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Diapers/ABDL Women
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Anyone here ever change a woman's poopy diaper? Had a little that I met on Fet a few years back who loved messing her diapers. Didn't hate it but didn't love it, either.
No. I would for someone I really cared about. It would be the sort of thing that I'd accept after a while, definitely not something I'd do for a random.
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Hopefully it doesn't get deleted. Starting a diaper thread is a gamble these days.
What's the deal with that? Why all of the sudden are diaper threads being singled out here?
Not tasteful apparently.
>tfw want to have diaper frens to share pics/vids of us wetting/messing and such
>tfw male crossdresser
it's harder than I'd think. Not uploading stuff here cause it's women only I won't do that to you guys
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What could be more tasteful than a girl in a diaper? it might as well be lingerie
Maybe fetlife? Is the diaperbois website still around?
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Any chance of a /gif/ thread being made?
yes! How can cg's resist putting littles in bonnets? Bonnets multiply cuteness!
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Maybe the Jannie just doesn't like Scotty
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Lovely girl, really crappy beach
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Currently, this board has a "girls peeing in urinals" thread, a "girls peeing" thread, a butthole thread, and a "public toilet bondage" thread. I don't point this out to be judgmental. I just find it odd that those threads are apparently considered "tasteful hardcore pornography" and girls wearing diapers aren't. It's either a mod that isn't familiar with the board or a mod with an agenda.
I fear the latter. Who knows what kind of person would actually want to moderate any board on here.
I just don't think its very "hardcore" to wear diapers. Its pretty soft and comfy.
Don't forget about all the "raceplay" threads and the spamming of similar pics in almost all other threads.
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I just think that if you want to give a mod the power to remove images that aren't considered "tasteful", you need to at least make an attempt to define what "tasteful" is. There's no way for any poster on this board to know what a mod is thinking and what might offend their subjective idea of what "tasteful" is. You could argue that there is a degree of ambiguity and flexibility in the wording of Rule 1 of this board and maybe that's by design in order to provide flexibility for mods. However, if you're going to start banning people for posting diaper pics, it would be nice to at least have an explanation that goes beyond "Well, sorry Mr. Anon but it just wasn't 'tasteful' to me...." Ok, fine. So are diaper threads just not allowed, or were there particular pics in the thread that crossed some sort of line?
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It means you need to stop posting shitty 400x600 pixel camwhores with visible shit as the OP image.
Based janny if that's the case. Scotty is insufferable.
Mods and jannies are just retarded sometimes.
I used to make and post on-topic content (not breaking any rules) regularly on a different board and got banned (site-wide) for doing so multiple times.
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He posted some asian dude in a wig, do you think that is "tasteful"?
You still whining about that? Move on dude. The last thread reached the bump limit, so clearly the problem was YOUR post.

