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Sorry if this thread is not relevant here. But kinda needing an advice and answers as I am very new here.

> Married for a year now and struggling to have sex with my wife. I am learning to be more dominant with mywife New to all this and this is not my style.

I am more of vanilla guy, but a family guy.

Her ex used to treat her as trash, sex slave and whoring her out with his friends.
Beat her, abuse her, force her to alcohol and used her holes. She somehow managed to end this toxic relation ship.

And I welcome any advice how can I be like him?

> She wants me to be dominant like her ex, she opened up to me once last month and that changed everything. Her ex has scarred her brain with a 4 year abusive relationship or slavery if i can say. She basically had to service himself and his mates in a very extreme sadistic relationship.

At the same time i only do sex twice a month, in addition to low sperms and small size.

My questions: why she stayed with him for 4 years despite that? Why guys do such stuff (non human acts)! And why she is craving for it again?

To me it seems like psychopath acts, but again i am no expert but advised by some people to post here to find some similar ill minded people to help and explain things from their angle.

My kik martin ferwary if u want.

No larps plz
The problem is her, not you anon. That whore is ruined so you need to end it asap and move on.
Women are a blank slate, so if you are dominant enough your can train her to at least imitate a good woman. Fuck her well and let her know you're taking care of her and you can have her cooking, cleaning, taking the kids to church every week etc. Or you can continue to train her to be a whore, up to you.
U mean ending my marriage?
I am encouraging her to do the house chores and she is very good with them but she keeps insisting on me to roughen her up and dominate her like her ex! Does she need mental health counciling ?
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>My kik martin ferwary if u want.
can't find anything like this
I would suggest asking this type of question on Reddit as you would probably get better actual advice than some troll comments you would get here.
Coward. Use her as your VIP personal whore. Post her tits uncensored.
Not that anon. Dont listen to him. Tell us more about your fucked up wife. Age? Tits size? Weight and height? Buy her kinky lingerie. Tape her and share more vids and pics ASAP.
Healing and coping after abuse can be very complicated and take many forms. Her wanting you to dominate her is likely because she trusts you and by submitting to you willingly she can now feel power in what happens to her.

Successful relationships require lots of compromise. You’ve stated what she likes. What parts of sex do you enjoy most?
so called mental health counseling doesn't usually help. Just rough her up, be a little physical with her. She wants an alpha male, so act like it. Don't "encourage" her to do the house chores. Tell her do it like it's her job, and if she doesn't do it quick enough, put her over your knee and give her a hard spanking. She'll love it.
I have a similar issue, i went from a very erotic relationship where we did just about every fetish you can think of to a fairly normal one where all we have is vanilla sex.

I want to enjoy vanilla sex over going down the kink lifestyle again
Use a safeword, be serious about it. It will relieve part of the guilt as you'll know you're not going too far.
And don't forget aftercare. You can still have a lovely and sweet moment... after. She has a dark side, doesn't really matter if she is broken, crazy or whatever. It's your girl and she has special needs and you can provide and it doesn't mean there is no tenderness possible in the end.

Do it cause she needs it. You won't be abusing her. Better you than some bastard out there who will destroy her.
Safewords are for dirty cowards.
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Be a man and use her like she demands you.
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Like this.
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I know i will sound like i am gay, but i cant roughen her up. I don’t let her suck me off and i cant spank her despite herself asking for it.

As mentioned i am doomed with low testosterone and azospermia

> Kik/ sorry about the wrong username
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She was in that abusive relationship for 5 years.
She was a virgin and a foreign student in a European university.

Weight was 40 after they roughed her and forced feed her and did all of unspeakable acts changed to 30 then 58 lately. We been married for a year.

Breast size 32DD.

as i mentioned i do sex only twice a momth due to my circumstances which i explained
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Will u share woth no name your testorene results? Whybthe hell is she with you? Probably she thinks of you as an omega man. She deserves a horny alpha man. I fucked my wife 3 hours yesterday and today I slipped my cock insode her again. She was wet as a heavy rain. Do something at leastbfor her, wimpy kid.
If this is real, she told you that because she already has fucked other guys since you’ve married. IMO, considering we can basically attribute this to biological nature since she has already been whored out, I honestly wouldn’t even call it cheating, just fucking other people. But she has. At least she’s nice enough to try to communicate something to you about the clear issues that are forming.

You can snap right now into an angry fucker pretty much after you read this post, or, for the rest of your life until she divorces you for half of your assets, she will continue to fuck other men.

You may still have to end up letting her get banged by others occasionally with how screwed up she might be, but then if that happens at least you can basically fuck whores with no remorse since you married one. Not saying you want to fuck whores, I don’t, but you literally married a former prostitute and either have to be upset enough to dominate her or accept that she will just follow biological protocol, it’s truly not her fault.

There’s no other option. You read this and snap into someone kind of mad they were basically deceived and use that energy for y’all’s benefit, or she fucks other men. There is no other way this plays out. Snap or she’s basically not yours after you finish reading this post!
Post more.

dude just whore her out to some of your friends its literally what she wants
>Weight was 40 after they roughed her and forced feed her and did all of unspeakable acts changed to 30 then 58 lately
40, 30, 58 meaning kilograms? If she's that chubby looking now, 30kg is insane. She must have been skin and bones.

>She was a virgin and a foreign student in a European university
What country are you in by the way? I can't tell what ethnicity you are but I assume southeast Asian based on her skin tone.
Now first of all thank you for the pics. Most often OP does not deliver, you seem to be a different one.

