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America's sweetheart
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>hairy puss and pits
>tight af asshole
>prolific dirty lil skank
who even comes close to this porn brat?
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Don't forget her gorgeously plump fuckhole
busted rat faced midget with no tits
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yes, and somehow she oozes hot-as-fuck kamikaze porn slut
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and I think shes gorgeous
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She's American all right
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this. shes like the perfect woman
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I'm 45. I've had two kids who are basically adults at this point. I'd get snipped and wife this whore up in seconds. She's literally the only porn whore I'd ever consider wifing up. So long as I couldn't accidently put a baby in her, that is.
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ohh. riley done DAP? name of the scene?
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>No trigger discipline
No thx.
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Super qt, sexy, fine, makes my dick feel good.
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sucks black cock like an absolute champ...
her hj scene with melissa moore is so hot. they could legit be sisters
They have to pay White women like 3x or 4x to fuck blacks. And getting paid is the only way you ever see fuckable White women fucking niggers.
who tf cares
Obviously you. So here's your (You).
She's genuinely dumb as a rock tho.
Listen to her talk for more than 10 seconds, it's almost like she's doing a parody of a dumb airhead.
When you're not plowing her asshole, you'd be suffering.
>When you're not plowing her asshole, you'd be suffering.
So it would be like being with any other woman ever?
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Knew a girl with a similar face shape so I really enjoy watching Riley.
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I wonder if she still fucks BBC outside of her career/OF even though she's a married woman now.
Probably. If I were her husband and she stopped taking BBC I'd want a divorce for false advertising.
I want her to smoke my pole
I'm 44 and I'd take Little Caprice over Reid any day of the week. There's something about her face that doesn't jive with me. Don't get me wrong, I'd pump Riley full of cum gloves the chance but since we're talking hypotheticals here.
remy better
I don't know man. I'm 58 and Little Caprice may be the most gorgeous actress in the business but it'd be like fucking the couch. At least with Riley you'd get some passion, fake or otherwise
wew lad, one of the best assholes in the industry
How does it still look so good despite all the abuse it's gotten from literal miles of cock?
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regenerative powers. like wolverine, but just her cute ass hole
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The sphincter is a muscle and a muscle can be trained.

That too.
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Imagine being her father watching this
>crawls naked on all fours in front of bunch of blacks dressed as black panthers
>they keep talking about racist white man and payback
>she calls herself white slut and swallows a load of each of them
>Imagine being her father
dont think most fathers would watch the porn their daughter stars in
Her family disowned her.
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She used to look so innocent.
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Why do people say she looks ugly?
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Her ass just keeps getting better.
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Her tattoos are underrated.
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she would have faded into porn obscurity if she never cashed in on a certain fetish
I don’t care how dumb she is, she’s a goddess
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Sweetheart indeed
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Let's not forget her perfect feet
This really is the GOAT vagina. A pussy so perfectly engineered to extract cum and be visually stimulating. Im sick just looking at it.
>extract cum
Ironic then that for whatever insane reason she's never done creampies
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I miss her arm pit hair so much man
I always wished she’d let her butt hairs grow
My favorite photo shoot
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She makes the perfect sex doll.
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>trigger discipline
Typical rightwing MAGAt faggot, notices a trigger in a pic of a beautiful woman.
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If you think she's dumb, that only means that you've fallen victim to her schtick. Find the interview she did with Jordyn Jones. Watch that and you'll realize that both of those "dumb" girls are very astute and competent marketing experts.
Many younger porn girls have similar tattoos that were obviously inspired by hers like Ryan Reid and Angel Youngs.
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She’s gorgeous. Internet dudes are just terrible most of the time. They’d all be in love with her if she gave them the time of day.
Some1 print this and mail it to her husband
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She has a daughter now.

Named Emma apparently.

Who is going to be the lucky guy to fuck Emma while watching her mom's porn?

