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Please post pre tit shrinkage Siri
Idk is it that big of a deal she lopped them off? They would have been saggy and shitty after a certain point. She is way more athletic now, has a massive ass, fucks trannies and seems way happier now
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Ofc its a big deal for porn consumer who liked her.
I couldn't care less if she is happier, I don't know her in real life, she is only product for us and she chopped off only interesting thing about her, well at least she still has cute face imo, but other than that she really fucked up. Her new scenes just look weird.
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What she did was a war crime.>>2453458
That scar and those shitty redone nipple are so awful...
you sound white and pathetic, someone who watches solos or vanilla porn. I watch for the sake of strange situations and those pushing boundaries.
I don't actually fap to it.

>doing trannies
less gay than seeing her with dudes
>Avant guard Upperfloor shit
She wasn't doing to that beforehand, but now she is.....

>hopped off only interesting thing about her,
I am more of an ass guy,it doesn't bother me as much. She can do even crazier stuff now and has a bigger ass.
I doubt someone like her has the capacity to be happy. Such a miserable & unpleasant individual.
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blessed thread, I'll post a bunch
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What do you think they did with the extra flesh?
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probably fed an entire african village
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Yes because she also got a bunch of trashy tattoos and a nose job, her lips filled, etc. She looks ironically worse in every regard, despite having been a remarkable natural beauty, the likes of which should have been preserved. Her transformation speaks to a wider sickness in society.
She went from looking like the girl next door to looking like crummy slum junky hoe who sucks dicks in a back alley.
I'd never wash my finger again.
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Reminds me of what Eva Notty did to herself.
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Good God... I had forgotten. Honestly a worse decline than Siri. Like just look at how much better and natural and healthier she looked before. A tragic shame, and not even for our own viewership's sakes, but for her own as well. She looks awful now, honestly, and was formerly remarkably beautiful.
It's not so much the reduction as all the other work and the shitty tattoos. She was movie star beautiful and her boobs were next-level. Now she just looks like any generic e-girl.
Not so much the reduction? Bruh, really? Her reduction looks awful - the scarring looks like shit, and her boobs like somewhat weird too.
Man, she was incredibly gorgeous. Really sad that what she has become >>2454151 is the result of self-inflicted 'betterment' which has made her so much worse.
“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”
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She was perfect, as was Siri.
Thanks feminism.
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I'd rather have saggy big naturals than reduction or booblift abomination
>seems way happier now
don't be a faggot
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Good bait m8
also this, she's quite miserable in person
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Gave it to moloch in a ceremony, them lads love it when beauty is destroyed
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alright i finally understand what contrasts fag meant. fuck look at her body jiggle
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I only understand it when the man isn't black
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>also this, she's quite miserable in person
Her retirement speech was hilarious, instead of just saying goodbye it was full of this "and YOU all caused this!"
I wish I could have been a fly on her wall after her retirement and she was all like "what do you mean I gotta get a JOB now??!!"
sitting behind the cash register with every guy telling her how much they liked this and that scene and she's just snarling all day.
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>what do you mean I gotta get a JOB now
I know right, except she went back to doing her old job of emptying balls and she is awful looking now and covered in scribbles.

I saw a video of her fucking a fan, it was awkward as shit and neither her nor the fan came in the end, watching it felt like a humiliation ritual
For coomers? No, she was well past her prime and there are literally too many whores to jerk off to as it is.
For her? Yes. She's hideous with them and is struggling to get work and crying about it on twitter. Not only that but it seems like part of the reason she got them butchered was out of spite for men liking boobs. So yeah she's fucked.
HEr gay coomer husband got her into porn and she thought it was going to be cool and empowering. She divorced him when she realized he was a suitcase pimp and a fag profiting off her being a whore and it wasn't super cool and uplifting all the time. Now she's just an old lady who needs money and has to keep being a stupid fucking whore if she wants to eat. And we know she loves to eat.
ROFL a whore actually giving a retirement speech is so utterly insane it would make more sense if she was fitted with a straight jacket and locked in a padded room talking to herself.
lol imagine being a whore who can't even make a guy cum. Even filthy hobos can make a man cum when there is $15 on the line.
She really always was a fat fucking slob
She was always a train wreck
fat girls smell bad like bologna
>speaks to a wider sickness in society.
lmao shut the fuck up she was a whore and a junkie the fuck do you expect.
feminism? eva is just an elderly junkie prostitute you expected her to age gracefully? Siri probably did hack her tits off out of feminist spite though lol
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I remember reading someone's account of when she was still hooking (pre mutilation), and apparently her breath reeked of onions, which only amplified what they described as the most depressing handjob in history.
She will launch into a soliloquy at any given opportunity.

For example, anytime someone laments the loss of her sole unique feature, she is quick to retort with how "they don't get it" (it being the transformative art of her getting pounded on camera - very avant-garde), and how she is happy that such individuals express this opinion (she isn't btw), because it allows her to identify "the real fans".

It's actually quite humorous, and if you're looking for a quick laugh, I'd suggest perusing through her ama - she is soooo hostile, and genuinely was of the belief that the masses of Reddit coomers would applaud her cuntiness.
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What sickens me the most about her hack job is the loss of those inverted nipples. What a fucking downgrade.
>because it allows her to identify "the real fans".
What's so funny about that is that her decision to massacre her body must have cost her like 90% of her income, so she's sitting on her couch at the end of the month and sighing how there's a zero less behind her paycheck. but at least she earned it from her "real fans".
I'll never forget prime Siri, same way I watch the original 5 star trek series but won't touch anything beyond Enterprise
There's a bunch of health-related reasons to reduce breast size, ranging from back pain to reducing cancer risk, and I'm all for the right of large-chested women to reduce their size if they so choose, whether for health-related reasons or just for comfort/looks. All power to them. If Siri's happy with smaller breasts, good.

That said, I'm not jerkin' my gherkin to small-breasted women. I'm not polishing my rod over petite gals. I'm not taking a trip to ol' pound town for planks.

Again, happy for her.
But not cranking my hog for post-reduction Siri.
She's a beautiful woman, but as far as pornstars go, she had nothing to set her apart aside from those giant hangers. And I can find plenty of stacked women to fill the void she left.

And hey, there's always her pre-reduction clips to enjoy and spill my seed over.
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so fucking botched
damn fuckin nice
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She is hot as blonde, but i still prefer the redhair more
Even the hogs on my farm have enough self respect to stop eating before getting this fat.
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cool story bro
I would happily suffocate under her
This is when she looked her best, no doubt about it.
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So hot
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