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This might be the last chance to jerk off to Emily while she is still alive. A few months ago she fell into a coma(non-drug related reason) while in rehab. Since then she has woken up and responds to light now.
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her bottom
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browsing the carpet
her best scene imo
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What are the dots on her asshole?
based virgin
>taken by the vax
many such cases
she was antivax tho
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got a source? She sure seems to love injections
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Can any med anon tell if there is a chance for her to recover?
>fell into a coma (non-drug related reason)
>while in rehab
Yeah, ok.
that'd be why OP feelt the need to mention it was not drug-related, Anon
>Can any med anon tell if there is a chance for her to recover?
It may take years before she can ride a dick and communicate to pound her ass.
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I like to think she didn't take the Vaxx, my waifu fucking niggers is one thing but niggers and the vaccine is too much for me to bear.
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for how long has she been your waifu
Please, choose one retarded conspiration and stick to it. Mixing them is not healthy.
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Rate her smile
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The retired porn star’s family has now revealed Willis is awake, but she remains in a “vegetative state”

So there is hope for veggie porn
I thought she was AI in her first video with rocco, I think she looked so perfect.
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>her first video with rocco
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reminder: she has some content drinking piss if you're into that
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probably her nastiest OF video
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Only the video in the picture that I know of

She's only rimming him? The only nasty thing about that video imo.
you're damn right I am
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There is no hope, the brain damage is way too, my guess is in the 80-90%. When brain damage is so severe you don't really recover, maybe 2-3% in the next 20 years and that's optimistic
*way too damaged
how many percent are needed for oral sex?
I knew a kid that died from the Flu, it took several months. He initially was rushed to the hospital from lack of oxygen was in a coma for months, woke up was talking but still having problems where his brain would go nuts from so much damage and he eventually died from an episode of it.
I wonder if she would pull away or just go with a dick in her mouth.
Why is her tongue white in this image? Is that semen?
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because her mouth is nasty
Perhaps her best video imo.
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This scene is on Whoreshub in 4k at a very high bitrate, haven't found the original file yet.
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Any updates on this whores condition other than she can track light.
Link? Only ever seen that scene in 1080p
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Is it possible for her to gape while she's in a coma?
The fuck?
Her gape look really aesthetic, just like the rest of her. I wonder if there is a correlation between how someone's face looks and how their asshole looks.
>Jewess and Latina on black cock
Finally some real diversity
Won't let me post just thinks its spam, Just go through type emily willis and search until you find it. If you can't find maybe i can upload my copy, but I cut out the bullshit to make the file smaller, no talking, no bullshit, just ass fucking.
Yeah I think I found it thank. although i've been having download issues with them lately. The downloads just get interrupted every 20 minutes for some reason.
Yeah thought I was alone RIP, I didn't have this problem with a fiber connection. Maybe it is on their end though.
Can't download shit anymore lol.
She was retired even if she wasn't a vegetable
Yeah but just think 85 pounds soaking wet and no means of making money anymore.
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It's a shame she didn't go for broke and stay in the 'Industry' we didn't even get double anal out of her.
What's your favorite scenes?
Maybe she can start specializing in rape videos. I'm sure if you pay off the legal guardian it could happen.
Maybe in Russia. Because in Russia, you go into the vegetable.
Nice a living Fleshlight
any of her puretaboo stuff
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nta but I particularly like her jules jordan stuff
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Checked dubs of truth
She has stabilized in the hospital so there is a chance
Idk my guess would be somewhere in the 40-50% ballpark
I'd still jo if she was dead
Thread theme
>huge coal burner
>fell in a coma
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Excellent. My general theory is that Darwinism is still alive and well, and the least valuable genetic contributors to the species will weed themselves out of the gene pool by self-selection.

Thank you for volunteering to reduce the useless asshole count in the world by dying of completely preventable disease.
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surrounded by benises
she is practically butt naked
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Literally anything other than a natural mole or freckle because 4Chan has gotten just as fucking stupid as Reddit.
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I was never into piss play shit but this this hit different.
this vid is so hot
what scene is this from?
she looks happy.
I think she is the only young "mainstream" girl (has done Vixen, Blacked, etc.) that I can think of in porn that I have seen drink piss. Did she just REALLY need the money?
Maybe you just didn't look hard enough. Riley Reid and Khloe Kapri also drank piss in random OF videos.

sxyprn dot net/post/65934120262bf
Bump also

She's still warm, in a vegetative state.
Would be cool if the family posted updates to the gooner community.
>Riley Reid
Hasn't been young in 8 years
Cuck that sleepyassnigga
those are optical tracking tags for motion capture. If she winds up being all spazzed out and has a gimpy arm or something, they'll want to make sure the asshole looks realistic on her cgi puppet for the next season of She Hulk.
Let's hope a Black orderly can give her a child.
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She looks nerdy and innocent in this one
thats the appeal of ATK girlfriends, they are suposed
She was my favorite and now I can't even jerk off to her anymore because her fate bothers me so much.
Not because of any bleeding heart bullshit or anything, but because her fate is literally my nightmare. Being a vegetable trapped in a barely living husk is shit that keeps me up at night. It's my biggest fear. So now when I see her I just associate her with that and it instantly kills my boner.
It's such a shame because she was a top tier slut.
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>Being a vegetable trapped in a barely living husk is shit that keeps me up at night. It's my biggest fear. So now when I see her I just associate her with that and it instantly kills my boner.
Such a horrid nightmare, she cannot consent to sex, and is probably fully conscience just wishing someone would give her some dick to pass the time.
Imagine being a male doctor or nurse and your patient is Emily Willis. You've seen her take 3 dicks at once and have nutted to her countless times, and now she's just a vegetable before you. I would just see her as a giant fleshlight.
Honestly, dissociating the screen persona from the husk before you is pretty easy. It's mostly the same body (ravaged by circumstance as it may be,) but all the movement and expression that made it alluring is gone and replaced by the smell of disinfectants and beeping machines, and the knowledge there's a catheder down there which is a massive turn-off if you don't have a piss fetish.
Also you're likely to be stressed out between your documentations and scheduled procedures, locked into problem solving mode, no time to fantasize.
That fucking vaxx, man...
holy shit you retards are still crying about the vax
I guess I didn't mean in like a "I would like to fuck her in this state" sense. But more like a "The only way you would be able to do your job/the thing you love most is if someone just used you like a fucktoy".
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>Emily willis
I want her, I'll take good care of her.
You are the retard. The vaxx has always been harmful. A new field of research called "spikeopathy" has emerged because of it. It's been shown that the spike protein was able to cross the blood-brain barrier and wreak havoc there (or anywhere literally). Get with the times, pal.
Lmao retard

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