively stimulated, it was probably the most intense pleasure I had ever been assailed by."
This takes a while, so allow me to shitpost a little too. I am currently watching R.O.D. and it is absolutely fantastic, this character is so adorable and is my wife.
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oh yeah page 4 now.

*suck lick suck*
Your rod twitched, are you about to cum now?
*suck lick suck*
if you don't let out semen every day, your babybatter won't get potent enough to easily impregnate anyone

*lick smooch lick*
Your dick is twitching, you're about to cum soon.
*smooch kiss*
Cum to your hearts content.

This heavenly level of cock-stimulation caused a glint to flash through my nether region!" - I know this doesn't sound very sexy, but it's what he says. Switch 'glint' out with 'electric shock' or something.
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skipping page 5 since no dialogue.
page 6.

*smooch smooch*
hmm *gulp* *smooch* *lick lick*
your precious penis juice.
*lick smooch smooch*

with several gulps, alter swallows my semen .

purp again:
*more noises and a gulp*
It's thick and smelly and delicious *noises*.

No shame or honor. She just swallows all my semen while showing her love for it.
I gave myself up for these two and then I was left in a trance.
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p7 final.
hah~ hah~ that is one incredible dick *lick lick lick*
Only our master, who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders could manage this.

hah *kiss kiss*
I apologize on behalf of my currently sentimental other self, but this time it's my turn to have some fun.
I'm going to swallow every last drop inside these balls.

it seemed they weren't going to be letting go of my genitals just yet.
And so the two mythical huntresses began licking my penis once more.
I almost feel like watching apocrypha now. I'd like to see what Astolfo is like in a non-pornographic setting and I'm curious about Atalanta because I frankly hadn't heard of her outside of fate.
No worries, it's not like you could know how difficult a piece would be, especially for a specific person's knowledge.


The "Uber" replacement is spelled "User" on the delivery box. Normally, Uber would be spelled ウーバー, so they just swapped ba for sa, which would just romanize as User.

For the last part, I would probably translate it as something like "It's fine, just stay and talk with me for a little while. Somebody already left, so I've got nothing better to do."

I put it that way because the first line uses the て form for the final verb, which probably indicates a request (more literally, he's asking her to "Be(come) my chatting partner for a little").

In the second line, I think the て form on 帰っちゃって is the connective form that can have a nuance of "because (A), (B)." So, it breaks down to "Because one person ended up going home, I have nothing to do."

As extra information here, in 帰っちゃって, the chau form (abbreviated teshimau form) is used, which conveys either a sense of finality, or that something is accidental, unintentional, or unfortunate. In this case, it would be the 'unfortunate' nuance I think, but I often end up translating this form as... 'end up' because it typically works in most contexts.
For 暇してる, it's the te-iru form of suru, and they're using hima as a suru verb (which seems to be slang). Te-iru indicates an ongoing action, so he's saying that he's currently in the state of not having anything to do. There's a little more nuance to the te-iru form, but that's the gist of it.

Sorry for the over-explanation, but I hope you find some of it useful!
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>The "Uber" replacement is spelled "User" on the delivery box. Normally, Uber would be spelled ウーバー, so they just swapped ba for sa, which would just romanize as User.
I thought it was a play on usagi and eats, since I was under the impression that the characters name is usagi, but user eats could also be a contender. You could argue then that it would be ウサイーツ or something instead, but then it wouldn't rime with ウーバー anymore. I could be wrong
>In the second line, I think the て form on 帰っちゃって is the connective form that can have a nuance of "because (A), (B)." So, it breaks down to "Because one person ended up going home, I have nothing to do."
You're correct, I made a genuine mistake there.
>As extra information here, in 帰っちゃって, the chau form (abbreviated teshimau form) is used, which conveys either a sense of finality, or that something is accidental, unintentional, or unfortunate. In this case, it would be the 'unfortunate' nuance I think, but I often end up translating this form as... 'end up' because it typically works in most contexts.
For 暇してる, it's the te-iru form of suru, and they're using hima as a suru verb (which seems to be slang). Te-iru indicates an ongoing action, so he's saying that he's currently in the state of not having anything to do. There's a little more nuance to the te-iru form, but that's the gist of it.
I know Japanese, please fuck off.
>Sorry for the over-explanation, but I hope you find some of it useful!
I admit my error and it's obvious now that I look at it, but that doesn't mean I want basic grammar explained to me.

