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Girls on toilets or public peeing! Amateurs only extra points for OC or people you know
I think she’s soo hot, I hope you share all her pics!
Thanks, i have a few more these are pretty old pics of her
Would definitely like to see them, even if she’s not pissing!
Did she give you her consent to share these images?
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Ever since my older sister came in the bathroom and peed while I was taking a shower I had this fetish. “I need to pee butt-munch”. She’d lower her jeans and panties to her knees, she’d arch her back as her tits thrust outward. Feet pointed inward as girls do. She’d be casually looking out of the bathroom window as she innocently tinkled. I could see her pussy hair under her belly. Her hips accentuated. I was rock hard. After she left I fapped hard in the shower.
I’ll add some pics when I have time if the thread is still alive.
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Mom peeing in the backyard

Uhhh yes pleaseeee
does mom pee outside a lot? :)
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i love snapchat
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poor dog almost gets caught in drunk mommys crossfire
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"mean to me cuz im not a hipster at a hipster bar?"
>proceeded to laugh and piss all over the floor

>i miss vine
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drunk pig convinces other drunk pig to piss all over the texas roadhouse bathroom floor

love to see it
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this bitch pisses on ben franklin in total view of the world lol
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She's hot af. Would love to watch her piss
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fuck toy peeing
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fuck toy
Have any more? I think I know her
she ded
Morning pee
So vulnerable
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I’m not into actually seeing the pee squirt out of their pussys. Just a cute girl sitting on a toilet demure and vulnerable in the act is the fetish for me.
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“Can I have some privacy Daddy?”

I completely agree for the most part
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Smiling and peeing
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Adorable, moar??
My boy Ben deserves better, but he would probably have been into it.
God, what a cute little slut.
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Amazing! She looks great in each one of these
No, I wish I did. Please tell me you do. I love summer, I feel like girls get a little more free with stuff like this <3
Nah dude, after reading a great bio about him, ben Franklin is looking down with the warmest smile on his face. This woman is a true American hero, even if she doesn’t know it. Not even kidding.
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I love summer. Girls are so slutty and fun while walking around almost naked in public.
I wish I knew how to make videos work on 4chan
Convert them to webm, there’s programs that can do it. Handbrake for Mac is great, has to be under 4mb for Chan but program is pretty good at compression (considering the size). Choose vp8 for video encoder if it’s not default. May as well mute the audio to save file space because 4chan player doesn’t normally play audio and it doesn’t upload here anyways. May have to just clip the best parts. I think winff for windows can do it.

You could always post a video link friend. That looks <3
They always warned me against getting a cat but this seems alright.
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>amateurs only
Put put is as amateur as it gets. Didn’t even get it in the hole.
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I love when girls just piss wherever they want. Like drunk and don’t give a fuck, not their problem.

Yessss I love it when they just piss anywhere
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The next generation are degenerates but they make great content
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>Yessss I love it when they just piss anywhere

Oh my god I know. I wish they all would. It would be a better world for all of us.

I would kill for a wife/gf like this
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Quality sucks but I love the attitude
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When you don’t actually have to pay for drinks at the club.

This is one of my favorite things ever.

She makes such a mess and is so casual and fine about it.
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>this bitch pisses on ben franklin

Dated a girl from 2017 to 2020. "Goody-goody", prim & proper girl. She was 20 - 23 years old.
But they're the EASIEST girls to corrupt. I told her early on, after we'd started having sex, that it really turned me on, this idea of her peeing in my house -- randomly -- in places other than the toilet. For a lot of girls, that's pretty much all you gotta say. Give them permission to be disgusting pigs and they'll give you your fill. One night we were laying on the couch watching TV. I was fully dressed. She had a t-shirt on, but was otherwise bottomless. I said something really funny. She says, "Oh my god! I gonna pee!" and I said, "Let it loose baby! Just let it go!" Bitch pissed all over the couch and carpet! (Girls can hold a LOT of piss.) When she was done she still wasn't sure that I'd be okay with it, but I was. I said. "It's just girl pee. It's not gonna harm anything."

Sad to say, my little piss buddy and I broke up during the pandemic.

Girls will do anything that's risque or "dirty." They LOVE being bad.
lucky. Where else did she go?

