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Weight gain, boob jobs, getting bogged, whatever
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I mean, the after isn't bad at all. But fuck me. Riley went from athletic and exotic-you could tell that she paid attention to and worked on her looks. Now it's bad food, greasy, unkempt hair, and it looks like she hasn't walked near a gym in years and doesn't give a shit about it.

That's just sad.
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How about a positive before and after for once?
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I'm ok with this
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the only two positive examples. I'd do a before-after of Skin Diamond, but she hasn't aged at all. pretty miraculous stuff.
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her chin got huge and her nipples turned brown.
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Still a babe
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Interesting, 4 is a bit much but still would, wonder how recent that is
Did she get a boob job as well or did they just grow with how fatter she got?
Not the same girl
She gained weight but...
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Ginger Lynn, still at it
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What a disgrace. and her new bobs and lips are so fuckin disgusting.
Well, This is something contrary but the truth is that everyone has their limits. Between the 2nd and 3rd image she was in her perfect phase, now in the 4th image it seems a bit exaggerated for my taste.
But she still looks good.
what does she do now?
You sure about that?
she got blacklisted from the industry for attempting a metoo on a producer or something. So yeah, she let herself go.
her, leigh raven, and nikki hearts all accused the same black guy but of course the video evidence destroyed their claims
Jeesus, does the husband know?
It's confusing with the choice of name and slight similarity, but yeah, different women. The original left the industry totally, and the other is a would-be influencer or something.
Damn looks like she truly hates men now
it's the same guy she was married to when she was still doing porn, who was part of some of her scenes even. they're just older and fatter now of course.
Hahaha I fucked her ten years ago when she was doing escort work. $4 bills. Worth it to be sausage brothers with Charlie Sheen now..
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and now a year after she lost baby weight, it's sad.
Did you get HIV?
Why do western porn stars always end up looking like shit while Japanese ones generally look fairly normal when they retire?
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Another positive example...
drugs, dumbass. Also most are pushed to constantly change their look/plastic up
Holly Hendrix was so cute when she started now she looks like a cracked out ghoul
Man that baby sucked those tits dry, She's only 23 but has the tits of a 43 year old.
No. Fucking. Way.
This is almost exactly what happened to my wife after 2 kids. I fucking love it.
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she looks great in both
I bet she wishes she never falsely accused that honest hard working african american now
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Kendall Brooks
story? I never follow the pornstar lore
angela's transformation is awful

Wtf .. she was literally Lexi Belle's twin back in the day
she is so hot at every weight. I bet she'd still be hot if she put on the same amount again. Plus she has a cool attitude, I'd say she's fun to hang around with
This. Her graduation from the Brosnan School of Architecture didn't change her sexy as fuck attitude.
Not her on the right

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