Anyway, to get back on track. Anyone else love messy eaters and high chairs?
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She ended up getting too many tattoos imo
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I made both threads you moron. I'm usually the only one who does, even in the last thread people were asking about starting a new thread but hardly anyone does.
Shame, and they’re not even diaper related
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This is adorable. The dumb, blank look on her face is equally cute.
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Agreed. One or two small tattoos are fine. Personally, I find large, numerous tattoos to be a turnoff (on both AB and non-AB girls).
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Fetlife would probably just get old creepy dudes wanting me rather than just having a small group to share pictures and vids with.
Dunno the other site. I was always a dom till I started wearing diapers again a few months ago. Not sure what happened lol but whatever.
She's literally not doing anything. Strikes me as odd she gets so much hate as a result of others. Cruel really
I love these. They were among the first pics I saw, and she was the spitting image of a friend's mom.
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Based Bytmine enjoyer. First ABDL pic I ever saw was from Bytemine, which I found through a link from the now-defunct DPF site.
Agreed, littles just having fun with their food is adorable :3 But it makes a mess for their cg!
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love selfies by diaper girls with a potty in the background
>anyone have any idea what that thing is for?
I'm a Bytemine fan from way back too. First time I saw ABDL stuff on the internet would've been like.... 2006? And Bytemine was still the main stuff that was getting circulated around at the time.
They have such a really amazing aesthetic. Really high production values even by today's standards. And although I love the cloth diaper aesthetic my preference is still for disposables so I wish they had more stuff like that.
I have a decent collection of their stuff but most of the images are too low quality for upload here.
I've talked with them before. They're the big dumb. And not in a good way.
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>They have such a really amazing aesthetic. Really high production values even by today's standards.
That's because early ABDL sites, like Bytemine, used professional photographers with experience in erotic photography. Photoshoots were also done with professional-grade cameras, which leads to another important point. Part of that "amazing aesthetic" you mention is that their early pics (from the mid-90's up to the late 90's) are scans of actual photographs, not digital photos. If you ordered a photoset from their website, they mailed you a CD-ROM with the scans from that particular photoset. I'm not sure if they had a print magazine at the time, but I know a European magazine called Couche made an attempt to do an ABDL print mag. It only lasted a few issues, if I remember correctly. Probably because the cost to produce it was too high for the niche audience they were appealing to. Anyway, at some point in the early-2000's, Bytemine switched to digital cameras and the aesthetic was never the same. They also started to do shoots with girls wearing disposables around that time. Anyway, if you like Bytemine's stuff, ABKingdom is a pretty good source. That site has been around forever and there are a lot of oldfag ABDLs on their who post Bytemine content fairly consistently.
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I also don't get the hate she seems to inspire in these threads. She'll show up here every once in awhile and some of the comments directed towards her are just weirdly over the top and angry.
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Those tapes are ready to snap off!
Elaborate? I never seem to be around when they post. Heard bad things about her but it's 4chan so I take it with a pinch of salt.
Yeah, adults in baby diapers are cringe
Very rarely works, even worse are the pullups.
Though in general I'm not really a fan of the "little" side of things.
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It can work if the girl is small enough. Odette is really the only girl I've ever seen in actual baby diapers that can pull it off.
Ay fuq u buddy
Captcha: SOG4W
These posts were brought to you by the Pull-Ups R Cute gang
>Imagine getting so butthurt about criticism of diapers much too small and thin for adults that you sperg out and flood the thread
Nigga, I'm having fun. Get over yourself, not everything is an argument.
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I really like some of the digital photography and disposables era from them. But there's something so special and unique about the 90s photosets with the old school nursery aesthetic and the cloth diapers.

I know most ABDL content now is just women alone in their room filming with a phone and few people would want to get professional photographers involved but goddamn we need more ABDL porn with actual production values.
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I wonder if Apple messes off camera. I've never seen a pic of her in a messy diaper.
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It must be great to be into this fetish and be small enough to be carried. I'm so jealous :(
>obvious self-harm scars

I've noticed a ton of ABDL models have these :( Always bums me out when I see it. Wonder what the correlation is between ABDL and wanting to cut yourself.
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God, I wanna wake up and spend a morning with a diaper girl so badly.
aw, she tired herself out coloring :3
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She's a massive scammer and people forget she used to be on /soc/ constantly looking for cock. The whole innocent socially awkward stuff is just to get guys to think they have a chance with her.
>Former /soc/ fag
Guess that's why they were so vehemently against taking their attention whoring threads to the attention whoring board.
They have a reputation there as well.
Do tell. Scotty is literally the exact sort of girl I'm into, fortunately I saw all the negative stuff before I fell into her trap.

Scotty is the quintessential example of an ugly girl that nobody in this thread would have looked twice at if she didn't wear diapers or they didn't have a diaper fetish. But because she posted on 4chan and is probably the only ABDL girl they've ever interacted with, she constantly gets reposted like she's a victoria's secret cover model.
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apple is probably my goat diaper girl. So cute and also extremely prolific
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tfw you will never go on a stroll in the park with apple
She's a cute mommy too. The fact she is a switch shows how much into the fetish she is.
Scotty is a great example of why no girls should ever post on 4chan, the reactions are two extremes. People who fawn over her obsessively and people who make up hateful stories to try to ruin her life
They aren't made up stories. She's actually manipulative
Reminder that the guy constantly accusing her of being a scammer is just ass-mad that she's popular on 4chan.
Ask him for what he means by her being a scammer and eventually he'll admit that he's referring to a simp buying her a £600 washing machine on Amazon for nothing in return.
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>Pull-Ups R Cute gang
Rude! You're upsetting the littles that need diapers and aren't ready for pullups!
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She's my fave as well. Never heard of any drama surrounding her, no controversies that I'm aware of. She seems like she's genuinely into the fetish, which is always nice. I've chatted with a few of the AB Dreams models over the years and all of them were genuine AB's. None of them had a negative word to say about Apple.
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>a ton
you have more examples? Considering how many are into diapers which is already fringe, I don't think it is that common. pic related does as well, but both she and ella are kind of crazy (which I love!), regardless.
>Always bums me out when I see it.
Agreed, the cg in me wants to give them extra hugs and cuddles :(
>Scotty simp
She will never give you attention
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Unfortunately, fren, I don't save pics from girls that have them. It just makes me feel really uncomfortable. I get where you're coming from though. It does make you want to care for them and help them figure out why they want to hurt themselves.