Hey DigBingus,

I’ve been watching your translations on this thread and the previous one up to now, and I had a bit of a request:

I was considering trying my hand at doing some very basic scanlating of artist work like the type that’s been requested in these threads, and potentially uploading them to Exhentai.

I wanted to ask if you would be okay with the translations you made in this thread being used for that purpose. I’m prepared to credit you for the translation in the author’s notes if you want, under whatever moniker you desire too.

To be clear, I’m not being paid or profiting from this in any way – it’s just something I want to do for fun and as a minor public service for anyone who might like what I choose to scanlate too.

Let me know what you think.
Feel free, I don't mind having my translations typeset. If anything, I ask that you proofread my work and make any adjustments you see fit to make things sound more natural.

My apologies, I didn't mean to offend. When I'm not confident in my interpretation of something, I have a tendency to overexplain it in case I'm wrong, so I can get proper feedback on where I went wrong. However, I see that I went too far.
I'd like a translation of pages 1-13, just dialogue. Any not directly in the red or black text (including ones in dialogue bubbles) can be ignored.

Girl's name is Noa and the man is just "Sensei".

We shouldn't be doing this...
This is your fault, Noa... For actually inviting me into your room looking like that...
*ba-bump* x3
Noa, are you wearing your favorite underwear? Come on, let me see...
I-it's too embarrassing...
Having Sensei look at me like that...

You're so vulnerable in those pajamas...
Sensei... R-right there... is... ah!
If I slip my hands in, you'll be getting touched directly...
This firm part here is getting harder. Noa...?
T-that spot... D-don't rub your fingers... there...

Noa's breasts... Wonderfully soft and squishy...
With how big they are, they must be sensitive too...
S-Sensei... you're just focusing on... teasing my breasts... ah!
This... sort of thing... Won't Yuuka-chan get upset with you?
Yuuka has nothing to do with this...
Right now, I'm more concerned about doing naughty stuff with you, Noa...

Look, Noa, how you've gotten down there... Why don't you give it a feel?
N-no way... My panties... They're so damp...
Now, just like that... Let me see you touch yourself...
T-touching myself... that's... just...
You're so cute, Noa...
I can't believe you got this wet just from having your nipples fondled...
Y-you're wrong... It's not what you... think...

T-this is... I'm... gonna lose my mind...
You stuck your hand down your panties yourself...
Looks like you just can't resist it any longer...
Not there!
*squeeze* x2
*squelch* x3
B-because Sensei... is fondling... my nipples... ah!
I started aching down there... My fingers just moved... on their own...
N-no... Don't suck on them, Sensei...
Noa, your tits are so tasty...
Your whole body... smells so sweet, it feels like I'm really drinking your milk...
*slurp* x3
*squelch* x3
*splish* x2
Don't go flicking your tongue over my nipples...
Your nipples are hard as diamonds... It just makes me want to fondle them even more...

You're getting awfully soaked down there... NOa...
Y-you're... fingering...
Doesn't it feel good? Here, look, you're squirting...
N-no... that's too... embarrassing...
*smooch* x2
*squelch* x3
*grope* x2
I had no idea you were such a naughty girl, Noa...
Noo... Please... stop being... so mean to me...