Now let's try to work on your problem. You want to know why she stayed with an abuser for so long and wants to be degraded sexually by you. Best thing is to ask her and talk about that. Since she already expressed her needs, most likely talking about this topic will be not a problem for her.
What can you do, after you get this information? You can either accept and play along or reject this wish that she expressed. But also don't reject it right away, maybe this is a way to be sexual more often, when you have low libido? You don't need to fuck her, when all she is asking for is a beating, you know. I don't know about you, but delivering pleasure is fulfilling, too. Even if you have to do some things, that are a little bit strange. You don't need to go full bdsm on her right away. Just implement some elements and you will discover new things that turn you on, too!
Nevertheless going with her to a therapist might be a good idea. Working on past traumas might let her learn a new way to express love.
I am surprised, that this topic only arises now after a year of marriage. How did you fuck before that?

OP time to get into weird shit have fun
Come to Chicago and i will show you how to treat her.
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Yea OP it’s probably too late for you but here is some advice.

First take her to a bar and buy her some shots. Buy her a slutty outfit and tell her to wear it. buy some liquor and “encourage her” to take some more. Whip out your cock and just face fuck her and slap her around. Since she was already a whore before she will be used to the treatment. Slap her around call her a bitch and if she flinchs slap her hard and say keep your hands down! Sound like a man when you say this. She will obey. Fuck her hard and then stick some fingers in her butthole. Have a buttplug and shove it in there: Fuck her some more. Then fuck her ass hard. While you are fucking her encourage her to drink more. Cum in her butthole or on her face.

Make her watch porn with you and then fuck her again. Keep doing this all the time and always try to get more and more extreme. Always ask if you can pee in her as well. That is the ultimate form of submission.

“And if you are thinking why should i do that im a nice guy.” Then keep being a faggot and she will either leave or cheat. If she hasn’t cheated already.
The problem is him. He sounds like a limp wristed cuck.
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Is this a troll or are you really this pathetic? How did you have the balls to ask her out in the first place?

Women like being treated like shit. That is why is keeps talking about her ex. She wants to go back with him. The fact that she mentions him at all you means she has no respect for you.

If that guy showed up would she say im happy with my man. Or would she suck his cock and fuck his friends too?

Be a man
get rid of her ASAP.
She's a whore and will continue to be one, regardless of what you do.
She will cheat on you, cuck you and milk you dry. You will end up raising kids that are not your own, if you don't listen...
>Beat her, abuse her, force her to alcohol and used her holes. She somehow managed to end this toxic relation ship.
The relationship was not toxic. And her brain is not scarred. She always was this way and always will be.

>My questions: why she stayed with him for 4 years despite that?
>And why she is craving for it again?
Because she has the submissive/slave gene (in a BDSM context) in her.

Most people into BDSM notice already during their puberty that they get extra sexual arousal from things like beating/getting beaten by their partner. And that almost never changes during the rest of their lives.

Now in a perfect world BDSM couples would always fall in love with each other at BDSM events.
But we're not living in a perfect world.

So you probably meet your partner in bar or at work not knowing that she is a sub.
Now your having sex occasionally. But deep inside she is not satisfied. Probably she even never gets an orgasm.

It takes a while for her to open up. But one day she will. Mostly with something rather vanilla at first.

"Can you spank me?"

Just do it then. And ask her the next morning what her real kinks are.

This was some advice given by a couple that is into BDSM years ago.
Came into that situation with an Ex-GF.
Asked her for her real kinks.
Did some research on my part in such a relationship and it became the most sexually fulfilling relationship of my life.
Also never knew that I have some dom parts in me and would enjoy caning her.

In your case you already know her real kinks. She has opened up to you.

>treat her as trash
>sex slave
>whoring her out with friends.
Whoring her out with friends can actually be a pretty nice roleplay. I knew a couple who likes to play pimp (he/dom) and whore (she/sub).
Was great sex fucking her a few times.

So your real question should be: Can I handle such a relationship?

And if that's a yes your further research should be: How can I be a good dom for her?
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You can't make yourself be a dom if that's not who you really want to be. It won't take. You will end up making everything worse and hating yourself in the process.

So, you either have to figure you want this and continue. Create a dialog, Join fet life, Meet some kinky people and get lessons
Go try to get healed from this. She has to want to be healed if it's ever going to take.

I'm dealing with some of this myself. It's your choice.

( pic is something I enjoy to put this in perspective )
It depends on the woman.
With the girlfriends I have had, some - quite a few - allowed themselves to do strong things, but they allowed themselves to "do you the favor."
The good thing is finding the right girl.
One day you cum on her face, if she likes it she will tell you. Another day you try to release a splash of pee and so you go up and try.
Now with my wife I do almost everything.

You're all assholes.

OP take her to a counselor and therapist over this. None of this is normal and don't let anyone here let you think it's normal.
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Wrong he needs to actually do what she wants and dominate her. Slap her around call her bitch. Facefuck her, cum in her ass and pee on her. Really make her feel like a whore.

She will love most women do
Lol what a pussy. It's and let a real man fix her
Unironically, get on testosterone replacement. You sound indifferent to any sex at all, whereas she needs a lot more. Raising your libido and aggression will go a long way toward closing the gap.

Beyond that, you've got to figure out what she's actually asking for. Some women really do crave actual abuse (often because of past trauma--facing it on their terms helps them to feel more resilient and in control), but most of the time it's more of just the desire to submit (relieves the burden of feeling adequate or slutty if it's "not their fault" or they don't have to put effort in) and the fantasy of being so sexy that an alpha man can't control himself around her.

You've also got to take what she says with a grain of salt-- if it was her first relationship, it's the standard she's going by, even if it isn't mainstream. Or maybe he really couldn't stand her and abused her. Or maybe "whoring her out to hisr friends" actually meant a libido gap in that relationship, too, and that was her way of being satisfied.

But all that stuff is going to take time and effort to explore... Get on T first, or else that exploration is doomed to fail
Op give some updates

Did you put your wife in her place or are u still a pussy?

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