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Some videos are over 20 years old but still is the best in their categories when it comes to creativity, bondage, different style of girls etc
He did a few more things. But just a few.
There were also a couple of copy cat groups but I don't hear much from them.
Let's say that I wanted to make some of this porn (I do) I need a few thousand dollars worth of land and bondage equipment. I also need a parade of whores who are willing to do some sick shit and also won't try to sue me when she regrets it. PT still had a couple documentaries that tried to cancel him with interviews from former bitches (he is a misandrists). There are just so many moving parts and PT was the right combination of rich, connected and evil to get the ball rolling. If you read the descriptions for early Kink Training of O segments he's specifically mentioned and some of the girls are actually getting trained to work with insex.
sauce / name of girl?

A fellow of culture, I see. Very wise words.
Nope. Hope you like Kink.com churning out their BDSM-lite stuff in 4K
Brutalmaster has some good stuff.
I wonder what motivated most models? The kink or the money?
the destruction of the white race.
The girls were paid a lot, I think several thousand dollars per video (although the documentary did interview a woman who clearly was willing to do it for free). As the original poster said, a lot of elements came together including the ability to generate huge amounts of cash and use it to pay lots of models.
No. Things nowadays are so professional it's boring.
OP here, sorry I don't know I just searched for some insex pics on google
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What are some Insex vids you guys would recommend?
Sure, most were around an hour.
I have a huge collection that I downloaded around 2005, on some old harddrive somewhere.
I'm quite sure there were torrents around way later than that though.
one of these days ill stop being a pussy and get the files
Havent seen a low waist mini skirt in years.
We live in sexless times.
When I was a teen int he 90s, we thought it gets graduatelly more sexy by the decade. Everything after 2010 is regression. Zoomers are so screwed - Zoomers are undersexed and underfucked.
Sadly, /hc/ is not the place for a meaningful conversation
You can find some videos on the sie HeavyFetish, there are some nice videos of Torture Galaxy

Not the same mood but brutal as well
/t/ have their entire collection in single torrent. It's mostly early 2000', shit quality internet videos though.
Woman at my church confessed she did some heavy stuff 20 years ago to pay for college. She is married and has two kids now, but is still attractive. I wish I could find more vids of her, or at least what her model name was. I found one clip that I think is her (gif related) but I want to hear her scream.
Do you have the source of the clip? I'm looking at the site, but nothing seems be fitting with what's there
Do they even exist in hi-rez?
They're slowly being released in 1080p. It's actually causing a lot of issues in the porn cataloging community
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well go on if you've got a story to tell share it with the class
Brent left the industry after he saw Max Hardcore doing time. He knew he was next. He gave BDSM a bad image. He made a point of pride to ignore models' limits. Ideally we'll never see crap like that again. And if we do, the asshole will join Max in prison.
modern porn is WOKE bullshit. All must be clean, nice and for young incels who will never touch vagina.
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I personally prefer House of Gord. Is there torrent for this?
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literally my least favorite. I like insex for that medieval torture dungeon vibe but Gord always felt too loony tunes.
Any idea what shoot that's from?
I love slaves doing labour in bondage
>Gord always felt too loony tunes
That's what makes it so funny. I don't think or at least hope nobody is actually fapping to it, but just watching it for the comedic value
same but sadly no, we're gonna have to get the videos and comb through them.

Here's hoping we can get some bitches and make some new content for the board.
Legendary. I could almost hear it.
Bakky was better

Night 24 is not creative but clearly theres some trafficking shit going on there, they beat the shit out of those girls.
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Does anyone remember or have material from a studio called House of Slavery? I only know a few videos of this blonde and they are all delicious
how many times can you listen to that guy say "you're a piece of shit!" and the camerawork is the worst in world
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i miss bdsm sluts who are not pornstars
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Tis one also have some awesome tattoos
ops, this one
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>low waist mini skirt
At some point they'll come back simply because the majority of fashion is, "I want to wear something different for attention."

