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help me determine if my wife is cheating on me? I have suspected for a while, have cameras in the house...
these are in our closet, camera in old shoe i had. this is 12 noon when she should be at work...why is she trying this on?

sorry its only a snippet every 3 seconds....
Have Kik? Would love to discuss further.

Kik scotty2108
Any occasion comming up? Your birthday? Anniversary? Don't confront her right away, wait to see if she pulls it out for you first. If not don't mention the camera, just say you found them awhile ago and ask her point blank why she bought this but never put it on for you. If you get stupid BS like "it's just for me to feel sexy" or an obvious lie like "I never even tried it on i forgot i bought it" you know she's a filthy whore.
She is cheating if: doesnt want sex or engage in less sex acts with you in your opinnion, if she puys more perfume and is eager to be without you, also if she is like you said at home and not at work. Put security cameras inside and outside house, disregard her complaints and stixk to install them for security reasons.

She looks old. 50? 40? Find a new whore.

why not just go to couples therapy and talk it out? If you're hiding cameras in your house to spy on your wife (and posting her nudes on the internet for strangers) it seems like you two (or maybe just you) have some serious issues to work through (im not saying this to be insulting, just honest). If you really resent her enough to post her nudes on the internet and this isn't some LARP, then you two need to either go to couples therapy or get a divorce.
>have cameras in the house
>post then in the ultimate incel forum
Either fake or you deserve to be cucked.
I'd say divorce her and let her have her fun whil OP have his own fun, i just wish more dumb guys just sign the papers and let her go.

T.fucking a married 53yro woman while the husband is stalking day and night for proof
this doesnt mean much. you should look for other signs, such as a loss of interest and respect, maybe go through her phone, do yall fight a lot, treat each other well, etc.

shes got a decent body so i wouldnt be surprised but theres not a lot of info here

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