PS another girl that comes to mind is the black girl from AB Dreams. Pretty sure I've seen pics of her with cuts on her legs :(
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It can't be helped if you're falling behind
pullups aren't real diapers
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>the black girl from AB Dreams
You're thinking of sunny. She does have cuts. Poor baby needs extra hugs :(
Don't know if it's Bytemine but just saw this posted somewhere and loved it.
>how to unrape sister
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Because they're thin? Because they don't have tapes?
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still not diapers
That's mean! You shouldn't bully littles having trouble with potty training!
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I once saw a Japanese porn movie about a milf that acted like a baby and a guy came and fuck her.

Similar to


But it was about one japanese milf.
It was weirdly kino, but hard AF to find.

Any anon who knows about that one?
story time? sounds hot
gonna need stories here
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Having trouble? You haven't even started
I don't know it but that sounds hot if people can find it.
I have a similar thing with a Japanese video I saw over a decade ago.
It was two girls in schoolgirl outfits. Both wearing diapers. However, one girl seemed to be getting punished and was locked outside of the house on a patio/balcony where she cries and wets herself, while the other girl seemed to be taunting her and waving at her from inside.
Not sure what the context was but I always wanted to find out if it was part of a longer video because it definitely seemed like it. Also, a translation would have been great.
I just loved the dynamic of the one girl being all bossy and domme-y despite waddling around in even thicker diapers than the girl outside.
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I wish threads weren't so slow. Feels like there's no interaction with people.
Sir you are aware this is a porn thread
I get what they mean though, abdl threads can be pretty comfy when people are actually talking about stuff and not posting pullups because pullups aren't diapers.
The threads on /b/ moved faster but that Oreo pleb ruined everything.
Can we have a /gif/ thread? Wanna see some videos...
>Working from home during COVID
>Go on Fetlife to try and find people to talk to due to crippling isolation
>Find a girl in my area who is into ABDL
>Start to chat, have fun convos
>End up meeting up in person a few times
>She wears a Pull-Up to one of our dates
>Begin romantic relationship

I can go on/into further detail if you'd like
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Agree about pullups; idk why but they just don't do it for me. Maybe too close to just normally panties
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go into it; thought about trying fetlife before but am a pussy. Literally never told a soul about this interest actually
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>>She wears a Pull-Up to one of our dates
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I like when there's active conversation too. The only thing is once people start talking they stop posting pics.
If you want conversation, then you can try making threads on r9k. You might be surprised how many /b/abbies lurk there :3
>Don't know if it's Bytemine
Isn't that PP?
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Stop posting troons.
The fun of pull-ups is that she may actually have worn them at one point and is supposed to have grown out of them.
ABDL diapers are great, but they were made to be worn by adults.
There’s something unique about sending a woman back to real absorbent potty training panties
>penny catches you going through your diaper supplies and demands to know what you're doing and if she can help, what do?
I had never met anyone off of Fet so my expectations were, quite frankly, very low. Turned out I got lucky. She was pretty, educated (engineer) and seemed like she had a healthy balance between her kink life and her real life. She was here on a work visa from Colombia. Our first few dates we didn't even talk about ABDL, just regular stuff like family, work, friends, etc. I asked her why she wanted to join Fet and she said that she thought she'd have a better chance of finding a Daddy in the USA than in Colombia. We finally started getting into talking about ABDL stuff after a few weeks of hanging out/going on dates. I gotta go to work now, but I'll add more to the story as I post pics.
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I have a terrible eye for it I guess
Let her pick out the cutest diaper to put me in, of course.
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Have too! I sit on the potty lots of times!
We started a sexual relationship and for about a month we had vanilla sex quite a lot. That naturally led to discussing ABDL. So, after we talked for awhile about what she was into we decided to have a weekend where I was her Daddy. It was our first time playing in person together. I had ordered various diapers off of wearingclouds (a diaper sample site) including pink DC Amours, ABU Cushies and Bambino Teddies. I also ordered a few onesies and some other baby stuff that we'd picked out together. One suggestion that she came up with that was brilliant was an adult coloring book which depicted various sexual positions. Her idea was that she'd color the page with the sex position she wanted to try with me. ABDL was definitely sexual for her. Indeed, the first time I laid her down to diaper her (she'd never been diapered by a man before) she was insanely wet.
Bump it you stupid diaper shitters
I don't think it was that low.
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>She wears a Pull-Up to one of our dates
Cute. Did you make sure to check her pull-up multiple times, and give her lots of praise when dry :3
love that pic, naughty littles with red bottoms are cute! Was she into spanking?
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So, it was kind of funny because I had no idea until the end of our date. I walked her to her car and she told me she wanted to show me something. She really quickly flashed her skirt up and I saw it. Once she got home, she started sending me pics of her wearing it, with just a t-shirt on. She told me how turned on she was wearing in public and began to explain some of her fantasies to me. Things she had done, things she wanted to do. Also, things she "wanted" to do but could never do in a million years, haha.
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She was very much into spanking. Specifically she liked being spanked in wet panties. She liked to soak them and then she'd want to spanked while wearing them (not pulled down to her ankles as is traditionally done). I'll get more into the original purpose of my story later, which was to talk about the specifics of messy diaper play. I'm not going to get too graphic, out of respect for those in this thread who may not want to read about it.
I'm calling LARP lads.
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side note but this vid and the one Layla did with Ava Panda where the premise is Layla can't hold a job are probably two of my all time favorite abdl vids of all time even though she isn't even that hot imo.
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>tfw too much of pussy to order diapers from amazon bc worried something will happen in transit
Just order it as a gift and it'll be put in a box with no outward indication of what it is.
I you have one of those Amazon pickup lockers near you then you don't even have to worry about the package being brought to your door.
Been watching the geoguesser sperg. That's a french license plate, I think that's a pink chestnut tree, the camera is pointing north, and I think the stone building looks northern french