We need to develop weight loss tech first though, because right now too many women are too overweight for it to be attractive. Although, they wear yoga pants while being fat so, they'll probably wear anything.
Burying that young looking (19+) woman in a cage IN THE GROUND was very hot. Her head was above ground. Some of their vids look quite life-threatening
always hated the leach video
Wow, this is the best thing ever. I wish there were more headbox/straitjacket videos
I used to love insex until I start reading those creepy stories about people that really were kidnapped and/or tortured.
Was there a video of some girl trapped in a box and a dude pissing in the airhole on the top? I recall seeing a gif of that on Tumblr back in the day
>I used to love insex until I start reading those creepy stories about people that really were kidnapped and/or tortured
Believe all women KEK
Ah, yes, a man of culture.
insex is never going to come back unless it's being made in a NON-USA area where they don't care if people do this. Literally the Feds became involved and tried to shut insex down.

"All we could talk about was just how crazy everything was at the Insex studio," Lorentzon says. Insex shut down in 2005 after the Department of Homeland Security determined porn was being used to fund terrorism and credit card companies dropped the site."

Even if one of those stories were true, that's enough to force that site to get closed down. I'd like to believe people but people are fucking liars these days and have no conscience. Fucking irony at its finest.

Gord got off on the machines. That would explain the vibe. But there was some extreme parts to their stuff. There was the chair forcing a woman to eat out another woman. There was the shocking/screaming that was quite real. You're fooling yourself if you think it was all silly .
What the fuck are you incels talking about?
I meant stuff like "photos taken by serial killers" (google it)
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At its core Gord was about having fun more than anything. The whole thing behind pornophilia was to take objectification and humiliation as far as possible in a somewhat artistic way. He basically treated bondage in the same way rope enthusiasts treat shibari.
I know this is (probably) consensual but man does this look like a saw trap, I almost lost my horns. Maybe seeing people in pain just isn't sexy to me idk :/

I liked the one (The Farm maybe) where they put a girl in a tiny cage, literally screwed it closed, and left her there.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you people? Why do you have such serious hatred towards women? I'm not trying to kink shame you, but this whole desire to make it more "real" and seemingly punish women for whatever the hell you think is wrong with the world tells me you need therapy. Seriously. get some help, work through whatever these issues are.
Low rise is back in fashion, you just don't see it yet probably because of wherever you live being a little (or a lot) behind on fashion. Also, just so you know, wearing a miniskirt, even a low-rise miniskirt, isn't an invitation, nor is it always about getting your. or any man's attention. Sometimes, it's just about fashion, and wearing an outfit that's cute and makes you feel good. Women have always come in all shapes and sizes, some women are big, some women are small, but women don't need to fit your idea of what's attractive or isn't. Also, a woman being thin, fit, in shape, can be just about that, wanting to be healthy and in shape, and not about appealing to you and your gaze.

Spoken like a true rapist. Or at the very least, a rape apologist. By the way, "believe all women" doesn't mean, lock up every man who any woman accuses, without investigation, evidence, or a trial. Nobody of consequence is seriously saying that. But we have had, in the west and especially America, a problem with even taking the claims of women being victims of sexual assault seriously. According to USAFacts.org “In 2022, at least 25,000 untested rape kits sat in law enforcement agencies and crime labs across the country. This figure only accounts for data reported by 30 states and Washington, DC; the total backlog number is unknown” and “a report by the Congressional Research Service that summarized existing research on the topic found estimates of the backlog ranging from 90,000 to 400,000.” Believe every woman means process those, take their accounts seriously, investigate them.

