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Just the loosest, widest gapes. No prolapses, vaginal only
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Serious question, can you still get pleasure from that? Don't you just float inside? Or are the muscles usually strong enough to give a sensation? Or am I missing the point entirely?
In my experience it really depends. There’s a style of stretching thats more similar to say, doing the splits, that takes warmup, time, and preserves muscle strength. In that case, regular sex can still feel awesome, plus you have the added option of jerking off inside her with enough warmup.
Then theres just balls to the walls, stay stretched and plugged all the time, ruin the pussy business. I think thats what most of these pictures show, and yeah probably you wouldnt feel a thing.
For me though, that makes it hotter. Theres extra layers of fetish at that point, like the idea of using a pussy to hide things, or complaining about “feeling empty” without a toy in there.
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Who is that?
Such a pretty pink
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>>2464722 her name is iriix3
I love it loose and pre stretched because I love how wet, pillowy and warm it feels. Tight pussy is nice, but you haven't lived until you've fucked your girl with a dildo and fist to the point her pussy stays open, then wrapped your cock in a condom and enjoy. I last longer in tight pussy than I do in loose
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I'll post what I got
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been working on the wifes gape for a while
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Who is this?
Exes fresh fuck gape
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Wife fresh fuck gape with a huge load
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I like how she spills out in this one
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