S-Sensei... Don't lick me... there...
I-it's unclean, so you... ah!
Noa, you're... so pretty down here...
This naughty pussy that keeps leaking out more of Noa's juices... It's the best...
I can't... help it... Don't... slurp it up...
*slurp* x2
*lick* x2
*squelch* x2

Hahh... x3
S-Sensei... If you're gonna do it... just... stick it in already... please...
I-I've already... so many times...
You came? How many times? Since it's you, you must be keeping count, right...?
U-um... two large ones... and about 5 more small ones...
Well, your pussy's nice and wet now...
Y-yes... So... Sensei... hurry...
*twitch* x2
*smack* x2 (maybe sound of him smacking his cock on her pussy?)
T-this is... Sensei's...
That's right... It's inside your pussy, Noa...
Amazing... it's so hot... and hard...
Noa, your pussy feels great too. It's tight, but since it's so wet...
*thrust* x4 (red, different sounds but probably all like, pounding/thrusting sounds)
*squelch* x3 (purple, different sounds but all wet fucking sounds)

S-Sensei!? Don't... touch my nipples now...!
*pinch* x3
Feels good when I do this, doesn't it...?
If you... tease them at the same time like that... aah!
You're tightening up as I fondle your nipples...
Your pussy's clinging to me... It's going to wring my semen right out of me...
*thrust* x4

Sensei... Too rough...
*thrust* x6
Noa, your pussy... it's so good...
I can't even control my thrusting anymore...
Y-your dick... it's twitching inside of me...
That's right... Very soon... your pussy... is going to be flooded... with my semen, Noa...

*tremble* x2
It's coming out...
Ahh... I'm filling you up, Noa...
Your pussy tightened up... Noa, did you... also cum...?
Y-yes... I... have been cumming over and over...
P-please take... responsibility... Since I'm... definitely going... to be having... your baby...
*splurt* x5

I definitely took some shortcuts on the SFX but there ya go

This is fantastic! Thank you as always, DigBingus!
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Would like this translated, thanks in advance
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Requesting translation of these two
for context a dick is being sucked.
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Will have to make guesses on some names. Had to guess on a couple lines too.
All right Senhime, go ahead and show Kanami the proper way to service a cock.
*rub...* x2
There, there...
...Just leave it to me, Lance.
I was not well-versed in matters of love, but you instructed me thoroughly...

That's it, bring your face closer... Looks like you're already turned on, but don't stick it in your mouth yet, okay?
...Mm hmm...
*pooo* (Idk what this is supposed to be)
*Hahh* x2
*ba-bump* x3
Bwahahaha! Senhime, your breath's so hot!
Do you get it? Kanami, this is what you're supposed to do when you're servicing a cock.
You start by gently stroking it, and then get flirty with it.
...I'm not stupid, okay?

*huff* x2
Huff... huff... Senhime, I know you just can't resist, but you can't lick it yet.
*rub* x2
*muku* (maybe sound of skin pulling back?)
*twitch* x2
...Hahh... hahh...
Now, could you place your lips on the tip of my cock? Offer a kiss to my cock as a sign of your devotion.
*itching* (as in 'itching to go')
*hahh* x2

I love you, Lance...
*tingle* x2
There, that's it... This is your dearly beloved cock, so make sure to put extra love into your kiss, okay?

Ahh... Senhime, that cumdump mouth of yours is really working my cock... (Yeah I have no clue what this line is actually trying to say and took a huge leap. Well, first part is "Senhime's toilet face" which is stupid. And I just don't get what chimpo ni kuru is supposed to be saying)
*tremble* x2
*smooch* x7
Mmh... x3
*twitch* x2
...Oh! Oh! You rather fancy kissing my cock, don't you, Senhime...
...Excuse me... It's not... that I enjoy it... *kiss* *smooch*... (Assuming the one part is a cut-off "sukina wake janai" because that's what would make most sense to me)
Now, keep that lovey-dovey, hot-and-heavy cock smooching going for 5 minutes.
Ooh... there's precum coming out...
It's all slimy and gross...

I'm such a perv...
I ended up licking a man's cock...
(This word for lick could alternatively mean 'underestimated')

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