Hopefully Emma will be as hot and horny as her slutty mommy.
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Pumped Riley
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More like America's Cumdump
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YES! It was a national tragedy the day she shaved :(
I am very grateful to girls like Riley Redi, Lexi Belle, Madison Ivy, Remy Lacroix, etc... they gave me some really good handjobs when I was young, but as an adult I think American porn is too cringe, the girls think they are divas, they want the videos to treat them like princesses, they hardly do rimjobs, very few creampies, they only have sex with muscular black guys, it's boring, I prefer Japanese or German porn a thousand times, where the girls know they are whores and not divas and they receive liters and liters of semen, they always receive creampies, swallow semen, lick asses, drink urine, shit on camera, that's porn Sir.
I miss the pit hair so much
look at this fat pornmommy ass
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yeah the pregnancy did wonders on her body
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what is the best thing about riley?
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her enthusiasm in scenes
Her feet.
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I deblacked it.
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I have lost so many gallons of cum over the last 10 years to her femdom porn. Its top tier
her femdom scenes
You posted 'em - her cute little holes
imagine the taste
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Whenever I see her dirty soles I almost cum immediately
She's still active on only fans, she's still exclusively filming with her husband though.
>still exclusively filming with her husband though
She looks amazing with a BBC next to her
i would pay 1200 bucks for her to give me a handjob from behind and making me watch her fuck bbc
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I know right? Riley's hottest asset was the fact that she's a massive slut. Her suddenly only making videos with the same average looking dick in every video which follows the same basic formula with the same basic pretense is just so fucking boring compared to her glory days. She needs to get back on the cock carousel, and do more gangbangs.
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On the one hand I'm glad she got her happy ending and found a reasonably stable relationship with a guy who seems like he loves her for her, but then again...she DID always used to say that she'd never let a guy come between her and porn, and yet here we are. I think given the fact that she made that her policy long before she met her current husband, he must have made peace with the idea that he'd continue to see her airtight even after he put a ring on her. So with that in mind...damn, why doesn't she just give the people what they really want?
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Yeah it sucks she only does porn with him
is it just normal porn or femdom stuff too? I miss her femdom stuff
Honestly if I married her and she wasn't getting bbc gangbanged every weeekend I'd feel ripped off lol
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>reason for divorce; my wife wont do bbc gangbangs anymore
Yes. Exactly.
You race cucks are the weirdest mofos.
Lmfao I would never marry a porn whore, would pump and dump though maybe have her as a side piece, but I have more dignity then shacking up with a whore. You have to be pretty bad gooner to think that is a good idea.
>the porn thread poster critic has arrived
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I bet she will if you pay her a few dollars on her OF
I can't be the only one who thinks her holes have gotten better with age
They certainly still look as delicious as they were when she started
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Would you lick her asshole?
The critic was at the idea of marrying g a whore not about jacking off to her. Though, you should probably stop watching porn because it’s clearly fucking with your reading comprehension abilities.
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>Riley Reid
How fucking young are you anon?
no bc i don't want syphilis
Girl who works at my local coffee shop looks like her. I was gonna mention it one time but not sure how she'd take it looking like a porn star.
She's literally a mother
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I think he's roleplaying as her son, not actually calling her a mother retard
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Yet, you're here to see her. Go fuck yourself . Go touch grass
But your mother did it for a pack Newport 100's and can of 4 Loko
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>ywn having your first faps on her dirty laundry basket and shoes
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>>2488526 if you do that have a working relationship with her go on. Say it. Maybe she will see it as a compliment. Maybe not and uou will destroy her self esteem. No way you lose in this situation.
literally the only coal burning porn skank that I would happily marry and show off to everyone within yelling distance.
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it's too good
>Riley's feet, asshole and pussy on display
I don't know where I should be rubbing my face in
>outing yourself as a coomer
>no way to lose in that situation!!!
Lmao, shut the fuck up. You'll think about it during sex IF you fuck her, never talk about porn retard
I'm just a customer. They roast their own coffee there on premises and I did talk a little shop with her and she showed me how they do it. You'd be surprised what goes into roasting coffee.
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How you feel about this, white boi?
Lol, that bottle is tiny, look at her hand. She's smol. Dicklet confirmed
>the roasting roastie
Nice Broadway musical pitch here anon, too bad I wouldn't quote you in the credits
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Post clips of her going absolutely crazy on BBC, orgasming on black cocks
They look like they smell incredible
I wish she was my wife
she kisses her baby too, disgusting
Well, he's probably immune to stds since the exposure in her womb so... just disgusting but not life threatening
>not american
>gremlin face
>has no soul or heart
>>not american
lolwut? she's from florida
>gremlin face
I think I'd feed Gremlins some cum after midnight if that was the case anon
You learn something new every day.
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it was a sad day when she shaved her armpits.
She's of mixed Irish, Puerto Rican, and Dominican descent.
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the hero we need
now fix the world
Sounds American to me
Midget cretin with no jaw and an IQ of 80.
what's the most hardcore disgusting and technically illegal thing she's done thus far? Anyone know?
she admitted to raping someone
any recommendations for VR scenes?
>She's genuinely dumb as a rock tho.
Yeah, she's doing porn.

