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Old school asian pornstars.

Starting off with Asia Carrera.
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I probably should have started the thread with this one. Great pic.
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How old is old school? Asa Akira counts?

For now Miko Lee
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Did she ever do anal?
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My mid-late 2000s fap material

Sakura Sena
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Kobe tai was my first crush
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Kim Soo Ah
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Tia Ling as she should be -- tied up, whipped, and with a white man's cum smeared over her lips.
I remember jacking off to old Asia Carrera clips as a kid, her stuff was kinda disappointing. Despite all the daddy issues her porn was like really vanilla and boring. You’d think she’d be getting fisted up the ass or getting pissed on.
yeah, she's literally too smart for that. 170+ iq on that babe, member of mensa now and mother of multiple. cashed in and got out.
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One movie
Finally a pic with real Asian hair

Why all these bad bouffants???
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wonder whatever happened to this slut
She’s so hot
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It's comical how poor of taste they were back then when it came to implants. It's like grafting a garden hose to a dick and calling it an improvement.
She started doing behind the scenes work. She's a little chubbier, still has her boobs, but she looked happy.
> It's comical how pioneers push boundaries in ways that I don't like because they are not my current norm

Congratulations on having the mindset to never do anything interesting in life. Your anonymous opinion is summarily disregarded
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>captcha: PHGT

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it kills me that I can't source these old bondage shoots.
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her shot, when she was pregnant, her husband just died in a bike accident, and she had to do it because she had no money to get a regular birth at hospital was one of the last things that could get me hard.
Beautiful woman, ugly vagina :(
What the fuck are you talking about?
Any actual /hc/ sets?
Seems pretty self explanatory to me.
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I was just jerking off to this pic last week, she’s just so fucking hot.
Did she ever do any face fucking scenes?
That was the old school I guess, everybody trying to look like a valley girl
Back when computers really gave off that ‘hey, I’m runnin’ here’ smell. I kind of miss that big crt odor.
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if you ever figure it out make sure to come back and tell us
Im pretty sure they were magazines so someone has to know
> Why all these bad bouffants???
because 90s
You don't seem to know what "asian hair" is or what a "bouffant" is.
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I love Asia so much. What an incredible woman.
Anon, she set up and ran her website, would personally post "pic of the week," and personally answer emails. She's such a sweetheart.
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She's objectively the hottest asian pornstar ever, right?
What about Asa Akira?
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miko was one of my first porn crushes
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Not on the same level.
Does she count as "old school"?
She is the best
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Pretty obscure Asian, but I really liked Ange Venus. She was tall and had nice fake tits
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>Pretty obscure

Yeah, never even heard of her before.
Miko Lee was My favorite
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Just discovered this bitch recently.
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She had that super nice girl kinda smile! She was super hot too! Damn I miss this woman!
Loved her! Late 90s to Mid 00s oriental porn was dope
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Are yall blind? Shes a 5/10 at best
I prefer miko dai and katsuni over her any day
one of my earliest internet faps. I think it was a gangbang vid where she was with a white chick and a bunch of guys
Also used to be active in Unreal Tournament back in the day.
Mika Tan? That bitch got fucked into oblivion. Started to get fat around 2015 and still did porn until 2019. And that whore started doing porn in 1994.
Now she's more or less a producer.
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kristara Barrington
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my precious!!!
>still did porn until 2019. And that whore started doing porn in 1994

holy shit
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Tried to combine these. It looks like shit, but blame that on the scanner.
Would. wpvn
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