Anyone got any idea where this is?
And also Charlotte is a model for French diaper girls so that's also a huge tell.
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Damn, don't wanna take the effort to type it all out if people are going to think it's just a LARP :(
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>She really quickly flashed her skirt up and I saw it.
Aw, kinda like this? She was so proud of not needing diapers she wanted to show off? But I don't approve of that behavior because it makes littles still in diapers upset!
>not pulled down to her ankles as is traditionally done
Well duh, you start spanking with them on THEN pull them down. How new are you to discipline for littles?
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Anyone remember the videos of the girl changing her diaper at work while wearing her Applebee's nametag? She active anywhere?
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good taste anon. I also find "butt up" pics adorable. The steeper incline, the more cute!
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Yeah doesnt get closer to saying where it is though
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what a messy eater! Spaghetti doesn't go in your diaper!
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i have. my little doesnt mess often but i enjoy it. im biased though because im a degenerate with a scat fetish
interested in sharing with a daddy?
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Yes :3
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Anyone know what these are called?
That's a diaper!
Specifically a Velcro diaper cover
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I just want the name so I can buy some no need to be an asshole
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Do you know where you are? Fuck off
tough guy in the diaper thread
Contact or burner ?
I'm pretty sure its a cloth diaper made by Dependeco. Look them up.
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thank you <3 <3 <3
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Cute but sad there's no diaper in this one. Every cute girl should be in diapers.
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With dummies?
does anyone have her wetting content
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Brow, hands, feet hidden, tranny colors, coomer poster next to Sanrio poster.
It's a troon, chief.
Not everyone you don't like is a tranny
This proves nothing.
Lol, fuck off loser
Shitty af quality but found some of it:

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Do you need to register on this site to view videos or something? Nothing's coming up

Fucking found it.
Actress: Yu kawakami
Movie: WHEN00001

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What about public diaper stuff?
I don't think we normally do photoshops on here.
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My bad. This better?
She does good content but looks absolutely insane
Definitely has a, "Chop off your dick while you sleep" kind of look to her.
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She is absolutely insane. Her ex got a restraining order against her, and she frequently uses her own shit to "paint" self portraits.
Is she still around? Any good content recommendations from her?

I'm never going to meet this woman so I don't care how crazy she is. There's actually something really fascinating about a truly unhinged woman who's into this fetish. Pic related is another example. She's religious but does porn, sorta schizophrenic, and has also done content where she plays with her own shit. Yet at the same time she looks absolutely amazing, and there's something about these women being crazy that I think means they let all their inhibitions go and just get REALLY into the baby role. It also just leads to more creative, varied content than you normally see.

How do y'all seem to always know about the personal lives of these pornstars though?
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>Into abdl.
Say no more.
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I love ballet themes so much
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It's weird seeing dead people
She's not.
He’s just talking about his Sixth Sense powers, it’s unrelated
Might want to check that again
Tiffany decided to become a real model but I didn’t realize she’d been scrubbed from Aunt-Elli. Jen is the one who got murdered by her boyfriend, if that’s who you’re thinking of
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New Thread: >>2462324
You still on here?
Kik tsu20whatever
> quintessential

Wanna know how i know you're gay?

But yeah, she's 100% butterface

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