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When it's not really a full on nip slip, but just half of the nipple poking out. Especially in public.
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There's three terms on the diagram here. Which one is peeking out at you?
Hnggg, do you have more charts like this one, professor?
Areola slip. One of my fave categories but not very popular unfortunately so searches don't yield much good results
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Pic the wife sent me
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The word you're looking for is "areola," the nipple is just the middle bit that gets firm.
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She's DTF!
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It's called "the need to buy clothes that fit correctly."
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It's called a retarded whore.
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Not very "hardcore".
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Wow more of her sucking cock
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>a quarter of a boob
god damn she looks like she has perfect nipples too
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My ex roommate with benefits. Now she's got 3 kids with some wetback...
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Holy shit who is this semen demon? I've never seen tits that big on an asian. Is that a push-up bra or aomething?
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I pulled my wife’s top up because I was gonna get me some titty sucking in. Well, this is what I saw as soon as the shirt came up.
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Oc wife, not camera shy
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enjoy this
I used to go to clubs where chicks did this shit all the time, it was fire
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These are called tits.
I call them areola peeks. I love women who think it's ok just as long as the actual nipple isn't visible but that delicious areola can show, especially if it's some nice big fat dark ones
who is this?
Less words. More pics.

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