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I've never seen a wall so fast. What was it, drugs? AIDS? Anorexia? She was a 10/10 now she looks like a crack whore.
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Some old photos.
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She was always ugly lmao
it was joggers
she probably got that face-sucking surgery every whore gets these days, on top of that witchy hair style. and honestly she was an older-looking hoe from the start
She always looked like crack whore.
average 26 year old gangbang whore
I mean there are way worse examples out there (Hannah Hays, Naomi Woods, Skylar Vox, Kendra Sunderland, Melody Parker just to name a few).

Are the weird high cheekbones even from plastic surgery or just bc she dropped weight? Cuz that could be then easily fixed if she gained some pounds and overall her face doesnt look that much different like no wrinkles or tattoos. Her hair colour is really off putting tho. She looks 100% better as a blonde which is again an easy fix.
lol She's a 26 year old whore it's over bro
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Nigger dick gangbangs.
ITT: shut-ins marvel at the process of aging
Holy shit that's insane. The faustian bargain these girls make for a little bit of fame is mind boggling.
How can someone be so stupid? This girl should have another 70 years on this planet, possibly have a family of her own. Instead she'll end up like Jenni Lee or worse. Only in clown world.
I don't get it
She got BUCCED
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A call was made. She answered.
Is that even the same person?

If it is, she got that stupid surgery to hollow out her cheeks. buccal-fat-removal. Anya Taylor Joy got that surgery. Women are so stupid.

also looks like she got cheek bone implants. So stupid. Looks worse.
pornstars all do all the hard drugs anon
ontop of smoking and drinking of course and shitty diets and lifestyles and std's and then all the pharma meds they prob take for retard mental illnesses and anxiety/depression
nah slampig skylar vox is better than kyler and she's still a whore kyler is like twitch streaming and obv a junkie maybe that's why she quit porn to get away from drugs (or try to)
bruh she's like 26 this is heavy drug use
she had some huge breakup that she sadposted about all over her socials last year. Then she followed it up, naturally, by making really bad life decisions (back into drugs etc.)

she was always far too classically good looking for porn. good to know that she has realised that and is lowering her standards.
She was always repulsively skinny
Make up
Skylar took out the tits so now she's just fat with shitty scars and nipples
there's a small bit of scat in that scene btw
She'll never be the same. She'll never be beautiful again. So sad.
She'll be 27 years old next year, if you know what that implies then you won't be surprised when it happens. She shows all the signs. Add another to the list.
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It's visible from about 23:00 to 23:50.
she could bee 10/10 but the fucking paws tattoo...
never seen something that screams "white trash" as loud as this
All that black semen aged her.
Must be drugs...she looked high in a few scenes
Hopefully she quit to clean herself up
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The crazy thing about women like Kyler is; she could still have guys lining up around the block to put a ring on her finger and deal with her bullshit.

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