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why she even got involved in that mess? why she ended up like she did?
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>>8429763 (OP)
Evil woman failed to understand that to evil beings your value is directly related to what furthers the plan and not who you are or what you can do.
Not surprising, evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction.
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>>8429763 (OP)
Kiriko, my first and beloved hentaifu. She still is to this day but Ingrid would be my second choice. Kiriko is amusingly weak to anal, unironically too like most if not all female hentai antagonists.

>what was her problem?
Wanting to double cross Dirk after he literally fucked her over. She was fine with his sleaziness till the moment he bent and banged her for the first time. Her demon pride and ego chipped as this human used her like any other woman.

>why she even got involved in that mess?
I mean she was originally there to see the contract upheld and being bound to aid her human conspirator. Unfortunately for Kiriko that means she's also up for grabs and later thrown under the bus by her fellow demons. A fact she didn't see sooner and is pretty much karma.

>why she ended up like she did?
I suppose because she was evil and thus needing to suffer a bad end. I personally don't think she deserved it as even someone like Oboro didn't have that of a grotesque and harsh outcome by comparison. Even if she was an antagonist, it was pretty dark and killed my boner knowing that's her fate.

The incel/white knight in me wants to rescue and save her. Wanting and hoping to make an honest woman out of Kiriko lol. My favorite moment though is her being spitroasted by Dirk and that ogre looking demon. I'd often rewatch all of her scenes exclusively while skipping the rest. She being responsible for developing my fetish with female hentai villains in general.
Her fucking voice is so goddamn hot.
Ikr? I absolutely love how angry she sounds most of the time. The Oboro toned voice is why I have a preference for her and similar female hentai antagonists over the squeaky/higher pitch sounding characters like Lilia for example.

That part where Dirk teases Kiriko when he's about to cum inside her, telling she's going to be impregnated by a human is a highlight for me. It's so hot with that voice too and coupled with the fact she's more pissed during it.
nice sauce asshole
just check saucenao asshole
>>8429763 (OP)
Man, the animation in this one is so nice. Really sad to see something modern compared to it.
they dont make em like they used for.
because people don't pay for them like they used to
Evil woman, evil outcome
>>8429763 (OP)
Not surprising, evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction.

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