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Post the hairiest of them all!
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Find out if there are any Armenian or Persian communities nearby and spend more time in/around them
nope nope that's enough internet for today
WTF stop posting gore MODS
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>be hanging out with 8/10 jewess in a party
>get to bang her because "she's drier than the gobi desert after her breakup a year ago"
>took her to the bathroom for a quickie
>she told me she wasn't prepared and I might gonna get grossed out
>be like eh I don't mind hair
>saw bushes thicker than SEA jungle

This is why you should tell a jewess to shave her body at least a day before your supposed sex sessions
This is fucking vomit inducing. Goddamn this is going to make me not want to have sex ever again. Women should never ever have body hair unless maybe a nice little patch for the vagina at most.
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She is so hairy I can not tell if that is going into her ass or pussy.
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holy PCOS brother jesus christ
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And then what? Did you still fuck her?
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God bless anon
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This is now a National Geographic thread
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Sauce Boss has arrived! here you go, sire!
jesus whats her name??
lady, your ass is hairier than mine, and I'm a 40 year old man.
I don't care, I fuck that hairy ass hard (sorry to say this, but shaved body has nothing to do with hygiene, for sex it's pure pedo fantasy, after all it's a hairy body, it's a natural form of an adult, man and woman)
Waiter waiter, more hairy lesbians please!
Or Italians.
>>saw bushes thicker than SEA jungle

That's good you philistine.
Crazy to think this is what our cavemen ancestors fucked.
Fucking would
But no tattoos, that's cringe
This wouldn't be too bad if this is the first nude female you ever saw on your wedding night.
Yeah. It's pretty disturbing having grown up on the standard beauty image of hairless women with a good HEAD of hair. Even as a biologist, knowing this is perfectly normal in most senses, even if it isn't the median phenotype, it's... not MY [preferred pheno]type.


It's icky.
God-fucking-damn, I thought my wife was bad. This thread really gave me sense of perspective. Things could be so much worse.

Thanks I guess. I'm gonna go throw up now.

Be a sport and had me one of them barf bags too while you're at it.

Holy fuck. I don't care what these granola eating goofs say about it being "the woman's natural state", we don't live in the Paleolithic era. We have razors and shaving gel now! The main Cavewoman in this thread has got to have faeces stuck to her ass forest 24/7. Wiping isn't going to clean that fucking thicket.
Angloid faggot detected
>visible mastectomy scars
>obviously masculine face and hair growth patterns (as if this alone wasn’t obvious enough)
OP said girls — females, women — not fucking disgusting trannies.
Those bitches belong in the woods
inceloid manchild, continue fapping to anime girls
At this point, why not just fuck men? Lol
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You need to be 18 to post here.
Because there are hairy women who want to be fucked in the ass Anon
look i dont like this much hair either but lets not assume women have literally no hair at all anon. They didnt choose to be this hairy, dont be so rude
>woman's natural state
its not
fucking what
this is definitely abnormal for women
i was gonna say too, these are very likely also just men or, women with hirsutism
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This is a 10/10 in Israel
best pics ITT
>>saw bushes thicker than SEA jungle
>This is why you should tell a jewess to shave her body at least a day before your supposed sex sessions
you're a faggot
Like honestly you're one step away from fucking a tranny if you'd fuck a woman this hairy. I'm not saying a woman has to be clean shaven, but this is man tier hair growth.

A lot of these pictures in here have a bunch of man-faced looking women, and that's me giving them the benefit of the doubt and not assuming they are actual trannies (let me be honest, I think a lot of them if not all are trannies but I'm giving some leeway).

I mean look at this shit:
These two are man-faced for sure.
Literally looks like a man wearing panties lmao, this is crazy.
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damn this shit is the worst
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>We have razors and shaving gel now!
well i guess men should shave their entire bodies too then since women do. yep - mustache, chin, stomach hair, armpit hair, leg hair, pubic hair. women shave it all. so get to it

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