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Not just Asian hotties, I want to see the chinkiest buck toothed street whores get railed
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Me too
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I honestly can't think of a more gookier gook than Magikarp Chan.
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street meat asia was a revolting site
Friend hooked me up with his hmong cousin when she visited she sucked like a pro
What a good friend
This site was great. Especially
When he had threesomes.
how so?
Love street meat. Anyone remember which video it was were he had the two girls, and one definitely did not want to swallow but the other girl forced her to?
a timeless classic
No it wasn’t.
Oh shit. Please find.
Yep, that truly is one of the best coin slot gookpussies of all time.

Plus I love her feet in that pic.
all the girls were diseased hookers and ladyboys and the men were ugly hairy bastards who eventually got HIV
Youre lyingg
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Not quite hardcore but I think the cum brings it across the line from /s/ material
I wouldn't be surprised, it was a site where the "talent" on both sides had obviously given up on their lives long before the cameras started rolling. Not to mention the fact that the same people ran a ladyboy site, and if they had a similar "creampie and not condoms" policy with the LBs that's just asking for AIDS. Up to a point the abject degeneracy added to it, sort of like Tampa Bukkake or Theater Sluts where part of the appeal was how sleazy and trashy it was. ASM was always on another level though, it blew past sleazy-hot into sad and gross. Clearly some of those girls were getting to the "final arc of Emergence" stage when they appeared on that site.
She’s a peach
What happens in the final arc of emergence?
It's a reference to a hentai called "Emergence." Got pretty famous online a few years ago. Basically a girl goes from meek and nerdy to bold and slutty...then keeps going until she gets the bad end as a drug-addicted pregnant runaway.
Nice, thanks for explaining the reference!
Yep, he left behind an interesting obituary, that’s for sure.
Oh my god what the fuckk damnnn thailand! Well it does say it was from skin cancer though not aids
>Nigel had sought alternative treatment but it was unsuccessful
>moron dies a moronic death
No, I know her, seen her get fucked too many times to have any doubts
Anyone interested in more karp chan pics? I went to elementary, middle, and hs with her.
yes, please. curious how she looks like now. you ever hit?
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>curious how she looks like now
a more recent pic of her, she's 34-35 here

>you ever hit?
unfortunately no, I was a huge nerd
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she's 37 in this one

I was going to post a couple more recent pics, one where she's 38 and pregnant, and another more recent one form Christmas where she's 39, but they are too crappy and low res to post here

if anyone wants them, just DM me on telegram @magikarp_fan
Body looks great for her age, and I’ve always loved her feet.
She has such interesting facial features, I still can’t decide if she’s really cute or sorta ugly/weird looking. Her features are almost exaggerated like an anime, big eyes and a huge oversized mouth and lips.

She’s definitely the queen of gooks imo.

How was she growing up? I’m gonna DM you on tg.
I can’t imagine being a roastie and then seeing a top tier coin slot pussy like this, I bet those chicks feel so self conscious.
>virgin tier headcanon
Take a break from internet for a couple days.
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>Body looks great for her age, and I’ve always loved her feet.
I saw her around Christmas and she still looks great, even after having a kid.
>How was she growing up?
Pretty normal overachieving Asian growing up. Probably the main way I would describe her is extremely nice. In elementary school she was super shy, then in middle school started to become one of the popular kids, and in hs she was one of the most popular girls in school, she was even class president. Despite that, I never saw her say a single mean thing about anyone, just genuinely super nice, even to all the nerds who had crushes on her.
She was super studious and did a ton of extra curriculars too, she played in jazz band.
>I’m gonna DM you on tg
Just hit me up, I can share more.
Kira something
How old is she now btw?
>How old is she now btw?
She just turned 40. The nudes you see of her online are all from her early 20s.
damn what a GILF
lol, not sure 40 should be considered gilf status, but she’s definitely a milf. She actually has a kid now but her body still looks fantastic, I don’t think she weighs more than 95lbs.

Feel free to dm me on tele @magikarp_fan if you wanna see some recent pics, non nude tho unfortunately.
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The girl is so skinny she looks like she's starving! I would be fearful to give her my meat and she actually eat it...
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Expose me on every sexsite. I accept spreading in the web. Zeigt mich auf allen Sexseiten. Ich akzeptiere jede Veröffentlichung. Download here:
Got a name for this one?
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ch1nese olympic f3nc3r
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Got any vids of her?
I found out at some point that she was a popular scat pornstar with a lot of scenes but I can't remember what her name was. I genuinely think the best way to find her because of how prolific she was in that niche would be to search for asians on scat sites until her name comes up then use it to find the bukkake scenes she did.
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Is there a name?
I know basically every scat pornstar out there. Any chance it's HoneyBee?
>t. degenerate
Looks like the Asian girl from German Goo Girls.
I used to think shit like this was hot but now I just feel bad for them.
Yeah that's definitely her
Nah. It was great.
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Im in love
you cant even see his whole face, retard.
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Fuckk, yes please. Moar?
all dolled up

I mean sweeet
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nice novel you lame fuck. you know nothing about asia. those bitches chose easy money and fun times over honest work, usually in a family enterprise. they are not objects of pity fool. those girls support large families with their work and make as much as licensed professionals. they had absolutely no need to do porn online. plenty of johns a stone's throw in any direction. get a clue.
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I was saying the southeast asian hooker lifestyle has a lot of inherent risks, and poor decision-making can increase those risks. Lots of the girls on ASM seemed like they had come up snake eyes rolling the sex worker dice at least a few times before shooting with ASM. That website had very scuzzy vibes and there's probably a reason they haven't produced any new movies in like 8 years.
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What are the chance of you catching something in Thailand if you go BB?
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Fucking nice

90% sure it's Qian Jiarui, but not OP
That’s Kiri Amari, probably one of the hottest OF accounts right now.
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