I’ve never had a girl into it, I’ve had some humor me though but it’s different if it’s not their thing.
The one real drunk I dated would like piss in public if we were on a night out but that’s about it outside of like going in the shower or pool. She was on the tail end of her party girl phase :/.
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I love the shamelessness
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Oldie but a goodie.
Longer version you can see her happily sitting in the shimmering pee :)
Changed the song lady marmalade for me forever
This is honestly how every woman should treat a hotel room
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>after all of that
"okay, lets go :)"
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how to get free tickets lifehack
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This is great
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I would do horrible things for a gf like anons. Our hotel trips would be so much fun
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>anons ex at the bar like

I love the candid “what the fuck” pictures :)
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Drives me wild when you can see the gusset that lays right on the pussy
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Peeing at the pool but misunderstanding the assignment
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Usual chinese fakeshit
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theres these videos of girls who are house sitters/pet sitters/baby sitters who just piss all over the place while owners are gone and something about it really speaks to me even though i know its fucked up.

girls get away with so much
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is there a video? would love a long piss video
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yup. same
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Screenshot of an old youtube vid, mili seconds before they censor you get a perfrct view of her pussy. Sadly the vid is gone
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Whats with all these bullshit stsged/professional shot shit? Can we get some amateur or OC content?
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the least believable thing about this is a kid using the phrase "butt-munch" outside of a shitty 90s movie
We need more of Lauren
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Moarrrr plz
an ex
Go on...
That is accurate
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These are both terrific
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Who is she to you?
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do you have the originals to post?
who is this and do we have any more from her?
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Pissing In a urinal beside me
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The tampon string makes it.
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>The tampon string makes it.
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Really, really wanna see moar of her
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Love her, wish there were videos!!
one video here:
Oh wow is there more? How you find?
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This 1.5 min long video I saw in 2001 on limewire when I was like 12 is solely responsible for my piss and meaty labia fetishes

Here is the video: M-less 76B6C7B
That’s some real insight into yourself, anon!
Thanks anon! She is super cute.
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any more of this chick??
Femanon here, love pissing on my floors to mark my place
Amazing, I never would have guessed.
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my mom 100% made started my pee fetish. If she is out of the house toilets are completely optional. I've seen her pee in parking lots, behind trees. in the backyard. Pic of her while visiting.
>ass toward the window

Bro. Your mom wants to fuck you. Or she gets a kick out of showing herself off to you. Just go for it bro, get her drunk and fuck her. She's a feral whore.
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That's my ex. Here's another.
We need moarrrrr of her. All u got. Shes amazing i want to watch her piss for daysss

Thats what this thread needs is moar oc
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She was crazy. Here on the left.
careful riding that tricycle through the puddles XD

Even better. Moarrr. Whyd she piss outside so much? And in such wild ways?
>my mom 100% made started my pee fetish.

im so jealous of you, have any others you would wanna share? I would kill to have such an open and chill relationship with nudity and pee with my mom.

you guys ever get weird with pee inside? poop maybe
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Wow there's a blast from the past... One of the pee girl staples of yesterday
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looks like it's taking a shit
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Good girl
Don’t be shy princess. Let me watch you tinkle.
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Video here of this sexy cunt

Just pull it out slowly, put her on her back with legs open and insert your cock.
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Girls bonding while peeing. Nice
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Yeah, super sweet
That’s nasty you disgusting retard. I love fresh girl pee like anyone else, but it still stinks like hell if it soaks in and goes all stale and moldy. Your house probably still reeks.
>That’s nasty you disgusting retard

eh, just let girls be like bunnies or hamsters and go pee around their living space.
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someone i knew from school
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pt 2


i think her name is peach poppy and shes my hero
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figured id leave this here, classic
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Would love to see more of all of you!
Love oc content
Hi mommy also trips omg
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I only have this one from the toilet. But have a lot of her nudes
Fuuuuuuuck! Post everything you have
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Love it when you can see how messy their thong is
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Tigger Rosey, God I love that cute bitch...
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Healthy stream on her
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Pee and pantyhose
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Piss in boots
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Pissing in pearls
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I love the attempt at privacy failing completely
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Let's see more wives, and GF's
who is she? need more pls
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She's amazing. Please share mworeee
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do you have any vids?
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Pierced tongue?
Uhhh this girl looks very familiar
WTF, is that a glory hole?
Well, she sure made the right decision!
WTF happened to that dude's penis?
Katya Clover. She has some of the BEST piss videos! I love the one where she's standing in a bathtub full of water. She pisses into the tub, then sits down and starts splashing it all over her tits!
Cute little asshole/10
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Some gypsy guys wife
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When she doesn't feel like walking all the way to a bathroom
She thought the restrooms would be dirty
Your gf looks fun to fuck. All that meat on her ass and those massive squishy tits. I take it she's the American kind of brown?

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