This seems to be one of the only people here who gets it. If a woman chooses to do something like porn, or be a kinky fetish model or whatever, and she's in a vulnerable position because of the shoot, and the people who put her in that position take advantage of that in ways she already said wasn't ok, then those people deserve to be in prison.
>They're slowly being released in 1080p
Native 1080p, or just someone upscaling those early Insex videos with AI? I've only seen the latter so far.
Native 1080p (really old ones are only 720p).
A couple years ago a fan used AI to upscale his collection then he released it for free, so those have contaminated the internet. But the remasters on the official website are in the native resolution.
Basically it's about people sharing conflicting information. The date always conflicts, and sometimes the title and/or description will be different. So this means that when people are sharing their data (usually invoking pornDB or stashDB) things can get messed up.
Personally I think the best solution is to just put (Remaster) at the end of the title of remasters, or somewhere in the description, but there are a lot of purists who value the accuracy of their data more than usability.
>Sexually broken was good however they never jizzed on the women
They have quite a few creampies which I liked.
Just leaving women locked up and leaking cum.
fuck you the tables have turned I see moar women doing this to man nowadays
That's not really what "believe" means, is it? If you believe in God, that usually doesn't mean you're trying to empirically verify God's existence.
Man, do you even know on which website you are right now?
Rebel Rhyder had some fairly depraved scenes with Assylum.
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do you?
Hate women?

I love women. Especially with a baked potato and a good bottle of whiskey
maybe Venus aka Angelica Costello
new bdsm stuff is too soft. that grais pictures dude from hungary or whatever is like the only og left. it's supposed to hurt, that's the fun.
torture galaxy was another good one. those girls are insane and i love them for it.
This is the shit I laugh at, to what lowest point can a woman go to say: "Yes, let's do this."
no joke I think the bdsm community was a test bed for alot of the anal , ultra uptight consent bs we've seen alot.
The girl I've been with for many years is into this. Nothing gets her hotter than being treated and told to her face that she's an expendable resource to be used up, consumed, destroyed, and replaced. Day to day we usually just keep it to lifestyle slavery stuff: permanently locked collar, an assigned uniform, her needing permission to do normal things, making her sleep in a locked cage, etc. We sprinkle in dehumanization exercises as desired; making her repeat humiliating mantras about how she's not a real person but an animal, how she was incorrectly raised to believe silly things like how she had rights, and how she was born to live in chains as naturally as cats have fur.

Every once in a while though, we both get in the right mood at the right time to do something more elaborate. Rather than come right out and say it, we nudge towards it with subtle changes in language and demeanor. Usually it starts with one or both of us referring to her as livestock, and the implications build over minutes or days until she's huddled on the ground under me shivering and asking how she'll be cooked. The current favorite fantasy is impaling her on a steel spit and turning her over coals. The 'open knowledge she's going to be eaten' stage can last long enough for her to drop into subspace and start offering recipes and other suggestions of how best to enjoy her.

Unfortunately, the kind of setup you need to roleplay out something like that would be very expensive. We've done what we can, like hogties with butcher's twine on the kitchen counter, apple gags, so on and so forth. But if I ever got a fair amount of money in my pocket, I'd like a place where I can build a little red-brick sauna designed to look like an oven that would get uncomfortably hot without being necessarily dangerous when supervised. The idea of the look on her face and the sounds she would make the first time I slide her tied up into it and lock her inside make me hard instantly.
I just saw that video yesterday by coincidence. Holy shit. Heavy.

Honestly I got kind of depressed because it seemed so real, I was thinking maybe she was being blackmailed or something. Then I found another video of her and she's just one crazy whore. Turns out she loves every minute of it.
Actually I said opposite. Possibility of this becoming real made bdsm porn awful for me...
its always nice to hear about when the kinks line up. I'm happy for you both, bon appetite!
>This faggot

The women are voluntary. (We can pretend that they aren’t though) They get off on being dominated and bandaged.
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> isn't an invitation, nor is it always about getting your or any man's attention
except that's exactly what it is. All of fashion is about showing off and doing something to attract the attention of others. Especially when it comes to women's fashion. It's all about getting a man's attention. Women (and white knights) only say "it isn't to get your attention" because they despise the attention of men they don't find "attractive" and simps think that if they defend m'lady's honor she'll find him attractive and dress that way for him.
>By the way, "believe all women" doesn't mean, lock up every man who any woman accuses, without investigation, evidence, or a trial.
That's exactly what it means. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. We've seen too many examples of where "believing women" was used to convict a man legally and socially with zero evidence, investigation, or trial.
Add to the fact that anywhere between 20-40% of those accusations that go to the police turn out to be false (and an even greater number that aren't taken to the cops), means that if anything, we shouldn't believe women without an investigation.
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it's not about hating women. It's about loving all sorts of bondage and messed up stuff.
That being said, have you met most women (hell most people?) They're pretty hateable. Heck, most women hate other women with a burning passion, including the ones they call their friends. As soon as a woman has something another woman does, the latter will do what she can to make the former lose it, or humiliate and shame her for having it.
I just want to see women in bondage, not listen to long rants about how feeeemales are evil and deserve to be despised and mistreated.
The Sexual Politics of Meat, 1990
Thanks, Anon. Though to be honest, it was her that got me into it. I was already very much into the bondage/slavery/treating girls like pets or farm animals for a really long time, but I'd never fully considered taking it to its logical conclusion. Left to my own devices it would have remained chattel slavery with perhaps some hucow elements. But no, she wants to be raised from birth to be treated like a deli item, and to thank her owner/predator for the opportunity.

