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amateur before after cum facial
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Hot. You have more pics of her?
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Jesus, that’s a facial
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>cum in eyes
Could have grown a bigger penis though, this one is small
and your before after is which one?
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Thanks. I have her most of the way talked into a cumwalk. Maybe by end of summer... :)
Good luck!!
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thats great. had a tinder date that me film a bj and facial on the 2nd date, and then did the cumwalk. walked to the shops on the corner and got a pack of gum. was insanely hot
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I need to see this! Did you post somewhere?
More? And who?
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Such a beautiful slut
Should be in a you live you lose thread
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MILF’s love cum too
Nice work!
Is there a video this is from or name/moar?
Seen her on the image message boards, always loved her
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Can we get a full size of the pic of her spread with a bush? Man I'd love to put my face in those pubes.
So hot
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ummm initials or at least first initial? Not sure if I know
mhh nice more PLS
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nice bitch more pls
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we need more PLS
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Haze Lynn, u/FlipMineArseMom, not really an amateur
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she is hot

Somehow these girls all look prettier with cum on their faces.
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It’s like magic, isn’t it?
Pretty please?
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mhh more pls
She's so cute. Any bj?
Nice blast
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What sculpture was for the Greeks, painting for the Renaissance, what poetry was in the early modern world after that, what facials are to modern man. A folk art. The purest expression of the soul of the people.
Step aside faggots

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need more
More kylee
Fucking nice
have more?
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Love seeing Katelyn fenn
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This slut count as amateur?
Amateur enough for me!
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Knock Off Kelsea Ballerini
It's not a contest, yet we have a winner
on molly, I presume?
Do we have more of her? She is gorgeous.
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not the same woman.
more of this slut
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anon, I really need to see that video
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Uhmm that's my daughter
Did the cum on her face come from the Asian gentleman in the middle?
Poor bitch
I'd love to jerk off on her
Nothing lika 5am cumshot blasting!
She looks traumatized in that last pic lol
She sure doesn't like it lol
Got any more of her?
I feel like I know her
Holy shit I believe she'd let anyone take a photo of her like this
Gd this one's a stunner!
Should've got her flipping the camera off while she blew u
Looks like an Oblivion npc lmao
Love the collages like these
Fucking boomers lmao
They sure look proud of themselves
Oh the middle finger is so hot
That dick is ugly asf tho
How old is she at both times?
Happy graduation! A
Trick question
jesus christ camera angles do really matter. she went from 10/10 to a 6/10.
She's so beautiful, more?
who dis?
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She doesn't have one. I'm urging her to get one so she can field questions and comments.

Well if you or she gets one post it here in this thread. I'll chat with either of you.
before and after 50 big macs
Damn, is it OK that I want to kiss them and lick their faces?…
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God what a legend
She makes a hot cum slut.
why hasnt anyone poster emily symmes
Holy fucking shit where did u get this? I know this girl
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So much fun!
So cute
more accurately, after suppressing csa
OK 2004
Wheres all the canadian sluts
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Before and after a great throat fucking
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Seen a couple of her videos online before, girl is a throat goat.
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I’ve seen some too, throat goat is an understatement. She loves getting her ass railed too
any more of her? I found her name is Wendy from Chris White's facials but how do I find more pics of her similar to the one on the left?
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Yeah, she looks fantastic, I know just what you mean. I hope there’s a horny ex who would like to share.
This is where I found her.
Here https://bunkr.ci/a/hDN3UPuY and here https://www.erome.com/a/BVkHMiP4
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Who is this? I need more of her.
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She also does POV vids!
Such a whore. I wonder what she’s up to these days.
>>2481883 Not sure of her name but her OF is Peaches_95 or something.
God I fuckin love dropping loads all over a womans face
She got the BJ eyes
It’s true, same here
all of these are A.I. generated
You’re a fucking idiot.
Got sum more?
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Throat goat indeed! Who is this?
Weird ai... Dumbass>>2475781
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Who this?!
It’s Peaches_95
Nice…. Exactly how it should be done.
“Daddy, if I miss another car payment they will take my car!”
The secret is freedom. These girls are really submissive. They don't enjoy posing. They enjoy being used.
WTF!? She looks like my sister! What's her name?
She also has a right to enjoy herself, just be gentle when u mention that she got leaked. Don't be mad.
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So hot
post vid
Post a photo
Fuckkk, that’s a hot one
She looks soo fucking good with cum all over her face.
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What a good little cum slut
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Can you post the link to her erome gallery again? She's becoming one of my favorite cumsluts.
She’s one of the best
Hottest pic I’ve ever seen. Anymore of this cutie?
She’s a good girl, goes by Salina, I think. She let her boyfriend use her face however he wanted.
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I fucking need sauce or i wont cum tonight
I’m sorry for your loss
Always loved that facial shot of hers, very hot to see an on-off
And he repaid her by making her world-famous.
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Those tits, fuck
Is this ur wife?
Hey ik this girl
My thoughts exactly
>Her pride ruined
No, not a trick question. So fucking answer it!
What? I'm sorry, but my daughter she's just so beautiful I had to cum on her face.
Found the incel
Star wars whire deserved it.
Have fun with celibacy faggot
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The best ITT so far.
Just realized it's not amateur, w/e.
rachel gilmore
lol. I wrote that post. And I speak from experience.
Some women just think being desired is equal being loved (mostly they have some serious mental disorders too). They crave for love so much so they offer themselves. People pleasers in all meaning. Literally enjoy if the other one likes them or what they do, even if they are just being used. And they mistake that positive affirmations of pleasing others as love.
It's actually a really sad case.
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This is probably the best before/after photo I've ever seen
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Even as a father I love that we do this to women. They just deserve it so much and there's no better feeling than unloading all over her face knowing how it degrades and humiliates them

I can't be the only father who's happy about how thoroughly porn has normalized facials. Porn helped me turn my wife into a cum slut but my daughters generation is being raised on facial porn. I love that she'll have no choice but to submit to guys cumming on her face.
sounds like your father abused you
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Very nice!
Yep, it’s just a fun thing that people get to do together now.
Left pic looks like a female Danny Carey.
Love the flushing on her chest and face.
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>we live in a society where any girl next door is potentially hiding a pornstar tier photoshoot in which she degrades herself like an animal
Nice slightly veiled demotivational thread you have here
Haze Lynn or flipminearsemom
Seems to be motivating all of the men.

Catching some spunk on your face isn't the end of the world honey.
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Motivates the fuck out of me
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Moar please
You don't have kids
Whiteknighting whores on /hc/ is almost as bad as being the pathetic fuck above
average military wife
Please say that there is a video?
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Completely different person. Not even close.
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Possible in uniform?
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Any more
The lefty girl?
No fucking way, is there more?
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I wish you would share more, but the damage and fun has already begun.
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this is hilariously obviously fake
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french pig Marie

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