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Post girls (preferably Asians) doing their best impression of a pet. Fake ears, tails, collar/leashes, and on all fours.
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This thread is more amazing than I could have ever imagined.
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ya'll ready for some intense milf petplay? she's my fav
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here she is!
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I never knew there were so many amazing pet sluts in the world. :,)
Now I'm curious how common this is in Asia
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Japan pig
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Hapas can be good little pets too
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I love hapas. Post more if you can
Fucking lol'd
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God she’s sexy.
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Jasmine's pet play training
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Walkies Tracey
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how does she have exactly one pimple on each boob, in exactly the same spot? That has to be a one in a million chance.
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Japan Pig Slave
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Goddamn, sarah makes me hard every time.
who is she?
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I want to see them caged with dogs
I love this pose
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Damn who is this? Imagining this with my wife
lol, they look like they're having fun
Yeah, it’s super cute, she complains after a while that she can’t really enjoy the matcha that way, and he’s like, aw, it’s just for show baby, and he keeps making her lap it up. Soo hot and cute at the same time.

she's so cute

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