Sometimes after a thorough play session I'll give her a new name, and she'll wear it for a few days roleplaying as the replacement for the previous girl who was eaten. Depending on what kind of abuse she feels like enduring, she'll make up a new personality and play the character, which can be anything from a farm-raised girl that already knows she's meat to a kidnapping victim that will resist until broken. (Or other combinations, like a farm-raised girl that doesn't know what she's being raised for until it's too late, or even a willing victim that just wants to submit to being useful/pleasurable to 'her superiors'.)

It fit well with my taste for crushing subjugation rather than mere 'tie me up and spank me' type bondage while also being a sentimental sap with traditional relationship standards. A rotating menu of disposable sundry girls, but also weirdly wholesome that I can share the experience with one person I'm super close with.

I'm not sure how to interpret that suggestion.
>The women are voluntary.
Brent Scott was famous for not respect the model's limits. This is why he bailed when he saw Max Hardcore doing hard time.
Any favorites? ;) which ones are wonderful?
Some dudes cross the line. I’d like to know about Max’s past. Childhood, etc. It wouldn’t surprise me if his mother abused him. Some of his shit was just over-the-top and cringe. The whores were all abused druggies looking for a check.
Man. I love these types of shots where the girls look less like starlets trying to turn you on and more like meat hung up for sale or butchering.
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Once the cunt signs that contract, her pussy, ass, tits, and everything else are just toys that can be enjoyed.

The bitch has no say in the matter after she signs.

Just enjoy the pics and vids.
This one?
Spoken like a true Tate taint fondler
>Believe every woman means process those, take their accounts seriously, investigate them.
Fuck off with this posturing, half your police departments don't even clear actual homicides any more while your feds are letting in millions of violent criminals across the borders annually. You wanted a degenerate country with no standards of ethics or behaviour, you got it now stop bitching.
>fashion attracts mates therefore fashion only exist to attract mates
>sex produces offspring therefore the only purpose of sex is to produce offspring
>the most obvious effect of a thing must be it’s entire reason for existence
>I’m sure no one else on earth has ever looked into the subject and found anything more than that
>I really am that much of a fucking simpleton

lol you just wrote out the perspective of every socially undeveloped teenage boy & developmentally stunted engineer dork.

Life has some surprises in store for you.
Seduce her into filming new content with you
Imagine being this much of a pussy
If I could be a woman for a day I'd spend the whole day hard bondage stuck on a fucking machine pounding my holes to repeat orgasms
I'm a pussy because I don't crank it to loony tunes

fuck off

the dream, someone needs to make new content so we can post something new
Confirmed big gaping pussy
There are some great reddit and discord communities out there regarding Insex
>Gord always felt too loony tunes
Fucking kek! Totally agree.
>He basically treated bondage in the same way rope enthusiasts treat shibari.
Good analogy.
He was still goated though
Friggin lived it.
Your argument is literally, cops don't solve all murders, so they shouldn't investigate rapes. I'm guessing someone might want to run your DNA through the database, see how many unsolved rapes get cleared that way....
>>That's exactly what it means. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.


>>We've seen too many examples of where "believing women" was used to convict a man legally and socially with zero evidence, investigation, or trial.

