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There is another thread for BBC. Post your favorite white cocks and babes here. Tell me what you think of this cock?
You could have at least used an attractive dick that isn't mutilated and odd.

Nobody gives a fuck about the colour of the cock either.
>You could have at least used an attractive dick that isn't mutilated and odd.
Whats mutilated and odd about it? Looks like a normal dick to me.
>Nobody gives a fuck about the colour of the cock either.
Why are there always bbc threads then?
He doesn't like circumcised cocks. It is a very nice high and tight cut though.
>Looks like a normal dick to me.
That's the problem.
Disgusting mutant cock.
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Anything for her
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Hey, OP. Who is she?
Fuck... Who is she?
Webslut named Autumn
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They just came her to hate because the rest of the white dicks intimidate them
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Damn, that's a beautiful dick
who has the pic of the girl sitting clothed behind a table in public, and her boyfriend holding his phone with a picture of her cheating with BBC on it?
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