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I know she brings out the worst people in here but i just can get her out of my head. Still much of her content hidden. iykyk
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Haha, this one is amazing.
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she has some cute feet shame she doesn't show them much in her vids
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Goddamn she is perfect. Worshipping her would be a dream.
someone got the mega? or anal vids?
God she fucked me up. Miss her like crazy
Bump. any stories ?
This is the one where she kept telling the guy to think of how she’ll look covered in his cum, right? Loved that one.
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Ass pussy and a lil bit of feet
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She’s so perfect from head to toe.
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Here from AWHILE ago
Any Mega ,Dropbox telegrams , kiks pr private collections out there that wanna post up or direct us to with a link or sumpin
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Here's more You damn lurkers and jerkers. . There's plenty more to be shared if anyone is interested. But this thread is weak
i m going to try this.
looks like it takes a bit of focus.
Lurkers ? I'd post more but you guys are sitting on shit not posting
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get some
Trading on telegram for more dess stuff or other girls idk1669
Yo !!! There was a guy here in the last few threads with the SAME NAME as yours scamming the FUCK outta people.. All this stuff is on telegram and Kik already ..DesireeDestruction room .
I can’t find them
>>2473739. Pvtdeztrd is the Kik group
Desiree P and DesireeDestruction on telegram
did she ever do any femdom stuff?
Desiree P went private there. Contact @surfside9 at Telegram
telegram group not showing in search bar how can I find?
Idk1669 from telegram here's the link I wasn't scamming anyone I just didn't want it copyright strike
God, she has an amazing body.
I really ought to thank her for the huge number of orgasms I’ve had just from jerking off to her photos and videos.
Nah bro you scammed the thread and you scammed the guys you got the files from as well
Who is this and what's her @?

What State does she live in? I wanna try and fuck her.

She probably still hooks for cash
Didn’t she turn lesbian after she got leaked? She got used and abused by so many random men that I think it ruined the way she views men.
I don’t think she turned lesbian but she got a train ran on her by some gang member guys like 2/3 years ago maybe?
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She got an OF? Twitter? I need to get in touch with her.

LA Cali?
Barber and modeling for 4bidden wear.
Bump til another mega or terabox gets posted up
who is this girl?
She is so goddamn pretty.
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Add more pics. Her the telegram vhat and repost them here fir the people that don't have telegram. Spread the love
Who has this one?
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TikTok email is a fake.
Desiree p telegram active
Pvtdeztrd at kik active
This video here .Painal and literally whooped ass Turned 18 just 2 weeks prior
The color in the tattoos is so bright and fresh
anyone got anal or gangbang vids?
Definitely gangbang, I don’t remember any anal, but maybe just never noticed
From all the videos I’ve seen, getting blown by her must be the goddamn best.
Got classic des vids for sale drop your contact email
Actually just email me Oogie3052@gmail.com
All content of her free on telegram
The mega is posted at Desiree P discussion group. Don't buy SHIT when it's all there for free
do you have an invite to the Desiree P group? is this on telegram?
Yes @surfside9
sent message but no answer
That's where all her , well about 80 of her videos are stashed. amongst the 6400 slutty smut collections .And 3 Polaroids she let a dude take in 17'
Is there still a m e g a ?
There is also a telegram group
One of them got nuked by the IDK1669 aka. IDK144 after he made copies to sell to people
.Amd he don't even produce the entire Mega . Just parts, then scams for more money

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