We've seen men legally convicted with no trial, and no evidence? What country are you referencing for that?

>>Add to the fact that anywhere between 20-40% of those accusations that go to the police turn out to be false (and an even greater number that aren't taken to the cops),

That's a made up statistic, I challenge you to find any legitimate reporting showing numbers close to that. The range I've seen reported in the US, is for ALL sexual assault, rape, abuse, between 2%-10% are not founded. That also doesn't mean they aren't real, just that it can't be substantiated.

>>we shouldn't believe women without an investigation.

I said believe as in believe their claims enough to investigate them... "Believe every woman means process those (rape kits sitting unprocessed), take their accounts seriously, investigate them." See what I said there, investigate them? The issue is that when you promote the idea of "DON'T BELIEVE WOMEN" then the allegations aren't even investigated. At all. Periodt.
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>Gord always felt too loony tunes
that's what made him based
thank you for replying to my troll post you retards holy shit
If there was money to be made and any interest it would be available. But...that's the way it goes.
dilate tranny ywnbaw
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HOG is like the Willy Wonka of the whole SM shit
Apparentally PD was a proffesor, where the fuck did he get all his money?
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PD gets absolutely mogged by this giga chad. Hope he's doing well
Its just three bitches tied up, running in the woods, jabbering like turkeys while dude shoots a paintball gun at them. This is the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. Not even sexy, just fucking hilarious.
There is something goofy about it, but there's also a dearth of 'women treated as actual animals' porn that I like. Especially back when it was made. It scratches a very specific autistic horny itch.
Yes, PD taught at Carnegie Mellon as an art instructor. It wasn't the porn that they "had creative differences" with, but his live installations where he did live bondage installations. The money all came from him being the only game in town in the late 90's to the early 00's for BDSM "mainstream" porn. When you can charge $30/month (back then) and thousands will pay it, it adds up quickly.
My fucking kingdom for more content in their style of girls being transported in cages and then cooked for dinner.
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A bump for a good old days.
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Futile struggles gets close sometimes
I am interested.

The hilarious thing is? It's been women who want to have the fantasy. It's mutual. There are some of us who enjoy rough sex and kink. Both MEN AND WOMEN. The danger is if it becomes unhealthy. Actual Non-consent is disgusting. Don't include people who don't want to be involved. Don't invite vanillas or gross them out. Keep it to yourself. Don't violate peoples boundaries. ffs.
I hate to say we probably will not.

The internet is getting nuetered every single day and the only sites that stay online are boring sterile crap.
You always wonder where they got the models, and hope they were virgin church bitches
anyone know where to find their new stuff? some model named sabrina
>I'm sophisticated because I'm into sluts

Dressing sexy is always about feeling good. Is it also about attracting attention? Well, are you doing it in your room, by yourself? Are you alone in the woods? Then maybe you don't care about the attention.* Are you pointing a camera at yourself? Are you posting pictures and videos online? Are you walking around in a public place? Are you engaging with people who engage with you? Guess what? At best, you don't care one way or the other. But 999 times out of 1000 you are doing those things because you would rather have the attention than not. Even from people you think you are superior to. Especially from people you think you are superior to. Doesn't it feel good to lecture people for being wrong, especially when they actually are wrong? Doesn't it feel good to be distracted and forget about all the wrong things you are doing yourself? Of course it does.

Sometimes, and I know this will come as a shock to 4chan posters, getting reactions out of people makes you feel good. So good that you will go way out of your way to do it deliberately. Feeling better than other people, fishing for evidence to support it, and provoking others into doing stupid things can be euphoric, like a drug. Are you doing it because it makes you feel good? Of course. But what is it, exactly, that is making you feel good? Don't kid yourself. It has a lot to do with the attention and the reactions that you get. Some trolls and sluts are more sophisticated and subtle than others, but they are still trolls and sluts. And most people ain't that that sophisticated. They just like to lie a lot.

Given how shitty many people are, maybe it is a good idea to troll them rather than to actually try to attract them. But as long as you do that, you'll never find the people that are actually worth attracting, and you will never be anything but a piece of shit yourself.


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