The smart whores escort. The midwits strip, camwhore or do OF. The retards do porn and the addicts who are lost to their addictions are out on the streets.
Her literally wants nothing to do with her. She's stated this multiple times.
Don't confuse escort and porn star...

Porn is sex between professionals.
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>whites: genuinely enjoying herself, joyful and playful looks
>black: "it's just business" soulless stare and innatural pose
>gets stable life
>stops with the bbc gangbangs
It's almost like... the whole bbc cringe was just a jewish meme and she did it only for the cash. Lmao
>dirty soles
>dirty socks
This makes me think she doesn't wash them very frequently, and maybe she had smelly feet during the shooting of some of her videos... imagine the aroma
>Porn is sex between professionals
For the whole world to see, forever. Good luck to your kids to avoid being fucked up. Also "professionals" lmao. Those "bbc" ghetto scum picked from the street are worse than any rich costumer an escort could ever imagine. 100% better to marry a discreet escort rather than a notorious exhibitionist. Neither are a great deal imo, but still
>technically illegal
She pissed in her garden where the neighbors could see her. Pretty extreme uh?
I wanna rub my nose in her fuzzy arm pits
>Those "bbc" ghetto scum picked from the street

Mandingo and Lexington Steele are the best performers I have ever seen in the industry.
>Mandingo and Lexington Steele
I didn't know them before but a fast research says they both went to college and Lexington Steele was a Wall Street white collar. Hardly "ghetto scum" then, and potentially escort customers actually
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her husband should do a better job of licking them clean
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Her fuckholes and feet are intoxicatingly hot
If Riley were my wife I'd never let her shower or bathe.
All she would need would be a daily tongue bath from me where I would worship every inch of her.
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Would a Riley wife be allowed to wear clothes?
she is such a perfect fuckdoll
Not only that, but apparently he doesn't moisturize them with cum either. Look how dirty and rough her poor soles are here >>2505918

Mmmm tasty, I wish we had a source on her being smelly on set
Btw, she looks fucking greasy here. Hnnng
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she would never have a stitch of clothing on
not even makeup or stuff in her hair or jewelry
it would just be her in her pure raw nakedness, ready to be worshipped and used by me and her studs
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Yep she smells
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filthy feet for a filthy whore
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imagine the musk from her dirty well used fuckholes
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Her pornommy ass is so fat now her asshole must absolutely reek, sweltering in the heat of her constant nymphomania.
hnnghh I can fucking smell her through my screen
To be honest, if she was around me, those crusty socks would reek of dried cum, since I'd use them as a designated cum dumpster every time she takes them off (rarely, since she's a dirty smelly girl who never changes them in the first place)
Perfect position to pull out and irrigate her nasty soles from heel to toes
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Anyone else love the sets where she isn't wearing nail polish?
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she's a perfect princess who doesn't need makeup or her nails done
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Her hairy pits
Looks super smelly overall here, not just the pits. Those rollerblades must stank

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