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All types welcome, side by side preferred but not necessary
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love jastheowl got more?
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She makes me hard every time
Great thread
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Nice try
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More of her. I know there is more. Vids and all.
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I've got a short webm vid of this, but it tells me "no audio streams allowed" wtf
In the vid, you can see she is with a white guy, when on that pic, she's with a black one.
See ppicture on the right. It's the same bed.
She has that green panty in her mouth. The wall is from the same room.
2 different guys, same hc practice.
She looks super cute there, such a nice smile.
Who is this and is there more?
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>Who is this and is there more?
She's a pretty well know Vietnamese-American webslut known as Magikarp Chan. She was first leaked on /b/ 10+ years ago and still has a small but committed following.
There are tons of pics.
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Webslut Anna collection https://gofile.io/d/7mVCRm
Fucking love Anna, she is a magnificent little cumslut
Got a telegram account or Kik?
more spanked?
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dead link
Apparently people are harassing her and her family, maybe it’s best to stop doxxing her.
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She still wants to be exposed
Fuckkk, she’s so hot
this but without the caption?
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Here you go, anon
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How can white wimmins even compete?
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They have such funny eyes
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Anybody find more of this slut?
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Anyone can again reup the link pls ?
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File deleted.
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not convinced this is the same woman desu
same slut
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more Misha
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for these older asian milf sluts, do you think they've always been slutty? Or something they got into later?
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does this count as degrading?
The one on the left looks more like her older sister.

I would say yes. Also christ, what a hot body.
MOAR! Looks like a fun fuck :))))))
I was scrolling and this fat bitch jump scared the shit out of me goddammit wtf
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hapas count?
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facial counts right?
I got my chinese ex to do this one time lol... plus a collar and a leash
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always looking for more of this girl if anyone has it... i'll post a few of what I have
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peep the leather hood
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Holy shit, she is hot. is there any more of her?
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Good to see people enjoyed my content with that little slut. Pic related. Ive got like over 100 gigs of porn we made>>2432455
post it then! Degrading shit a priority ofc.
no idea. I've looked and haven't found anything. My fav part about it is it says its for "Keving Regis" which implies SHE created this herself lmao

Also ngl that pic of her with the cum on her stomach and the Mickey ears is literally something I did with my ex lol
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wow lucky man. She born in the states or Fob?
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Shes technically foreign born but to a us citizen and chinese mother. She was an absolute treat. Rims, you can throat her, beat on her, degrade her, take her in public, and she will have 3sums without complaint to please. really into racial domination even though shes a higher professional in her every day life.
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Truly the dream. Had a chinese american ex who is now a Doctor/Pediatrician who was super into pet play and DDLG (latter wasn't really my thing though). We broke up years ago but it's hilarious knowing she's a kids doctor now lmao
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Here I'll post some pics of doctor ex, but no face (sorry). She wasn't big on pics anyways so I don't have many
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With her favorite collar
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need more degradation in this thread
we never really dated. It was more a power exchange dynamic. I asked her if she wanted kids and she was too busy with her career at 27 so that was that. Shes also strangely a progressive feminist from NY. And Im the complete opposite. They really like that rough more conservative archetype to dominate them.
Always the progressive anti-racist feminists Asian girls who are into kink/raceplay lol
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Super cute
Should post more.. any more facial pics like this one >>2434240 or raceplay pics like these >>2434239
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Holy shit video or name?
I think she went by Ian
Does she do anal?
I've seen her on IG
License reveals are so fucking hot.
this is how kids are made

very fucking hot
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Cute as fuck!
Great thread! As an Asian guy, it's so hot seeing Asian girls happily degrading themselves for White guys even though they never do those things for us...
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Anyone knows who this is?
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Sorry been busy but heres one. I will find my hard drive and add a few more.
bump for link
Same, as a Jewish guy, I love self inserting as the white guys
She’s hot, great to see you use her properly!!
I remember a JAV video featuring a girl acting really stupid and wearing an eyeless shiny PVC hood. The throatjob was savage. Ring any bell? I wish I could find a sauce to post some pics of it.
Damn this slut is hot. What's the story on this? Who is she?
Careful with feminist girls. They'll feel justified in saying it was rape for clout

Cringe touch grass
Why is 4chan so weird when it comes to race? You can't just enjoy Asian girls. Pathetic. Any kind of guy can have an Asian girl. I've been with Asian girls and guys and I'm not white
In group preference and out group disdain has existed as long as human society has existed. The concept of racism is a Jewish concept. You're either a nigger or a fool or quite possibly both.
I concur with the guy who said cringe.
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Anyone got her ID ?
Soo good.
Whats her name?
Is her name Angela, grew up in Vancouver BC?
I'd like to add, studied in Halifax NS, now lives in Toronto
Canadian Asians are so sexy
Is there a golden shower vid? I'd like to see it.
Same, would love to see it. Look how adorable she is like that.
Seen her before?
It's been too long! More Janet pleeeease
Nice anymore who is she?
any source/name?
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>Truly the dream. Had a chinese american ex who is now a Doctor/Pediatrician who was super into pet play and DDLG (latter wasn't really my thing though). We broke up years ago but it's hilarious knowing she's a kids doctor now lmao

I fucking love porn from any girl with a decent education. Doctor is maybe the ultimate, especially when face is visible and they risk exposure.
>shes a higher professional in her every day life.
What kind of higher professional?

Post more, she's great! Very cute girl.
Any chance we can get a better view of that lower-back tattoo?
Hear hear
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xiuxiukong on ig
What a demon holy fucking shit
is that anna
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Searching for someone to degrade or praise my asian wife.

Telegram: @thebaobei
Holy shit, those are amazing
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Damn, there are some Thai bitches I want to do this to
same, couple of gook cunts I wouldn't mind fucking up
looking for someone to degrade my indian girlfriend

discord: yura_4677
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Just a heads-up.
Maggie from previous thread is CP. Birth date is 20 Mar 1999. According to the ID.
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It’s 2024 amigo…. And she for sure didn’t expose herself before the pandemic either. She wasn’t even a teenager when she took those pictures.

That was full on pandemic era brain-melting horniness and it’s fine. It happened to everybody.
That’s adorable
Actually I can’t stop thinking about this, how in the world did you look at that birth date and not think, my god, she’s so much older than she looks?
Anybody able to reup the folder?
How you know when the material was made? Could have been 2016
Because I was talking to one of the guys who was getting her pictures when she was making them.
Plus there are certain internet fads that have a specific shape and time associated with them. Someone should correct me if they remember otherwise, but the whole Asian body writing and blackmail sign thing arose at a specific time, didn’t it?

Wasn’t it all sort of started by that big financial loan thing where people would put nudes with ids up as collateral for something?

I’d be curious if any other anons have memories of things that would contextualize Maggie’s photos and make them as obviously pandemic era as they feel to me.
I was fucking a teacher for a while. 4'11" 87lbs. She was super into ddlg and likesy to pretend to be asleep. I'd take her onesie off before bouncing her on my dick like a toy
No she's not. Maggie is literally holding a piece of paper that says her full name, location and age which says 22 years old. The other thing is she is using a pixel 6/7 phone which came out in 2021 which matches her age. Case closed.
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Nicely done.
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pic just got deleted as I was viewing it
especially odd as the post is over 4 months old
I always thought deletion updates only occurred on refresh
you learn new janny powers everyday i guess
Must’ve been a bug?

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